# frozen_string_literal: true # see https://samsaffron.com/archive/2017/10/18/fastest-way-to-profile-a-method-in-ruby class MethodProfiler def self.patch(klass, methods, name, no_recurse: false) patches = methods .map do |method_name| recurse_protection = "" recurse_protection = <<~RUBY if no_recurse return #{method_name}__mp_unpatched(*args, &blk) if @mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} @mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} = true RUBY <<~RUBY unless defined?(#{method_name}__mp_unpatched) alias_method :#{method_name}__mp_unpatched, :#{method_name} def #{method_name}(*args, &blk) unless prof = Thread.current[:_method_profiler] return #{method_name}__mp_unpatched(*args, &blk) end #{recurse_protection} begin start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) #{method_name}__mp_unpatched(*args, &blk) ensure data = (prof[:#{name}] ||= {duration: 0.0, calls: 0}) data[:duration] += Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start data[:calls] += 1 #{"@mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} = false" if no_recurse} end end end RUBY end .join("\n") klass.class_eval patches end def self.patch_with_debug_sql(klass, methods, name, no_recurse: false) patches = methods .map do |method_name| recurse_protection = "" recurse_protection = <<~RUBY if no_recurse return #{method_name}__mp_unpatched_debug_sql(*args, &blk) if @mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} @mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} = true RUBY <<~RUBY unless defined?(#{method_name}__mp_unpatched_debug_sql) alias_method :#{method_name}__mp_unpatched_debug_sql, :#{method_name} def #{method_name}(*args, &blk) #{recurse_protection} query = args[0] should_filter = #{@@instrumentation_debug_sql_filter_transactions} && (query == "COMMIT" || query == "BEGIN" || query == "ROLLBACK") if !should_filter STDERR.puts "debugsql (sql): " + query end begin start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) #{method_name}__mp_unpatched_debug_sql(*args, &blk) ensure duration = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start if !should_filter STDERR.puts "debugsql (sec): " + duration.round(3).to_s end #{"@mp_recurse_protect_#{method_name} = false" if no_recurse} end end end RUBY end .join("\n") klass.class_eval patches end def self.transfer result = Thread.current[:_method_profiler] Thread.current[:_method_profiler] = nil result end def self.start(transfer = nil) Thread.current[:_method_profiler] = transfer || { __start: Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) } end def self.clear Thread.current[:_method_profiler] = nil end def self.stop finish = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) if data = Thread.current[:_method_profiler] Thread.current[:_method_profiler] = nil start = data.delete(:__start) data[:total_duration] = finish - start end data end ## # This is almost the same as ensure_discourse_instrumentation! but should not # be used in production. This logs all SQL queries run and their durations # between start and stop. # # filter_transactions - When true, we do not record timings of transaction # related commits (BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK) def self.output_sql_to_stderr!(filter_transactions: false) Rails.logger.warn( "Stop! This instrumentation is not intended for use in production outside of debugging scenarios. Please be sure you know what you are doing when enabling this instrumentation.", ) @@instrumentation_debug_sql_filter_transactions = filter_transactions @@instrumentation_setup_debug_sql ||= begin MethodProfiler.patch_with_debug_sql( PG::Connection, %i[exec async_exec exec_prepared send_query_prepared query exec_params], :sql, ) true end end def self.ensure_discourse_instrumentation! @@instrumentation_setup ||= begin MethodProfiler.patch( PG::Connection, %i[exec async_exec exec_prepared send_query_prepared query exec_params], :sql, ) MethodProfiler.patch(Redis::Client, %i[call call_pipeline], :redis) MethodProfiler.patch(Net::HTTP, [:request], :net, no_recurse: true) MethodProfiler.patch(Excon::Connection, [:request], :net) true end end end