# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe TopicsController do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:dest_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:invisible_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, visible: false) } fab!(:pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user_2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author1) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author3) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author4) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author5) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post_author6) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) } fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:trust_level_0) { Fabricate(:trust_level_0) } fab!(:trust_level_1) { Fabricate(:trust_level_1) } fab!(:trust_level_4) { Fabricate(:trust_level_4) } fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } fab!(:tracked_category) { Fabricate(:category) } fab!(:shared_drafts_category) { Fabricate(:category) } fab!(:staff_category) do Fabricate(:category).tap do |staff_category| staff_category.set_permissions(staff: :full) staff_category.save! end end fab!(:group_user) { Fabricate(:group_user) } fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } before do [ user, user_2, post_author1, post_author2, post_author3, post_author4, post_author5, post_author6, trust_level_0, trust_level_1, trust_level_4, ].each { |u| Group.user_trust_level_change!(u.id, u.trust_level) } end describe "#wordpress" do before { sign_in(moderator) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: moderator) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: p1.topic, user: moderator) } it "returns the JSON in the format our wordpress plugin needs" do SiteSetting.external_system_avatars_enabled = false get "/t/#{p1.topic.id}/wordpress.json", params: { best: 3 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body # The JSON has the data the wordpress plugin needs expect(json["id"]).to eq(p1.topic.id) expect(json["posts_count"]).to eq(2) expect(json["filtered_posts_count"]).to eq(2) # Posts expect(json["posts"].size).to eq(1) post = json["posts"][0] expect(post["id"]).to eq(p2.id) expect(post["username"]).to eq(moderator.username) expect(post["avatar_template"]).to eq( "#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{moderator.avatar_template}", ) expect(post["name"]).to eq(moderator.name) expect(post["created_at"]).to be_present expect(post["cooked"]).to eq(p2.cooked) # Participants expect(json["participants"].size).to eq(1) participant = json["participants"][0] expect(participant["id"]).to eq(moderator.id) expect(participant["username"]).to eq(moderator.username) expect(participant["avatar_template"]).to eq( "#{Discourse.base_url_no_prefix}#{moderator.avatar_template}", ) end end describe "#move_posts" do before do SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length = 2 SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true end it "needs you to be logged in" do post "/t/111/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", post_ids: [1, 2, 3] } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "moving to a new topic" do fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, post_number: 1) } let(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, post_number: 2, topic: p1.topic) } let(:topic) { p1.topic } it "raises an error without post_ids" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to move the posts" do sign_in(user) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", post_ids: [p1.post_number, p2.post_number], } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "raises an error when the OP is not a regular post" do sign_in(moderator) p2 = Fabricate( :post, user: post_author1, topic: topic, post_number: 2, post_type: Post.types[:whisper], ) p3 = Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, post_number: 3) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", post_ids: [p2.id, p3.id] } expect(response.status).to eq(422) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["errors"]).to be_present end context "with success" do before { sign_in(admin) } it "returns success" do expect do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], category_id: category.id, tags: %w[foo bar], } end.to change { Topic.count }.by(1).and change { Tag.count }.by(2) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) new_topic = Topic.last expect(result["url"]).to eq(new_topic.relative_url) expect(new_topic.excerpt).to eq(p2.excerpt_for_topic) expect(Tag.all.pluck(:name)).to include("foo", "bar") end describe "when topic has been deleted" do it "should still be able to move posts" do PostDestroyer.new(admin, topic.first_post).destroy expect(topic.reload.deleted_at).to_not be_nil expect do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], category_id: category.id, } end.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) end end end context "with failure" do it "returns JSON with a false success" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(false) expect(result["url"]).to be_blank end end describe "moving replied posts" do context "with success" do it "moves the child posts too" do sign_in(moderator) p1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: moderator) p2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: moderator, reply_to_post_number: p1.post_number) PostReply.create(post_id: p1.id, reply_post_id: p2.id) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "new topic title", post_ids: [p1.id], reply_post_ids: [p1.id], } expect(response.status).to eq(200) p1.reload p2.reload new_topic_id = response.parsed_body["url"].split("/").last.to_i new_topic = Topic.find(new_topic_id) expect(p1.topic.id).to eq(new_topic.id) expect(p2.topic.id).to eq(new_topic.id) expect(p2.reply_to_post_number).to eq(p1.post_number) end end end end describe "moving to a new topic as a group moderator" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, reviewable_by_group: group_user.group) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: group_user.user, post_number: 1, topic: topic) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: group_user.user, post_number: 2, topic: topic) } let!(:user) { group_user.user } before do sign_in(user) SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true end it "moves the posts" do expect do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], category_id: category.id, } end.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) end it "does not allow posts to be moved to a private category" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], category_id: staff_category.id, } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "does not allow posts outside of the category to be moved" do topic.update!(category: nil) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", post_ids: [p1.post_number, p2.post_number], } expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "moving to an existing topic" do before { sign_in(moderator) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: moderator) } fab!(:topic) { p1.topic } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: moderator, topic: topic) } context "with success" do it "returns success" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end it "triggers an event on merge" do begin called = false assert = ->(original_topic, destination_topic) { called = true expect(original_topic).to eq(topic) expect(destination_topic).to eq(dest_topic) } DiscourseEvent.on(:topic_merged, &assert) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(called).to eq(true) expect(response.status).to eq(200) ensure DiscourseEvent.off(:topic_merged, &assert) end end end context "with failure" do fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: moderator) } it "returns JSON with a false success" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(false) expect(result["url"]).to be_blank end it "returns plugin validation error" do # stub here is to simulate validation added by plugin which would be triggered when post is moved PostCreator.any_instance.stubs(:skip_validations?).returns(false) p1.update_columns(raw: "i", cooked: "") post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p1.id], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(response.status).to eq(422) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["errors"]).to eq( [ "Body is too short (minimum is 5 characters) and Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?", ], ) end end end describe "moving to an existing topic as a group moderator" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, reviewable_by_group: group_user.group) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: group_user.user, post_number: 1, topic: topic) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: group_user.user, post_number: 2, topic: topic) } let!(:user) { group_user.user } before do sign_in(user) SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true end it "moves the posts" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end it "does not allow posts to be moved to a private category" do dest_topic.update!(category: staff_category) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "does not allow posts outside of the category to be moved" do topic.update!(category: nil) post "/t/#{topic.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p1.post_number, p2.post_number], destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id, } expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "moving to a new message" do fab!(:message) { pm } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, post_number: 1, topic: message) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, post_number: 2, topic: message) } it "raises an error without post_ids" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to move the posts" do sign_in(trust_level_4) post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "blah", post_ids: [p1.post_number, p2.post_number], archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(403) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["errors"]).to be_present end context "with success" do before { sign_in(admin) } it "returns success" do SiteSetting.pm_tags_allowed_for_groups = "1|2|3" expect do post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], archetype: "private_message", tags: %w[foo bar], } end.to change { Topic.count }.by(1).and change { Tag.count }.by(2) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) expect(Tag.all.pluck(:name)).to include("foo", "bar") end describe "when message has been deleted" do it "should still be able to move posts" do PostDestroyer.new(admin, message.first_post).destroy expect(message.reload.deleted_at).to_not be_nil expect do post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { title: "Logan is a good movie", post_ids: [p2.id], archetype: "private_message", } end.to change { Topic.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to eq(Topic.last.relative_url) end end end context "with failure" do it "returns JSON with a false success" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(false) expect(result["url"]).to be_blank end end end describe "moving to an existing message" do before { sign_in(admin) } fab!(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } fab!(:message) { pm } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: evil_trout, post_number: 2, topic: message) } fab!(:dest_message) do Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: trust_level_4, topic_allowed_users: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: evil_trout)], ) end context "with success" do it "returns success" do post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], destination_topic_id: dest_message.id, archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end end context "with failure" do it "returns JSON with a false success" do post "/t/#{message.id}/move-posts.json", params: { post_ids: [p2.id], archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(false) expect(result["url"]).to be_blank end end end end describe "#merge_topic" do it "needs you to be logged in" do post "/t/111/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: 345 } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "merging into another topic" do fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } fab!(:topic) { p1.topic } it "raises an error without destination_topic_id" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{topic.id}/merge-topic.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to merge" do sign_in(user) post "/t/111/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: 345 } expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "when moving all the posts to the destination topic" do it "returns success" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{topic.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end end end describe "merging into another topic as a group moderator" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, reviewable_by_group: group_user.group) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, post_number: 1, topic: topic) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, post_number: 2, topic: topic) } before do sign_in(group_user.user) SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true end it "moves the posts" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end it "does not allow posts to be moved to a private category" do dest_topic.update!(category: staff_category) post "/t/#{topic.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "does not allow posts outside of the category to be moved" do topic.update!(category: nil) post "/t/#{topic.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: dest_topic.id } expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "merging into another message" do fab!(:message) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: message, user: trust_level_4) } fab!(:p2) do Fabricate(:post, topic: message, reply_to_post_number: p1.post_number, user: user) end fab!(:dest_message) do Fabricate( :private_message_topic, user: trust_level_4, topic_allowed_users: [Fabricate.build(:topic_allowed_user, user: moderator)], ) end it "raises an error without destination_topic_id" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{message.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { archetype: "private_message" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to merge" do sign_in(trust_level_4) post "/t/#{message.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: 345, archetype: "private_message", } expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "when moving all the posts to the destination message" do it "returns success" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{message.id}/merge-topic.json", params: { destination_topic_id: dest_message.id, archetype: "private_message", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end end end end describe "#change_post_owners" do it "needs you to be logged in" do post "/t/111/change-owner.json", params: { username: "user_a", post_ids: [1, 2, 3] } expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe "forbidden to trust_level_4s" do before { sign_in(trust_level_4) } it "correctly denies" do post "/t/111/change-owner.json", params: { topic_id: 111, username: "user_a", post_ids: [1, 2, 3], } expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "changing ownership" do fab!(:user_a) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic) } describe "moderator signed in" do let!