# frozen_string_literal: true # Post processing that we can do after a post has already been cooked. # For example, inserting the onebox content, or image sizes/thumbnails. class CookedPostProcessor include CookedProcessorMixin LIGHTBOX_WRAPPER_CSS_CLASS = "lightbox-wrapper" GIF_SOURCES_REGEXP = %r{(giphy|tenor)\.com/} attr_reader :cooking_options, :doc def initialize(post, opts = {}) @dirty = false @opts = opts @post = post @model = post @previous_cooked = (@post.cooked || "").dup # NOTE: we re-cook the post here in order to prevent timing issues with edits # cf. https://meta.discourse.org/t/edit-of-rebaked-post-doesnt-show-in-html-only-in-raw/33815/6 @cooking_options = post.cooking_options || opts[:cooking_options] || {} @cooking_options[:topic_id] = post.topic_id @cooking_options = @cooking_options.symbolize_keys @with_secure_uploads = @post.with_secure_uploads? @category_id = @post&.topic&.category_id cooked = post.cook(post.raw, @cooking_options) @doc = Loofah.fragment(cooked) @has_oneboxes = post.post_analyzer.found_oneboxes? @size_cache = {} @disable_dominant_color = !!opts[:disable_dominant_color] @omit_nofollow = post.omit_nofollow? end def post_process(new_post: false) DistributedMutex.synchronize("post_process_#{@post.id}", validity: 10.minutes) do DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_post_process_cooked, @doc, @post) remove_full_quote_on_direct_reply if new_post post_process_oneboxes post_process_images add_blocked_hotlinked_media_placeholders post_process_quotes optimize_urls remove_user_ids update_post_image enforce_nofollow grant_badges @post.link_post_uploads(fragments: @doc) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:post_process_cooked, @doc, @post) nil end end def has_emoji? (@doc.css("img.emoji") - @doc.css(".quote img")).size > 0 end def grant_badges return if @post.user.blank? || !Guardian.new.can_see?(@post) BadgeGranter.grant(Badge.find(Badge::FirstEmoji), @post.user, post_id: @post.id) if has_emoji? if @has_oneboxes BadgeGranter.grant(Badge.find(Badge::FirstOnebox), @post.user, post_id: @post.id) end if @post.is_reply_by_email? BadgeGranter.grant(Badge.find(Badge::FirstReplyByEmail), @post.user, post_id: @post.id) end end def post_process_quotes @doc .css("aside.quote") .each do |q| post_number = q["data-post"] topic_id = q["data-topic"] if topic_id && post_number comparer = QuoteComparer.new(topic_id.to_i, post_number.to_i, q.css("blockquote").text) q["class"] = ((q["class"] || "") + " quote-post-not-found").strip if comparer.missing? q["class"] = ((q["class"] || "") + " quote-modified").strip if comparer.modified? end end end def remove_full_quote_on_direct_reply return if !SiteSetting.remove_full_quote return if @post.post_number == 1 return if @doc.xpath("aside[contains(@class, 'quote')]").size != 1 previous = Post .where( "post_number < ? AND topic_id = ? AND post_type = ? AND NOT hidden", @post.post_number, @post.topic_id, Post.types[:regular], ) .order("post_number DESC") .limit(1) .pluck(:cooked) .first return if previous.blank? previous_text = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(previous).text.strip quoted_text = @doc.css("aside.quote:first-child blockquote").first&.text&.strip || "" return if previous_text.gsub(/(\s){2,}/, '\1') != quoted_text.gsub(/(\s){2,}/, '\1') quote_regexp = %r{\A\s*\[quote.+\[/quote\]}im quoteless_raw = @post.raw.sub(quote_regexp, "").strip return if @post.raw.strip == quoteless_raw PostRevisor.new(@post).revise!( Discourse.system_user, { raw: quoteless_raw, edit_reason: I18n.t(:removed_direct_reply_full_quotes) }, skip_validations: true, bypass_bump: true, ) end def extract_images # all images with a src attribute @doc.css("img[src], img[#{PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRC_ATTR}]") - # minus data images @doc.css("img[src^='data']") - # minus emojis @doc.css("img.emoji") end def extract_images_for_post # all images with a src attribute @doc.css("img[src]") - # minus emojis @doc.css("img.emoji") - # minus images inside quotes @doc.css(".quote img") - # minus onebox site icons @doc.css("img.site-icon") - # minus onebox avatars @doc.css("img.onebox-avatar") - @doc.css("img.onebox-avatar-inline") - # minus github onebox profile images @doc.css(".onebox.githubfolder img") end def convert_to_link!