# frozen_string_literal: true # name: poll # about: Official poll plugin for Discourse # version: 1.0 # authors: Vikhyat Korrapati (vikhyat), RĂ©gis Hanol (zogstrip) # url: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/plugins/poll register_asset "stylesheets/common/poll.scss" register_asset "stylesheets/common/poll-ui-builder.scss" register_asset "stylesheets/desktop/poll.scss", :desktop register_asset "stylesheets/mobile/poll.scss", :mobile register_asset "stylesheets/mobile/poll-ui-builder.scss", :mobile register_svg_icon "far fa-check-square" enabled_site_setting :poll_enabled hide_plugin if self.respond_to?(:hide_plugin) PLUGIN_NAME ||= "discourse_poll" DATA_PREFIX ||= "data-poll-" after_initialize do [ "../app/models/poll_vote", "../app/models/poll_option", "../app/models/poll", "../app/serializers/poll_option_serializer", "../app/serializers/poll_serializer", "../lib/polls_validator", "../lib/polls_updater", "../lib/post_validator", "../jobs/regular/close_poll", ].each { |path| require File.expand_path(path, __FILE__) } module ::DiscoursePoll HAS_POLLS ||= "has_polls" DEFAULT_POLL_NAME ||= "poll" class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name PLUGIN_NAME isolate_namespace DiscoursePoll end end class DiscoursePoll::Poll class << self def vote(post_id, poll_name, options, user) Poll.transaction do post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) # post must not be deleted if post.nil? || post.trashed? raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.post_is_deleted") end # topic must not be archived if post.topic&.archived raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.topic_must_be_open_to_vote") end # user must be allowed to post in topic guardian = Guardian.new(user) if !guardian.can_create_post?(post.topic) raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.user_cant_post_in_topic") end poll = Poll.includes(poll_options: :poll_votes).find_by(post_id: post_id, name: poll_name) raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.no_poll_with_this_name", name: poll_name) unless poll raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.poll_must_be_open_to_vote") if poll.is_closed? if poll.groups poll_groups = poll.groups.split(",").map(&:downcase) user_groups = user.groups.map { |g| g.name.downcase } if (poll_groups & user_groups).empty? raise StandardError.new I18n.t("js.poll.results.groups.title", groups: poll.groups) end end # remove options that aren't available in the poll available_options = poll.poll_options.map { |o| o.digest }.to_set options.select! { |o| available_options.include?(o) } raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.requires_at_least_1_valid_option") if options.empty? new_option_ids = poll.poll_options.each_with_object([]) do |option, obj| obj << option.id if options.include?(option.digest) end # remove non-selected votes PollVote .where(poll: poll, user: user) .where.not(poll_option_id: new_option_ids) .delete_all old_option_ids = poll.poll_options.each_with_object([]) do |option, obj| if option.poll_votes.any? { |v| v.user_id == user.id } obj << option.id end end # create missing votes (new_option_ids - old_option_ids).each do |option_id| PollVote.create!(poll: poll, user: user, poll_option_id: option_id) end poll.reload serialized_poll = PollSerializer.new(poll, root: false, scope: guardian).as_json payload = { post_id: post_id, polls: [serialized_poll] } post.publish_message!("/polls/#{post.topic_id}", payload) [serialized_poll, options] end end def toggle_status(post_id, poll_name, status, user, raise_errors = true) Poll.transaction do post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) guardian = Guardian.new(user) # post must not be deleted if post.nil? || post.trashed? raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.post_is_deleted") if raise_errors return end # topic must not be archived if post.topic&.archived raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.topic_must_be_open_to_toggle_status") if raise_errors return end # either staff member or OP unless post.user_id == user&.id || user&.staff? raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.only_staff_or_op_can_toggle_status") if raise_errors return end poll = Poll.find_by(post_id: post_id, name: poll_name) if !poll raise StandardError.new I18n.t("poll.no_poll_with_this_name", name: poll_name) if raise_errors return end poll.status = status poll.save! serialized_poll = PollSerializer.new(poll, root: false, scope: guardian).as_json payload = { post_id: post_id, polls: [serialized_poll] } post.publish_message!