# review per rails release, this speeds up the inflector, we are not inflecting too much at the moment, except in dev # # note: I am working with the rails team on including this in official rails module ActiveSupport module Inflector LRU_CACHE_SIZE = 200 LRU_CACHES = [] def self.clear_memoize! LRU_CACHES.each(&:clear) end def self.memoize(*args) args.each do |method_name| cache = LruRedux::ThreadSafeCache.new(LRU_CACHE_SIZE) LRU_CACHES << cache uncached = "#{method_name}_without_cache" alias_method uncached, method_name define_method(method_name) do |*args| # this avoids recursive locks found = true data = cache.fetch(args){found = false} unless found cache[args] = data = send(uncached, *args) end # so cache is never corrupted data.dup end end end memoize :pluralize, :singularize, :camelize, :underscore, :humanize, :titleize, :tableize, :classify, :foreign_key end end module ActiveSupport module Inflector class Inflections def self.clear_memoize(*args) args.each do |method_name| orig = "#{method_name}_without_clear_memoize" alias_method orig, method_name define_method(method_name) do |*args| ActiveSupport::Inflector.clear_memoize! send(orig, *args) end end end clear_memoize :acronym, :plural, :singular, :irregular, :uncountable, :human, :clear end end end