## Configuration options for the base intermediate schema generator
## After modifying this file, regenerate the base intermediate schema
## by running the `generate_schema` script.

# Default relative path for generated base schema file.
# An absolute path can also be provided to the script as the first CLI argument.
# If the CLI argument is present, it takes precedence over the value specified here.
output_file_path: "../db/schema/100-base-schema.sql"

## Tables to include in the generated base intermediate schema.
## Available table options:
## virtual:     Boolean. Enables the inclusion of a table in the schema solely based.
##              on the provided configuration. A virtual table does not need to be available in the core schema.
## ignore:      List of columns to ignore. Convenient if most of the table's column are needed.
##              Usage is mutually exclusive with the `include` option. Only one should be used at a time.
## include:     List of columns to include. Convenient if only a few columns are needed.
##              Usage is mutually exclusive with the `include`` option. Only one should be used at a time.
## primary_key: Literal or list of columns to use as primary key.
## extend:      List of objects describing columns to be added/extended.
##              The following options are available for an "extend" object:
##                name:    Required. The name of the column being extended.
##                is_null: Specifies if the column can be null.
##                type:    Column type. Defaults to TEXT.
## indexes:     List of indexes to create. The following options are available for an "index" object:
##                name: Index name.
##                columns: List of column(s) to index.
      - flag_level
      - last_emailed_at
      - last_posted_at
      - last_seen_reviewable_id
      - password_algorithm
      - password_hash
      - salt
      - secure_identifier
      - seen_notification_id
      - username_lower

## Schema-wide column configuration options. These options apply to all tables.
## See table specific column configuration options above.
## Available Options:
## ignore:  List of core/plugin table columns to ignore and exclude from intermediate schema.
    - updated_at