("/polls/#{post.topic_id}", payload) serialized_poll end end def serialized_voters(poll, opts = {}) limit = (opts["limit"] || 25).to_i limit = 0 if limit < 0 limit = 50 if limit > 50 page = (opts["page"] || 1).to_i page = 1 if page < 1 offset = (page - 1) * limit option_digest = opts["option_id"].to_s if poll.number? user_ids = PollVote .where(poll: poll) .group(:user_id) .order("MIN(created_at)") .offset(offset) .limit(limit) .pluck(:user_id) result = User.where(id: user_ids).map { |u| UserNameSerializer.new(u).serializable_hash } elsif option_digest.present? poll_option = PollOption.find_by(poll: poll, digest: option_digest) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:option_id) unless poll_option user_ids = PollVote .where(poll: poll, poll_option: poll_option) .group(:user_id) .order("MIN(created_at)") .offset(offset) .limit(limit) .pluck(:user_id) user_hashes = User.where(id: user_ids).map { |u| UserNameSerializer.new(u).serializable_hash } result = { option_digest => user_hashes } else votes = DB.query <<~SQL SELECT digest, user_id FROM ( SELECT digest , user_id , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY poll_option_id ORDER BY pv.created_at) AS row FROM poll_votes pv JOIN poll_options po ON pv.poll_option_id = po.id WHERE pv.poll_id = #{poll.id} AND po.poll_id = #{poll.id} ) v WHERE row BETWEEN #{offset} AND #{offset + limit} SQL user_ids = votes.map(&:user_id).uniq user_hashes = User .where(id: user_ids) .map { |u| [u.id, UserNameSerializer.new(u).serializable_hash] } .to_h result = {} votes.each do |v| result[v.digest] ||= [] result[v.digest] << user_hashes[v.user_id] end end result end def voters(post_id, poll_name, user, opts = {}) post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_id) unless post poll = Poll.find_by(post_id: post_id, name: poll_name) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:poll_name) unless poll&.can_see_voters?(user) serialized_voters(poll, opts) end def transform_for_user_field_override(custom_user_field) existing_field = UserField.find_by(name: custom_user_field) existing_field ? "user_field_#{existing_field.id}" : custom_user_field end def grouped_poll_results(post_id, poll_name, user_field_name, user) post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_id) unless post poll = Poll.includes(:poll_options).includes(:poll_votes).find_by(post_id: post_id, name: poll_name) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:poll_name) unless poll raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:user_field_name) unless SiteSetting.poll_groupable_user_fields.split('|').include?(user_field_name) poll_votes = poll.poll_votes poll_options = {} poll.poll_options.each do |option| poll_options[option.id.to_s] = { html: option.html, digest: option.digest } end user_ids = poll_votes.map(&:user_id).uniq user_fields = UserCustomField.where(user_id: user_ids, name: transform_for_user_field_override(user_field_name)) user_field_map = {} user_fields.each do |f| # Build hash, so we can quickly look up field values for each user. user_field_map[f.user_id] = f.value end votes_with_field = poll_votes.map do |vote| v = vote.attributes v[:field_value] = user_field_map[vote.user_id] v end chart_data = [] votes_with_field.group_by { |vote| vote[:field_value] }.each do |field_answer, votes| grouped_selected_options = {} # Create all the options with 0 votes. This ensures all the charts will have the same order of options, and same colors per option. poll_options.each do |id, option| grouped_selected_options[id] = { digest: option[:digest], html: option[:html], votes: 0 } end # Now go back and update the vote counts. Using hashes so we dont have n^2 votes.group_by { |v| v["poll_option_id"] }.each do |option_id, votes_for_option| grouped_selected_options[option_id.to_s][:votes] = votes_for_option.length end group_label = field_answer ? field_answer.titleize : I18n.t("poll.user_field.no_data") chart_data << { group: group_label, options: grouped_selected_options.values } end chart_data end def schedule_jobs(post) Poll.where(post: post).find_each do |poll| job_args = { post_id: post.id, poll_name: poll.name } Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:close_poll, job_args) if poll.open? && poll.close_at && poll.close_at > Time.zone.now Jobs.enqueue_at(poll.close_at, :close_poll, job_args) end end end def create!(post_id, poll) close_at = begin Time.zone.parse(poll["close"] || '') rescue ArgumentError end created_poll = Poll.create!( post_id: post_id, name: poll["name"].presence || "poll", close_at: close_at, type: poll["type"].presence || "regular", status: poll["status"].presence || "open", visibility: poll["public"] == "true" ? "everyone" : "secret", results: poll["results"].presence || "always", min: poll["min"], max: poll["max"], step: poll["step"], chart_type: poll["charttype"] || "bar", groups: poll["groups"] ) poll["options"].each do |option| PollOption.create!( poll: created_poll, digest: option["id"].presence, html: option["html"].presence&.strip ) end end def extract(raw, topic_id, user_id = nil) # TODO: we should fix the callback mess so that the cooked version is available # in the validators instead of cooking twice cooked = PrettyText.cook(raw, topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id) Nokogiri::HTML5(cooked).css("div.poll").map do |p| poll = { "options" => [], "name" => DiscoursePoll::DEFAULT_POLL_NAME } # attributes p.attributes.values.each do |attribute| if attribute.name.start_with?(DATA_PREFIX) poll[attribute.name[DATA_PREFIX.length..-1]] = CGI.escapeHTML(attribute.value || "") end end # options p.css("li[#{DATA_PREFIX}option-id]").each do |o| option_id = o.attributes[DATA_PREFIX + "option-id"].value.to_s poll["options"] << { "id" => option_id, "html" => o.inner_html.strip } end poll end end end end class DiscoursePoll::PollsController < ::ApplicationController requires_plugin PLUGIN_NAME before_action :ensure_logged_in, except: [:voters, :grouped_poll_results] def vote post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) options = params.require(:options) begin poll, options = DiscoursePoll::Poll.vote(post_id, poll_name, options, current_user) render json: { poll: poll, vote: options } rescue StandardError => e render_json_error e.message end end def toggle_status post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) status = params.require(:status) begin poll = DiscoursePoll::Poll.toggle_status(post_id, poll_name, status, current_user) render json: { poll: poll } rescue StandardError => e render_json_error e.message end end def voters post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) opts = params.permit(:limit, :page, :option_id) begin render json: { voters: DiscoursePoll::Poll.voters(post_id, poll_name, current_user, opts) } rescue StandardError => e render_json_error e.message end end def grouped_poll_results post_id = params.require(:post_id) poll_name = params.require(:poll_name) user_field_name = params.require(:user_field_name) begin render json: { grouped_results: DiscoursePoll::Poll.grouped_poll_results(post_id, poll_name, user_field_name, current_user) } rescue StandardError => e render_json_error e.message end end def groupable_user_fields render json: { fields: SiteSetting.poll_groupable_user_fields.split('|').map do |field| { name: field.humanize.capitalize, value: field } end } end end DiscoursePoll::Engine.routes.draw do put "/vote" => "polls#vote" put "/toggle_status" => "polls#toggle_status" get "/voters" => 'polls#voters' get "/grouped_poll_results" => 'polls#grouped_poll_results' get "/groupable_user_fields" => 'polls#groupable_user_fields' end Discourse::Application.routes.append do mount ::DiscoursePoll::Engine, at: "/polls" end reloadable_patch do Post.class_eval do attr_accessor :extracted_polls has_many :polls, dependent: :destroy after_save do polls = self.extracted_polls next if polls.blank? || !polls.is_a?