# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require 'discourse' describe Discourse do before do RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.stubs(:current_hostname).returns('foo.com') end context 'current_hostname' do it 'returns the hostname from the current db connection' do expect(Discourse.current_hostname).to eq('foo.com') end end context 'avatar_sizes' do it 'returns a list of integers' do expect(Discourse.avatar_sizes).to contain_exactly(20, 25, 30, 32, 37, 40, 45, 48, 50, 60, 64, 67, 75, 90, 96, 120, 135, 180, 240, 360) end end context 'running_in_rack' do after do ENV.delete("DISCOURSE_RUNNING_IN_RACK") end it 'should not be running in rack' do expect(Discourse.running_in_rack?).to eq(false) ENV["DISCOURSE_RUNNING_IN_RACK"] = "1" expect(Discourse.running_in_rack?).to eq(true) end end context 'base_url' do context 'when https is off' do before do SiteSetting.force_https = false end it 'has a non https base url' do expect(Discourse.base_url).to eq("http://foo.com") end end context 'when https is on' do before do SiteSetting.force_https = true end it 'has a non-ssl base url' do expect(Discourse.base_url).to eq("https://foo.com") end end context 'with a non standard port specified' do before do SiteSetting.port = 3000 end it "returns the non standart port in the base url" do expect(Discourse.base_url).to eq("http://foo.com:3000") end end end context 'plugins' do let(:plugin_class) do Class.new(Plugin::Instance) do attr_accessor :enabled def enabled? @enabled end end end let(:plugin1) { plugin_class.new.tap { |p| p.enabled = true; p.path = "my-plugin-1" } } let(:plugin2) { plugin_class.new.tap { |p| p.enabled = false; p.path = "my-plugin-1" } } before { Discourse.plugins.append(plugin1, plugin2) } after { Discourse.plugins.clear } before do plugin_class.any_instance.stubs(:css_asset_exists?).returns(true) plugin_class.any_instance.stubs(:js_asset_exists?).returns(true) end it 'can find plugins correctly' do expect(Discourse.plugins).to contain_exactly(plugin1, plugin2) # Exclude disabled plugins by default expect(Discourse.find_plugins({})).to contain_exactly(plugin1) # Include disabled plugins when requested expect(Discourse.find_plugins(include_disabled: true)).to contain_exactly(plugin1, plugin2) end it 'can find plugin assets' do plugin2.enabled = true expect(Discourse.find_plugin_css_assets({}).length).to eq(2) expect(Discourse.find_plugin_js_assets({}).length).to eq(2) plugin1.register_asset_filter do |type, request| false end expect(Discourse.find_plugin_css_assets({}).length).to eq(1) expect(Discourse.find_plugin_js_assets({}).length).to eq(1) end end context 'authenticators' do it 'returns inbuilt authenticators' do expect(Discourse.authenticators).to match_array(Discourse::BUILTIN_AUTH.map(&:authenticator)) end context 'with authentication plugin installed' do let(:plugin_auth_provider) do authenticator_class = Class.new(Auth::Authenticator) do def name 'pluginauth' end def enabled true end end provider = Auth::AuthProvider.new provider.authenticator = authenticator_class.new provider end before do DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_auth_provider(plugin_auth_provider) end after do DiscoursePluginRegistry.reset! end it 'returns inbuilt and plugin authenticators' do expect(Discourse.authenticators).to match_array( Discourse::BUILTIN_AUTH.map(&:authenticator) + [plugin_auth_provider.authenticator]) end end end context 'enabled_authenticators' do it 'only returns enabled authenticators' do expect(Discourse.enabled_authenticators.length).to be(0) expect { SiteSetting.enable_twitter_logins = true } .to change { Discourse.enabled_authenticators.length }.by(1) expect(Discourse.enabled_authenticators.length).to be(1) expect(Discourse.enabled_authenticators.first).to be_instance_of(Auth::TwitterAuthenticator) end end context '#site_contact_user' do fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:another_admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } it 'returns the user specified by the site setting site_contact_username' do SiteSetting.site_contact_username = another_admin.username expect(Discourse.site_contact_user).to eq(another_admin) end it 'returns the system user otherwise' do SiteSetting.site_contact_username = nil expect(Discourse.site_contact_user.username).to eq("system") end end context '#system_user' do it 'returns the system user' do expect(Discourse.system_user.id).to eq(-1) end end context "#store" do it "returns LocalStore by default" do expect(Discourse.store).to be_a(FileStore::LocalStore) end it "returns S3Store when S3 is enabled" do SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads = true SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket = "s3bucket" SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id = "s3_access_key_id" SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key = "s3_secret_access_key" expect(Discourse.store).to be_a(FileStore::S3Store) end end context 'readonly mode' do let(:readonly_mode_key) { Discourse::READONLY_MODE_KEY } let(:readonly_mode_ttl) { Discourse::READONLY_MODE_KEY_TTL } let(:user_readonly_mode_key) { Discourse::USER_READONLY_MODE_KEY } after do Discourse.redis.del(readonly_mode_key) Discourse.redis.del(user_readonly_mode_key) end def assert_readonly_mode(message, key, ttl = -1) expect(message.channel).to eq(Discourse.readonly_channel) expect(message.data).to eq(true) expect(Discourse.redis.get(key)).to eq("1") expect(Discourse.redis.ttl(key)).to eq(ttl) end def assert_readonly_mode_disabled(message, key) expect(message.channel).to eq(Discourse.readonly_channel) expect(message.data).to