# frozen_string_literal: true class RemoteTheme < ActiveRecord::Base METADATA_PROPERTIES = %i[ license_url about_url authors theme_version minimum_discourse_version maximum_discourse_version ] class ImportError < StandardError end ALLOWED_FIELDS = %w[scss embedded_scss head_tag header after_header body_tag footer] GITHUB_REGEXP = %r{^https?://github\.com/} GITHUB_SSH_REGEXP = %r{^ssh://git@github\.com:} has_one :theme, autosave: false scope :joined_remotes, -> { joins("JOIN themes ON themes.remote_theme_id = remote_themes.id").where.not( remote_url: "", ) } validates_format_of :minimum_discourse_version, :maximum_discourse_version, with: Discourse::VERSION_REGEXP, allow_nil: true def self.extract_theme_info(importer) json = JSON.parse(importer["about.json"]) json.fetch("name") json rescue TypeError, JSON::ParserError, KeyError raise ImportError.new I18n.t("themes.import_error.about_json") end def self.update_zipped_theme( filename, original_filename, match_theme: false, user: Discourse.system_user, theme_id: nil, update_components: nil ) importer = ThemeStore::ZipImporter.new(filename, original_filename) importer.import! theme_info = RemoteTheme.extract_theme_info(importer) theme = Theme.find_by(name: theme_info["name"]) if match_theme # Old theme CLI method, remove Jan 2020 theme = Theme.find_by(id: theme_id) if theme_id # New theme CLI method existing = true if theme.blank? theme = Theme.new(user_id: user&.id || -1, name: theme_info["name"], auto_update: false) existing = false end theme.component = theme_info["component"].to_s == "true" theme.child_components = child_components = theme_info["components"].presence || [] remote_theme = new remote_theme.theme = theme remote_theme.remote_url = "" remote_theme.update_from_remote(importer, skip_update: true) theme.save! if existing && update_components.present? && update_components != "none" child_components = child_components.map { |url| ThemeStore::GitImporter.new(url.strip).url } if update_components == "sync" ChildTheme .joins(child_theme: :remote_theme) .where("remote_themes.remote_url NOT IN (?)", child_components) .delete_all end child_components -= theme .child_themes .joins(:remote_theme) .where("remote_themes.remote_url IN (?)", child_components) .pluck("remote_themes.remote_url") theme.child_components = child_components theme.update_child_components end theme ensure begin importer.cleanup! rescue => e Rails.logger.warn("Failed cleanup remote path #{e}") end end def self.import_theme(url, user = Discourse.system_user, private_key: nil, branch: nil) importer = ThemeStore::GitImporter.new(url.strip, private_key: private_key, branch: branch) importer.import! theme_info = RemoteTheme.extract_theme_info(importer) component = [true, "true"].include?(theme_info["component"]) theme = Theme.new(user_id: user&.id || -1, name: theme_info["name"], component: component) theme.child_components = theme_info["components"].presence || [] remote_theme = new theme.remote_theme = remote_theme remote_theme.private_key = private_key remote_theme.branch = branch remote_theme.remote_url = importer.url remote_theme.update_from_remote(importer) theme.save! theme ensure begin importer.cleanup! rescue => e Rails.logger.warn("Failed cleanup remote git #{e}") end end def self.out_of_date_themes self .joined_remotes .where("commits_behind > 0 OR remote_version <> local_version") .where(themes: { enabled: true }) .pluck("themes.name", "themes.id") end def self.unreachable_themes self.joined_remotes.where("last_error_text IS NOT NULL").pluck("themes.name", "themes.id") end def out_of_date? commits_behind > 0 || remote_version != local_version end def update_remote_version return unless is_git? importer = ThemeStore::GitImporter.new(remote_url, private_key: private_key, branch: branch) begin importer.import! rescue RemoteTheme::ImportError => err self.last_error_text = err.message else self.updated_at = Time.zone.now self.remote_version, self.commits_behind = importer.commits_since(local_version) self.last_error_text = nil ensure self.save! begin importer.cleanup! rescue => e Rails.logger.warn("Failed cleanup remote git #{e}") end end end def update_from_remote(importer = nil, skip_update: false) cleanup = false unless importer cleanup = true importer = ThemeStore::GitImporter.new(remote_url, private_key: private_key, branch: branch) begin importer.import! rescue RemoteTheme::ImportError => err self.last_error_text = err.message self.save! return self else self.last_error_text = nil end end theme_info = RemoteTheme.extract_theme_info(importer) updated_fields = [] theme_info["assets"]&.each do |name, relative_path| if path = importer.real_path(relative_path) new_path = "#{File.dirname(path)}/#{SecureRandom.hex}#{File.extname(path)}" File.rename(path, new_path) # OptimizedImage has strict file name restrictions, so rename temporarily upload = UploadCreator.new( File.open(new_path), File.basename(relative_path), for_theme: true, ).create_for(theme.user_id) if !upload.errors.empty? raise ImportError, I18n.t( "themes.import_error.upload", name: name, errors: upload.errors.full_messages.join(","), ) end updated_fields << theme.set_field( target: :common, name: name, type: :theme_upload_var, upload_id: upload.id, ) end end # Update all theme attributes if this is just a placeholder if self.remote_url.present? && !self.local_version && !self.commits_behind self.theme.name = theme_info["name"] self.theme.component = [true, "true"].include?