# This patch performs 2 functions # # 1. It caches all translations which drastically improves # translation performance in an LRU cache # # 2. It patches I18n so it only loads the translations it needs # on demand # # This patch depends on the convention that locale yml files must be named [locale_name].yml module I18n # this accelerates translation a tiny bit (halves the time it takes) class << self alias_method :translate_no_cache, :translate alias_method :exists_no_cache?, :exists? alias_method :reload_no_cache!, :reload! LRU_CACHE_SIZE = 300 def init_accelerator! @overrides_enabled = true reload! end def reload! @loaded_locales = [] @cache = nil @overrides_by_site = {} reload_no_cache! ensure_all_loaded! end LOAD_MUTEX = Mutex.new def load_locale(locale) LOAD_MUTEX.synchronize do return if @loaded_locales.include?(locale) if @loaded_locales.empty? # load all rb files I18n.backend.load_translations(I18n.load_path.grep(/\.rb$/)) end # load it I18n.backend.load_translations(I18n.load_path.grep Regexp.new("\\.#{locale}\\.yml$")) @loaded_locales << locale end end def ensure_all_loaded! backend.fallbacks(locale).each {|l| ensure_loaded!(l) } end def search(query, opts=nil) locale = opts[:locale] || config.locale load_locale(locale) unless @loaded_locales.include?(locale) opts ||= {} target = opts[:backend] || backend results = opts[:overridden] ? {} : target.search(config.locale, query) regexp = /#{query}/i (overrides_by_locale(locale) || {}).each do |k, v| results.delete(k) results[k] = v if (k =~ regexp || v =~ regexp) end results end def ensure_loaded!(locale) @loaded_locales ||= [] load_locale(locale) unless @loaded_locales.include?(locale) end # In some environments such as migrations we don't want to use overrides. # Use this to disable them over a block of ruby code def overrides_disabled @overrides_enabled = false yield ensure @overrides_enabled = true end def translate_no_override(*args) return translate_no_cache(*args) if args.length > 1 && args[1].present? options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop.dup : {} key = args.shift locale = options[:locale] || config.locale @cache ||= LruRedux::ThreadSafeCache.new(LRU_CACHE_SIZE) k = "#{key}#{locale}#{config.backend.object_id}" @cache.getset(k) do translate_no_cache(key, options).freeze end end def overrides_by_locale(locale) return unless @overrides_enabled site = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db by_site = @overrides_by_site[site] if by_site.nil? || !by_site.has_key?(locale) by_site = @overrides_by_site[site] = {} # Load overrides translations_overrides = TranslationOverride.where(locale: locale).pluck(:translation_key, :value, :compiled_js) if translations_overrides.empty? by_site[locale] = {} else translations_overrides.each do |tuple| by_locale = by_site[locale] ||= {} by_locale[tuple[0]] = tuple[2] || tuple[1] end end end by_site[locale].with_indifferent_access end def client_overrides_json(locale) client_json = (overrides_by_locale(locale) || {}).select {|k, _| k.starts_with?('js.') || k.starts_with?('admin_js.')} MultiJson.dump(client_json) end def translate(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop.dup : {} key = args.shift locale = options[:locale] || config.locale load_locale(locale) unless @loaded_locales.include?(locale) if @overrides_enabled if by_locale = overrides_by_locale(locale) if options.present? options[:overrides] = by_locale # I18n likes to use throw... catch(:exception) do return backend.translate(locale, key, options) end else if result = by_locale[key] return result end end end end translate_no_override(key, options) end alias_method :t, :translate def exists?(key, locale=nil) locale ||= config.locale load_locale(locale) unless @loaded_locales.include?(locale) exists_no_cache?(key, locale) end end end