import evenRound from "discourse/plugins/poll/lib/even-round"; import computed from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; export default Em.Component.extend({ tagName: "ul", classNames: ["results"], @computed("poll.voters", "poll.options.[]", "poll.type") options() { const options = this.get("poll.options"); const voters = this.get("poll.voters"); let percentages = voters === 0 ? Array(options.length).fill(0) :, o => 100 * o.get("votes") / voters); // properly round percentages if (this.get("poll.type") === "multiple") { // when the poll is multiple choices, just "round down" percentages = => Math.floor(p)); } else { // when the poll is single choice, adds up to 100% percentages = evenRound(percentages); } options.forEach((option, i) => { const percentage = percentages[i]; const style = new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(`width: ${percentage}%`); option.setProperties({ percentage, style, title: I18n.t("poll.option_title", { count: option.get("votes") }) }); }); return this.get("poll.options"); } });