(theme_info["component"]) self.theme.child_components = theme_info["components"].presence || [] end METADATA_PROPERTIES.each do |property| self.public_send(:"#{property}=", theme_info[property.to_s]) end if !self.valid? raise ImportError, I18n.t( "themes.import_error.about_json_values", errors: self.errors.full_messages.join(","), ) end ThemeModifierSet.modifiers.keys.each do |modifier_name| theme.theme_modifier_set.public_send( :"#{modifier_name}=", theme_info.dig("modifiers", modifier_name.to_s), ) end if !theme.theme_modifier_set.valid? raise ImportError, I18n.t( "themes.import_error.modifier_values", errors: theme.theme_modifier_set.errors.full_messages.join(","), ) end importer.all_files.each do |filename| next unless opts = ThemeField.opts_from_file_path(filename) value = importer[filename] updated_fields << theme.set_field(**opts.merge(value: value)) end theme.convert_settings # Destroy fields that no longer exist in the remote theme field_ids_to_destroy = theme.theme_fields.pluck(:id) - updated_fields.map { |tf| tf&.id } ThemeField.where(id: field_ids_to_destroy).destroy_all if !skip_update self.remote_updated_at = Time.zone.now self.remote_version = importer.version self.local_version = importer.version self.commits_behind = 0 end update_theme_color_schemes(theme, theme_info["color_schemes"]) unless theme.component self.save! self ensure begin importer.cleanup! if cleanup rescue => e Rails.logger.warn("Failed cleanup remote git #{e}") end end def normalize_override(hex) return unless hex override = hex.downcase override = nil if override !~ /\A[0-9a-f]{6}\z/ override end def update_theme_color_schemes(theme, schemes) missing_scheme_names = Hash[*theme.color_schemes.pluck(:name, :id).flatten] ordered_schemes = [] schemes&.each do |name, colors| missing_scheme_names.delete(name) scheme = theme.color_schemes.find_by(name: name) || theme.color_schemes.build(name: name) # Update main colors ColorScheme.base.colors_hashes.each do |color| override = normalize_override(colors[color[:name]]) color_scheme_color = scheme.color_scheme_colors.to_a.find { |c| c.name == color[:name] } || scheme.color_scheme_colors.build(name: color[:name]) color_scheme_color.hex = override || color[:hex] theme.notify_color_change(color_scheme_color) if color_scheme_color.hex_changed? end # Update advanced colors ColorScheme.color_transformation_variables.each do |variable_name| override = normalize_override(colors[variable_name]) color_scheme_color = scheme.color_scheme_colors.to_a.find { |c| c.name == variable_name } if override color_scheme_color ||= scheme.color_scheme_colors.build(name: variable_name) color_scheme_color.hex = override theme.notify_color_change(color_scheme_color) if color_scheme_color.hex_changed? elsif color_scheme_color # No longer specified in about.json, delete record scheme.color_scheme_colors.delete(color_scheme_color) theme.notify_color_change(nil, scheme: scheme) end end ordered_schemes << scheme end if missing_scheme_names.length > 0 ColorScheme.where(id: missing_scheme_names.values).delete_all # we may have stuff pointed at the incorrect scheme? end theme.color_scheme = ordered_schemes.first if theme.new_record? end def github_diff_link if github_repo_url.present? && local_version != remote_version "#{github_repo_url.gsub(/\.git$/, "")}/compare/#{local_version}...#{remote_version}" end end def github_repo_url url = remote_url.strip return url if url.match?(GITHUB_REGEXP) if url.match?(GITHUB_SSH_REGEXP) org_repo = url.gsub(GITHUB_SSH_REGEXP, "") "https://github.com/#{org_repo}" end end def is_git? remote_url.present? end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: remote_themes # # id :integer not null, primary key # remote_url :string not null # remote_version :string # local_version :string # about_url :string # license_url :string # commits_behind :integer # remote_updated_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # private_key :text # branch :string # last_error_text :text # authors :string # theme_version :string # minimum_discourse_version :string # maximum_discourse_version :string #