(:editor) { sign_in(moderator) } it "returns 200 when moderators_change_post_ownership is true" do SiteSetting.moderators_change_post_ownership = true post "/t/#{topic.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p1.id], } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "returns 403 when moderators_change_post_ownership is false" do SiteSetting.moderators_change_post_ownership = false post "/t/#{topic.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p1.id], } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end describe "admin signed in" do let!(:editor) { sign_in(admin) } it "raises an error with a parameter missing" do [{ post_ids: [1, 2, 3] }, { username: "user_a" }].each do |params| post "/t/111/change-owner.json", params: params expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end it "changes the topic and posts ownership" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p1.id], } topic.reload p1.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.user.username).to eq(user_a.username) expect(p1.user.username).to eq(user_a.username) end it "changes multiple posts" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p1.id, p2.id], } expect(response.status).to eq(200) p1.reload p2.reload expect(p1.user).to_not eq(nil) expect(p1.reload.user).to eq(p2.reload.user) end it "works with deleted users" do deleted_user = user t2 = Fabricate(:topic, user: deleted_user) p3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: t2, user: deleted_user) UserDestroyer.new(editor).destroy( deleted_user, delete_posts: true, context: "test", delete_as_spammer: true, ) post "/t/#{t2.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p3.id], } expect(response.status).to eq(200) t2.reload p3.reload expect(t2.deleted_at).to be_nil expect(p3.user).to eq(user_a) end it "removes likes by new owner" do now = Time.zone.now freeze_time(now - 1.day) PostActionCreator.like(user_a, p1) p1.reload freeze_time(now) post "/t/#{topic.id}/change-owner.json", params: { username: user_a.username_lower, post_ids: [p1.id], } topic.reload p1.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.user.username).to eq(user_a.username) expect(p1.user.username).to eq(user_a.username) expect(p1.like_count).to eq(0) end end end end describe "#change_timestamps" do let!(:params) { { timestamp: Time.zone.now } } it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/1/change-timestamp.json", params: params expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "forbidden to trust_level_4" do before { sign_in(trust_level_4) } it "correctly denies" do put "/t/1/change-timestamp.json", params: params expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "changing timestamps" do before do freeze_time sign_in(moderator) end let!(:old_timestamp) { Time.zone.now } let!(:new_timestamp) { old_timestamp - 1.day } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, created_at: old_timestamp) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic, created_at: old_timestamp) } let!(:p2) do Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, created_at: old_timestamp + 1.day) end it "should update the timestamps of selected posts" do # try to see if we fail with invalid first put "/t/1/change-timestamp.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) put "/t/#{topic.id}/change-timestamp.json", params: { timestamp: new_timestamp.to_f } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.created_at).to eq_time(new_timestamp) expect(p1.reload.created_at).to eq_time(new_timestamp) expect(p2.reload.created_at).to eq_time(old_timestamp) end it "should create a staff log entry" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/change-timestamp.json", params: { timestamp: new_timestamp.to_f } log = UserHistory.last expect(log.acting_user_id).to eq(moderator.id) expect(log.topic_id).to eq(topic.id) expect(log.new_value).to eq(new_timestamp.utc.to_s) expect(log.previous_value).to eq(old_timestamp.utc.to_s) end end end describe "#clear_pin" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/1/clear-pin.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end context "when logged in" do before { sign_in(user) } it "fails when the user can't see the topic" do put "/t/#{pm.id}/clear-pin.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe "when the user can see the topic" do it "succeeds" do expect do put "/t/#{topic.id}/clear-pin.json" end.to change { TopicUser.where(topic_id: topic.id, user_id: user.id).count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end end end describe "#status" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/1/status.json", params: { status: "visible", enabled: true } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "when logged in as a moderator" do before { sign_in(moderator) } it "raises an exception if you can't change it" do sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "visible", enabled: "true" } expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "requires the status parameter" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { enabled: true } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "requires the enabled parameter" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "visible" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "raises an error with a status not in the allowlist" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "title", enabled: "true" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "should update the status of the topic correctly" do closed_user_topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: user, closed: true) Fabricate(:topic_timer, topic: closed_user_topic, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:open]) put "/t/#{closed_user_topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "false" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(closed_user_topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) expect(closed_user_topic.topic_timers).to eq([]) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["topic_status_update"]).to eq(nil) end end describe "when logged in as a group member with reviewable status" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, reviewable_by_group: group_user.group) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } before do sign_in(group_user.user) SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true end it "should allow a group moderator to close a topic" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "true" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(true) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("closed.enabled") end it "should allow a group moderator to open a closed topic" do topic.update!(closed: true) expect do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "false" } end.to change { topic.reload.posts.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("closed.disabled") end it "should allow a group moderator to archive a topic" do expect do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "archived", enabled: "true" } end.to change { topic.reload.posts.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.archived).to eq(true) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("archived.enabled") end it "should allow a group moderator to unarchive an archived topic" do topic.update!(archived: true) put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "archived", enabled: "false" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.archived).to eq(false) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("archived.disabled") end it "should allow a group moderator to pin a topic" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "pinned", enabled: "true", until: 2.weeks.from_now, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.pinned_at).to_not eq(nil) end it "should allow a group moderator to unpin a topic" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "pinned", enabled: "false" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.pinned_at).to eq(nil) end it "should allow a group moderator to unlist a topic" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "visible", enabled: "false" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.visible).to eq(false) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("visible.disabled") end it "should allow a group moderator to list an unlisted topic" do topic.update!(visible: false) put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "visible", enabled: "true" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.visible).to eq(true) expect(topic.posts.last.action_code).to eq("visible.enabled") end end context "with API key" do let(:api_key) { Fabricate(:api_key, user: moderator, created_by: moderator) } context "when key scope has restricted params" do before do ApiKeyScope.create( resource: "topics", action: "update", api_key_id: api_key.id, allowed_parameters: { "category_id" => ["#{topic.category_id}"], }, ) end it "fails to update topic status in an unpermitted category" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "true", category_id: tracked_category.id, }, headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => api_key.key, "HTTP_API_USERNAME" => api_key.user.username, } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("invalid_access")) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) end it "fails without a category_id" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "true", }, headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => api_key.key, "HTTP_API_USERNAME" => api_key.user.username, } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("invalid_access")) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(false) end it "updates topic status in a permitted category" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "true", category_id: topic.category_id, }, headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => api_key.key, "HTTP_API_USERNAME" => api_key.user.username, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(true) end end context "when key scope has no param restrictions" do before do ApiKeyScope.create( resource: "topics", action: "update", api_key_id: api_key.id, allowed_parameters: { }, ) end it "updates topic status" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/status.json", params: { status: "closed", enabled: "true", }, headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => api_key.key, "HTTP_API_USERNAME" => api_key.user.username, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.closed).to eq(true) end end end end describe "#destroy_timings" do it "needs you to be logged in" do delete "/t/1/timings.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end def topic_user_post_timings_count(user, topic) [TopicUser, PostTiming].map { |klass| klass.where(user: user, topic: topic).count } end context "for last post only" do it "should allow you to retain topic timing but remove last post only" do freeze_time post1 = create_post user = post1.user topic = post1.topic post2 = create_post(topic_id: topic.id) PostTiming.create!(topic: topic, user: user, post_number: 2, msecs: 100) user.user_stat.update!(first_unread_at: Time.now + 1.week) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(topic_id: topic.id, user_id: user.id) topic_user.update!(last_read_post_number: 2) # ensure we have 2 notifications # fake notification on topic but it is read first_notification = Notification.create!( user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic.id, data: "{}", read: true, notification_type: 1, ) freeze_time 1.minute.from_now PostAlerter.post_created(post2) second_notification = user.notifications.where(topic_id: topic.id).order(created_at: :desc).first second_notification.update!(read: true) sign_in(user) delete "/t/#{topic.id}/timings.json?last=1" expect(PostTiming.where(topic: topic, user: user, post_number: 2).exists?).to eq(false) expect(PostTiming.where(topic: topic, user: user, post_number: 1).exists?).to eq(true) expect(TopicUser.where(topic: topic, user: user, last_read_post_number: 1).exists?).to eq( true, ) user.user_stat.reload expect(user.user_stat.first_unread_at).to eq_time(topic.updated_at) first_notification.reload second_notification.reload expect(first_notification.read).to eq(true) expect(second_notification.read).to eq(false) PostDestroyer.new(admin, post2).destroy delete "/t/#{topic.id}/timings.json?last=1" expect(PostTiming.where(topic: topic, user: user, post_number: 1).exists?).to eq(false) expect(TopicUser.where(topic: topic, user: user, last_read_post_number: nil).exists?).to eq( true, ) end end context "when logged in" do fab!(:user_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } fab!(:user_post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: user_topic, post_number: 2) } before do sign_in(user) TopicUser.create!(topic: user_topic, user: user) PostTiming.create!(topic: user_topic, user: user, post_number: 2, msecs: 1000) end it "deletes the forum topic user and post timings records" do expect do delete "/t/#{user_topic.id}/timings.json" end.to change { topic_user_post_timings_count(user, user_topic) }.from([1, 1]).to([0, 0]) end end end describe "#mute/unmute" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/99/mute.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/99/unmute.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end describe "#recover" do it "won't allow us to recover a topic when we're not logged in" do put "/t/1/recover.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "when logged in" do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, deleted_at: Time.now, deleted_by: moderator) } let!(:post) do Fabricate( :post, user: user, topic: topic, post_number: 1, deleted_at: Time.now, deleted_by: moderator, ) end describe "without access" do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to delete the topic" do sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/recover.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end end context "with permission" do before { sign_in(moderator) } it "succeeds" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/recover.json" topic.reload post.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.trashed?).to be_falsey expect(post.trashed?).to be_falsey end end end end describe "#delete" do it "won't allow us to delete a topic when we're not logged in" do delete "/t/1.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "when logged in" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user, created_at: 48.hours.ago) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user, post_number: 1) } describe "without access" do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to delete the topic" do sign_in(user) delete "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end describe "with permission" do before { sign_in(moderator) } it "succeeds" do delete "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic.reload expect(topic.trashed?).to be_truthy end end end describe "force destroy" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) } before do SiteSetting.can_permanently_delete = true sign_in(admin) end it "force destroys all deleted small actions in topic too" do small_action_post = Fabricate(:small_action, topic: topic) PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, post).destroy PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, small_action_post).destroy delete "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { force_destroy: true } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(Topic.find_by(id: topic.id)).to eq(nil) expect(Post.find_by(id: post.id)).to eq(nil) expect(Post.find_by(id: small_action_post.id)).to eq(nil) end it "does not allow to destroy topic if not all posts were force destroyed" do other_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2) PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, post).destroy delete "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { force_destroy: true } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "does not allow to destroy topic if not all small action posts were deleted" do small_action_post = Fabricate(:small_action, topic: topic) PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, small_action_post).destroy delete "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { force_destroy: true } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end end describe "#id_for_slug" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1).topic } it "returns JSON for the slug" do get "/t/id_for/#{topic.slug}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["topic_id"]).to eq(topic.id) expect(json["url"]).to eq(topic.url) expect(json["slug"]).to eq(topic.slug) end it "returns invalid access if the user can't see the topic" do get "/t/id_for/#{pm.slug}.