# frozen_string_literal: true class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base class UserExists < StandardError end class NotAllowed < StandardError end include RateLimiter::OnCreateRecord include HasCustomFields include Trashable include Searchable include LimitedEdit extend Forwardable EXTERNAL_ID_MAX_LENGTH = 50 self.ignored_columns = [ "avg_time", # TODO(2021-01-04): remove "image_url", # TODO(2021-06-01): remove ] def_delegator :featured_users, :user_ids, :featured_user_ids def_delegator :featured_users, :choose, :feature_topic_users def_delegator :notifier, :watch!, :notify_watch! def_delegator :notifier, :track!, :notify_tracking! def_delegator :notifier, :regular!, :notify_regular! def_delegator :notifier, :mute!, :notify_muted! def_delegator :notifier, :toggle_mute, :toggle_mute attr_accessor :allowed_user_ids, :tags_changed, :includes_destination_category def self.max_fancy_title_length 400 end def self.share_thumbnail_size [1024, 1024] end def self.thumbnail_sizes [self.share_thumbnail_size] + DiscoursePluginRegistry.topic_thumbnail_sizes end def thumbnail_job_redis_key(sizes) "generate_topic_thumbnail_enqueue_#{id}_#{sizes.inspect}" end def filtered_topic_thumbnails(extra_sizes: []) return nil unless original = image_upload return nil unless original.read_attribute(:width) && original.read_attribute(:height) thumbnail_sizes = Topic.thumbnail_sizes + extra_sizes topic_thumbnails.filter do |record| thumbnail_sizes.include?([record.max_width, record.max_height]) end end def thumbnail_info(enqueue_if_missing: false, extra_sizes: []) return nil unless original = image_upload return nil if original.filesize >= SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes return nil unless original.read_attribute(:width) && original.read_attribute(:height) infos = [] infos << { # Always add original max_width: nil, max_height: nil, width: original.width, height: original.height, url: original.url, } records = filtered_topic_thumbnails(extra_sizes: extra_sizes) records.each do |record| next unless record.optimized_image # Only serialize successful thumbnails infos << { max_width: record.max_width, max_height: record.max_height, width: record.optimized_image&.width, height: record.optimized_image&.height, url: record.optimized_image&.url, } end thumbnail_sizes = Topic.thumbnail_sizes + extra_sizes if SiteSetting.create_thumbnails && enqueue_if_missing && records.length < thumbnail_sizes.length && Discourse.redis.set(thumbnail_job_redis_key(extra_sizes), 1, nx: true, ex: 1.minute) Jobs.enqueue(:generate_topic_thumbnails, { topic_id: id, extra_sizes: extra_sizes }) end infos.each { |i| i[:url] = UrlHelper.cook_url(i[:url], secure: original.secure?, local: true) } infos.sort_by! { |i| -i[:width] * i[:height] } end def generate_thumbnails!(extra_sizes: []) return nil unless SiteSetting.create_thumbnails return nil unless original = image_upload return nil if original.filesize >= SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes return nil unless original.width && original.height extra_sizes = [] unless extra_sizes.kind_of?(Array) (Topic.thumbnail_sizes + extra_sizes).each do |dim| TopicThumbnail.find_or_create_for!(original, max_width: dim[0], max_height: dim[1]) end end def image_url(enqueue_if_missing: false) thumbnail = topic_thumbnails.detect do |record| record.max_width == Topic.share_thumbnail_size[0] && record.max_height == Topic.share_thumbnail_size[1] end if thumbnail.nil? && image_upload && SiteSetting.create_thumbnails && image_upload.filesize < SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes && image_upload.read_attribute(:width) && image_upload.read_attribute(:height) && enqueue_if_missing && Discourse.redis.set(thumbnail_job_redis_key([]), 1, nx: true, ex: 1.minute) Jobs.enqueue(:generate_topic_thumbnails, { topic_id: id }) end raw_url = thumbnail&.optimized_image&.url || image_upload&.url UrlHelper.cook_url(raw_url, secure: image_upload&.secure?, local: true) if raw_url end def featured_users @featured_users ||= TopicFeaturedUsers.new(self) end def trash!(trashed_by = nil) trigger_event = false if deleted_at.nil? update_category_topic_count_by(-1) if visible? CategoryTagStat.topic_deleted(self) if self.tags.present? trigger_event = true end super(trashed_by) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_trashed, self) if trigger_event self.topic_embed.trash! if has_topic_embed? end def recover!