# frozen_string_literal: true require "mini_mime" class UploadsController < ApplicationController requires_login except: [:show, :show_short, :show_secure] skip_before_action :preload_json, :check_xhr, :redirect_to_login_if_required, only: [:show, :show_short, :show_secure] protect_from_forgery except: :show before_action :is_asset_path, :apply_cdn_headers, only: [:show, :show_short, :show_secure] SECURE_REDIRECT_GRACE_SECONDS = 5 def create # capture current user for block later on me = current_user params.permit(:type, :upload_type) if params[:type].blank? && params[:upload_type].blank? raise Discourse::InvalidParameters end # 50 characters ought to be enough for the upload type type = (params[:upload_type].presence || params[:type].presence).parameterize(separator: "_")[0..50] if type == "avatar" && !me.admin? && (SiteSetting.discourse_connect_overrides_avatar || !SiteSetting.allow_uploaded_avatars) return render json: failed_json, status: 422 end url = params[:url] file = params[:file] || params[:files]&.first pasted = params[:pasted] == "true" for_private_message = params[:for_private_message] == "true" for_site_setting = params[:for_site_setting] == "true" is_api = is_api? retain_hours = params[:retain_hours].to_i # note, atm hijack is processed in its own context and has not access to controller # longer term we may change this hijack do begin info = UploadsController.create_upload( current_user: me, file: file, url: url, type: type, for_private_message: for_private_message, for_site_setting: for_site_setting, pasted: pasted, is_api: is_api, retain_hours: retain_hours ) rescue => e render json: failed_json.merge(message: e.message&.split("\n")&.first), status: 422 else render json: UploadsController.serialize_upload(info), status: Upload === info ? 200 : 422 end end end def lookup_urls params.permit(short_urls: []) uploads = [] if (params[:short_urls] && params[:short_urls].length > 0) PrettyText::Helpers.lookup_upload_urls(params[:short_urls]).each do |short_url, paths| uploads << { short_url: short_url, url: paths[:url], short_path: paths[:short_path] } end end render json: uploads.to_json end def show # do not serve uploads requested via XHR to prevent XSS return xhr_not_allowed if request.xhr? return render_404 if !RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.has_db?(params[:site]) RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(params[:site]) do |db| return render_404 if SiteSetting.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files && current_user.nil? if upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: params[:sha]) || Upload.find_by(id: params[:id], url: request.env["PATH_INFO"]) unless Discourse.store.internal? local_store = FileStore::LocalStore.new return render_404 unless local_store.has_been_uploaded?(upload.url) end send_file_local_upload(upload) else render_404 end end end def show_short # do not serve uploads requested via XHR to prevent XSS return xhr_not_allowed if request.xhr? if SiteSetting.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files && current_user.nil? return render_404 end sha1 = Upload.sha1_from_base62_encoded(params[:base62]) if upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) if upload.secure? && SiteSetting.secure_media? return handle_secure_upload_request(upload) end if Discourse.store.internal? send_file_local_upload(upload) else redirect_to Discourse.store.url_for(upload, force_download: force_download?) end else render_404 end end def show_secure # do not serve uploads requested via XHR to prevent XSS return xhr_not_allowed if request.xhr? return render_404 if !Discourse.store.external? path_with_ext = "#{params[:path]}.#{params[:extension]}" sha1 = File.basename(path_with_ext, File.extname(path_with_ext)) # this takes care of optimized image requests sha1 = sha1.partition("_").first if sha1.include?("_") upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) return render_404 if upload.blank? return render_404 if SiteSetting.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files && current_user.nil? return handle_secure_upload_request(upload, path_with_ext) if SiteSetting.secure_media? # we don't want to 404 here if secure media gets disabled # because all posts with secure uploads will show broken media # until rebaked, which could take some time # # if the upload is still secure, that means the ACL is probably still # private, so we don't want to go to the CDN url just yet otherwise we # will get a 403. if the upload is not secure we assume the ACL is public signed_secure_url = Discourse.store.signed_url_for_path(path_with_ext) redirect_to upload.secure? ? signed_secure_url : Discourse.store.cdn_url(upload.url) end def handle_secure_upload_request(upload, path_with_ext = nil) if upload.access_control_post_id.present? raise Discourse::InvalidAccess if !guardian.can_see?(upload.access_control_post) else return render_404 if current_user.nil? end # defaults to public: false, so only cached by the client browser cache_seconds = S3Helper::DOWNLOAD_URL_EXPIRES_AFTER_SECONDS - SECURE_REDIRECT_GRACE_SECONDS expires_in cache_seconds.seconds # url_for figures out the full URL, handling multisite DBs, # and will return a presigned URL for the upload if path_with_ext.blank? return redirect_to Discourse.store.url_for(upload, force_download: force_download?) end redirect_to Discourse.store.signed_url_for_path( path_with_ext, expires_in: S3Helper::DOWNLOAD_URL_EXPIRES_AFTER_SECONDS, force_download: force_download? ) end def metadata params.require(:url) upload = Upload.get_from_url(params[:url]) raise Discourse::NotFound unless upload render json: { original_filename: upload.original_filename, width: upload.width, height: upload.height, human_filesize: upload.human_filesize } end protected def force_download? params[:dl] == "1" end def xhr_not_allowed raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new("XHR not allowed") end def render_404 raise Discourse::NotFound end def self.serialize_upload(data) # as_json.as_json is not a typo... as_json in AM serializer returns keys as symbols, we need them # as strings here serialized = UploadSerializer.new(data, root: nil).as_json.as_json if Upload === data serialized ||= (data || {}).as_json end def self.create_upload(current_user:, file:, url:, type:, for_private_message:, for_site_setting:, pasted:, is_api:, retain_hours:) if file.nil? if url.present? && is_api maximum_upload_size = [SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb, SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb].max.kilobytes tempfile = FileHelper.download( url, follow_redirect: true, max_file_size: maximum_upload_size, tmp_file_name: "discourse-upload-#{type}" ) rescue nil filename = File.basename(URI.parse(url).path) end else tempfile = file.tempfile filename = file.original_filename end return { errors: [I18n.t("upload.file_missing")] } if tempfile.nil? opts = { type: type, for_private_message: for_private_message, for_site_setting: for_site_setting, pasted: pasted, } upload = UploadCreator.new(tempfile, filename, opts).create_for(current_user.id) if upload.errors.empty? && current_user.admin? upload.update_columns(retain_hours: retain_hours) if retain_hours > 0 end upload.errors.empty? ? upload : { errors: upload.errors.to_hash.values.flatten } ensure tempfile&.close! end private def send_file_local_upload(upload) opts = { filename: upload.original_filename, content_type: MiniMime.lookup_by_filename(upload.original_filename)&.content_type } if !FileHelper.is_inline_image?(upload.original_filename) opts[:disposition] = "attachment" elsif params[:inline] opts[:disposition] = "inline" end file_path = Discourse.store.path_for(upload) return render_404 unless file_path send_file(file_path, opts) end end