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end end describe "#update" do it "won't allow us to update a topic when we're not logged in" do put "/t/1.json", params: { slug: "xyz" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "when logged in" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } before_all { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) } before do SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 0 sign_in(user) end it "can not change category to a disallowed category" do category.set_permissions(staff: :full) category.save! put "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(topic.reload.category_id).not_to eq(category.id) end it "can not move to a category that requires topic approval" do category.custom_fields[Category::REQUIRE_TOPIC_APPROVAL] = true category.save! put "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(topic.reload.category_id).not_to eq(category.id) end context "when updating shared drafts" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: shared_drafts_category) } fab!(:shared_draft) do Fabricate(:shared_draft, topic: topic, category: Fabricate(:category)) end it "changes destination category" do put "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(topic.shared_draft.category_id).not_to eq(category.id) end end describe "without permission" do it "raises an exception when the user doesn't have permission to update the topic" do topic.update!(archived: true) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end describe "with permission" do fab!(:post_hook) { Fabricate(:post_web_hook) } fab!(:topic_hook) { Fabricate(:topic_web_hook) } it "succeeds" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.parsed_body["basic_topic"]).to be_present end it "throws an error if it could not be saved" do PostRevisor.any_instance.stubs(:should_revise?).returns(false) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "brand new title" } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to eq( I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.base.unable_to_update"), ) end it "can update a topic to an uncategorized topic" do topic.update!(category: category) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: "" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.category_id).to eq(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) end it "allows a change of title" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "This is a new title for the topic", } topic.reload expect(topic.title).to eq("This is a new title for the topic") # emits a topic_edited event but not a post_edited web hook event expect(Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs.length).to eq(1) job_args = Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs[0]["args"].first expect(job_args["event_name"]).to eq("topic_edited") payload = JSON.parse(job_args["payload"]) expect(payload["title"]).to eq("This is a new title for the topic") end it "allows update on short non-slug url" do put "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "This is a new title for the topic" } topic.reload expect(topic.title).to eq("This is a new title for the topic") end it "only allows update on digit ids" do non_digit_id = "asdf" original_title = topic.title put "/t/#{non_digit_id}.json", params: { title: "This is a new title for the topic" } topic.reload expect(topic.title).to eq(original_title) expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "allows a change of then updating the OP" do topic.update(user: user) topic.first_post.update(user: user) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "This is a new title for the topic", } topic.reload expect(topic.title).to eq("This is a new title for the topic") update_params = { post: { raw: "edited body", edit_reason: "typo" } } put "/posts/#{topic.first_post.id}.json", params: update_params # emits a topic_edited event and a post_edited web hook event expect(Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs.length).to eq(2) job_args = Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs[0]["args"].first expect(job_args["event_name"]).to eq("topic_edited") payload = JSON.parse(job_args["payload"]) expect(payload["title"]).to eq("This is a new title for the topic") job_args = Jobs::EmitWebHookEvent.jobs[1]["args"].first expect(job_args["event_name"]).to eq("post_edited") payload = JSON.parse(job_args["payload"]) expect(payload["raw"]).to eq("edited body") end it "returns errors with invalid titles" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "asdf" } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to match_array( [/Title is too short/, /Title seems unclear/], ) end it "returns errors when the rate limit is exceeded" do EditRateLimiter .any_instance .expects(:performed!) .raises(RateLimiter::LimitExceeded.new(60)) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: "This is a new title for the topic", } expect(response.status).to eq(429) end it "returns errors with invalid categories" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: -1 } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "doesn't call the PostRevisor when there is no changes" do expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: topic.category_id } end.not_to change(PostRevision.all, :count) expect(response.status).to eq(200) end context "when using SiteSetting.disable_category_edit_notifications" do it "doesn't bump the topic if the setting is enabled" do SiteSetting.disable_category_edit_notifications = true last_bumped_at = topic.bumped_at expect(last_bumped_at).not_to be_nil expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } end.to change { topic.reload.category_id }.to(category.id) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.bumped_at).to eq_time(last_bumped_at) end it "bumps the topic if the setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.disable_category_edit_notifications = false last_bumped_at = topic.bumped_at expect(last_bumped_at).not_to be_nil expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } end.to change { topic.reload.category_id }.to(category.id) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.bumped_at).not_to eq_time(last_bumped_at) end end context "when using SiteSetting.disable_tags_edit_notifications" do fab!(:t1) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:t2) { Fabricate(:tag) } let(:tags) { [t1, t2] } it "doesn't bump the topic if the setting is enabled" do SiteSetting.disable_tags_edit_notifications = true last_bumped_at = topic.bumped_at expect(last_bumped_at).not_to be_nil put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: tags.map(&:name) } expect(topic.reload.tags).to match_array(tags) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.bumped_at).to eq_time(last_bumped_at) end it "bumps the topic if the setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.disable_tags_edit_notifications = false last_bumped_at = topic.bumped_at expect(last_bumped_at).not_to be_nil put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: tags.map(&:name) } expect(topic.reload.tags).to match_array(tags) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.bumped_at).not_to eq_time(last_bumped_at) end end describe "when first post is locked" do it "blocks non-staff from editing even if 'trusted_users_can_edit_others' is true" do SiteSetting.trusted_users_can_edit_others = true user.update!(trust_level: 3) topic.first_post.update!(locked_by_id: admin.id) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: topic.title + " hello" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "allows staff to edit" do sign_in(Fabricate(:admin)) topic.first_post.update!(locked_by_id: admin.id) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { title: topic.title + " hello" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end context "with tags" do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } it "can add a tag to topic" do expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [tag.name] } end.to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.tags.pluck(:id)).to contain_exactly(tag.id) end it "can create a tag" do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 0 expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: ["newtag"] } end.to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.tags.pluck(:name)).to contain_exactly("newtag") end it "can change the category and create a new tag" do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_tag = 0 expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: ["newtag"], category_id: category.id, } end.to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.tags.pluck(:name)).to contain_exactly("newtag") end it "can add a tag to wiki topic" do SiteSetting.min_trust_to_edit_wiki_post = 2 topic.first_post.update!(wiki: true) sign_in(user_2) expect do put "/t/#{topic.id}/tags.json", params: { tags: [tag.name] } end.not_to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count } expect(response.status).to eq(403) user_2.update!(trust_level: 2) expect do put "/t/#{topic.id}/tags.json", params: { tags: [tag.name] } end.to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.tags.pluck(:id)).to contain_exactly(tag.id) end it "does not remove tag if no params is given" do topic.tags << tag expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" end.to_not change { topic.reload.tags.count } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can remove a tag" do topic.tags << tag expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [""] } end.to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count }.by(1) expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.tags).to eq([]) end it "does not cause a revision when tags have not changed" do topic.tags << tag expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [tag.name] } end.not_to change { topic.reload.first_post.revisions.count } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end context "when topic is private" do before do topic.update!( archetype: Archetype.private_message, category: nil, allowed_users: [topic.user], ) end context "when there are no changes" do it "does not call the PostRevisor" do expect do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: topic.category_id } end.not_to change(PostRevision.all, :count) expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end end context "when updating to a category with restricted tags" do fab!(:restricted_category) { Fabricate(:category) } fab!(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:tag_group_1) { Fabricate(:tag_group, tag_names: [tag1.name]) } fab!(:tag_group_2) { Fabricate(:tag_group) } before_all do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true topic.update!(tags: [tag1]) end it "can’t change to a category disallowing this topic current tags" do restricted_category.allowed_tags = [tag2.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: restricted_category.id } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(result["errors"]).to be_present expect(topic.reload.category_id).not_to eq(restricted_category.id) end it "can’t change to a category disallowing this topic current tag (through tag_group)" do tag_group_2.tags = [tag2] restricted_category.allowed_tag_groups = [tag_group_2.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: restricted_category.id } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(result["errors"]).to be_present expect(topic.reload.category_id).not_to eq(restricted_category.id) end it "can change to a category allowing this topic current tags" do restricted_category.allowed_tags = [tag1.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: restricted_category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can change to a category allowing this topic current tags (through tag_group)" do tag_group_1.tags = [tag1] restricted_category.allowed_tag_groups = [tag_group_1.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: restricted_category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can change to a category allowing any tag" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "can’t add a category-only tags from another category to a category" do restricted_category.allowed_tags = [tag2.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [tag2.name], category_id: category.id, } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(result["errors"]).to be_present expect(result["errors"][0]).to include(tag2.name) expect(topic.reload.category_id).not_to eq(restricted_category.id) end it "allows category change when topic has a hidden tag" do Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [tag1.name]) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.tags).to include(tag1) end it "allows category change when topic has a read-only tag" do Fabricate( :tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1, "everyone" => 3, }, tag_names: [tag3.name], ) topic.update!(tags: [tag3]) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.tags).to contain_exactly(tag3) end it "does not leak tag name when trying to use a staff tag" do Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [tag3.name]) put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [tag3.name], category_id: category.id, } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(result["errors"]).to be_present expect(result["errors"][0]).not_to include(tag3.name) end it "will clean tag params" do restricted_category.allowed_tags = [tag2.name] put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { tags: [""], category_id: restricted_category.id, } result = response.parsed_body expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end context "when allow_uncategorized_topics is false" do before { SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics = false } it "can add a category to an uncategorized topic" do put "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.category).to eq(category) end end end end describe "featured links" do def fabricate_topic(user, category = nil) topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: user, category: category) Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) topic end it "allows to update topic featured link" do sign_in(trust_level_1) tl1_topic = fabricate_topic(trust_level_1) put "/t/#{tl1_topic.slug}/#{tl1_topic.id}.json", params: { featured_link: "https://discourse.org", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "doesn't allow TL0 users to update topic featured link" do sign_in(trust_level_0) tl0_topic = fabricate_topic(trust_level_0) put "/t/#{tl0_topic.slug}/#{tl0_topic.id}.json", params: { featured_link: "https://discourse.org", } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "doesn't allow to update topic featured link if featured links are disabled in settings" do sign_in(trust_level_1) SiteSetting.topic_featured_link_enabled = false tl1_topic = fabricate_topic(trust_level_1) put "/t/#{tl1_topic.slug}/#{tl1_topic.id}.json", params: { featured_link: "https://discourse.org", } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "doesn't allow to update topic featured link in the category with forbidden feature links" do sign_in(trust_level_1) category = Fabricate(:category, topic_featured_link_allowed: false) tl1_topic_in_category = fabricate_topic(trust_level_1, category) put "/t/#{tl1_topic_in_category.slug}/#{tl1_topic_in_category.id}.json", params: { featured_link: "https://discourse.org", } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end end describe "#show_by_external_id" do fab!