(recovered_by = nil) trigger_event = false unless deleted_at.nil? update_category_topic_count_by(1) if visible? CategoryTagStat.topic_recovered(self) if self.tags.present? trigger_event = true end # Note parens are required because superclass doesn't take `recovered_by` super() DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_recovered, self) if trigger_event unless (topic_embed = TopicEmbed.with_deleted.find_by_topic_id(id)).nil? topic_embed.recover! end end rate_limit :default_rate_limiter rate_limit :limit_topics_per_day rate_limit :limit_private_messages_per_day validates :title, if: Proc.new { |t| t.new_record? || t.title_changed? }, presence: true, topic_title_length: true, censored_words: true, watched_words: true, quality_title: { unless: :private_message?, }, max_emojis: true, unique_among: { unless: Proc.new { |t| (SiteSetting.allow_duplicate_topic_titles? || t.private_message?) }, message: :has_already_been_used, allow_blank: true, case_sensitive: false, collection: Proc.new { |t| if SiteSetting.allow_duplicate_topic_titles_category? Topic.listable_topics.where("category_id = ?", t.category_id) else Topic.listable_topics end }, } validates :category_id, presence: true, exclusion: { in: Proc.new { [SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id] }, }, if: Proc.new { |t| (t.new_record? || t.category_id_changed?) && !SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics && (t.archetype.nil? || t.regular?) } validates :featured_link, allow_nil: true, url: true validate if: :featured_link do if featured_link_changed? && !Guardian.new(user).can_edit_featured_link?(category_id) errors.add(:featured_link) end end validates :external_id, allow_nil: true, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false, }, length: { maximum: EXTERNAL_ID_MAX_LENGTH, }, format: { with: /\A[\w-]+\z/, } before_validation do self.title = TextCleaner.clean_title(TextSentinel.title_sentinel(title).text) if errors[ :title ].empty? self.featured_link = self.featured_link.strip.presence if self.featured_link end belongs_to :category has_many :category_users, through: :category has_many :posts # NOTE: To get all Post _and_ Topic bookmarks for a topic by user, # use the Bookmark.for_user_in_topic scope. has_many :bookmarks, as: :bookmarkable has_many :ordered_posts, -> { order(post_number: :asc) }, class_name: "Post" has_many :topic_allowed_users has_many :topic_allowed_groups has_many :incoming_email has_many :group_archived_messages, dependent: :destroy has_many :user_archived_messages, dependent: :destroy has_many :allowed_groups, through: :topic_allowed_groups, source: :group has_many :allowed_group_users, through: :allowed_groups, source: :users has_many :allowed_users, through: :topic_allowed_users, source: :user has_many :topic_tags has_many :tags, through: :topic_tags, dependent: :destroy # dependent destroy applies to the topic_tags records has_many :tag_users, through: :tags has_one :top_topic has_one :shared_draft, dependent: :destroy has_one :published_page belongs_to :user belongs_to :last_poster, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :last_post_user_id belongs_to :featured_user1, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :featured_user1_id belongs_to :featured_user2, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :featured_user2_id belongs_to :featured_user3, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :featured_user3_id belongs_to :featured_user4, class_name: "User", foreign_key: :featured_user4_id has_many :topic_users has_many :dismissed_topic_users has_many :topic_links has_many :topic_invites has_many :invites, through: :topic_invites, source: :invite has_many :topic_timers, dependent: :destroy has_many :reviewables has_many :user_profiles has_one :user_warning has_one :first_post, -> { where post_number: 1 }, class_name: "Post" has_one :topic_search_data has_one :topic_embed, dependent: :destroy has_one :linked_topic, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :image_upload, class_name: "Upload" has_many :topic_thumbnails, through: :image_upload # When we want to temporarily attach some data to a forum topic (usually before serialization) attr_accessor :user_data attr_accessor :category_user_data attr_accessor :dismissed attr_accessor :posters # TODO: can