module Helpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern def self.next_seq @next_seq = (@next_seq || 0) + 1 end def log_in(fabricator = nil) user = Fabricate(fabricator || :user) log_in_user(user) user end def log_in_user(user) provider = provider.log_on_user(user, session, cookies) end def fixture_file(filename) return '' if filename.blank? file_path = File.expand_path(Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/' + filename) end def build(*args)*args) end def create_topic(args = {}) args[:title] ||= "This is my title #{Helpers.next_seq}" user = args.delete(:user) || Fabricate(:user) guardian = args[:category] = args[:category].id if args[:category].is_a?(Category) TopicCreator.create(user, guardian, args) end def create_post(args = {}) args[:title] ||= "This is my title #{Helpers.next_seq}" args[:raw] ||= "This is the raw body of my post, it is cool #{Helpers.next_seq}" args[:topic_id] = args[:topic].id if args[:topic] user = args.delete(:user) || Fabricate(:user) args[:category] = args[:category].id if args[:category].is_a?(Category) creator =, args) post = creator.create if creator.errors.present? raise" ")) end post end def generate_username(length = 10) range = [*'a'..'z'] { range.sample }.join end def stub_guardian(user) guardian = yield(guardian) if block_given? Guardian.stubs(new: guardian).with(user, anything) end def wait_for(on_fail: nil, &blk) i = 0 result = false while !result && i < 1000 result = i += 1 sleep 0.001 end on_fail&.call expect(result).to eq(true) end def fill_email(mail, from, to, body = nil, subject = nil, cc = nil) result = mail.gsub("FROM", from).gsub("TO", to) result.gsub!(/Hey.*/m, body) if body result.sub!(/We .*/, subject) if subject result.sub!("CC", cc.presence || "") result end def email(email_name) fixture_file("emails/#{email_name}.eml") end def create_staff_tags(tag_names) tag_group = Fabricate(:tag_group, name: 'Staff Tags') TagGroupPermission.create!( tag_group: tag_group, group_id: Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone], permission_type: TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:readonly] ) TagGroupPermission.create!( tag_group: tag_group, group_id: Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:staff], permission_type: TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full] ) tag_names.each do |name| tag_group.tags << (Tag.where(name: name).first || Fabricate(:tag, name: name)) end end def capture_stdout old_stdout = $stdout io = $stdout = io yield io.string ensure $stdout = old_stdout end end