import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { equal } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { scheduleOnce } from "@ember/runloop"; import Component from "@ember/component"; const ACTIONS = ["delete", "delete_replies", "edit", "none"]; export default Component.extend({ postId: null, postAction: null, postEdit: null, @discourseComputed penaltyActions() { return => { return { id, name: I18n.t(`admin.user.penalty_post_${id}`) }; }); }, editing: equal("postAction", "edit"), actions: { penaltyChanged() { let postAction = this.postAction; // If we switch to edit mode, jump to the edit textarea if (postAction === "edit") { scheduleOnce("afterRender", () => { let elem = this.element; let body = elem.closest(".modal-body"); body.scrollTop(body.height()); elem.querySelector(".post-editor").focus(); }); } } } });