replace with posters_summary once we remove old list code attr_accessor :participants attr_accessor :topic_list attr_accessor :meta_data attr_accessor :include_last_poster attr_accessor :import_mode # set to true to optimize creation and save for imports # The regular order scope :topic_list_order, -> { order("topics.bumped_at desc") } # Return private message topics scope :private_messages, -> { where(archetype: Archetype.private_message) } PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_USER = <<~SQL SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE user_id = :user_id SQL PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_GROUP = <<~SQL SELECT tg.topic_id FROM topic_allowed_groups tg JOIN group_users gu ON gu.user_id = :user_id AND gu.group_id = tg.group_id SQL scope :private_messages_for_user, ->(user) { private_messages.where( "topics.id IN (#{PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_USER}) OR topics.id IN (#{PRIVATE_MESSAGES_SQL_GROUP})", user_id: user.id, ) } scope :listable_topics, -> { where("topics.archetype <> ?", Archetype.private_message) } scope :by_newest, -> { order("topics.created_at desc, topics.id desc") } scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } scope :created_since, lambda { |time_ago| where("topics.created_at > ?", time_ago) } scope :exclude_scheduled_bump_topics, -> { where.not(id: TopicTimer.scheduled_bump_topics) } scope :secured, lambda { |guardian = nil| ids = guardian.secure_category_ids if guardian # Query conditions condition = if ids.present? ["NOT read_restricted OR id IN (:cats)", cats: ids] else ["NOT read_restricted"] end where( "topics.category_id IS NULL OR topics.category_id IN (SELECT id FROM categories WHERE #{condition[0]})", condition[1], ) } scope :in_category_and_subcategories, lambda { |category_id| if category_id where("topics.category_id IN (?)", Category.subcategory_ids(category_id.to_i)) end } scope :with_subtype, ->(subtype) { where("topics.subtype = ?", subtype) } attr_accessor :ignore_category_auto_close attr_accessor :skip_callbacks attr_accessor :advance_draft before_create { initialize_default_values } after_create do unless skip_callbacks changed_to_category(category) advance_draft_sequence if advance_draft end end before_save do ensure_topic_has_a_category unless skip_callbacks write_attribute(:fancy_title, Topic.fancy_title(title)) if title_changed? if category_id_changed? || new_record? inherit_auto_close_from_category inherit_slow_mode_from_category end end after_save do banner = "banner" if archetype_before_last_save == banner || archetype == banner ApplicationController.banner_json_cache.clear end if tags_changed || saved_change_to_attribute?(:category_id) || saved_change_to_attribute?(:title) SearchIndexer.queue_post_reindex(self.id) if tags_changed TagUser.auto_watch(topic_id: id) TagUser.auto_track(topic_id: id) self.tags_changed = false end end SearchIndexer.index(self) end after_update do if saved_changes[:category_id] && self.tags.present? CategoryTagStat.topic_moved(self, *saved_changes[:category_id]) elsif saved_changes[:category_id] && self.category&.read_restricted? UserProfile.remove_featured_topic_from_all_profiles(self) end end def initialize_default_values self.bumped_at ||= Time.now self.last_post_user_id ||= user_id end def advance_draft_sequence if self.private_message? DraftSequence.next!(user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) else DraftSequence.next!(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC) end end def ensure_topic_has_a_category if category_id.nil? && (archetype.nil? || self.regular?) self.category_id = category&.id || SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id end end def self.visible_post_types(viewed_by = nil, include_moderator_actions: true) types = Post.types result = [types[:regular]] result += [types[:moderator_action], types[:small_action]] if include_moderator_actions result << types[:whisper] if viewed_by&.whisperer? result end def self.top_viewed(max = 10) Topic.listable_topics.visible.secured.order("views desc").limit(max) end def self.recent(max = 10) Topic.listable_topics.visible.secured.order("created_at desc").limit(max) end def self.count_exceeds_minimum? count > SiteSetting.minimum_topics_similar end def best_post posts .where(post_type: Post.types[:regular], user_deleted: false) .order("score desc nulls last") .limit(1) .first end def self.has_flag_scope ReviewableFlaggedPost.pending_and_default_visible end def has_flags? self.class.has_flag_scope.exists?