# The guardian is responsible for confirming access to various site resources and operations class Guardian class AnonymousUser def blank?; true; end def admin?; false; end def staff?; false; end def approved?; false; end def secure_category_ids; []; end def topic_create_allowed_category_ids; []; end def has_trust_level?(level); false; end def email; nil; end end def initialize(user=nil) @user = user.presence || AnonymousUser.new end def user @user.presence end alias :current_user :user def anonymous? !authenticated? end def authenticated? @user.present? end def is_admin? @user.admin? end def is_staff? @user.staff? end def is_developer? @user && is_admin? && (Rails.env.development? || ( Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:developer_emails) && Rails.configuration.developer_emails.include?(@user.email) ) ) end # Can the user see the object? def can_see?(obj) if obj see_method = method_name_for :see, obj return (see_method ? send(see_method, obj) : true) end end # Can the user edit the obj def can_edit?(obj) can_do?(:edit, obj) end # Can we delete the object def can_delete?(obj) can_do?(:delete, obj) end def can_moderate?(obj) obj && is_staff? end alias :can_move_posts? :can_moderate? alias :can_see_flags? :can_moderate? alias :can_send_activation_email? :can_moderate? # Can the user create a topic in the forum def can_create?(klass, parent=nil) return false unless authenticated? && klass # If no parent is provided, we look for a can_i_create_klass? # custom method. # # If a parent is provided, we look for a method called # can_i_create_klass_on_parent? target = klass.name.underscore if parent.present? return false unless can_see?(parent) target << "_on_#{parent.class.name.underscore}" end create_method = :"can_create_#{target}?" return send(create_method, parent) if respond_to?(create_method) true end # Can we impersonate this user? def can_impersonate?(target) target && # You must be an admin to impersonate is_admin? && # You may not impersonate other admins unless you are a dev (!target.admin? || is_developer?) # Additionally, you may not impersonate yourself; # but the two tests for different admin statuses # make it impossible to be the same user. end # Can we approve it? def can_approve?(target) is_staff? && target && not(target.approved?) end alias :can_activate? :can_approve? def can_ban?(user) user && is_staff? && user.regular? end alias :can_deactivate? :can_ban? def can_clear_flags?(post) is_staff? && post end def can_revoke_admin?(admin) can_administer_user?(admin) && admin.admin? end def can_grant_admin?(user) can_administer_user?(user) && not(user.admin?) end def can_revoke_moderation?(moderator) can_administer?(moderator) && moderator.moderator? end def can_grant_moderation?(user) can_administer?(user) && not(user.moderator?) end def can_grant_title?(user) user && is_staff? end def can_change_trust_level?(user) user && is_staff? end def can_block_user?(user) user && is_staff? && not(user.staff?) end def can_unblock_user?(user) user && is_staff? end def can_delete_user?(user) user && is_staff? && !user.admin? && user.created_at > SiteSetting.delete_user_max_age.to_i.days.ago end # Can we see who acted on a post in a particular way? def can_see_post_actors?(topic, post_action_type_id) return false unless topic type_symbol = PostActionType.types[post_action_type_id] return false if type_symbol == :bookmark return can_see_flags?(topic) if PostActionType.is_flag?(type_symbol) if type_symbol == :vote # We can see votes if the topic allows for public voting return false if topic.has_meta_data_boolean?(:private_poll) end true end # Support sites that have to approve users def can_access_forum? return true unless SiteSetting.must_approve_users? return false unless @user # Staff can't lock themselves out of a site return true if is_staff? @user.approved? end def can_see_pending_invites_from?(user) is_me?(user) end def can_invite_to?(object) authenticated? && can_see?(object) && ( (!SiteSetting.must_approve_users? && @user.has_trust_level?(:regular)) || is_staff? ) end def can_see_deleted_posts? is_staff? end def can_see_private_messages?(user_id) is_staff? || (authenticated? && @user.id == user_id) end def can_delete_all_posts?(user) is_staff? && user && !user.admin? && user.created_at >= SiteSetting.delete_user_max_age.days.ago && user.post_count <= SiteSetting.delete_all_posts_max.to_i end def can_remove_allowed_users?(topic) is_staff? end # Support for ensure_{blah}! methods. def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /^ensure_(.*)\!$/ can_method = :"#{Regexp.last_match[1]}?" if respond_to?(can_method) raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("#{can_method} failed") unless send(can_method, *args, &block) return end end super.method_missing(method, *args, &block) end # Make sure we can see the object. Will raise a NotFound if it's nil def ensure_can_see!(obj) raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("Can't see #{obj}") unless can_see?(obj) end # Creating Methods def can_create_category?(parent) is_staff? end def can_create_topic?(parent) user && user.trust_level >= SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_topic.to_i && can_create_post?(parent) end def can_create_topic_on_category?(category) can_create_topic?