(Hash) post = self Poll.transaction do polls.values.each do |poll| DiscoursePoll::Poll.create!(post.id, poll) end post.custom_fields[DiscoursePoll::HAS_POLLS] = true post.save_custom_fields(true) end end end User.class_eval do has_many :poll_votes, dependent: :delete_all end end validate(:post, :validate_polls) do |force = nil| return unless self.raw_changed? || force validator = DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator.new(self) return unless (polls = validator.validate_polls) if polls.present? validator = DiscoursePoll::PostValidator.new(self) return unless validator.validate_post end # are we updating a post? if self.id.present? DiscoursePoll::PollsUpdater.update(self, polls) else self.extracted_polls = polls end true end allow_new_queued_post_payload_attribute("is_poll") NewPostManager.add_handler(1) do |manager| post = Post.new(raw: manager.args[:raw]) if !DiscoursePoll::PollsValidator.new(post).validate_polls result = NewPostResult.new(:poll, false) post.errors.full_messages.each do |message| result.errors[:base] << message end result else manager.args["is_poll"] = true nil end end on(:approved_post) do |queued_post, created_post| if queued_post.payload["is_poll"] created_post.validate_polls(true) end end on(:reduce_cooked) do |fragment, post| if post.nil? || post.trashed? fragment.css(".poll, [data-poll-name]").each(&:remove) else post_url = post.full_url fragment.css(".poll, [data-poll-name]").each do |poll| poll.replace "


" end end end on(:reduce_excerpt) do |doc, options| post = options[:post] replacement = post&.url.present? ? "#{I18n.t("poll.poll")}" : I18n.t("poll.poll") doc.css("div.poll").each do |poll| poll.replace(replacement) end end on(:post_created) do |post, _opts, user| guardian = Guardian.new(user) DiscoursePoll::Poll.schedule_jobs(post) unless post.is_first_post? polls = ActiveModel::ArraySerializer.new(post.polls, each_serializer: PollSerializer, root: false, scope: guardian).as_json post.publish_message!("/polls/#{post.topic_id}", post_id: post.id, polls: polls) end end on(:merging_users) do |source_user, target_user| PollVote.where(user_id: source_user.id).update_all(user_id: target_user.id) end register_post_custom_field_type(DiscoursePoll::HAS_POLLS, :boolean) topic_view_post_custom_fields_allowlister { [DiscoursePoll::HAS_POLLS] } add_to_class(:topic_view, :polls) do @polls ||= begin polls = {} post_with_polls = @post_custom_fields.each_with_object([]) do |fields, obj| obj << fields[0] if fields[1][DiscoursePoll::HAS_POLLS] end if post_with_polls.present? Poll .includes(poll_options: :poll_votes, poll_votes: :poll_option) .where(post_id: post_with_polls) .each do |p| polls[p.post_id] ||= [] polls[p.post_id] << p end end polls end end add_to_serializer(:post, :preloaded_polls, false) do @preloaded_polls ||= if @topic_view.present? @topic_view.polls[object.id] else Poll.includes(poll_options: :poll_votes).where(post: object) end end add_to_serializer(:post, :include_preloaded_polls?) do false end add_to_serializer(:post, :polls, false) do preloaded_polls.map { |p| PollSerializer.new(p, root: false, scope: self.scope) } end add_to_serializer(:post, :include_polls?) do SiteSetting.poll_enabled && preloaded_polls.present? end add_to_serializer(:post, :polls_votes, false) do preloaded_polls.map do |poll| user_poll_votes = poll.poll_votes.each_with_object([]) do |vote, obj| if vote.user_id == scope.user.id obj << vote.poll_option.digest end end [poll.name, user_poll_votes] end.to_h end add_to_serializer(:post, :include_polls_votes?) do SiteSetting.poll_enabled && scope.user&.id.present? && preloaded_polls.present? && preloaded_polls.any? { |p| p.has_voted?(scope.user) } end end