(topic_id: self.id) end def is_official_warning? subtype == TopicSubtype.moderator_warning end # all users (in groups or directly targeted) that are going to get the pm def all_allowed_users moderators_sql = " UNION #{User.moderators.to_sql}" if private_message? && (has_flags? || is_official_warning?) User.from( "(#{allowed_users.to_sql} UNION #{allowed_group_users.to_sql}#{moderators_sql}) as users", ) end # Additional rate limits on topics: per day and private messages per day def limit_topics_per_day return unless regular? if user && user.new_user_posting_on_first_day? limit_first_day_topics_per_day else apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("topics", :max_topics_per_day) end end def limit_private_messages_per_day return unless private_message? apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("pms", :max_personal_messages_per_day) end def self.fancy_title(title) return unless escaped = ERB::Util.html_escape(title) fancy_title = Emoji.unicode_unescape(HtmlPrettify.render(escaped)) fancy_title.length > Topic.max_fancy_title_length ? escaped : fancy_title end def fancy_title return ERB::Util.html_escape(title) unless SiteSetting.title_fancy_entities? unless fancy_title = read_attribute(:fancy_title) fancy_title = Topic.fancy_title(title) write_attribute(:fancy_title, fancy_title) if !new_record? && !Discourse.readonly_mode? # make sure data is set in table, this also allows us to change algorithm # by simply nulling this column DB.exec( "UPDATE topics SET fancy_title = :fancy_title where id = :id", id: self.id, fancy_title: fancy_title, ) end end fancy_title end # Returns hot topics since a date for display in email digest. def self.for_digest(user, since, opts = nil) opts = opts || {} period = ListController.best_period_for(since) topics = Topic .visible .secured(Guardian.new(user)) .joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN topic_users ON topic_users.topic_id = topics.id AND topic_users.user_id = #{user.id.to_i}", ) .joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN category_users ON category_users.category_id = topics.category_id AND category_users.user_id = #{user.id.to_i}", ) .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON users.id = topics.user_id") .where(closed: false, archived: false) .where( "COALESCE(topic_users.notification_level, 1) <> ?", TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted], ) .created_since(since) .where("topics.created_at < ?", (SiteSetting.editing_grace_period || 0).seconds.ago) .listable_topics .includes(:category) unless opts[:include_tl0] || user.user_option.try(:include_tl0_in_digests) topics = topics.where("COALESCE(users.trust_level, 0) > 0") end if !!opts[:top_order] topics = topics.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN top_topics ON top_topics.topic_id = topics.id").order(<<~SQL) COALESCE(topic_users.notification_level, 1) DESC, COALESCE(category_users.notification_level, 1) DESC, COALESCE(top_topics.#{TopTopic.score_column_for_period(period)}, 0) DESC, topics.bumped_at DESC SQL end topics = topics.limit(opts[:limit]) if opts[:limit] # Remove category topics category_topic_ids = Category.pluck(:topic_id).compact! topics = topics.where("topics.id NOT IN (?)", category_topic_ids) if category_topic_ids.present? # Remove muted and shared draft categories remove_category_ids = CategoryUser.where( user_id: user.id, notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted], ).pluck(:category_id) if SiteSetting.digest_suppress_categories.present? topics = topics.where( "topics.category_id NOT IN (?)", SiteSetting.digest_suppress_categories.split("|").map(&:to_i), ) end remove_category_ids << SiteSetting.shared_drafts_category if SiteSetting.shared_drafts_enabled? if remove_category_ids.present? remove_category_ids.uniq! topics = topics.where( "topic_users.notification_level != ? OR topics.category_id NOT IN (?)", TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted], remove_category_ids, ) end # Remove muted tags muted_tag_ids = TagUser.lookup(user, :muted).pluck(:tag_id) unless muted_tag_ids.empty? # If multiple tags per topic, include topics with tags that aren't muted, # and don't forget