(img) w, h = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i user_width, user_height = (w > 0 && h > 0 && [w, h]) || get_size_from_attributes(img) || get_size_from_image_sizes(img["src"], @opts[:image_sizes]) limit_size!(img) src = img["src"] return if src.blank? || is_a_hyperlink?(img) || is_svg?(img) upload = Upload.get_from_url(src) original_width, original_height = nil if (upload.present?) original_width = upload.width || 0 original_height = upload.height || 0 else original_width, original_height = (get_size(src) || [0, 0]).map(&:to_i) if original_width == 0 || original_height == 0 Rails.logger.info "Can't reach '#{src}' to get its dimension." return end end if (upload.present? && upload.animated?) || src.match?(GIF_SOURCES_REGEXP) img.add_class("animated") end if original_width <= SiteSetting.max_image_width && original_height <= SiteSetting.max_image_height return end user_width, user_height = [original_width, original_height] if user_width.to_i <= 0 && user_height.to_i <= 0 width, height = user_width, user_height crop = SiteSetting.min_ratio_to_crop > 0 && width.to_f / height.to_f < SiteSetting.min_ratio_to_crop if crop width, height = ImageSizer.crop(width, height) img["width"], img["height"] = width, height else width, height = ImageSizer.resize(width, height) end if upload.present? upload.create_thumbnail!(width, height, crop: crop) each_responsive_ratio do |ratio| resized_w = (width * ratio).to_i resized_h = (height * ratio).to_i if upload.width && resized_w <= upload.width upload.create_thumbnail!(resized_w, resized_h, crop: crop) end end return if upload.animated? if img.ancestors(".onebox, .onebox-body, .quote").blank? && !img.classes.include?("onebox") add_lightbox!(img, original_width, original_height, upload, cropped: crop) end optimize_image!(img, upload, cropped: crop) end end def each_responsive_ratio SiteSetting .responsive_post_image_sizes .split("|") .map(&:to_f) .sort .each { |r| yield r if r > 1 } end def optimize_image!(img, upload, cropped: false) w, h = img["width"].to_i, img["height"].to_i # note: optimize_urls cooks the src further after this thumbnail = upload.thumbnail(w, h) if thumbnail && thumbnail.filesize.to_i < upload.filesize img["src"] = thumbnail.url srcset = +"" each_responsive_ratio do |ratio| resized_w = (w * ratio).to_i resized_h = (h * ratio).to_i if !cropped && upload.width && resized_w > upload.width cooked_url = UrlHelper.cook_url(upload.url, secure: @post.with_secure_uploads?) srcset << ", #{cooked_url} #{ratio.to_s.sub(/\.0$/, "")}x" elsif t = upload.thumbnail(resized_w, resized_h) cooked_url = UrlHelper.cook_url(t.url, secure: @post.with_secure_uploads?) srcset << ", #{cooked_url} #{ratio.to_s.sub(/\.0$/, "")}x" end img[ "srcset" ] = "#{UrlHelper.cook_url(img["src"], secure: @post.with_secure_uploads?)}#{srcset}" if srcset.present? end else img["src"] = upload.url end if !@disable_dominant_color && (color = upload.dominant_color(calculate_if_missing: true).presence) img["data-dominant-color"] = color end end def add_lightbox!(img, original_width, original_height, upload, cropped: false) # first, create a div to hold our lightbox lightbox = create_node("div", LIGHTBOX_WRAPPER_CSS_CLASS) img.add_next_sibling(lightbox) lightbox.add_child(img) # then, the link to our larger image src = UrlHelper.cook_url(img["src"], secure: @post.with_secure_uploads?) a = create_link_node("lightbox", src) img.add_next_sibling(a) a["data-download-href"] = Discourse.store.download_url(upload) if upload a.add_child(img) # then, some overlay informations meta = create_node("div", "meta") img.add_next_sibling(meta) filename = get_filename(upload, img["src"]) informations = +"#{original_width}×#{original_height}" informations << " #{upload.human_filesize}" if upload a["title"] = CGI.escapeHTML(img["title"] || img["alt"] || filename) meta.add_child create_icon_node("far-image") meta.add_child create_span_node("filename", a["title"]) meta.add_child create_span_node("informations", informations) meta.add_child create_icon_node("discourse-expand") end def get_filename(upload, src) return File.basename(src) unless upload return upload.original_filename unless upload.original_filename =~ /^blob(\.png)?