import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; moduleForComponent("ace-editor", { integration: true }); componentTest("css editor", { skip: true, template: '{{ace-editor mode="css"}}', test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.ok(find(".ace_editor").length, "it renders the ace editor"); } }); componentTest("html editor", { skip: true, template: '{{ace-editor mode="html" content="wat"}}', test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.ok(find(".ace_editor").length, "it renders the ace editor"); } }); componentTest("sql editor", { skip: true, template: '{{ace-editor mode="sql" content="SELECT * FROM users"}}', test(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.ok(find(".ace_editor").length, "it renders the ace editor"); } }); componentTest("disabled editor", { skip: true, template: '{{ace-editor mode="sql" content="SELECT * FROM users" disabled=true}}', test(assert) { const $ace = find(".ace_editor"); assert.expect(3); assert.ok($ace.length, "it renders the ace editor"); assert.equal( $ace .parent() .data() .editor.getReadOnly(), true, "it sets ACE to read-only mode" ); assert.equal( $ace.parent().attr("data-disabled"), "true", "ACE wrapper has `data-disabled` attribute set to true" ); } });