untagged topics. topics = topics.where( "EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags WHERE topic_tags.topic_id = topics.id AND tag_id NOT IN (?) ) OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags WHERE topic_tags.topic_id = topics.id)", muted_tag_ids, ) end topics end def meta_data=(data) custom_fields.replace(data) end def meta_data custom_fields end def update_meta_data(data) custom_fields.update(data) save end def reload(options = nil) @post_numbers = nil @public_topic_timer = nil @slow_mode_topic_timer = nil @is_category_topic = nil super(options) end def post_numbers @post_numbers ||= posts.order(:post_number).pluck(:post_number) end def age_in_minutes ((Time.zone.now - created_at) / 1.minute).round end def self.listable_count_per_day( start_date, end_date, category_id = nil, include_subcategories = false ) result = listable_topics.where( "topics.created_at >= ? AND topics.created_at <= ?", start_date, end_date, ) result = result.group("date(topics.created_at)").order("date(topics.created_at)") result = result.where( category_id: include_subcategories ? Category.subcategory_ids(category_id) : category_id, ) if category_id result.count end def private_message? self.archetype == Archetype.private_message end def regular? self.archetype == Archetype.default end def open? !self.closed? end MAX_SIMILAR_BODY_LENGTH ||= 200 def self.similar_to(title, raw, user = nil) return [] if title.blank? raw = raw.presence || "" search_data = Search.prepare_data(title.strip) return [] if search_data.blank? tsquery = Search.set_tsquery_weight_filter(search_data, "A") if raw.present? cooked = SearchIndexer::HtmlScrubber.scrub(PrettyText.cook(raw[0...MAX_SIMILAR_BODY_LENGTH].strip)) prepared_data = cooked.present? && Search.prepare_data(cooked) if prepared_data.present? raw_tsquery = Search.set_tsquery_weight_filter(prepared_data, "B") tsquery = "#{tsquery} & #{raw_tsquery}" end end tsquery = Search.to_tsquery(term: tsquery, joiner: "|") guardian = Guardian.new(user) excluded_category_ids_sql = Category .secured(guardian) .where(search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore]) .select(:id) .to_sql excluded_category_ids_sql = <<~SQL if user #{excluded_category_ids_sql} UNION #{CategoryUser.muted_category_ids_query(user, include_direct: true).select("categories.id").to_sql} SQL candidates = Topic .visible .listable_topics .secured(guardian) .joins("JOIN topic_search_data s ON topics.id = s.topic_id") .joins("LEFT JOIN categories c ON topics.id = c.topic_id") .where("search_data @@ #{tsquery}") .where("c.topic_id IS NULL") .where("topics.category_id NOT IN (#{excluded_category_ids_sql})") .order("ts_rank(search_data, #{tsquery}) DESC") .limit(SiteSetting.max_similar_results * 3) candidate_ids = candidates.pluck(:id) return [] if candidate_ids.blank? similars = Topic .joins("JOIN posts AS p ON p.topic_id = topics.id AND p.post_number = 1") .where("topics.id IN (?)", candidate_ids) .order("similarity DESC") .limit(SiteSetting.max_similar_results) if raw.present? similars.select( DB.sql_fragment( "topics.*, similarity(topics.title, :title) + similarity(p.raw, :raw) AS similarity, p.cooked AS blurb", title: title, raw: raw, ), ).where( "similarity(topics.title, :title) + similarity(p.raw, :raw) > 0.2", title: title, raw: raw, ) else similars.select( DB.sql_fragment( "topics.*, similarity(topics.title, :title) AS similarity, p.cooked AS blurb", title: title, ), ).where("similarity(topics.title, :title) > 0.2", title: title) end end def update_status(status, enabled, user, opts = {}) TopicStatusUpdater.new(self, user).update!(status, enabled, opts) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_status_updated, self, status, enabled) if status == "closed" StaffActionLogger.new(user).log_topic_closed(self, closed: enabled) elsif status == "archived" StaffActionLogger.new(user).log_topic_archived(self, archived: enabled) end if enabled && private_message? && status.to_s["closed"] group_ids = user.groups.pluck(:id) if group_ids.present? allowed_group_ids = self.allowed_groups.where("topic_allowed_groups.group_id IN (?)", group_ids).pluck(:id) allowed_group_ids.each { |id| GroupArchivedMessage.archive!