require 'spec_helper' describe TopicUser do it { should belong_to :user } it { should belong_to :topic } before do #mock time so we can test dates @now = DateTime.expects(:now).at_least_once.returns(@now) @topic = Fabricate(:topic) @user = Fabricate(:coding_horror) end describe 'notifications' do it 'should be set to tracking if auto_track_topics is enabled' do @user.auto_track_topics_after_msecs = 0 TopicUser.change(@user, @topic, {:starred_at =>}) TopicUser.get(@topic,@user).notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::TRACKING end it 'should reset regular topics to tracking topics if auto track is changed' do TopicUser.change(@user, @topic, {:starred_at =>}) @user.auto_track_topics_after_msecs = 0 TopicUser.get(@topic,@user).notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::TRACKING end it 'should be set to "regular" notifications, by default on non creators' do TopicUser.change(@user, @topic, {:starred_at =>}) TopicUser.get(@topic,@user).notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR end it 'reason should reset when changed' do @topic.notify_muted!(@topic.user) TopicUser.get(@topic,@topic.user).notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::USER_CHANGED end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when watched' do @topic.notify_watch!(@user) tu = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) tu.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::WATCHING tu.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::USER_CHANGED tu.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when set to regular' do @topic.notify_regular!(@user) tu = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) tu.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR tu.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::USER_CHANGED tu.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when set to regular' do @topic.notify_muted!(@user) tu = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) tu.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::MUTED tu.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::USER_CHANGED tu.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should watch topics a user created' do tu = TopicUser.get(@topic,@topic.user) tu.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::WATCHING tu.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::CREATED_TOPIC end end describe 'visited at' do before do TopicUser.track_visit!(@topic, @user) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) end it 'set upon initial visit' do @topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i @topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i end it 'updates upon repeat visit' do tomorrow = @now.tomorrow DateTime.expects(:now).returns(tomorrow) TopicUser.track_visit!(@topic,@user) # reload is a no go @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) @topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i @topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == tomorrow.to_i end end describe 'read tracking' do before do @post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @topic.user) TopicUser.update_last_read(@user,, 1, 0) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) end it 'should create a new record for a visit' do @topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == 1 @topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i @topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i end it 'should update the record for repeat visit' do Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @user) TopicUser.update_last_read(@user,, 2, 0) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@user) @topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == 2 @topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i @topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == @now.to_i end context 'auto tracking' do before do Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @user) @new_user = Fabricate(:user, auto_track_topics_after_msecs: 1000) TopicUser.update_last_read(@new_user,, 2, 0) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) end it 'should automatically track topics you reply to' do post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @new_user) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) @topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::TRACKING @topic_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::CREATED_POST end it 'should not automatically track topics you reply to and have set state manually' do Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, user: @new_user) TopicUser.change(@new_user, @topic, notification_level: TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) @topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR @topic_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser::NotificationReasons::USER_CHANGED end it 'should automatically track topics after they are read for long enough' do @topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR TopicUser.update_last_read(@new_user,, 2, 1001) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) @topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::TRACKING end it 'should not automatically track topics after they are read for long enough if changed manually' do TopicUser.change(@new_user, @topic, notification_level: TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) TopicUser.update_last_read(@new_user, @topic, 2, 1001) @topic_user = TopicUser.get(@topic,@new_user) @topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser::NotificationLevel::REGULAR end end end describe 'change a flag' do it 'creates a forum topic user record' do lambda { TopicUser.change(@user,, starred: true) }.should change(TopicUser, :count).by(1) end it "only inserts a row once, even on repeated calls" do lambda { TopicUser.change(@user,, starred: true) TopicUser.change(@user,, starred: false) TopicUser.change(@user,, starred: true) }.should change(TopicUser, :count).by(1) end describe 'after creating a row' do before do TopicUser.change(@user,, starred: true) @topic_user = TopicUser.where(user_id:, topic_id: end it 'has the correct starred value' do @topic_user.should be_starred end it 'has a lookup' do TopicUser.lookup_for(@user, [@topic]).should be_present end it 'has a key in the lookup for this forum topic' do TopicUser.lookup_for(@user, [@topic]).has_key?( be_true end end end end