import { emojiSearch, IMAGE_VERSION as v } from 'pretty-text/emoji';
import { emojiUnescape } from 'discourse/lib/text';
function testUnescape(input, expected, description) {
equal(emojiUnescape(input), expected, description);
test("emojiUnescape", () => {
testUnescape("Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "title without emoji");
testUnescape("Not emoji :frog :smile", "Not emoji :frog :smile", "end colon is not optional");
testUnescape("emoticons :)", "emoticons
", "emoticons are still supported");
testUnescape("With emoji :O: :frog: :smile:",
`With emoji
"title with emoji");
testUnescape("a:smile:a", "a:smile:a", "word characters not allowed next to emoji");
testUnescape("(:frog:) :)", `(
`, "non-word characters allowed next to emoji");
testUnescape(":smile: hi", `
hi`, "start of line");
testUnescape("hi :smile:", `hi
`, "end of line");
test("Emoji search", () => {
// able to find an alias
equal(emojiSearch("+1").length, 1);
// able to find middle of line search
equal(emojiSearch("check", {maxResults: 3}).length, 3);