(id, self) } end end end # Atomically creates the next post number def self.next_post_number(topic_id, opts = {}) highest = DB .query_single( "SELECT coalesce(max(post_number),0) AS max FROM posts WHERE topic_id = ?", topic_id, ) .first .to_i if opts[:whisper] result = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, highest, topic_id) UPDATE topics SET highest_staff_post_number = ? + 1 WHERE id = ? RETURNING highest_staff_post_number SQL result.first.to_i else reply_sql = opts[:reply] ? ", reply_count = reply_count + 1" : "" posts_sql = opts[:post] ? ", posts_count = posts_count + 1" : "" result = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, highest: highest, topic_id: topic_id) UPDATE topics SET highest_staff_post_number = :highest + 1, highest_post_number = :highest + 1 #{reply_sql} #{posts_sql} WHERE id = :topic_id RETURNING highest_post_number SQL result.first.to_i end end def self.reset_all_highest! DB.exec <<~SQL WITH X as ( SELECT topic_id, COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) highest_post_number FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY topic_id ), Y as ( SELECT topic_id, coalesce(MAX(post_number), 0) highest_post_number, count(*) posts_count, max(created_at) last_posted_at FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND post_type <> 4 GROUP BY topic_id ) UPDATE topics SET highest_staff_post_number = X.highest_post_number, highest_post_number = Y.highest_post_number, last_posted_at = Y.last_posted_at, posts_count = Y.posts_count FROM X, Y WHERE topics.archetype <> 'private_message' AND X.topic_id = topics.id AND Y.topic_id = topics.id AND ( topics.highest_staff_post_number <> X.highest_post_number OR topics.highest_post_number <> Y.highest_post_number OR topics.last_posted_at <> Y.last_posted_at OR topics.posts_count <> Y.posts_count ) SQL DB.exec <<~SQL WITH X as ( SELECT topic_id, COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) highest_post_number FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY topic_id ), Y as ( SELECT topic_id, coalesce(MAX(post_number), 0) highest_post_number, count(*) posts_count, max(created_at) last_posted_at FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND post_type <> 3 AND post_type <> 4 GROUP BY topic_id ) UPDATE topics SET highest_staff_post_number = X.highest_post_number, highest_post_number = Y.highest_post_number, last_posted_at = Y.last_posted_at, posts_count = Y.posts_count FROM X, Y WHERE topics.archetype = 'private_message' AND X.topic_id = topics.id AND Y.topic_id = topics.id AND ( topics.highest_staff_post_number <> X.highest_post_number OR topics.highest_post_number <> Y.highest_post_number OR topics.last_posted_at <> Y.last_posted_at OR topics.posts_count <> Y.posts_count ) SQL end # If a post is deleted we have to update our highest post counters and last post information def self.reset_highest(topic_id) archetype = Topic.where(id: topic_id).pick(:archetype) # ignore small_action replies for private messages post_type = archetype == Archetype.private_message ? " AND post_type <> #{Post.types[:small_action]}" : "" result = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, topic_id: topic_id) UPDATE topics SET highest_staff_post_number = ( SELECT COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL ), highest_post_number = ( SELECT COALESCE(MAX(post_number), 0) FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL AND post_type <> 4 #{post_type} ), posts_count = ( SELECT count(*) FROM posts WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND topic_id = :topic_id AND post_type <> 4 #{post_type} ), last_posted_at = ( SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL AND post_type <> 4 #{post_type} ), last_post_user_id = COALESCE(( SELECT user_id FROM posts WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND deleted_at IS NULL AND post_type <> 4 #{post_type} ORDER BY created_at desc LIMIT 1 ), last_post_user_id) WHERE id = :topic_id RETURNING highest_post_number SQL highest_post_number = result.first.to_i # Update the forum topic user records DB.exec(<<~SQL, highest: highest_post_number, topic_id: topic_id) UPDATE topic_users SET last_read_post_number = CASE WHEN last_read_post_number > :highest THEN :highest ELSE last_read_post_number END WHERE topic_id = :topic_id SQL end cattr_accessor :update_featured_topics def changed_to_category(new_category) return true if new_category.blank? || Category.exists?