eq(false) expect(Discourse.redis.get(key)).to eq(nil) end describe ".enable_readonly_mode" do it "adds a key in redis and publish a message through the message bus" do expect(Discourse.redis.get(readonly_mode_key)).to eq(nil) end context 'user enabled readonly mode' do it "adds a key in redis and publish a message through the message bus" do expect(Discourse.redis.get(user_readonly_mode_key)).to eq(nil) end end end describe ".disable_readonly_mode" do context 'user disabled readonly mode' do it "removes readonly key in redis and publish a message through the message bus" do message = MessageBus.track_publish { Discourse.disable_readonly_mode(user_readonly_mode_key) }.first assert_readonly_mode_disabled(message, user_readonly_mode_key) end end end describe ".readonly_mode?" do it "is false by default" do expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false) end it "returns true when the key is present in redis" do Discourse.redis.set(readonly_mode_key, 1) expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true) end it "returns true when postgres is recently read only" do Discourse.received_postgres_readonly! expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true) end it "returns true when redis is recently read only" do Discourse.received_redis_readonly! expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true) end it "returns true when user enabled readonly mode key is present in redis" do Discourse.enable_readonly_mode(user_readonly_mode_key) expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(true) expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?(readonly_mode_key)).to eq(false) Discourse.disable_readonly_mode(user_readonly_mode_key) expect(Discourse.readonly_mode?).to eq(false) end end describe ".received_postgres_readonly!" do it "sets the right time" do time = Discourse.received_postgres_readonly! expect(Discourse.postgres_last_read_only['default']).to eq(time) end end describe ".received_redis_readonly!" do it "sets the right time" do time = Discourse.received_redis_readonly! expect(Discourse.redis_last_read_only['default']).to eq(time) end end describe ".clear_readonly!" do it "publishes the right message" do Discourse.received_postgres_readonly! messages = [] expect do messages = MessageBus.track_publish { Discourse.clear_readonly! } end.to change { Discourse.postgres_last_read_only['default'] }.to(nil) expect(messages.any? { |m| m.channel == Site::SITE_JSON_CHANNEL }) .to eq(true) end end end context "#handle_exception" do class TempSidekiqLogger < Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler::Logger attr_accessor :exception, :context def call(ex, ctx) self.exception = ex self.context = ctx end end let!(:logger) { TempSidekiqLogger.new } before do Sidekiq.error_handlers.clear Sidekiq.error_handlers << logger end it "should not fail when called" do exception = StandardError.new expect do Discourse.handle_job_exception(exception, nil, nil) end.to raise_error(StandardError) # Raises in test mode, catch it expect(logger.exception).to eq(exception) expect(logger.context.keys).to eq([:current_db, :current_hostname]) end it "correctly passes extra context" do exception = StandardError.new expect do Discourse.handle_job_exception(exception, { message: "Doing a test", post_id: 31 }, nil) end.to raise_error(StandardError) # Raises in test mode, catch it expect(logger.exception).to eq(exception) expect(logger.context.keys.sort).to eq([:current_db, :current_hostname, :message, :post_id].sort) end end context '#deprecate' do def old_method(m) Discourse.deprecate(m) end def old_method_caller(m) old_method(m) end before do @orig_logger = Rails.logger Rails.logger = @fake_logger = FakeLogger.new end after do Rails.logger = @orig_logger end it 'can deprecate usage' do k = SecureRandom.hex expect(old_method_caller(k)).to include("old_method_caller") expect(old_method_caller(k)).to include("discourse_spec") expect(old_method_caller(k)).to include(k) expect(Rails.logger.warnings).to eq([old_method_caller(k)]) end it 'can report the deprecated version' do Discourse.deprecate(SecureRandom.hex, since: "2.1.0.beta1") expect(Rails.logger.warnings[0]).to include("(deprecated since Discourse 2.1.0.beta1)") end it 'can report the drop version' do Discourse.deprecate(SecureRandom.hex, drop_from: "2.3.0") expect(Rails.logger.warnings[0]).to include("(removal in Discourse 2.3.0)") end it 'can raise deprecation error' do expect { Discourse.deprecate(SecureRandom.hex, raise_error: true) }.to raise_error(Discourse::Deprecation) end end describe "Utils.execute_command" do it "works for individual commands" do expect(Discourse::Utils.execute_command("pwd").strip).to eq(Rails.root.to_s) expect(Discourse::Utils.execute_command("pwd", chdir: "plugins").strip).to eq("#{Rails.root.to_s}/plugins") end it "works with a block" do Discourse::Utils.execute_command do |runner| expect(runner.exec("pwd").strip).to eq(Rails.root.to_s) end result = Discourse::Utils.execute_command(chdir: "plugins") do |runner| expect(runner.exec("pwd").strip).to eq("#{Rails.root.to_s}/plugins") runner.exec("pwd") end # Should return output of block expect(result.strip).to eq("#{Rails.root.to_s}/plugins") end it "does not leak chdir between threads" do has_done_chdir = false has_checked_chdir = false thread = Thread.new do Discourse::Utils.execute_command(chdir: "plugins") do has_done_chdir = true sleep(0.01) until has_checked_chdir end end sleep(0.01) until has_done_chdir expect(Discourse::Utils.execute_command("pwd").strip).to eq(Rails.root.to_s) has_checked_chdir = true thread.join end end end