# frozen_string_literal: true # Searches for a user by username or full text or name (if enabled in SiteSettings) class UserSearch MAX_SIZE_PRIORITY_MENTION ||= 500 def initialize(term, opts = {}) @term = term @term_like = "#{term.downcase.gsub("_", "\\_")}%" @topic_id = opts[:topic_id] @category_id = opts[:category_id] @topic_allowed_users = opts[:topic_allowed_users] @searching_user = opts[:searching_user] @include_staged_users = opts[:include_staged_users] || false @limit = opts[:limit] || 20 @groups = opts[:groups] @guardian = Guardian.new(@searching_user) @guardian.ensure_can_see_groups!(@groups) if @groups end def scoped_users users = User.where(active: true) users = users.where(staged: false) unless @include_staged_users if @groups users = users.joins("INNER JOIN group_users ON group_users.user_id = users.id") .where("group_users.group_id IN (?)", @groups.map(&:id)) end unless @searching_user && @searching_user.staff? users = users.not_suspended end # Only show users who have access to private topic if @topic_id && @topic_allowed_users == "true" topic = Topic.find_by(id: @topic_id) if topic.category && topic.category.read_restricted users = users.includes(:secure_categories) .where("users.admin = TRUE OR categories.id = ?", topic.category.id) .references(:categories) end end users.limit(@limit) end def filtered_by_term_users users = scoped_users if @term.present? if SiteSetting.enable_names? && @term !~ /[_\.-]/ query = Search.ts_query(term: @term, ts_config: "simple") users = users.includes(:user_search_data) .references(:user_search_data) .where("user_search_data.search_data @@ #{query}") .order(DB.sql_fragment("CASE WHEN username_lower LIKE ? THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ASC", @term_like)) else users = users.where("username_lower LIKE :term_like", term_like: @term_like) end end users end def search_ids users = Set.new # 1. exact username matches if @term.present? scoped_users.where(username_lower: @term.downcase) .limit(@limit) .pluck(:id) .each { |id| users << id } end return users.to_a if users.length >= @limit # 2. in topic if @topic_id in_topic = filtered_by_term_users .where('users.id IN (SELECT p.user_id FROM posts p WHERE topic_id = ?)', @topic_id) if @searching_user.present? in_topic = in_topic.where('users.id <> ?', @searching_user.id) end in_topic .order('last_seen_at DESC') .limit(@limit - users.length) .pluck(:id) .each { |id| users << id } end return users.to_a if users.length >= @limit secure_category_id = nil if @category_id secure_category_id = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, @category_id).first SELECT id FROM categories WHERE read_restricted AND id = ? SQL elsif @topic_id secure_category_id = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, @topic_id).first SELECT id FROM categories WHERE read_restricted AND id IN ( SELECT category_id FROM topics WHERE id = ? ) SQL end # 3. category matches if secure_category_id in_category = filtered_by_term_users .where(<<~SQL, secure_category_id, MAX_SIZE_PRIORITY_MENTION) users.id IN ( SELECT gu.user_id FROM group_users gu WHERE group_id IN ( SELECT group_id FROM category_groups JOIN groups g ON group_id = g.id WHERE category_id = ? AND user_count < ? ) LIMIT 200 ) SQL if @searching_user.present? in_category = in_category.where('users.id <> ?', @searching_user.id) end in_category .order('last_seen_at DESC') .limit(@limit - users.length) .pluck(:id) .each { |id| users << id } end return users.to_a if users.length >= @limit # 4. global matches if @term.present? filtered_by_term_users.order('last_seen_at DESC') .limit(@limit - users.length) .pluck(:id) .each { |id| users << id } end users.to_a end def search ids = search_ids return User.where("0=1") if ids.empty? User.joins("JOIN (SELECT unnest uid, row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM unnest('{#{ids.join(",")}}'::int[]) ) x on uid = users.id") .order("rn") end end