$/i I18n.t("upload.pasted_image_filename") end def update_post_image upload = nil images = extract_images_for_post @post.each_upload_url(fragments: images.css("[data-thumbnail]")) do |src, path, sha1| upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) break if upload end if upload.nil? # No specified thumbnail. Use any image: @post.each_upload_url(fragments: images.css(":not([data-thumbnail])")) do |src, path, sha1| upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1) break if upload end end if upload.present? @post.update_column(:image_upload_id, upload.id) # post if @post.is_first_post? # topic @post.topic.update_column(:image_upload_id, upload.id) extra_sizes = ThemeModifierHelper.new(theme_ids: Theme.user_selectable.pluck(:id)).topic_thumbnail_sizes @post.topic.generate_thumbnails!(extra_sizes: extra_sizes) end else @post.update_column(:image_upload_id, nil) if @post.image_upload_id if @post.topic.image_upload_id && @post.is_first_post? @post.topic.update_column(:image_upload_id, nil) end nil end end def optimize_urls %w[href data-download-href].each do |selector| @doc.css("a[#{selector}]").each { |a| a[selector] = UrlHelper.cook_url(a[selector].to_s) } end %w[src].each do |selector| @doc .css("img[#{selector}]") .each do |img| custom_emoji = img["class"]&.include?("emoji-custom") && Emoji.custom?(img["title"]) img[selector] = UrlHelper.cook_url( img[selector].to_s, secure: @post.with_secure_uploads? && !custom_emoji, ) end end end def remove_user_ids @doc .css("a[href]") .each do |a| uri = begin URI(a["href"]) rescue URI::Error next end next if uri.hostname != Discourse.current_hostname query = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) next if !query.delete("u") uri.query = query.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("&").presence a["href"] = uri.to_s end end def enforce_nofollow add_nofollow = !@omit_nofollow && SiteSetting.add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content PrettyText.add_rel_attributes_to_user_content(@doc, add_nofollow) end private def post_process_images extract_images.each do |img| still_an_image = process_hotlinked_image(img) convert_to_link!(img) if still_an_image end end def process_hotlinked_image(img) @hotlinked_map ||= @post.post_hotlinked_media.preload(:upload).map { |r| [r.url, r] }.to_h normalized_src = PostHotlinkedMedia.normalize_src(img["src"] || img[PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRC_ATTR]) info = @hotlinked_map[normalized_src] still_an_image = true if info&.too_large? if img.ancestors(".onebox, .onebox-body").blank? add_large_image_placeholder!(img) else img.remove end still_an_image = false elsif info&.download_failed? if img.ancestors(".onebox, .onebox-body").blank? add_broken_image_placeholder!(img) else img.remove end still_an_image = false elsif info&.downloaded? && upload = info&.upload img["src"] = UrlHelper.cook_url(upload.url, secure: @with_secure_uploads) img.delete(PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRC_ATTR) end still_an_image end def add_blocked_hotlinked_media_placeholders @doc .css( [ "[#{PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRC_ATTR}]", "[#{PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRCSET_ATTR}]", ].join(","), ) .each do |el| src = el[PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRC_ATTR] || el[PrettyText::BLOCKED_HOTLINKED_SRCSET_ATTR]&.split(",")&.first&.split(" ")&.first if el.name == "img" add_blocked_hotlinked_image_placeholder!(el) next end el = el.parent if %w[video audio].include?(el.parent.name) el = el.parent if el.parent.classes.include?("video-container") add_blocked_hotlinked_media_placeholder!(el, src) end end def is_svg?(img) path = begin URI(img["src"]).path rescue URI::Error nil end File.extname(path) == ".svg" if path end end