(:private_topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, external_id: "private") } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, external_id: "asdf") } it "returns 301 when found" do get "/t/external_id/asdf.json" expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + ".json") end it "returns right response when not found" do get "/t/external_id/fdsa.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "preserves only select query params" do get "/t/external_id/asdf.json", params: { filter_top_level_replies: true } expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + ".json?filter_top_level_replies=true") get "/t/external_id/asdf.json", params: { not_valid: true } expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + ".json") get "/t/external_id/asdf.json", params: { filter_top_level_replies: true, post_number: 9999 } expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response).to redirect_to( topic.relative_url + "/9999.json?filter_top_level_replies=true", ) get "/t/external_id/asdf.json", params: { filter_top_level_replies: true, print: true } expect(response.status).to eq(301) expect(response).to redirect_to( topic.relative_url + ".json?print=true&filter_top_level_replies=true", ) end describe "when user does not have access to the topic" do it "should return the right response" do sign_in(user) get "/t/external_id/private.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("invalid_access")) end end end describe "#show" do use_redis_snapshotting fab!(:private_topic) { pm } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1).topic } fab!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, user: topic.user) } fab!(:p2) { Fabricate(:post, user: topic.user) } describe "when topic is not allowed" do it "should return the right response" do SiteSetting.detailed_404 = true sign_in(user) get "/t/#{private_topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("invalid_access")) end end describe "when topic is allowed to a group" do fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, public_admission: true) } fab!(:category) do Fabricate(:category_with_definition).tap do |category| category.set_permissions(group => :full) category.save! end end fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } before { SiteSetting.detailed_404 = true } it "shows a descriptive error message containing the group name" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" html = CGI.unescapeHTML(response.parsed_body["extras"]["html"]) expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(html).to include(I18n.t("not_in_group.title_topic", group: group.name)) expect(html).to include(I18n.t("not_in_group.join_group")) end end it "correctly renders canonicals" do get "/t/#{topic.id}", params: { slug: topic.slug } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(css_select("link[rel=canonical]").length).to eq(1) expect(response.headers["Cache-Control"]).to eq("no-cache, no-store") end it "returns 301 even if slug does not match URL" do # in the past we had special logic for unlisted topics # we would require slug unless you made a json call # this was not really providing any security # # we no longer require a topic be visible to perform url correction # if you need to properly hide a topic for users use a secure category # or a PM Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: invisible_topic) get "/t/#{invisible_topic.id}.json", params: { slug: invisible_topic.slug } expect(response.status).to eq(200) get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { slug: "just-guessing" } expect(response.status).to eq(301) get "/t/#{topic.slug}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(301) end it "shows a topic correctly" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "return 404 for an invalid page" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 2 } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "can find a topic given a slug in the id param" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}" expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url) end it "can find a topic when a slug has a number in front" do another_topic = Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1).topic topic.update_column(:slug, "#{another_topic.id}-reasons-discourse-is-awesome") get "/t/#{another_topic.id}-reasons-discourse-is-awesome" expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url) end it "keeps the post_number parameter around when redirecting" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}", params: { post_number: 42 } expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + "/42") end it "keeps the page around when redirecting" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}", params: { post_number: 42, page: 123 } expect(response).to redirect_to(topic.relative_url + "/42?page=123") end it "does not accept page params as an array" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}", params: { post_number: 42, page: [2] } expect(response).to redirect_to("#{topic.relative_url}/42?page=1") end it "returns 404 when an invalid slug is given and no id" do get "/t/nope-nope.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "returns a 404 when slug and topic id do not match a topic" do get "/t/made-up-topic-slug/123456.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "returns a 404 for an ID that is larger than postgres limits" do get "/t/made-up-topic-slug/5014217323220164041.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "doesn't use print mode when print equals false" do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 0 get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json?print=false" expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "does not result in N+1 queries problem when multiple topic participants have primary or flair group configured" do user2 = Fabricate(:user) user3 = Fabricate(:user) post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user2) post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user3) group = Fabricate(:group) user2.update!(primary_group: group) user3.update!(flair_group: group) # warm up get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) first_request_queries = track_sql_queries do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect( response.parsed_body["details"]["participants"].map { |u| u["id"] }, ).to contain_exactly(post_author1.id, user2.id, user3.id) end group2 = Fabricate(:group) user4 = Fabricate(:user, flair_group: group2) user5 = Fabricate(:user, primary_group: group2) post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user4) post5 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user5) second_request_queries = track_sql_queries do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect( response.parsed_body["details"]["participants"].map { |u| u["id"] }, ).to contain_exactly(post_author1.id, user2.id, user3.id, user4.id, user5.id) end expect(second_request_queries.count).to eq(first_request_queries.count) end context "when a topic with nil slug exists" do before do nil_slug_topic = Fabricate(:topic) Topic.connection.execute("update topics set slug=null where id = #{nil_slug_topic.id}") # can't find a way to set slug column to null using the model end it "returns a 404 when slug and topic id do not match a topic" do get "/t/made-up-topic-slug/123123.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end context "with permission errors" do fab!(:allowed_user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:allowed_group) { Fabricate(:group) } fab!(:accessible_group) { Fabricate(:group, public_admission: true) } fab!(:secure_category) do c = Fabricate(:category) c.permissions = [[allowed_group, :full]] c.save allowed_user.groups = [allowed_group] allowed_user.save c end fab!(:accessible_category) do Fabricate(:category).tap do |c| c.set_permissions(accessible_group => :full) c.save! end end fab!(:normal_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:secure_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: secure_category) } fab!(:private_topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: allowed_user) } # Can't use fab!, because deleted_topics can't be re-found before_all do @deleted_topic = Fabricate(:deleted_topic) @deleted_secure_topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: secure_category, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) @deleted_private_topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: allowed_user, deleted_at: 1.day.ago) end let(:deleted_topic) { @deleted_topic } let(:deleted_secure_topic) { @deleted_secure_topic } let(:deleted_private_topic) { @deleted_private_topic } let!(:nonexistent_topic_id) { Topic.last.id + 10_000 } fab!(:secure_accessible_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: accessible_category) } shared_examples "various scenarios" do |expected, request_json:| expected.each do |key, value| it "returns #{value} for #{key}" do slug = key == :nonexistent ? "garbage-slug" : send(key.to_s).slug topic_id = key == :nonexistent ? nonexistent_topic_id : send(key.to_s).id format = request_json ? ".json" : "" get "/t/#{slug}/#{topic_id}#{format}" expect(response.status).to eq(value) end end expected_slug_response = expected[:secure_topic] == 200 ? 301 : expected[:secure_topic] it "will return a #{expected_slug_response} when requesting a secure topic by slug" do format = request_json ? ".json" : "" get "/t/#{secure_topic.slug}#{format}" expect(response.status).to eq(expected_slug_response) end end context "without detailed error pages" do before { SiteSetting.detailed_404 = false } context "when anonymous" do expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 404, private_topic: 404, deleted_topic: 404, deleted_secure_topic: 404, deleted_private_topic: 404, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 404, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when anonymous with login required" do before { SiteSetting.login_required = true } expected = { normal_topic: 302, secure_topic: 302, private_topic: 302, deleted_topic: 302, deleted_secure_topic: 302, deleted_private_topic: 302, nonexistent: 302, secure_accessible_topic: 302, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when anonymous with login required, requesting json" do before { SiteSetting.login_required = true } expected = { normal_topic: 403, secure_topic: 403, private_topic: 403, deleted_topic: 403, deleted_secure_topic: 403, deleted_private_topic: 403, nonexistent: 403, secure_accessible_topic: 403, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: true end context "when normal user" do before { sign_in(user) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 404, private_topic: 404, deleted_topic: 404, deleted_secure_topic: 404, deleted_private_topic: 404, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 404, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when allowed user" do before { sign_in(allowed_user) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 200, private_topic: 200, deleted_topic: 404, deleted_secure_topic: 404, deleted_private_topic: 404, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 404, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when moderator" do before { sign_in(moderator) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 404, private_topic: 404, deleted_topic: 200, deleted_secure_topic: 404, deleted_private_topic: 404, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 404, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when admin" do before { sign_in(admin) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 200, private_topic: 200, deleted_topic: 200, deleted_secure_topic: 200, deleted_private_topic: 200, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 200, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end end context "with detailed error pages" do before { SiteSetting.detailed_404 = true } context "when anonymous" do expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 403, private_topic: 403, deleted_topic: 410, deleted_secure_topic: 403, deleted_private_topic: 403, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 403, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: true end context "when anonymous with login required" do before { SiteSetting.login_required = true } expected = { normal_topic: 302, secure_topic: 302, private_topic: 302, deleted_topic: 302, deleted_secure_topic: 302, deleted_private_topic: 302, nonexistent: 302, secure_accessible_topic: 302, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when normal user" do before { sign_in(user) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 403, private_topic: 403, deleted_topic: 410, deleted_secure_topic: 403, deleted_private_topic: 403, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 403, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: true end context "when allowed user" do before { sign_in(allowed_user) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 200, private_topic: 200, deleted_topic: 410, deleted_secure_topic: 410, deleted_private_topic: 410, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 403, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when moderator" do before { sign_in(moderator) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 403, private_topic: 403, deleted_topic: 200, deleted_secure_topic: 403, deleted_private_topic: 403, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 403, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end context "when admin" do before { sign_in(admin) } expected = { normal_topic: 200, secure_topic: 200, private_topic: 200, deleted_topic: 200, deleted_secure_topic: 200, deleted_private_topic: 200, nonexistent: 404, secure_accessible_topic: 200, } include_examples "various scenarios", expected, request_json: false end end end it "records a view" do expect do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" end.to change(TopicViewItem, :count).by(1) end it "records a view to invalid post_number" do expect do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/#{256**4}", params: { u: user.username } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end.to change { IncomingLink.count }.by(1) end it "records incoming links" do expect do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}", params: { u: user.username } end.to change { IncomingLink.count }.by(1) end context "with print" do it "doesn't renders the print view when disabled" do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 0 get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/print" expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "renders the print view when enabled" do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 10 get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/print", headers: { HTTP_USER_AGENT: "Rails Testing" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:body, class: "crawler") expect(body).to_not have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end it "uses the application layout when there's no param" do SiteSetting.max_prints_per_hour_per_user = 10 get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}", headers: { HTTP_USER_AGENT: "Rails Testing" } body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:script, src: "/assets/discourse.js") expect(body).to have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end context "with restricted tags" do let(:tag_group) { Fabricate.build(:tag_group) } let(:tag_group_permission) { Fabricate.build(:tag_group_permission, tag_group: tag_group) } let(:restricted_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let(:public_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } before do # avoid triggering a `before_create` callback in `TagGroup` which # messes with permissions tag_group.tag_group_permissions << tag_group_permission tag_group.save! tag_group_permission.tag_group.tags << restricted_tag topic.tags << [public_tag, restricted_tag] end it "doesn’t expose restricted tags" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/print", headers: { HTTP_USER_AGENT: "Rails Testing" } expect(response.body).to match(public_tag.name) expect(response.body).not_to match(restricted_tag.name) end end end it "records redirects" do get "/t/#{topic.id}", headers: { HTTP_REFERER: "http://twitter.com" } get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}", headers: { HTTP_REFERER: nil } link = IncomingLink.first expect(link.referer).to eq("http://twitter.com") end it "tracks a visit for all html requests" do sign_in(user) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}" topic_user = TopicUser.where(user: user, topic: topic).first expect(topic_user.last_visited_at).to eq_time(topic_user.first_visited_at) end context "when considering for a promotion" do before do SiteSetting.tl1_requires_topics_entered = 0 SiteSetting.tl1_requires_read_posts = 0 SiteSetting.tl1_requires_time_spent_mins = 0 SiteSetting.tl1_requires_time_spent_mins = 0 end it "reviews the user for a promotion if they're new" do sign_in(user) user.update_column(:trust_level, TrustLevel[0]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" user.reload expect(user.trust_level).to eq(1) end end context "with filters" do def extract_post_stream json = response.parsed_body json["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |post| post["id"] } end before do TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(2) @post_ids = topic.posts.pluck(:id) 3.times { @post_ids << Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic).id } end it "grabs the correct set of posts" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[0..1]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 1 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[0..1]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 2 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[2..3]) post_number = topic.posts.pluck(:post_number).sort[3] get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}/#{post_number}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[-2..-1]) TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(3) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 1 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[0..2]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 2 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[3..3]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 3 } expect(response.status).to eq(404) TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(4) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 1 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(extract_post_stream).to eq(@post_ids[0..3]) get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", params: { page: 2 } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end describe "#show filters" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1) } fab!(:topic) { post.topic } fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic) } describe "filter by replies to a post" do fab!(:post3) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author3, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post2.post_number, ) end fab!(:post4) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author4, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post2.post_number, ) end fab!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author5, topic: topic) } fab!(:quote_reply) { Fabricate(:basic_reply, user: user, topic: topic) } fab!(:post_reply) { PostReply.create(post_id: post2.id, reply_post_id: quote_reply.id) } it "should return the right posts" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { replies_to_post_number: post2.post_number } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body.has_key?("suggested_topics")).to eq(false) expect(body.has_key?("related_messages")).to eq(false) ids = body["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |p| p["id"] } expect(ids).to eq([post.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id, quote_reply.id]) end end describe "filter by top level replies" do fab!(:post3) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author3, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post2.post_number, ) end fab!(:post4) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author4, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post2.post_number, ) end fab!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author5, topic: topic) } fab!(:post6) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author4, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post5.post_number, ) end it "should return the right posts" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { filter_top_level_replies: true } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body.has_key?("suggested_topics")).to eq(false) expect(body.has_key?("related_messages")).to eq(false) ids = body["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |p| p["id"] } expect(ids).to eq([post2.id, post5.id]) end end describe "filter upwards by post id" do fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) } fab!(:post4) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author4, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post3.post_number, ) end fab!(:post5) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author5, topic: topic, reply_to_post_number: post4.post_number, ) end fab!(:post6) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author6, topic: topic) } it "should return the right posts" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { filter_upwards_post_id: post5.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body.has_key?("suggested_topics")).to eq(false) expect(body.has_key?("related_messages")).to eq(false) ids = body["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |p| p["id"] } # includes topic OP, current post and subsequent posts # but only one level of parents, respecting default max_reply_history = 1 expect(ids).to eq([post.id, post4.id, post5.id, post6.id]) end it "should respect max_reply_history site setting" do SiteSetting.max_reply_history = 2 get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { filter_upwards_post_id: post5.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body ids = body["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |p| p["id"] } # includes 2 levels of replies (post3 and post4) expect(ids).to eq([post.id, post3.id, post4.id, post5.id, post6.id]) end end end context "when 'login required' site setting has been enabled" do before { SiteSetting.login_required = true } context "when the user is logged in" do before { sign_in(user) } it "shows the topic" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) end end context "when the user is not logged in" do let(:api_key) { Fabricate(:api_key, user: topic.user) } it "redirects browsers to the login page" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}" expect(response).to redirect_to login_path end it "raises a 403 for json requests" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "shows the topic if valid api key is provided" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json", headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => api_key.key } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic.reload expect(topic.views).to eq(1) end it "returns 403 for an invalid key" do %i[json html].each do |format| get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.#{format}", headers: { "HTTP_API_KEY" => "bad" } expect(response.code.to_i).to eq(403) expect(response.body).to include(I18n.t("invalid_access")) end end end end it "is included for unlisted topics" do get "/t/#{invisible_topic.slug}/#{invisible_topic.id}.json" expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq("noindex") end it "is not included for normal topics" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq(nil) end it "is included when allow_index_in_robots_txt is set to false" do SiteSetting.allow_index_in_robots_txt = false get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq("noindex, nofollow") end it "doesn't store an incoming link when there's no referer" do expect { get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" }.not_to change(IncomingLink, :count) expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "doesn't raise an error on a very long link" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", headers: { HTTP_REFERER: "http://#{"a" * 2000}.com" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end context "when `enable_user_status` site setting is enabled" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1) } fab!(:topic) { post.topic } fab!(:post2) do Fabricate( :post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, raw: "I am mentioning @#{post_author1.username}.", ) end before { SiteSetting.enable_user_status = true } it "does not return mentions when `enable_user_status` site setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_user_status = false get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["post_stream"]["posts"][1]["mentioned_users"]).to eq(nil) end it "returns mentions with status" do post_author1.set_status!("off to dentist", "tooth") get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["post_stream"]["posts"][1]["mentioned_users"].length).to be(1) mentioned_user = json["post_stream"]["posts"][1]["mentioned_users"][0] expect(mentioned_user["id"]).to be(post_author1.id) expect(mentioned_user["name"]).to eq(post_author1.name) expect(mentioned_user["username"]).to eq(post_author1.username) status = mentioned_user["status"] expect(status).to be_present expect(status["emoji"]).to eq(post_author1.user_status.emoji) expect(status["description"]).to eq(post_author1.user_status.description) end it "returns an empty list of mentioned users if there are no mentions in a post" do Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, raw: "Post without mentions.") get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["post_stream"]["posts"][2]["mentioned_users"].length).to be(0) end it "returns an empty list of mentioned users if an unexisting user was mentioned" do Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, raw: "Mentioning an @unexisting_user.") get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["post_stream"]["posts"][2]["mentioned_users"].length).to be(0) end end describe "has_escaped_fragment?" do context "when the SiteSetting is disabled" do it "uses the application layout even with an escaped fragment param" do SiteSetting.enable_escaped_fragments = false get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}", params: { _escaped_fragment_: "true" } body = response.body expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(body).to have_tag(:script, with: { src: "/assets/discourse.js" }) expect(body).to_not have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end end context "when the SiteSetting is enabled" do before { SiteSetting.enable_escaped_fragments = true } it "uses the application layout when there's no param" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}" body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:script, with: { src: "/assets/discourse.js" }) expect(body).to have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end it "uses the crawler layout when there's an _escaped_fragment_ param" do get "/t/#{topic.slug}/#{topic.id}", params: { _escaped_fragment_: true, }, headers: { HTTP_USER_AGENT: "Rails Testing", } body = response.body expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(body).to have_tag(:body, with: { class: "crawler" }) expect(body).to_not have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end end end describe "clear_notifications" do it "correctly clears notifications if specified via cookie" do set_subfolder "/eviltrout" notification = Fabricate(:notification) sign_in(notification.user) cookies["cn"] = "2828,100,#{notification.id}" get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.cookies["cn"]).to eq(nil) expect(response.headers["Set-Cookie"]).to match(%r{^cn=;.*path=/eviltrout}) notification.reload expect(notification.read).to eq(true) end it "correctly clears notifications if specified via header" do notification = Fabricate(:notification) sign_in(notification.user) get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", headers: { "Discourse-Clear-Notifications" => "2828,100,#{notification.id}", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) notification.reload expect(notification.read).to eq(true) end end describe "read only header" do it "returns no read only header by default" do get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.headers["Discourse-Readonly"]).to eq(nil) end it "returns a readonly header if the site is read only" do Discourse.received_postgres_readonly! get "/t/#{topic.id}.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.headers["Discourse-Readonly"]).to eq("true") end end describe "image only topic" do it "uses image alt tag for meta description" do post = Fabricate( :post, user: post_author1, raw: "![image_description|690x405](upload://sdtr5O5xaxf0iEOxICxL36YRj86.png)", ) get post.topic.url body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag( :meta, with: { name: "description", content: "[image_description]", }, ) end it "uses image cdn url for schema markup" do set_cdn_url("http://cdn.localhost") post = Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image, user: post_author1) cpp = CookedPostProcessor.new(post).update_post_image get post.topic.url body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:link, with: { itemprop: "image", href: post.image_url }) end end end describe "#post_ids" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1) } fab!(:topic) { post.topic } before { TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(1) } it "returns the right post ids" do post2 = Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic) post3 = Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) get "/t/#{topic.id}/post_ids.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_ids"]).to eq([post2.id, post3.id]) end describe "filtering by post number with filters" do describe "username filters" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) } fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) } it "should return the right posts" do get "/t/#{topic.id}/post_ids.