# # Author:: Doug MacEachern () # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Cookbook Name:: windows # Provider:: unzip # # Copyright:: 2010, VMware, Inc. # Copyright:: 2011, Opscode, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include Windows::Helper require 'find' action :unzip do ensure_rubyzip_gem_installed Chef::Log.debug("unzip #{@new_resource.source} => #{@new_resource.path} (overwrite=#{@new_resource.overwrite})") Zip::ZipFile.open(cached_file(@new_resource.source, @new_resource.checksum)) do |zip| zip.each do |entry| path = ::File.join(@new_resource.path, entry.name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(::File.dirname(path)) if @new_resource.overwrite && ::File.exists?(path) && !::File.directory?(path) FileUtils.rm(path) end zip.extract(entry, path) end end @new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end action :zip do ensure_rubyzip_gem_installed # sanitize paths for windows. @new_resource.source.downcase.gsub!(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR) @new_resource.path.downcase.gsub!(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR) Chef::Log.debug("zip #{@new_resource.source} => #{@new_resource.path} (overwrite=#{@new_resource.overwrite})") if @new_resource.overwrite == false && ::File.exists?(@new_resource.path) Chef::Log.info("file #{@new_resource.path} already exists and overwrite is set to false, exiting") else # delete the archive if it already exists, because we are recreating it. if ::File.exists?(@new_resource.path) ::File.unlink(@new_resource.path) end # only supporting compression of a single directory (recursively). if ::File.directory?(@new_resource.source) z = Zip::ZipFile.new(@new_resource.path, true) unless @new_resource.source =~ /::File::ALT_SEPARATOR$/ @new_resource.source << ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR end Find.find(@new_resource.source) do |f| f.downcase.gsub!(::File::SEPARATOR, ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR) # don't add root directory to the zipfile. next if f == @new_resource.source # strip the root directory from the filename before adding it to the zipfile. zip_fname = f.sub(@new_resource.source, '') Chef::Log.debug("adding #{zip_fname} to archive, sourcefile is: #{f}") z.add(zip_fname, f) end z.close else Chef::Log.info("Single directory must be specified for compression, and #{@new_resource.source} does not meet that criteria.") end end end private def ensure_rubyzip_gem_installed begin require 'zip/zip' rescue LoadError Chef::Log.info("Missing gem 'rubyzip'...installing now.") chef_gem "rubyzip" do version node['windows']['rubyzipversion'] end require 'zip/zip' end end