(topic_id: id) if new_category.id == SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id && !SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics return false end Topic.transaction do old_category = category if self.category_id != new_category.id self.update_attribute(:category_id, new_category.id) if old_category Category.where(id: old_category.id).update_all("topic_count = topic_count - 1") count = if old_category.read_restricted && !new_category.read_restricted 1 elsif !old_category.read_restricted && new_category.read_restricted -1 end Tag.update_counters(self.tags, { public_topic_count: count }) if count end # when a topic changes category we may have to start watching it # if we happen to have read state for it CategoryUser.auto_watch(category_id: new_category.id, topic_id: self.id) CategoryUser.auto_track(category_id: new_category.id, topic_id: self.id) if !SiteSetting.disable_category_edit_notifications && (post = self.ordered_posts.first) notified_user_ids = [post.user_id, post.last_editor_id].uniq DB.after_commit do Jobs.enqueue( :notify_category_change, post_id: post.id, notified_user_ids: notified_user_ids, ) end end # when a topic changes category we may need to make uploads # linked to posts secure/not secure depending on whether the # category is private. this is only done if the category # has actually changed to avoid noise. DB.after_commit { Jobs.enqueue(:update_topic_upload_security, topic_id: self.id) } end Category.where(id: new_category.id).update_all("topic_count = topic_count + 1") if Topic.update_featured_topics != false CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(old_category) unless @import_mode unless @import_mode || old_category.try(:id) == new_category.id CategoryFeaturedTopic.feature_topics_for(new_category) end end end true end def add_small_action(user, action_code, who = nil, opts = {}) custom_fields = {} custom_fields["action_code_who"] = who if who.present? opts = opts.merge( post_type: Post.types[:small_action], action_code: action_code, custom_fields: custom_fields, ) add_moderator_post(user, nil, opts) end def add_moderator_post(user, text, opts = nil) opts ||= {} new_post = nil creator = PostCreator.new( user, raw: text, post_type: opts[:post_type] || Post.types[:moderator_action], action_code: opts[:action_code], no_bump: opts[:bump].blank?, topic_id: self.id, silent: opts[:silent], skip_validations: true, custom_fields: opts[:custom_fields], import_mode: opts[:import_mode], ) if (new_post = creator.create) && new_post.present? increment!(:moderator_posts_count) if new_post.persisted? # If we are moving posts, we want to insert the moderator post where the previous posts were # in the stream, not at the end. if opts[:post_number].present? new_post.update!(post_number: opts[:post_number], sort_order: opts[:post_number]) end # Grab any links that are present TopicLink.extract_from(new_post) QuotedPost.extract_from(new_post) end new_post end def change_category_to_id(category_id) return false if private_message? new_category_id = category_id.to_i # if the category name is blank, reset the attribute new_category_id = SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id if new_category_id == 0 return true if self.category_id == new_category_id cat = Category.find_by(id: new_category_id) return false unless cat reviewables.update_all(category_id: new_category_id) changed_to_category(cat) end def remove_allowed_group(removed_by, name) if group = Group.find_by(name: name) group_user = topic_allowed_groups.find_by(group_id: group.id) if group_user group_user.destroy allowed_groups.reload add_small_action(removed_by, "removed_group", group.name) return true end end false end def remove_allowed_user(removed_by, username) user = username.is_a?(User) ? username : User.find_by(username: username) if user topic_user = topic_allowed_users.find_by(user_id: user.id) if topic_user if user.id == removed_by&.id add_small_action(removed_by, "user_left", user.username) else add_small_action(removed_by, "removed_user", user.username) end topic_user.destroy return true end end false end def reached_recipients_limit? return false unless private_message? topic_allowed_users.count + topic_allowed_groups.count >= SiteSetting.max_allowed_message_recipients end def invite_group(user, group) TopicAllowedGroup.create!