# frozen_string_literal: true module PrettyText module Helpers extend self TAG_HASHTAG_POSTFIX = "::tag" # functions here are available to v8 def t(key, opts) key = "js." + key unless opts I18n.t(key) else str = I18n.t(key, Hash[opts.entries].symbolize_keys).dup opts.each { |k, v| str.gsub!("{{#{k.to_s}}}", v.to_s) } str end end def avatar_template(username) return "" unless username user = User.find_by(username_lower: username.downcase) return "" unless user.present? # TODO: Add support for ES6 and call `avatar-template` directly UrlHelper.schemaless(UrlHelper.absolute(user.avatar_template)) end def lookup_primary_user_group(username) return "" unless username user = User.find_by(username_lower: username.downcase) return "" unless user.present? user.primary_group.try(:name) || "" end # Overwrite this in a plugin to change how markdown can format # usernames on the server side def format_username(username) username end def category_hashtag_lookup(category_slug) if category = Category.query_from_hashtag_slug(category_slug) [category.url, category_slug] else nil end end def lookup_upload_urls(urls) map = {} result = {} urls.each do |url| sha1 = Upload.sha1_from_short_url(url) map[url] = sha1 if sha1 end if map.length > 0 reverse_map = {} map.each do |key, value| reverse_map[value] ||= [] reverse_map[value] << key end Upload.where(sha1: map.values).pluck(:sha1, :url, :extension, :original_filename, :secure).each do |row| sha1, url, extension, original_filename, secure = row if short_urls = reverse_map[sha1] secure_media = SiteSetting.secure_media? && secure short_urls.each do |short_url| result[short_url] = { url: secure_media ? Upload.secure_media_url_from_upload_url(url) : Discourse.store.cdn_url(url), short_path: Upload.short_path(sha1: sha1, extension: extension), base62_sha1: Upload.base62_sha1(sha1) } end end end end result end def get_topic_info(topic_id) return unless topic_id.is_a?(Integer) # TODO this only handles public topics, secured one do not get this topic = Topic.find_by(id: topic_id) if topic && Guardian.new.can_see?(topic) { title: Rack::Utils.escape_html(topic.title), href: topic.url } elsif topic { title: I18n.t("on_another_topic"), href: Discourse.base_url + topic.slugless_url } end end def category_tag_hashtag_lookup(text) is_tag = text =~ /#{TAG_HASHTAG_POSTFIX}$/ if !is_tag && category = Category.query_from_hashtag_slug(text) [category.url, text] elsif (!is_tag && tag = Tag.find_by(name: text)) || (is_tag && tag = Tag.find_by(name: text.gsub!(TAG_HASHTAG_POSTFIX, ''))) [tag.url, text] else nil end end def get_current_user(user_id) return unless user_id.is_a?(Integer) { staff: User.where(id: user_id).where("moderator OR admin").exists? } end end end