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number, username_filters: post2.user.username, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_ids"]).to eq([post2.id]) end end describe "summary filter" do fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, percent_rank: 0.2) } fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) } it "should return the right posts" do get "/t/#{topic.id}/post_ids.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number, filter: "summary", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_ids"]).to eq([post2.id]) end end describe "custom filters" do fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, percent_rank: 0.2) } fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic, percent_rank: 0.5) } it "should return the right posts" do TopicView.add_custom_filter("percent") do |posts, topic_view| posts.where(percent_rank: 0.5) end get "/t/#{topic.id}.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number, filter: "percent" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_stream"]["posts"].map { |p| p["id"] }).to eq([post3.id]) ensure TopicView.instance_variable_set(:@custom_filters, {}) end end end end describe "#posts" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1) } fab!(:topic) { post.topic } after { Discourse.redis.flushdb } it "returns first post of the topic" do # we need one for suggested create_post get "/t/#{topic.id}/posts.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_stream"]["posts"].first["id"]).to eq(post.id) expect(body["suggested_topics"]).to eq(nil) get "/t/#{topic.id}/posts.json?include_suggested=true" body = response.parsed_body expect(body["suggested_topics"]).not_to eq(nil) end describe "filtering by post number with filters" do describe "username filters" do fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic) } fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) } it "should return the right posts" do TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(2) get "/t/#{topic.id}/posts.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number, username_filters: post2.user.username, asc: true, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_stream"]["posts"].first["id"]).to eq(post2.id) end end describe "summary filter" do fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic, percent_rank: 0.2) } fab!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) } it "should return the right posts" do TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(2) get "/t/#{topic.id}/posts.json", params: { post_number: post.post_number, filter: "summary", asc: true, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["post_stream"]["posts"].first["id"]).to eq(post2.id) end end end end describe "#feed" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1).topic } it "renders rss of the topic" do get "/t/foo/#{topic.id}.rss" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.media_type).to eq("application/rss+xml") # our RSS feed is full of post 1/2/3/4/5 links, we do not want it included # in the index, and do not want links followed # this allows us to remove it while allowing via robots.txt expect(response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"]).to eq("noindex, nofollow") end it "renders rss of the topic correctly with subfolder" do set_subfolder "/forum" get "/t/foo/#{topic.id}.rss" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.body).to_not include("/forum/forum") expect(response.body).to include("http://test.localhost/forum/t/#{topic.slug}") end it "returns 404 when posts are deleted" do topic.posts.each(&:trash!) get "/t/foo/#{topic.id}.rss" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "returns 404 when the topic is deleted" do topic.trash! get "/t/foo/#{topic.id}.rss" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end describe "#invite_group" do let!(:admins) { Group[:admins] } before do sign_in(admin) admins.messageable_level = Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone] admins.save! end it "disallows inviting a group to a topic" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/invite-group.json", params: { group: "admins" } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it "allows inviting a group to a PM" do post "/t/#{pm.id}/invite-group.json", params: { group: "admins" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(pm.allowed_groups.first.id).to eq(admins.id) end end describe "#make_banner" do it "needs you to be a staff member" do tl4_topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: sign_in(trust_level_4)) put "/t/#{tl4_topic.id}/make-banner.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe "when logged in" do it "changes the topic archetype to 'banner'" do admin_topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: sign_in(admin)) put "/t/#{admin_topic.id}/make-banner.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) admin_topic.reload expect(admin_topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.banner) end end end describe "#remove_banner" do it "needs you to be a staff member" do tl4_topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: sign_in(trust_level_4), archetype: Archetype.banner) put "/t/#{tl4_topic.id}/remove-banner.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end describe "when logged in" do it "resets the topic archetype" do admin_topic = Fabricate(:topic, user: sign_in(admin), archetype: Archetype.banner) put "/t/#{admin_topic.id}/remove-banner.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) admin_topic.reload expect(admin_topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.default) end end end describe "#remove_allowed_user" do it "admin can be removed from a pm" do sign_in(admin) pm = create_post( user: user, archetype: "private_message", target_usernames: [user.username, admin.username], ) put "/t/#{pm.topic_id}/remove-allowed-user.json", params: { username: admin.username } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(TopicAllowedUser.where(topic_id: pm.topic_id, user_id: admin.id).first).to eq(nil) end end describe "#bulk" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/topics/bulk.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "when logged in" do before { sign_in(user) } let!(:operation) { { type: "change_category", category_id: "1" } } let!(:topic_ids) { [1, 2, 3] } it "requires a list of topic_ids or filter" do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { operation: operation } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "requires an operation param" do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { topic_ids: topic_ids } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "requires a type field for the operation param" do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { topic_ids: topic_ids, operation: {} } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "can mark sub-categories unread" do sub = Fabricate(:category, parent_category_id: category.id) topic.update!(category_id: sub.id) post1 = create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic.id) create_post(topic_id: topic.id) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { category_id: category.id, include_subcategories: true, filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(TopicUser.get(post1.topic, post1.user).last_read_post_number).to eq(2) end it "can mark tag topics unread" do TopicTag.create!(topic_id: topic.id, tag_id: tag.id) post1 = create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic.id) create_post(topic_id: topic.id) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { tag_name: tag.name, filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(TopicUser.get(post1.topic, post1.user).last_read_post_number).to eq(2) end context "with private message" do before_all { Group.refresh_automatic_groups! } fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]).tap do |g| g.add(user_2) end end fab!(:group_message) do create_post( user: user, target_group_names: [group.name], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end fab!(:private_message) do create_post( user: user, target_usernames: [user_2.username], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end fab!(:private_message_2) do create_post( user: user, target_usernames: [user_2.username], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end fab!(:group_pm_topic_user) do TopicUser .find_by(user: user_2, topic: group_message) .tap { |tu| tu.update!(last_read_post_number: 1) } end fab!(:regular_pm_topic_user) do TopicUser .find_by(user: user_2, topic: private_message) .tap { |tu| tu.update!(last_read_post_number: 1) } end fab!(:regular_pm_topic_user_2) do TopicUser .find_by(user: user_2, topic: private_message_2) .tap { |tu| tu.update!(last_read_post_number: 1) } end before_all do create_post(user: user, topic: group_message) create_post(user: user, topic: private_message) create_post(user: user, topic: private_message_2) end before { sign_in(user_2) } it "can dismiss all user and group private message topics" do expect do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, private_message_inbox: "all", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end.to change { group_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number }.from(1).to( 2, ).and change { regular_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number }.from(1).to(2) end it "can dismiss all user unread private message topics" do stub_const(TopicQuery, "DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_COUNT", 1) do expect do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, private_message_inbox: "user", } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end.to change { regular_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number }.from(1).to( 2, ).and change { regular_pm_topic_user_2.reload.last_read_post_number }.from(1).to(2) expect(group_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number).to eq(1) end end it "returns the right response when trying to dismiss private messages of an invalid group" do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, private_message_inbox: "group", group_name: "randomgroup", } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "returns the right response when trying to dismiss private messages of a restricted group" do sign_in(user) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, private_message_inbox: "group", group_name: group.name, } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "can dismiss all group unread private message topics" do expect do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, private_message_inbox: "group", group_name: group.name, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end.to change { group_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number }.from(1).to(2) expect(regular_pm_topic_user.reload.last_read_post_number).to eq(1) end end it "can find unread" do # mark all unread muted put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: :change_notification_level, notification_level_id: 0, }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "delegates work to `TopicsBulkAction`" do topics_bulk_action = mock TopicsBulkAction .expects(:new) .with(user, topic_ids, operation, group: nil) .returns(topics_bulk_action) topics_bulk_action.expects(:perform!) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { topic_ids: topic_ids, operation: operation } end it "raises an error if topic_ids is provided and it is not an array" do put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { topic_ids: "1", operation: operation } expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to match( /Expecting topic_ids to contain a list/, ) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { topic_ids: [1], operation: operation } expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to eq(nil) end it "respects the tracked parameter" do # untracked topic CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, NotificationLevels.all[:regular], category.id, ) create_post(user: user, topic_id: topic.id) topic.update!(category_id: category.id) create_post(topic_id: topic.id) # tracked topic CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, NotificationLevels.all[:tracking], tracked_category.id, ) tracked_topic = create_post(user: user).topic tracked_topic.update!(category_id: tracked_category.id) create_post(topic_id: tracked_topic.id) put "/topics/bulk.json", params: { filter: "unread", operation: { type: "dismiss_posts", }, tracked: true, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(TopicUser.get(topic, user).last_read_post_number).to eq(topic.posts.count - 1) expect(TopicUser.get(tracked_topic, user).last_read_post_number).to eq( tracked_topic.posts.count, ) end end end describe "#remove_bookmarks" do it "should remove bookmarks properly from non first post" do sign_in(user) post = create_post post2 = create_post(topic_id: post.topic_id) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: post) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: post2) put "/t/#{post.topic_id}/remove_bookmarks.json" expect(Bookmark.where(user: user).count).to eq(0) end it "should disallow bookmarks on posts you have no access to" do sign_in(Fabricate(:user)) pm = create_post(user: user, archetype: "private_message", target_usernames: [user.username]) put "/t/#{pm.topic_id}/bookmark.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "with bookmarks with reminders" do it "deletes all the bookmarks for the user in the topic" do sign_in(user) post = create_post Fabricate(:bookmark, bookmarkable: post, user: user) put "/t/#{post.topic_id}/remove_bookmarks.json" expect(Bookmark.for_user_in_topic(user.id, post.topic_id).count).to eq(0) end end end describe "#bookmark" do before { sign_in(user) } it "should create a new bookmark for the topic" do post = create_post post2 = create_post(topic_id: post.topic_id) put "/t/#{post.topic_id}/bookmark.json" expect(Bookmark.find_by(user_id: user.id).bookmarkable_id).to eq(post.topic_id) end it "errors if the topic is already bookmarked for the user" do post = create_post Bookmark.create(bookmarkable: post.topic, user: user) put "/t/#{post.topic_id}/bookmark.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end describe "#reset_new" do context "when a user is not signed in" do it "fails" do put "/topics/reset-new.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end context "when a user is signed in" do before_all do @old_date = 2.years.ago user.user_stat.update_column(:new_since, @old_date) CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category( user, NotificationLevels.all[:tracking], tracked_category.id, ) end let!(:old_date) { @old_date } before { sign_in(user) } context "when tracked is unset" do it "updates the `new_since` date" do TopicTrackingState.expects(:publish_dismiss_new) put "/topics/reset-new.