# # How a post is deleted is affected by who is performing the action. # this class contains the logic to delete it. # class PostDestroyer def self.destroy_stubs # exclude deleted topics and posts that are actively flagged Post.where(deleted_at: nil, user_deleted: true) .where("NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topics t WHERE t.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND t.id = posts.topic_id )") .where("updated_at < ? AND post_number > 1", SiteSetting.delete_removed_posts_after.hours.ago) .where("NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM post_actions pa WHERE pa.post_id = posts.id AND pa.deleted_at IS NULL AND pa.post_action_type_id IN (?) )", PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids) .each do |post| PostDestroyer.new(Discourse.system_user, post).destroy end end def initialize(user, post) @user = user @post = post @topic = post.topic if post end def destroy if @user.staff? staff_destroyed elsif @user.id == @post.user_id user_destroyed end end def recover if @user.staff? && @post.deleted_at staff_recovered elsif @user.staff? || @user.id == @post.user_id user_recovered end @post.topic.recover! if @post.post_number == 1 @post.topic.update_statistics end def staff_recovered @post.recover! publish("recovered") end # When a post is properly deleted. Well, it's still soft deleted, but it will no longer # show up in the topic def staff_destroyed Post.transaction do @post.trash!(@user) if @post.topic make_previous_post_the_last_one clear_user_posted_flag feature_users_in_the_topic Topic.reset_highest(@post.topic_id) end trash_public_post_actions agree_with_flags trash_user_actions @post.update_flagged_posts_count remove_associated_replies remove_associated_notifications @post.topic.trash!(@user) if @post.topic && @post.post_number == 1 update_associated_category_latest_topic update_user_counts end publish("deleted") end def publish(message) # edge case, topic is already destroyed return unless @post.topic MessageBus.publish("/topic/#{@post.topic_id}",{ id: @post.id, post_number: @post.post_number, updated_at: @post.updated_at, type: message }, group_ids: @post.topic.secure_group_ids ) end # When a user 'deletes' their own post. We just change the text. def user_destroyed Post.transaction do @post.revise(@user, I18n.t('js.post.deleted_by_author', count: SiteSetting.delete_removed_posts_after), force_new_version: true) @post.update_column(:user_deleted, true) @post.update_flagged_posts_count @post.topic_links.each(&:destroy) end end def user_recovered Post.transaction do @post.update_column(:user_deleted, false) @post.skip_unique_check = true @post.revise(@user, @post.revisions.last.modifications["raw"][0], force_new_version: true) @post.update_flagged_posts_count end end private def make_previous_post_the_last_one last_post = Post.where("topic_id = ? and id <> ?", @post.topic_id, @post.id).order('created_at desc').limit(1).first if last_post.present? @post.topic.update_attributes( last_posted_at: last_post.created_at, last_post_user_id: last_post.user_id, highest_post_number: last_post.post_number ) end end def clear_user_posted_flag unless Post.exists?(["topic_id = ? and user_id = ? and id <> ?", @post.topic_id, @post.user_id, @post.id]) TopicUser.where(topic_id: @post.topic_id, user_id: @post.user_id).update_all 'posted = false' end end def feature_users_in_the_topic Jobs.enqueue(:feature_topic_users, topic_id: @post.topic_id, except_post_id: @post.id) end def trash_public_post_actions public_post_actions = PostAction.publics.where(post_id: @post.id) public_post_actions.each { |pa| pa.trash!(@user) } f = PostActionType.public_types.map { |k, _| ["#{k}_count", 0] } Post.with_deleted.where(id: @post.id).update_all(Hash[*f.flatten]) end def agree_with_flags PostAction.agree_flags!(@post, @user, delete_post: true) end def trash_user_actions UserAction.where(target_post_id: @post.id).each do |ua| row = { action_type: ua.action_type, user_id: ua.user_id, acting_user_id: ua.acting_user_id, target_topic_id: ua.target_topic_id, target_post_id: ua.target_post_id } UserAction.remove_action!(row) end end def remove_associated_replies post_ids = PostReply.where(reply_id: @post.id).pluck(:post_id) if post_ids.present? PostReply.delete_all reply_id: @post.id Post.where(id: post_ids).each { |p| p.update_column :reply_count, p.replies.count } end end def remove_associated_notifications Notification.delete_all topic_id: @post.topic_id, post_number: @post.post_number end def update_associated_category_latest_topic return unless @post.topic && @post.topic.category return unless @post.id == @post.topic.category.latest_post_id || (@post.post_number == 1 && @post.topic_id == @post.topic.category.latest_topic_id) @post.topic.category.update_latest end def update_user_counts author = @post.user return unless author author.create_user_stat if author.user_stat.nil? if @post.created_at == author.user_stat.first_post_created_at author.user_stat.first_post_created_at = author.posts.order('created_at ASC').first.try(:created_at) end author.user_stat.post_count -= 1 author.user_stat.topic_count -= 1 if @post.post_number == 1 # We don't count replies to your own topics if @topic && author.id != @topic.user_id author.user_stat.update_topic_reply_count end author.user_stat.save! if @post.created_at == author.last_posted_at author.last_posted_at = author.posts.order('created_at DESC').first.try(:created_at) author.save! end end end