module ImportScripts; end class ImportScripts::Base def initialize require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment") @existing_users = {} @failed_users = [] @categories = {} @posts = {} @topic_lookup = {} UserCustomField.where(name: 'import_id').pluck(:user_id, :value).each do |user_id, import_id| @existing_users[import_id] = user_id end CategoryCustomField.where(name: 'import_id').pluck(:category_id, :value).each do |category_id, import_id| @categories[import_id] = Category.find(category_id.to_i) end PostCustomField.where(name: 'import_id').pluck(:post_id, :value).each do |post_id, import_id| @posts[import_id] = post_id end Post.pluck(:id, :topic_id, :post_number).each do |p,t,n| @topic_lookup[p] = {topic_id: t, post_number: n} end end def perform Rails.logger.level = 3 # :error, so that we don't create log files that are many GB SiteSetting.email_domains_blacklist = '' RateLimiter.disable execute update_bumped_at ensure RateLimiter.enable end # Implementation will do most of its work in its execute method. # It will need to call create_users, create_categories, and create_posts. def execute raise NotImplementedError end # Get the Discourse Post id based on the id of the source record def post_id_from_imported_post_id(import_id) @posts[import_id] || @posts[import_id.to_s] end # Get the Discourse topic info (a hash) based on the id of the source record def topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(import_id) post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(import_id) post_id ? @topic_lookup[post_id] : nil end # Get the Discourse User id based on the id of the source user def user_id_from_imported_user_id(import_id) @existing_users[import_id] || @existing_users[import_id.to_s] end # Get the Discourse Category id based on the id of the source category def category_from_imported_category_id(import_id) @categories[import_id] || @categories[import_id.to_s] end def create_admin(opts={}) admin = = opts[:email] || "" admin.username = opts[:username] || "sam" admin.password = SecureRandom.uuid! admin.grant_admin! admin.change_trust_level!(:regular) admin.email_tokens.update_all(confirmed: true) admin end # Iterate through a list of user records to be imported. # Takes a collection, and yields to the block for each element. # Block should return a hash with the attributes for the User model. # Required fields are :id and :email, where :id is the id of the # user in the original datasource. The given id will not be used to # create the Discourse user record. def create_users(results) puts "creating users" users_created = 0 users_skipped = 0 progress = 0 results.each do |result| u = yield(result) if user_id_from_imported_user_id(u[:id]) users_skipped += 1 elsif u[:email].present? new_user = create_user(u, u[:id]) if new_user.valid? @existing_users[u[:id].to_s] = users_created += 1 else @failed_users << u puts "Failed to create user id #{u[:id]} #{}: #{new_user.errors.full_messages}" end else @failed_users << u puts "Skipping user id #{u[:id]} because email is blank" end print_status users_created + users_skipped + @failed_users.length, results.size end puts '' puts "created: #{users_created} users" puts " failed: #{@failed_users.size}" if @failed_users.size > 0 end def create_user(opts, import_id) opts.delete(:id) existing = User.where(email: opts[:email].downcase, username: opts[:username]).first return existing if existing and existing.custom_fields["import_id"].to_i == import_id.to_i opts[:name] = User.suggest_name(opts[:name] || opts[:email]) opts[:username] = UserNameSuggester.suggest((opts[:username].present? ? opts[:username] : nil) || opts[:name] || opts[:email]) opts[:email] = opts[:email].downcase opts[:trust_level] = TrustLevel.levels[:basic] unless opts[:trust_level] u = u.custom_fields["import_id"] = import_id u.custom_fields["import_username"] = opts[:username] if opts[:username].present? begin! rescue # try based on email existing = User.find_by(email: opts[:email].downcase) if existing existing.custom_fields["import_id"] = import_id! u = existing end end u # If there was an error creating the user, u.errors has the messages end def find_user_by_import_id(import_id) UserCustomField.where(name: 'import_id', value: import_id.to_s).first.try(:user) end # Iterates through a collection to create categories. # The block should return a hash with attributes for the new category. # Required fields are :id and :name, where :id is the id of the # category in the original datasource. The given id will not be used to # create the Discourse category record. # Optional attributes are position, description, and parent_category_id. def create_categories(results) puts "creating categories" results.each do |c| params = yield(c) puts " #{params[:name]}" new_category = create_category(params, params[:id]) @categories[params[:id]] = new_category end end def create_category(opts, import_id) existing = category_from_imported_category_id(import_id) return existing if existing new_category = name: opts[:name], user_id: -1, position: opts[:position], description: opts[:description], parent_category_id: opts[:parent_category_id] ) new_category.custom_fields["import_id"] = import_id if import_id! new_category end # Iterates through a collection of posts to be imported. # It can create topics and replies. # Attributes will be passed to the PostCreator. # Topics should give attributes title and category. # Replies should provide topic_id. Use topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id to find the topic. def create_posts(results, opts={}) skipped = 0 created = 0 total = opts[:total] || results.size results.each do |r| params = yield(r) if params.nil? skipped += 1 next # block returns nil to skip a post end import_id = params.delete(:id).to_s if post_id_from_imported_post_id(import_id) skipped += 1 # already imported this post else begin new_post = create_post(params) @posts[import_id] = @topic_lookup[] = {post_number: new_post.post_number, topic_id: new_post.topic_id} created += 1 rescue => e skipped += 1 puts "Error creating post #{import_id}. Skipping." puts e.message end end print_status skipped + created + (opts[:offset] || 0), total end return [created, skipped] end def create_post(opts) user = User.find(opts[:user_id]) opts = opts.merge(skip_validations: true) PostCreator.create(user, opts) end def close_inactive_topics(opts={}) num_days = opts[:days] || 30 puts '', "Closing topics that have been inactive for more than #{num_days} days." query = Topic.where('last_posted_at < ?', num_days.days.ago).where(closed: false) total_count = query.count closed_count = 0 query.find_each do |topic| topic.update_status('closed', true, Discourse.system_user) closed_count += 1 print_status(closed_count, total_count) end end def update_bumped_at Post.exec_sql("update topics t set bumped_at = (select max(created_at) from posts where topic_id = and post_type != #{Post.types[:moderator_action]})") end def print_status(current, max) print "\r%9d / %d (%5.1f%%) " % [current, max, ((current.to_f / max.to_f) * 100).round(1)] end def batches(batch_size) offset = 0 loop do yield offset offset += batch_size end end end