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) user.reload expect(user.user_stat.new_since.to_date).not_to eq(old_date.to_date) end end describe "when tracked param is true" do it "does not update user_stat.new_since" do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true" expect(response.status).to eq(200) user.reload expect(user.user_stat.new_since.to_date).to eq(old_date.to_date) end it "creates dismissed topic user records for each new topic" do tracked_topic = create_post(category: tracked_category).topic create_post # This is a new post, but is not tracked so a record will not be created for it expect do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true" end.to change { DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id, topic_id: tracked_topic.id).count }.by(1) end end context "when 5 tracked topics exist" do before_all do @tracked_topic_ids = 5.times.map { create_post(category: tracked_category).topic.id } @tracked_topic_ids.freeze end describe "when tracked param is true" do it "creates dismissed topic user records if there are > 30 (default pagination) topics" do expect do stub_const(TopicQuery, "DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_COUNT", 2) do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true" end end.to change { DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id, topic_id: @tracked_topic_ids).count }.by(5) end it "creates dismissed topic user records if there are > 30 (default pagination) topics and topic_ids are provided" do dismissing_topic_ids = @tracked_topic_ids.sample(4) expect do stub_const(TopicQuery, "DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_COUNT", 2) do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true", params: { topic_ids: dismissing_topic_ids, } end end.to change { DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id, topic_id: @tracked_topic_ids).count }.by(4) end end context "when two extra topics exist" do before_all do @topic_ids = @tracked_topic_ids + [Fabricate(:topic).id, Fabricate(:topic).id] @topic_ids.freeze end context "when tracked=false" do it "updates the user_stat new_since column and dismisses all the new topics" do old_new_since = user.user_stat.new_since put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=false" expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id, topic_id: @topic_ids).count).to eq( 7, ) expect(user.reload.user_stat.new_since > old_new_since).to eq(true) end it "does not pass topic ids that are not new for the user to the bulk action, limit the scope to new topics" do dismiss_ids = @topic_ids[0..1] other_ids = @topic_ids[2..-1].sort.reverse DismissedTopicUser.create(user_id: user.id, topic_id: dismiss_ids.first) DismissedTopicUser.create(user_id: user.id, topic_id: dismiss_ids.second) expect { put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=false" }.to change { DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).count }.by(5) end end end end context "with category" do fab!(:subcategory) { Fabricate(:category, parent_category_id: category.id) } fab!(:category_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:subcategory_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: subcategory) } it "dismisses topics for main category" do TopicTrackingState.expects(:publish_dismiss_new).with( user.id, topic_ids: [category_topic.id], ) put "/topics/reset-new.json?category_id=#{category.id}" expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to eq( [category_topic.id], ) end it "dismisses topics for main category and subcategories" do TopicTrackingState.expects(:publish_dismiss_new).with( user.id, topic_ids: [category_topic.id, subcategory_topic.id], ) put "/topics/reset-new.json?category_id=#{category.id}&include_subcategories=true" expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id).sort).to eq( [category_topic.id, subcategory_topic.id].sort, ) end end context "with tag" do fab!(:tag_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:topic_tag) { Fabricate(:topic_tag, topic: tag_topic, tag: tag) } it "dismisses topics for tag" do TopicTrackingState.expects(:publish_dismiss_new).with(user.id, topic_ids: [tag_topic.id]) put "/topics/reset-new.json?tag_id=#{tag.name}" expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to eq([tag_topic.id]) end end context "with tag and category" do fab!(:tag_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:topic_tag) { Fabricate(:topic_tag, topic: tag_topic, tag: tag) } fab!(:tag_and_category_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } fab!(:topic_tag2) { Fabricate(:topic_tag, topic: tag_and_category_topic, tag: tag) } it "dismisses topics for tag" do TopicTrackingState.expects(:publish_dismiss_new).with( user.id, topic_ids: [tag_and_category_topic.id], ) put "/topics/reset-new.json?tag_id=#{tag.name}&category_id=#{category.id}" expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to eq( [tag_and_category_topic.id], ) end end context "with specific topics" do fab!(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic) } it "updates the `new_since` date" do TopicTrackingState .expects(:publish_dismiss_new) .with(user.id, topic_ids: [topic2.id, topic3.id]) .at_least_once put "/topics/reset-new.json", **{ params: { topic_ids: [topic2.id, topic3.id] } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) user.reload expect(user.user_stat.new_since.to_date).not_to eq(old_date.to_date) expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to match_array( [topic2.id, topic3.id], ) end it "raises an error if topic_ids is provided and it is not an array" do put "/topics/reset-new.json", params: { topic_ids: topic2.id } expect(response.parsed_body["errors"].first).to match( /Expecting topic_ids to contain a list/, ) put "/topics/reset-new.json", params: { topic_ids: [topic2.id] } expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to eq(nil) end describe "when tracked param is true" do it "does not update user_stat.new_since and does not dismiss untracked topics" do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true", **{ params: { topic_ids: [topic2.id, topic3.id] } } expect(response.status).to eq(200) user.reload expect(user.user_stat.new_since.to_date).to eq(old_date.to_date) expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to be_empty end it "creates topic user records for each unread topic" do tracked_topic = create_post.topic tracked_topic.update!(category_id: tracked_category.id) topic2.update!(category_id: tracked_category.id) create_post # This is a new post, but is not tracked so a record will not be created for it expect do put "/topics/reset-new.json?tracked=true", **{ params: { topic_ids: [tracked_topic.id, topic2.id, topic3.id] } } end.to change { DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).count }.by(2) expect(DismissedTopicUser.where(user_id: user.id).pluck(:topic_id)).to match_array( [tracked_topic.id, topic2.id], ) end end end end end describe "#feature_stats" do it "works" do get "/topics/feature_stats.json", params: { category_id: 1 } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["pinned_in_category_count"]).to eq(0) expect(json["pinned_globally_count"]).to eq(0) expect(json["banner_count"]).to eq(0) end it "allows unlisted banner topic" do Fabricate(:topic, category_id: 1, archetype: Archetype.banner, visible: false) get "/topics/feature_stats.json", params: { category_id: 1 } json = response.parsed_body expect(json["banner_count"]).to eq(1) end end describe "#excerpts" do it "can correctly get excerpts" do first_post = create_post(raw: "This is the first post :)", title: "This is a test title I am making yay") second_post = create_post(raw: "This is second post", topic: first_post.topic) third_post = first_post.topic.add_small_action(first_post.user, "autobumped") random_post = Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1) get "/t/#{first_post.topic_id}/excerpts.json", params: { post_ids: [first_post.id, second_post.id, third_post.id, random_post.id], } json = response.parsed_body json.sort! { |a, b| a["post_id"] <=> b["post_id"] } # no random post expect(json.map { |p| p["post_id"] }).to contain_exactly( first_post.id, second_post.id, third_post.id, ) # keep emoji images expect(json[0]["excerpt"]).to match(/emoji/) expect(json[0]["excerpt"]).to match(/first post/) expect(json[0]["username"]).to eq(first_post.user.username) expect(json[0]["created_at"].present?).to eq(false) expect(json[1]["excerpt"]).to match(/second post/) expect(json[2]["action_code"]).to eq("autobumped") expect(json[2]["created_at"].present?).to eq(true) end end describe "#convert_topic" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/111/convert-topic/private.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end describe "converting public topic to private message" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user, topic: topic) } before { Group.refresh_automatic_groups! } it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to convert topic" do sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/convert-topic/private.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "with success" do it "returns success" do sign_in(admin) put "/t/#{topic.id}/convert-topic/private.json" topic.reload expect(topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.private_message) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end end end describe "converting private message to public topic" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) } before { Group.refresh_automatic_groups! } it "raises an error when the user doesn't have permission to convert topic" do sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/convert-topic/public.json" expect(response).to be_forbidden end context "with success" do it "returns success" do sign_in(admin) put "/t/#{topic.id}/convert-topic/public.json?category_id=#{category.id}" topic.reload expect(topic.archetype).to eq(Archetype.default) expect(topic.category_id).to eq(category.id) expect(response.status).to eq(200) result = response.parsed_body expect(result["success"]).to eq(true) expect(result["url"]).to be_present end end end end describe "#timings" do fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) } it "should record the timing" do sign_in(user) post "/topics/timings.json", params: { topic_id: topic.id, topic_time: 5, timings: { post_1.post_number => 2, }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) post_timing = PostTiming.first expect(post_timing.topic).to eq(topic) expect(post_timing.user).to eq(user) expect(post_timing.msecs).to eq(2) end it "caps post read time at the max integer value (2^31 - 1)" do PostTiming.create!( topic_id: post_1.topic.id, post_number: post_1.post_number, user_id: user.id, msecs: 2**31 - 10, ) sign_in(user) post "/topics/timings.json", params: { topic_id: topic.id, topic_time: 5, timings: { post_1.post_number => 100, }, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) post_timing = PostTiming.first expect(post_timing.topic).to eq(topic) expect(post_timing.user).to eq(user) expect(post_timing.msecs).to eq(2**31 - 1) end end describe "#timer" do context "when a user is not logged in" do it "should return the right response" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: "24", status_type: TopicTimer.types[1] } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end context "when does not have permission" do it "should return the right response" do sign_in(user) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: "24", status_type: TopicTimer.types[1] } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.parsed_body["error_type"]).to eq("invalid_access") end end context "when time is in the past" do it "returns an error" do freeze_time sign_in(admin) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: Time.current - 1.day, status_type: TopicTimer.types[1], } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end context "when logged in as an admin" do before do freeze_time sign_in(admin) end it "should be able to create a topic status update" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 24, status_type: TopicTimer.types[1] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic_status_update = TopicTimer.last expect(topic_status_update.topic).to eq(topic) expect(topic_status_update.execute_at).to eq_time(24.hours.from_now) json = response.parsed_body expect(DateTime.parse(json["execute_at"])).to eq_time( DateTime.parse(topic_status_update.execute_at.to_s), ) expect(json["duration_minutes"]).to eq(topic_status_update.duration_minutes) expect(json["closed"]).to eq(topic.reload.closed) end it "should be able to delete a topic status update" do Fabricate(:topic_timer, topic: topic) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: nil, status_type: TopicTimer.types[1] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.public_topic_timer).to eq(nil) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["execute_at"]).to eq(nil) expect(json["duration_minutes"]).to eq(nil) expect(json["closed"]).to eq(topic.closed) end it "should be able to create a topic status update with duration" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { duration_minutes: 7200, status_type: TopicTimer.types[7], } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic_status_update = TopicTimer.last expect(topic_status_update.topic).to eq(topic) expect(topic_status_update.execute_at).to eq_time(5.days.from_now) expect(topic_status_update.duration_minutes).to eq(7200) json = response.parsed_body expect(DateTime.parse(json["execute_at"])).to eq_time( DateTime.parse(topic_status_update.execute_at.to_s), ) expect(json["duration_minutes"]).to eq(topic_status_update.duration_minutes) end it "should be able to delete a topic status update for delete_replies type" do Fabricate(:topic_timer, topic: topic, status_type: TopicTimer.types[:delete_replies]) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: nil, status_type: TopicTimer.types[7] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.public_topic_timer).to eq(nil) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["execute_at"]).to eq(nil) expect(json["duration"]).to eq(nil) expect(json["closed"]).to eq(topic.closed) end describe "publishing topic to category in the future" do it "should be able to create the topic status update" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 24, status_type: TopicTimer.types[3], category_id: topic.category_id, } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic_status_update = TopicTimer.last expect(topic_status_update.topic).to eq(topic) expect(topic_status_update.execute_at).to eq_time(24.hours.from_now) expect(topic_status_update.status_type).to eq(TopicTimer.types[:publish_to_category]) json = response.parsed_body expect(json["category_id"]).to eq(topic.category_id) end end describe "invalid status type" do it "should raise the right error" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 10, status_type: "something" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) expect(response.body).to include("status_type") end end end context "when logged in as a TL4 user" do before { SiteSetting.enable_category_group_moderation = true } it "raises an error if the user can't see the topic" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[4]) sign_in(user) pm_topic = Fabricate(:private_message_topic) post "/t/#{pm_topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: "24", status_type: TopicTimer.types[1], } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.parsed_body["error_type"]).to eq("invalid_access") end it "allows a category moderator to create a delete timer" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[4]) topic.category.update!(reviewable_by_group: user.groups.first) sign_in(user) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 10, status_type: "delete" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "raises an error setting a delete timer" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[4]) sign_in(user) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 10, status_type: "delete" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.parsed_body["error_type"]).to eq("invalid_access") end it "raises an error setting delete_replies timer" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[4]) sign_in(user) post "/t/#{topic.id}/timer.json", params: { time: 10, status_type: "delete_replies" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) expect(response.parsed_body["error_type"]).to eq("invalid_access") end end end describe "#set_slow_mode" do context "when not logged in" do it "returns a forbidden response" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end context "when logged in as an admin" do it "allows admins to set the slow mode interval" do sign_in(admin) put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600" } topic.