/*jshint devel:true, phantom:true */ /*globals QUnit ANSI */ // THIS FILE IS CALLED BY "qunit_runner.rb" IN AUTOSPEC var system = require("system"), args = phantom.args; if (args === undefined) { args = system.args; args.shift(); } if (args.length !== 1) { console.log("Usage: " + phantom.scriptName + " "); phantom.exit(1); } var fs = require('fs'), page = require('webpage').create(), QUNIT_RESULT = "./tmp/qunit_result"; if (fs.exists(QUNIT_RESULT) && fs.isFile(QUNIT_RESULT)) { fs.remove(QUNIT_RESULT); } page.onConsoleMessage = function (message) { // filter out Ember's debug messages if (message.slice(0, 8) === "WARNING:") { return; } if (message.slice(0, 6) === "DEBUG:") { return; } console.log(message); }; page.onCallback = function (message) { // write to the result file if (message.slice(0, 5) === "FAIL:") { fs.write(QUNIT_RESULT, message.slice(6) + "\n", "a"); } // forward the message to the standard output if (message.slice(0, 6) === "PRINT:") { system.stdout.write(message.slice(7)); } }; page.start = new Date(); // -----------------------------------WARNING -------------------------------------- // calling "console.log" BELOW this line will go through the "page.onConsoleMessage" // -----------------------------------WARNING -------------------------------------- page.open(args[0], function (status) { if (status !== "success") { console.log("\nNO NETWORK :(\n"); phantom.exit(1); } else { console.log("QUnit loaded in " + (new Date() - page.start) + " ms"); page.evaluate(colorizer); page.evaluate(logQUnit); // wait up to 600 seconds for QUnit to finish var timeout = 600 * 1000, start = Date.now(); var interval = setInterval(function() { if (Date.now() - start > timeout) { console.error("\nTIME OUT :(\n"); phantom.exit(1); } else { var qunitResult = page.evaluate(function() { return window.qunitResult; }); if (qunitResult) { clearInterval(interval); if (qunitResult.failed > 0) { phantom.exit(1); } else { phantom.exit(0); } } } }, 250); } }); // https://github.com/jquery/qunit/pull/470 function colorizer() { window.ANSI = { colorMap: { "red": "\u001b[31m", "green": "\u001b[32m", "blue": "\u001b[34m", "end": "\u001b[0m" }, highlightMap: { "red": "\u001b[41m\u001b[37m", // change 37 to 30 for black text "green": "\u001b[42m\u001b[30m", "blue": "\u001b[44m\u001b[37m", "end": "\u001b[0m" }, highlight: function (text, color) { var colorCode = this.highlightMap[color], colorEnd = this.highlightMap.end; return colorCode + text + colorEnd; }, colorize: function (text, color) { var colorCode = this.colorMap[color], colorEnd = this.colorMap.end; return colorCode + text + colorEnd; } }; } function logQUnit() { // keep track of error messages var errors = {}; QUnit.begin(function () { console.log("BEGIN"); }); QUnit.log(function (context) { if (!context.result) { var module = context.module, test = context.name; var assertion = { message: context.message, expected: context.expected, actual: context.actual }; if (!errors[module]) { errors[module] = {}; } if (!errors[module][test]) { errors[module][test] = []; } errors[module][test].push(assertion); window.callPhantom("FAIL: " + context.module + ":::" + context.testId + ":::" + context.name); } }); QUnit.testDone(function (context) { if (context.failed > 0) { window.callPhantom("PRINT: " + ANSI.colorize("F", "red")); } else { window.callPhantom("PRINT: " + ANSI.colorize(".", "green")); } }); QUnit.done(function (context) { console.log("\n"); // display failures if (Object.keys(errors).length > 0) { console.log("Failures:\n"); for (var m in errors) { var module = errors[m]; console.log("Module Failed: " + ANSI.highlight(m, "red")); for (var t in module) { var test = module[t]; console.log(" Test Failed: " + t); for (var a = 0; a < test.length; a++) { var assertion = test[a]; console.log(" Assertion Failed: " + (assertion.message || "")); if (assertion.expected) { console.log(" Expected: " + assertion.expected); console.log(" Actual: " + assertion.actual); } } } } } // display summary console.log("\n"); console.log("Finished in " + (context.runtime / 1000) + " seconds"); var color = context.failed > 0 ? "red" : "green"; console.log(ANSI.colorize(context.total + " examples, " + context.failed + " failures", color)); // we're done window.qunitResult = context; }); }