(nil) && ( !category || Category.topic_create_allowed(self).where(:id => category.id).count == 1 ) end def can_create_post?(parent) !SpamRule::AutoBlock.block?(@user) && ( !parent || !parent.category || Category.post_create_allowed(self).where(:id => parent.category.id).count == 1 ) end def can_create_post_on_topic?(topic) # No users can create posts on deleted topics return false if topic.trashed? is_staff? || (not(topic.closed? || topic.archived? || topic.trashed?) && can_create_post?(topic)) end # Editing Methods def can_edit_category?(category) is_staff? end def can_edit_post?(post) is_staff? || (!post.topic.archived? && is_my_own?(post) && !post.user_deleted &&!post.deleted_at) end def can_edit_user?(user) is_me?(user) || is_staff? end def can_edit_topic?(topic) !topic.archived && (is_staff? || is_my_own?(topic)) end def can_edit_username?(user) return true if is_staff? return false if SiteSetting.username_change_period <= 0 is_me?(user) && (user.post_count == 0 || user.created_at > SiteSetting.username_change_period.days.ago) end def can_edit_email?(user) return true if is_staff? return false unless SiteSetting.email_editable? can_edit?(user) end # Deleting Methods def can_delete_post?(post) # Can't delete the first post return false if post.post_number == 1 # You can delete your own posts return !post.user_deleted? if is_my_own?(post) is_staff? end # Recovery Method def can_recover_post?(post) is_staff? || (is_my_own?(post) && post.user_deleted && !post.deleted_at) end def can_recover_topic?(topic) is_staff? end def can_delete_category?(category) is_staff? && category.topic_count == 0 end def can_delete_topic?(topic) !topic.trashed? && is_staff? && !(Category.exists?(topic_id: topic.id)) end def can_delete_post_action?(post_action) # You can only undo your own actions is_my_own?(post_action) && not(post_action.is_private_message?) && # Make sure they want to delete it within the window post_action.created_at > SiteSetting.post_undo_action_window_mins.minutes.ago end def can_send_private_message?(target) (User === target || Group === target) && authenticated? && # Can't send message to yourself is_not_me?(target) && # Have to be a basic level at least @user.has_trust_level?(:basic) && SiteSetting.enable_private_messages end def can_reply_as_new_topic?(topic) authenticated? && topic && not(topic.private_message?) && @user.has_trust_level?(:basic) end def can_see_topic?(topic) if topic is_staff? || topic.deleted_at.nil? && # not secure, or I can see it (not(topic.read_restricted_category?) || can_see_category?(topic.category)) && # NOTE # At the moment staff can see PMs, there is some talk of restricting this, however # we still need to allow staff to join PMs for the case of flagging ones # not private, or I am allowed (or is staff) (not(topic.private_message?) || authenticated? && (topic.all_allowed_users.where(id: @user.id).exists? || is_staff?)) end end def can_see_post?(post) post.present? && (is_staff? || (!post.deleted_at.present? && can_see_topic?(post.topic))) end def can_see_category?(category) not(category.read_restricted) || secure_category_ids.include?(category.id) end def can_vote?(post, opts={}) post_can_act?(post,:vote, opts) end # Can the user act on the post in a particular way. # taken_actions = the list of actions the user has already taken def post_can_act?(post, action_key, opts={}) taken = opts[:taken_actions].try(:keys).to_a is_flag = PostActionType.is_flag?(action_key) already_taken_this_action = taken.any? && taken.include?(PostActionType.types[action_key]) already_did_flagging = taken.any? && (taken & PostActionType.flag_types.values).any? if authenticated? && post # we always allow flagging - NOTE: this does not seem true, see specs. (MVH) (is_flag && @user.has_trust_level?(:basic) && not(already_did_flagging)) || # not a flagging action, and haven't done it already not(is_flag || already_taken_this_action) && # nothing except flagging on archived posts not(post.topic.archived?) && # don't like your own stuff not(action_key == :like && is_my_own?(post)) && # no voting more than once on single vote topics not(action_key == :vote && opts[:voted_in_topic] && post.topic.has_meta_data_boolean?(:single_vote)) end end def secure_category_ids @secure_category_ids ||= @user.secure_category_ids end # all allowed category ids def allowed_category_ids unrestricted = Category.where(read_restricted: false).pluck(:id) unrestricted.concat(secure_category_ids) end def topic_create_allowed_category_ids @topic_create_allowed_category_ids ||= @user.topic_create_allowed_category_ids end private def is_my_own?(obj) unless anonymous? return obj.user_id == @user.id if obj.respond_to?(:user_id) && obj.user_id && @user.id return obj.user == @user if obj.respond_to?(:user) end false end def is_me?(other) other && authenticated? && User === other && @user == other end def is_not_me?(other) @user.blank? || !is_me?(other) end def can_administer?(obj) is_admin? && obj.present? end def can_administer_user?(other_user) can_administer?(other_user) && is_not_me?(other_user) end def method_name_for(action, obj) method_name = :"can_#{action}_#{obj.class.name.underscore}?" return method_name if respond_to?(method_name) end def can_do?(action, obj) if obj && authenticated? action_method = method_name_for action, obj return (action_method ? send(action_method, obj) : true) end end end