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.slow_mode_seconds).to eq(3600) end end context "when logged in as a regular user" do it "does nothing if the user is not TL4" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[3]) sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "allows TL4 users to set the slow mode interval" do user.update!(trust_level: TrustLevel[4]) sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600" } topic.reload expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.slow_mode_seconds).to eq(3600) end end context "with auto-disable slow mode" do before { sign_in(admin) } let!(:timestamp) { 1.week.from_now.to_formatted_s(:iso8601) } it "sets a topic timer to clear the slow mode automatically" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600", enabled_until: timestamp } created_timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic) execute_at = created_timer.execute_at.to_formatted_s(:iso8601) expect(execute_at).to eq(timestamp) end it "deletes the topic timer" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600", enabled_until: timestamp } put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "0", enabled_until: timestamp } created_timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic) expect(created_timer).to be_nil end it "updates the existing timer" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600", enabled_until: timestamp } updated_timestamp = 1.hour.from_now.to_formatted_s(:iso8601) put "/t/#{topic.id}/slow_mode.json", params: { seconds: "3600", enabled_until: updated_timestamp, } created_timer = TopicTimer.find_by(topic: topic) execute_at = created_timer.execute_at.to_formatted_s(:iso8601) expect(execute_at).to eq(updated_timestamp) end end end describe "#invite" do context "when not logged in" do it "should return the right response" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/invite.json", params: { email: "jake@adventuretime.ooo" } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end context "when logged in" do before { sign_in(user) } context "when topic id is not PM" do fab!(:user_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } it "should return the right response" do user.update!(trust_level: SiteSetting.min_trust_level_to_allow_invite) post "/t/#{user_topic.id}/invite.json", params: { email: "someguy@email.com" } expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end context "when topic id is invalid" do it "should return the right response" do id = topic.id topic.destroy! post "/t/#{id}/invite.json", params: { email: user.email } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end it "requires an email parameter" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/invite.json" expect(response.status).to eq(422) end context "when PM has reached maximum allowed numbers of recipients" do fab!(:pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user) } fab!(:moderator_pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: moderator) } before do SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients = 2 Group.refresh_automatic_groups! end it "doesn't allow normal users to invite" do post "/t/#{pm.id}/invite.json", params: { user: user_2.username } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to contain_exactly( I18n.t( "pm_reached_recipients_limit", recipients_limit: SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients, ), ) end it "allows staff to bypass limits" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{moderator_pm.id}/invite.json", params: { user: user_2.username } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(moderator_pm.reload.topic_allowed_users.count).to eq(3) end end context "when user does not have permission to invite to the topic" do fab!(:topic) { pm } it "should return the right response" do post "/t/#{topic.id}/invite.json", params: { user: user.username } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end end end describe "invite_group" do let!(:admins) { Group[:admins] } def invite_group(topic, expected_status) post "/t/#{topic.id}/invite-group.json", params: { group: admins.name } expect(response.status).to eq(expected_status) end before { admins.update!(messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) } context "as an anon user" do it "should be forbidden" do invite_group(pm, 403) end end context "as a normal user" do before { sign_in(user) } context "when user does not have permission to view the topic" do it "should be forbidden" do invite_group(pm, 403) end end context "when user has permission to view the topic" do before { pm.allowed_users << user } it "should allow user to invite group to topic" do invite_group(pm, 200) expect(pm.allowed_groups.first.id).to eq(admins.id) end end end context "as an admin user" do before { sign_in(admin) } it "disallows inviting a group to a topic" do invite_group(topic, 422) end it "allows inviting a group to a PM" do invite_group(pm, 200) expect(pm.allowed_groups.first.id).to eq(admins.id) end end context "when PM has reached maximum allowed numbers of recipients" do fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: 99) } fab!(:pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: user) } fab!(:moderator_pm) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic, user: moderator) } before { SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients = 2 } it "doesn't allow normal users to invite" do post "/t/#{pm.id}/invite-group.json", params: { group: group.name } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(response.parsed_body["errors"]).to contain_exactly( I18n.t( "pm_reached_recipients_limit", recipients_limit: SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients, ), ) end it "allows staff to bypass limits" do sign_in(moderator) post "/t/#{moderator_pm.id}/invite-group.json", params: { group: group.name } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect( moderator_pm.reload.topic_allowed_users.count + moderator_pm.topic_allowed_groups.count, ).to eq(3) end end end describe "shared drafts" do before { SiteSetting.shared_drafts_category = shared_drafts_category.id } describe "#update_shared_draft" do fab!(:other_cat) { Fabricate(:category) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: shared_drafts_category, visible: false) } context "when anonymous" do it "doesn't allow staff to update the shared draft" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/shared-draft.json", params: { category_id: other_cat.id } expect(response.code.to_i).to eq(403) end end context "as a moderator" do before { sign_in(moderator) } context "with a shared draft" do fab!(:shared_draft) { Fabricate(:shared_draft, topic: topic, category: category) } it "allows staff to update the category id" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/shared-draft.json", params: { category_id: other_cat.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic.reload expect(topic.shared_draft.category_id).to eq(other_cat.id) end end context "without a shared draft" do it "allows staff to update the category id" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/shared-draft.json", params: { category_id: other_cat.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) topic.reload expect(topic.shared_draft.category_id).to eq(other_cat.id) end end end end describe "#publish" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: shared_drafts_category, visible: false) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic) } it "fails for anonymous users" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/publish.json", params: { destination_category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end it "fails as a regular user" do sign_in(user) put "/t/#{topic.id}/publish.json", params: { destination_category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(403) end context "as staff" do before { sign_in(moderator) } it "will publish the topic" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/publish.json", params: { destination_category_id: category.id } expect(response.status).to eq(200) json = response.parsed_body["basic_topic"] result = Topic.find(json["id"]) expect(result.category_id).to eq(category.id) expect(result.visible).to eq(true) end it "fails if the destination category is the shared drafts category" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/publish.json", params: { destination_category_id: shared_drafts_category.id, } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end end end describe "crawler" do context "when not a crawler" do it "renders with the application layout" do get topic.url body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:script, with: { src: "/assets/discourse.js" }) expect(body).to have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end end context "when a crawler" do it "renders with the crawler layout, and handles proper pagination" do page1_time = 3.months.ago page2_time = 2.months.ago page3_time = 1.month.ago freeze_time page1_time Fabricate(:post, user: post_author2, topic: topic) Fabricate(:post, user: post_author3, topic: topic) freeze_time page2_time Fabricate(:post, user: post_author4, topic: topic) Fabricate(:post, user: post_author5, topic: topic) freeze_time page3_time Fabricate(:post, user: post_author6, topic: topic) # ugly, but no interface to set this and we don't want to create # 100 posts to test this thing TopicView.stubs(:chunk_size).returns(2) user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" get topic.url, env: { "HTTP_USER_AGENT" => user_agent } body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:body, with: { class: "crawler" }) expect(body).to_not have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) expect(body).to include(' user_agent } body = response.body expect(response.headers["Last-Modified"]).to eq(page2_time.httpdate) expect(body).to include("id='post_3'") expect(body).to include("id='post_4'") expect(body).to include(' user_agent } body = response.body expect(response.headers["Last-Modified"]).to eq(page3_time.httpdate) expect(body).to include(' user_agent } expect(response.body).to include(' user_agent } expect(response.body).to include(' "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36", "HTTP_VIA" => "HTTP/1.0 web.archive.org (Wayback Save Page)", } body = response.body expect(body).to have_tag(:body, with: { class: "crawler" }) expect(body).to_not have_tag(:meta, with: { name: "fragment" }) end end end end describe "#reset_bump_date" do context "with errors" do it "needs you to be logged in" do put "/t/#{topic.id}/reset-bump-date.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end [:user].each do |user| it "denies access for #{user}" do sign_in(Fabricate(user)) put "/t/#{topic.id}/reset-bump-date.json" expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end it "should fail for non-existent topic" do max_id = Topic.maximum(:id) sign_in(admin) put "/t/#{max_id + 1}/reset-bump-date.json" expect(response.status).to eq(404) end end %i[admin moderator trust_level_4].each do |user| it "should reset bumped_at as #{user}" do sign_in(public_send(user)) topic.update!(bumped_at: 1.hour.ago) timestamp = 1.day.ago Fabricate(:post, user: post_author1, topic: topic, created_at: timestamp) put "/t/#{topic.id}/reset-bump-date.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(topic.reload.bumped_at).to eq_time(timestamp) end end end describe "#private_message_reset_new" do before_all { Group.refresh_automatic_groups! } fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]).tap { |g| g.add(user_2) } end fab!(:group_message) do create_post( user: user, target_group_names: [group.name], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end fab!(:private_message) do create_post( user: user, target_usernames: [user_2.username], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end fab!(:private_message_2) do create_post( user: user, target_usernames: [user_2.username], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end before { sign_in(user_2) } it "returns the right response when inbox param is missing" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json" expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "returns the right response when trying to reset new private messages of an invalid group" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { inbox: "group", group_name: "randomgroup" } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "returns the right response when trying to reset new private messages of a restricted group" do sign_in(user) put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { inbox: "group", group_name: group.name } expect(response.status).to eq(404) end it "can reset all new group private messages" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { inbox: "group", group_name: group.name } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.parsed_body["topic_ids"]).to contain_exactly(group_message.id) expect(DismissedTopicUser.count).to eq(1) expect(DismissedTopicUser.exists?(topic: group_message, user: user_2)).to eq(true) end it "can reset new personal private messages" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { inbox: "user" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(response.parsed_body["topic_ids"]).to contain_exactly( private_message.id, private_message_2.id, ) expect(DismissedTopicUser.count).to eq(2) expect( DismissedTopicUser.exists?(user: user_2, topic: [private_message, private_message_2]), ).to eq(true) end it "can reset new personal and group private messages" do stub_const(TopicQuery, "DEFAULT_PER_PAGE_COUNT", 1) do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { inbox: "all" } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(DismissedTopicUser.count).to eq(3) expect( DismissedTopicUser.exists?( user: user_2, topic: [private_message, private_message_2, group_message], ), ).to eq(true) end end it "returns the right response is topic_ids params is not valid" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { topic_ids: "1" } expect(response.status).to eq(400) end it "can reset new private messages from given topic ids" do put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { topic_ids: [group_message.id, "12345"] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(DismissedTopicUser.count).to eq(1) expect(DismissedTopicUser.exists?(topic: group_message, user: user_2)).to eq(true) put "/topics/pm-reset-new.json", params: { topic_ids: [private_message.id, "12345"] } expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(DismissedTopicUser.exists?(topic: private_message, user: user_2)).to eq(true) end end describe "#archive_message" do before_all { Group.refresh_automatic_groups! } fab!(:group) do Fabricate(:group, messageable_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]).tap { |g| g.add(user) } end fab!(:group_message) do create_post( user: user, target_group_names: [group.name], archetype: Archetype.private_message, ).topic end it "should be able to archive a private message" do sign_in(user) message = MessageBus .track_publish(PrivateMessageTopicTrackingState.group_channel(group.id)) do put "/t/#{group_message.id}/archive-message.json" expect(response.status).to eq(200) end .first expect(message.data["message_type"]).to eq( PrivateMessageTopicTrackingState::GROUP_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE_TYPE, ) expect(message.data["payload"]["acting_user_id"]).to eq(user.id) body = response.parsed_body expect(body["group_name"]).to eq(group.name) end end end