# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe WatchedWord do it "can't have duplicate words" do Fabricate(:watched_word, word: "darn", action: described_class.actions[:block]) w = Fabricate.build(:watched_word, word: "darn", action: described_class.actions[:block]) expect(w.save).to eq(false) w = Fabricate.build(:watched_word, word: "darn", action: described_class.actions[:flag]) expect(w.save).to eq(false) expect(described_class.count).to eq(1) end it "doesn't downcase words" do expect(described_class.create(word: "ShooT").word).to eq("ShooT") end it "strips leading and trailing spaces" do expect(described_class.create(word: " poutine ").word).to eq("poutine") end it "squeezes multiple asterisks" do expect(described_class.create(word: "a**les").word).to eq("a*les") end it "is case-insensitive by default" do expect(described_class.create(word: "Jest").case_sensitive?).to eq(false) end describe "action_key=" do let(:w) { WatchedWord.new(word: "troll") } it "sets action attr from symbol" do described_class.actions.keys.each do |k| w.action_key = k expect(w.action).to eq(described_class.actions[k]) end end it "sets action attr from string" do described_class.actions.keys.each do |k| w.action_key = k.to_s expect(w.action).to eq(described_class.actions[k]) end end it "sets error for invalid key" do w.action_key = "shame" expect(w).to_not be_valid expect(w.errors[:action]).to be_present end end describe "#create_or_update_word" do it "can create a new record" do expect { w = described_class.create_or_update_word(word: "nickelback", action_key: :block) expect(w.reload.action).to eq(described_class.actions[:block]) }.to change { described_class.count }.by(1) end it "can update an existing record with different action" do existing = Fabricate(:watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:flag]) expect { w = described_class.create_or_update_word(word: existing.word, action_key: :block) expect(w.reload.action).to eq(described_class.actions[:block]) expect(w.id).to eq(existing.id) }.to_not change { described_class.count } end it "doesn't error for existing record with same action" do existing = Fabricate( :watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:flag], created_at: 1.day.ago, updated_at: 1.day.ago, ) expect { w = described_class.create_or_update_word(word: existing.word, action_key: :flag) expect(w.id).to eq(existing.id) expect(w.updated_at).to eq_time(w.updated_at) }.to_not change { described_class.count } end it "allows action param instead of action_key" do expect { w = described_class.create_or_update_word( word: "nickelback", action: described_class.actions[:block], ) expect(w.reload.action).to eq(described_class.actions[:block]) }.to change { described_class.count }.by(1) end it "normalizes input" do existing = Fabricate(:watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:flag]) expect { w = described_class.create_or_update_word( word: " #{existing.word.upcase} ", action_key: :block, ) expect(w.reload.action).to eq(described_class.actions[:block]) expect(w.id).to eq(existing.id) }.to_not change { described_class.count } end it "error when an tag action is created without valid tags" do expect { described_class.create!(word: "ramones", action: described_class.actions[:tag]) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it "replaces link with absolute URL" do word = Fabricate(:watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:link], word: "meta1") expect(word.replacement).to eq("http://test.localhost/") word = Fabricate( :watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:link], word: "meta2", replacement: "test", ) expect(word.replacement).to eq("http://test.localhost/test") word = Fabricate( :watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:link], word: "meta3", replacement: "/test", ) expect(word.replacement).to eq("http://test.localhost/test") end it "sets case-sensitivity of a word" do word = described_class.create_or_update_word( word: "joker", action_key: :block, case_sensitive: true, ) expect(word.case_sensitive?).to eq(true) word = described_class.create_or_update_word(word: "free", action_key: :block) expect(word.case_sensitive?).to eq(false) end it "updates case-sensitivity of a word" do existing = Fabricate(:watched_word, action: described_class.actions[:block], case_sensitive: true) updated = described_class.create_or_update_word( word: existing.word, action_key: :block, case_sensitive: false, ) expect(updated.case_sensitive?).to eq(false) end context "when a case-sensitive word already exists" do subject(:create_or_update) do described_class.create_or_update_word(word: word, action_key: :block, case_sensitive: true) end fab!(:existing_word) { Fabricate(:watched_word, case_sensitive: true, word: "Meta") } context "when providing the exact same word" do let(:word) { existing_word.word } it "doesn't create a new watched word" do expect { create_or_update }.not_to change { described_class.count } end it "returns the existing watched word" do expect(create_or_update).to eq(existing_word) end end context "when providing the same word with a different case" do let(:word) { "metA" } it "creates a new watched word" do expect(create_or_update).not_to eq(existing_word) end it "returns the new watched word" do expect(create_or_update).to have_attributes word: "metA", case_sensitive: true, action: 1 end end end end end