# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'sidekiq/testing' describe Topic do def scheduled_jobs_for(job_name, params={}) Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass.jobs.select do |job| job_args = YAML.load(job['args'][0]) if job_args[0].to_s == "Jobs::#{job_name.to_s.camelcase}" and job_args[2] and job_args[2][0] matched = true params.each do |key, value| unless job_args[2][0][key] == value matched = false break end end matched end end end before { SiteSetting.stubs(:queue_jobs).returns(true) } context 'creating a topic without auto-close' do Given(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } context 'uncategorized' do Given(:category) { nil } Then { topic.auto_close_at.should be_nil } And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should be_empty } end context 'category without default auto-close' do Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: nil) } Then { topic.auto_close_at.should be_nil } And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should be_empty } end context 'jobs may be queued' do before do Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) end after do Timecop.return Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass.jobs.clear end context 'category has a default auto-close' do Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: 2.0) } Then { topic.auto_close_at.should == 2.days.from_now } And { topic.auto_close_started_at.should == Time.zone.now } And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: topic.id}).should have(1).job } And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: category.topic.id}).should be_empty } context 'topic was created by staff user' do Given(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } Given(:staff_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: admin, category: category) } Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: staff_topic.id, user_id: admin.id}).should have(1).job } context 'topic is closed manually' do When { staff_topic.update_status('closed', true, admin) } Then { staff_topic.reload.auto_close_at.should be_nil } And { staff_topic.auto_close_started_at.should be_nil } end end context 'topic was created by a non-staff user' do Given!(:system_user) { Fabricate(:admin) } Given { Discourse.stubs(:system_user).returns(system_user) } Given(:regular_user) { Fabricate(:user) } Given(:regular_user_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: regular_user, category: category) } Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: regular_user_topic.id, user_id: system_user.id}).should have(1).job } end context 'auto_close_days of topic was set to 0' do Given(:dont_close_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 0, category: category) } Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should be_empty } end context 'two topics in the category' do Given!(:other_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } When { topic } # create the second topic Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should have(2).jobs } end end end end end