module MemoryDiagnostics def self.snapshot_exists? File.exists?(snapshot_filename) end def = nil, to = nil) from ||= snapshot_filename if !to filename = snapshot_filename + ".new" snapshot_current_process(filename) to = filename end from = Marshal::load(IO.binread(from)); to = Marshal::load(IO.binread(to)); diff = from - to require 'objspace' diff = do |id| ObjectSpace._id2ref(id) rescue nil end diff.compact! report = "#{diff.length} objects have leaked\n" report << "Summary:\n" summary = {} diff.each do |obj| begin summary[obj.class] ||= 0 summary[obj.class] += 1 rescue # don't care end end report << summary.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }[0..50].map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.join("\n") report << "\n\nSample Items:\n" diff[0..5000].each do |v| report << "#{v.class}: #{String === v ? v[0..300] : (40 + ObjectSpace.memsize_of(v)).to_s + " bytes"}\n" rescue nil end report end def self.snapshot_path "#{Rails.root}/tmp/mem_snapshots" end def self.snapshot_filename "#{snapshot_path}/#{}.snapshot" end def self.snapshot_current_process(filename = nil) filename ||= snapshot_filename pid = fork do snapshot(filename) end Process.wait(pid) end def self.snapshot(filename) require 'objspace' FileUtils.mkdir_p snapshot_path object_ids = [] full_gc ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| begin object_ids << o.object_id rescue # skip end end IO.binwrite(filename, Marshal::dump(object_ids)) end def self.memory_report(opts = {}) begin # ruby 2.1 GC.start(full_mark: true) rescue GC.start end classes = {} large_objects = [] if opts[:class_report] require 'objspace' ObjectSpace.each_object do |o| begin classes[o.class] ||= 0 classes[o.class] += 1 if (size = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(o)) > 200 large_objects << [size, o] end rescue # all sorts of stuff can happen here BasicObject etc. classes[:unknown] ||= 0 classes[:unknown] += 1 end end classes = classes.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }[0..40].map { |klass, count| "#{klass}: #{count}" } classes << "\nLarge Objects (#{large_objects.length} larger than 200 bytes total size #{ { |x, _| x }.sum}):\n" classes += large_objects.sort { |a, b| b[0] <=> a[0] }[0..800].map do |size, object| rval = "#{object.class}: size #{size}" rval << " " << object.to_s[0..500].gsub("\n", "") if (String === object) || (Regexp === object) rval << "\n" rval end end stats = { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" } counts = ObjectSpace.count_objects.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }.map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" } < 0 ? classes.join("\n") : "Class report omitted use ?full=1 to include it"} TEXT end def self.full_gc # gc start may not collect everything GC.start while new_count = decreased_count(new_count) end def self.decreased_count(old) count = count_objects if !old || count < old count else nil end end def self.count_objects i = 0 ObjectSpace.each_object do |obj| i += 1 end end end