import { observes } from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; import { createPreviewComponent, LOREM, darkLightDiff } from "wizard/lib/preview"; export default createPreviewComponent(659, 320, { logo: null, avatar: null, @observes("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") styleChanged() { this.triggerRepaint(); }, images() { return { logo: this.get("wizard").getLogoUrl(), avatar: "/images/wizard/trout.png" }; }, paint(ctx, colors, width, height) { this.drawFullHeader(colors); if (this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "latest") { this.drawPills(colors, height * 0.15); this.renderLatest(ctx, colors, width, height); } else if ( ["categories_only", "categories_with_featured_topics"].includes( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") ) ) { this.drawPills(colors, height * 0.15, { categories: true }); this.renderCategories(ctx, colors, width, height); } else if ( ["categories_boxes", "categories_boxes_with_topics"].includes( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") ) ) { this.drawPills(colors, height * 0.15, { categories: true }); const topics = this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "categories_boxes_with_topics"; this.renderCategoriesBoxes(ctx, colors, width, height, { topics }); } else { this.drawPills(colors, height * 0.15, { categories: true }); this.renderCategoriesWithTopics(ctx, colors, width, height); } }, renderCategoriesBoxes(ctx, colors, width, height, opts) { opts = opts || {}; const borderColor = darkLightDiff( colors.primary, colors.secondary, 90, -75 ); const textColor = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 50, 50); const margin = height * 0.03; const bodyFontSize = height / 440.0; const boxHeight = height * 0.7 - margin * 2; const descriptions = this.getDescriptions(); const boxesSpacing = 15; const boxWidth = (width - margin * 2 - boxesSpacing * 2) / 3; this.categories().forEach((category, index) => { const boxStartX = margin + index * boxWidth + index * boxesSpacing; const boxStartY = height * 0.33; this.drawSquare( ctx, { x: boxStartX, y: boxStartY }, { x: boxStartX + boxWidth, y: boxStartY + boxHeight }, [ { color: borderColor }, { color: borderColor }, { color: borderColor }, { color: category.color, width: 5 } ] ); ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize * 1.3}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillText(, boxStartX + boxWidth / 2, boxStartY + 25); ctx.textAlign = "left"; if (opts.topics) { let startY = boxStartY + 60; this.getTitles().forEach(title => { ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 1}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = colors.tertiary; startY += this.fillTextMultiLine( ctx, title.split("\n").join(" "), boxStartX + 10, startY, 13, boxWidth * 0.95 ) + 8; }); } else { ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 1}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.textAlign = "center"; this.fillTextMultiLine( ctx, descriptions[index], boxStartX + boxWidth / 2, boxStartY + 60, 13, boxWidth * 0.8 ); ctx.textAlign = "left"; } }); }, renderCategories(ctx, colors, width, height) { const textColor = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 50, 50); const margin = height * 0.03; const bodyFontSize = height / 440.0; const titles = this.getTitles(); let categoryHeight = height / 6; const drawLine = (x, y) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = darkLightDiff( colors.primary, colors.secondary, 90, -75 ); ctx.moveTo(margin + x, y); ctx.lineTo(width - margin, y); ctx.stroke(); }; const cols = [0.025, 0.45, 0.53, 0.58, 0.94, 0.96].map(c => c * width); const headingY = height * 0.33; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 0.9}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.fillText("Category", cols[0], headingY); if ( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "categories_only" ) { ctx.fillText("Topics", cols[4], headingY); } else { ctx.fillText("Topics", cols[1], headingY); ctx.fillText("Latest", cols[2], headingY); categoryHeight = height / 5; } let y = headingY + bodyFontSize * 12; ctx.lineWidth = 2; drawLine(0, y); drawLine(width / 2, y); // Categories this.categories().forEach(category => { const textPos = y + categoryHeight * 0.35; ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize * 1.1}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.fillText(, cols[0], textPos); ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 0.8}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.fillText( titles[0], cols[0] - margin * 0.25, textPos + categoryHeight * 0.36 ); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(margin, y); ctx.strokeStyle = category.color; ctx.lineWidth = 3.5; ctx.lineTo(margin, y + categoryHeight); ctx.stroke(); if ( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "categories_with_featured_topics" ) { ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText( Math.floor(Math.random() * 90) + 10, cols[1] + 15, textPos ); } else { ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText(Math.floor(Math.random() * 90) + 10, cols[5], textPos); } y += categoryHeight; ctx.lineWidth = 1; drawLine(0, y); }); // Featured Topics if ( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "categories_with_featured_topics" ) { const topicHeight = height / 15; y = headingY + bodyFontSize * 22; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.fillStyle = colors.tertiary; titles.forEach(title => { ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; const textPos = y + topicHeight * 0.35; ctx.fillStyle = colors.tertiary; ctx.fillText(`${title}`, cols[2], textPos); y += topicHeight; }); } }, renderCategoriesWithTopics(ctx, colors, width, height) { const textColor = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 50, 50); const margin = height * 0.03; const bodyFontSize = height / 440.0; const drawLine = (x, y) => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = darkLightDiff( colors.primary, colors.secondary, 90, -75 ); ctx.moveTo(margin + x, y); ctx.lineTo(margin + x + (width * 0.9) / 2, y); ctx.stroke(); }; const cols = [0.025, 0.42, 0.53, 0.58, 0.94].map(c => c * width); const headingY = height * 0.33; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 0.9}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.fillText("Category", cols[0], headingY); ctx.fillText("Topics", cols[1], headingY); if ( this.get("step.fieldsById.homepage_style.value") === "categories_and_latest_topics" ) { ctx.fillText("Latest", cols[2], headingY); } else { ctx.fillText("Top", cols[2], headingY); } let y = headingY + bodyFontSize * 12; ctx.lineWidth = 2; drawLine(0, y); drawLine(width / 2, y); const categoryHeight = height / 6; const titles = this.getTitles(); // Categories this.categories().forEach(category => { const textPos = y + categoryHeight * 0.35; ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize * 1.1}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.fillText(, cols[0], textPos); ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 0.8}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.fillText( titles[0], cols[0] - margin * 0.25, textPos + categoryHeight * 0.36 ); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(margin, y); ctx.strokeStyle = category.color; ctx.lineWidth = 3.5; ctx.lineTo(margin, y + categoryHeight); ctx.stroke(); ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText(Math.floor(Math.random() * 90) + 10, cols[1] + 15, textPos); y += categoryHeight; ctx.lineWidth = 1; drawLine(0, y); }); // Latest/Top Topics const topicHeight = height / 8; const avatarSize = topicHeight * 0.7; y = headingY + bodyFontSize * 12; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; titles.forEach(title => { const category = this.categories()[0]; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; const textPos = y + topicHeight * 0.45; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; this.scaleImage( this.avatar, cols[2], y + margin * 0.6, avatarSize, avatarSize ); ctx.fillText(title, cols[3], textPos); ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText(Math.floor(Math.random() * 90) + 10, cols[4], textPos); ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText(`1h`, cols[4], textPos + topicHeight * 0.4); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = category.color; const badgeSize = topicHeight * 0.1; ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize * 0.5}em 'Arial'`; ctx.rect( cols[3] + margin * 0.5, y + topicHeight * 0.65, badgeSize, badgeSize ); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.fillText(, cols[3] + badgeSize * 3, y + topicHeight * 0.76 ); y += topicHeight; drawLine(width / 2, y); }); }, getTitles() { return LOREM.split(".") .slice(0, 8) .map(t => t.substring(0, 40)); }, getDescriptions() { return LOREM.split("."); }, renderLatest(ctx, colors, width, height) { const rowHeight = height / 10.0; const textColor = darkLightDiff(colors.primary, colors.secondary, 50, 50); const bodyFontSize = height / 440.0; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; const margin = height * 0.03; const drawLine = y => { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = darkLightDiff( colors.primary, colors.secondary, 90, -75 ); ctx.moveTo(margin, y); ctx.lineTo(width - margin, y); ctx.stroke(); }; const cols = [0.02, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 0.87, 0.93].map(c => c * width); // Headings const headingY = height * 0.33; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize * 0.9}em 'Arial'`; ctx.fillText("Topic", cols[0], headingY); ctx.fillText("Category", cols[1], headingY); ctx.fillText("Users", cols[2], headingY); ctx.fillText("Replies", cols[3], headingY); ctx.fillText("Views", cols[4], headingY); ctx.fillText("Activity", cols[5], headingY); // Topics let y = headingY + rowHeight / 2.6; ctx.lineWidth = 2; drawLine(y); ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; ctx.lineWidth = 1; this.getTitles().forEach(title => { const textPos = y + rowHeight * 0.7; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.fillText(title, cols[0], textPos); const category = this.categories()[0]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = category.color; const badgeSize = rowHeight * 0.2; ctx.font = `Bold ${bodyFontSize * 0.5}em 'Arial'`; ctx.rect(cols[1], y + rowHeight * 0.5, badgeSize, badgeSize); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = colors.primary; ctx.fillText(, cols[1] + badgeSize * 1.5, y + rowHeight * 0.65 ); this.scaleImage( this.avatar, cols[2], y + rowHeight * 0.3, rowHeight * 0.5, rowHeight * 0.5 ); ctx.fillStyle = textColor; ctx.font = `${bodyFontSize}em 'Arial'`; for (let j = 3; j <= 5; j++) { ctx.fillText( j === 5 ? "1h" : Math.floor(Math.random() * 90) + 10, cols[j] + margin, y + rowHeight * 0.7 ); } drawLine(y + rowHeight * 1); y += rowHeight; }); }, fillTextMultiLine(ctx, text, x, y, lineHeight, maxWidth) { const words = text.split(" ").filter(f => f); let line = ""; let totalHeight = 0; words.forEach(word => { if (ctx.measureText(`${line} ${word} `).width >= maxWidth) { ctx.fillText(line, x, y + totalHeight); totalHeight += lineHeight; line = word.trim(); } else { line = `${line} ${word}`.trim(); } }); ctx.fillText(line, x, y + totalHeight); totalHeight += lineHeight; return totalHeight; }, // Edges expected in this order: NW to NE -> NE to SE -> SE to SW -> SW to NW drawSquare(ctx, from, to, edges = []) { const edgeConfiguration = index => { const edge = edges[index] || {}; return { width: edge.width || 1, color: edge.color || "#333" }; }; [ { from: { x: from.x, y: from.y }, to: { x: to.x, y: from.y } }, { from: { x: to.x, y: from.y }, to: { x: to.x, y: to.y } }, { from: { x: to.x, y: to.y }, to: { x: from.x, y: to.y } }, { from: { x: from.x, y: to.y }, to: { x: from.x, y: from.y } } ].forEach((path, index) => { const configuration = edgeConfiguration(index); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(path.from.x, path.from.y); ctx.strokeStyle = configuration.color; ctx.lineWidth = configuration.width; ctx.lineTo(,; ctx.stroke(); }); } });