Report.add_report('post_edits') do |report| category_filter = report.filters.dig(:category) report.add_filter('category', default: category_filter) report.modes = [:table] report.labels = [ { type: :post, properties: { topic_id: :topic_id, number: :post_number, truncated_raw: :post_raw }, title: I18n.t("") }, { type: :user, properties: { username: :editor_username, id: :editor_id, avatar: :editor_avatar_template, }, title: I18n.t("reports.post_edits.labels.editor") }, { type: :user, properties: { username: :author_username, id: :author_id, avatar: :author_avatar_template, }, title: I18n.t("") }, { type: :text, property: :edit_reason, title: I18n.t("reports.post_edits.labels.edit_reason") }, ] = [] sql = <<~SQL WITH period_revisions AS ( SELECT pr.user_id AS editor_id, pr.number AS revision_version, pr.created_at, pr.post_id, u.username AS editor_username, u.uploaded_avatar_id as editor_avatar_id FROM post_revisions pr JOIN users u ON = pr.user_id WHERE > 0 AND pr.created_at >= '#{report.start_date}' AND pr.created_at <= '#{report.end_date}' ORDER BY pr.created_at DESC LIMIT 20 ) SELECT pr.editor_id, pr.editor_username, pr.editor_avatar_id, p.user_id AS author_id, u.username AS author_username, u.uploaded_avatar_id AS author_avatar_id, pr.revision_version, p.version AS post_version, pr.post_id, left(p.raw, 40) AS post_raw, p.topic_id, p.post_number, p.edit_reason, pr.created_at FROM period_revisions pr JOIN posts p ON = pr.post_id JOIN users u ON = p.user_id SQL if category_filter sql += <<~SQL JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id WHERE t.category_id = ? OR t.category_id IN (SELECT id FROM categories WHERE categories.parent_category_id = ?) SQL end result = category_filter ? DB.query(sql, category_filter, category_filter) : DB.query(sql) result.each do |r| revision = {} revision[:editor_id] = r.editor_id revision[:editor_username] = r.editor_username revision[:editor_avatar_template] = User.avatar_template(r.editor_username, r.editor_avatar_id) revision[:author_id] = r.author_id revision[:author_username] = r.author_username revision[:author_avatar_template] = User.avatar_template(r.author_username, r.author_avatar_id) revision[:edit_reason] = r.revision_version == r.post_version ? r.edit_reason : nil revision[:created_at] = r.created_at revision[:post_raw] = r.post_raw revision[:topic_id] = r.topic_id revision[:post_number] = r.post_number << revision end end