(topic_id: self.id, group_id: group.id) self.allowed_groups.reload last_post = self.posts.order("post_number desc").where("not hidden AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL").first if last_post Jobs.enqueue(:post_alert, post_id: last_post.id) add_small_action(user, "invited_group", group.name) Jobs.enqueue(:group_pm_alert, user_id: user.id, group_id: group.id, post_id: last_post.id) end # If the group invited includes the OP of the topic as one of is members, # we cannot strip the topic_allowed_user record since it will be more # complicated to recover the topic_allowed_user record for the OP if the # group is removed. allowed_user_where_clause = <<~SQL users.id IN ( SELECT topic_allowed_users.user_id FROM topic_allowed_users INNER JOIN group_users ON group_users.user_id = topic_allowed_users.user_id INNER JOIN topic_allowed_groups ON topic_allowed_groups.group_id = group_users.group_id WHERE topic_allowed_groups.group_id = :group_id AND topic_allowed_users.topic_id = :topic_id AND topic_allowed_users.user_id != :op_user_id ) SQL User .where( [ allowed_user_where_clause, { group_id: group.id, topic_id: self.id, op_user_id: self.user_id }, ], ) .find_each { |allowed_user| remove_allowed_user(Discourse.system_user, allowed_user) } true end def invite(invited_by, username_or_email, group_ids = nil, custom_message = nil) guardian = Guardian.new(invited_by) if target_user = User.find_by_username_or_email(username_or_email) if topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: target_user.id) raise UserExists.new(I18n.t("topic_invite.user_exists")) end comm_screener = UserCommScreener.new(acting_user: invited_by, target_user_ids: target_user.id) if comm_screener.ignoring_or_muting_actor?(target_user.id) raise NotAllowed.new(I18n.t("not_accepting_pms", username: target_user.username)) end if TopicUser.where( topic: self, user: target_user, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted], ).exists? raise NotAllowed.new(I18n.t("topic_invite.muted_topic")) end if comm_screener.disallowing_pms_from_actor?(target_user.id) raise NotAllowed.new(I18n.t("topic_invite.receiver_does_not_allow_pm")) end if UserCommScreener.new( acting_user: target_user, target_user_ids: invited_by.id, ).disallowing_pms_from_actor?(invited_by.id) raise NotAllowed.new(I18n.t("topic_invite.sender_does_not_allow_pm")) end if private_message? !!invite_to_private_message(invited_by, target_user, guardian) else !!invite_to_topic(invited_by, target_user, group_ids, guardian) end elsif username_or_email =~ /\A.+@.+\z/ && guardian.can_invite_via_email?(self) !!Invite.generate( invited_by, email: username_or_email, topic: self, group_ids: group_ids, custom_message: custom_message, invite_to_topic: true, ) end end def email_already_exists_for?(invite) invite.email_already_exists && private_message? end def grant_permission_to_user(lower_email) user = User.find_by_email(lower_email) unless topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: user.id) topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: user.id) end end def max_post_number posts.with_deleted.maximum(:post_number).to_i end def move_posts(moved_by, post_ids, opts) post_mover = PostMover.new( self, moved_by, post_ids, move_to_pm: opts[:archetype].present? && opts[:archetype] == "private_message", ) if opts[:destination_topic_id] topic = post_mover.to_topic(opts[:destination_topic_id], participants: opts[:participants]) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:topic_merged, post_mover.original_topic, post_mover.destination_topic) topic elsif opts[:title] post_mover.to_new_topic(opts[:title], opts[:category_id], opts[:tags]) end end # Updates the denormalized statistics of a topic including featured posters. They shouldn't # go out of sync unless you do something drastic live move posts from one topic to another. # this recalculates everything. def update_statistics feature_topic_users update_action_counts Topic.reset_highest(id) end def update_action_counts update_column( :like_count, Post.where.not(post_type: Post.types[:whisper]).where(topic_id: id).sum(:like_count), ) end def posters_summary(options = {}) # avatar lookup in options @posters_summary ||= TopicPostersSummary.new(self, options).summary end def participants_summary(options = {}) @participants_summary ||= TopicParticipantsSummary.new(self, options).summary end def make_banner!(user, bannered_until = nil) if bannered_until bannered_until = begin Time.parse(bannered_until) rescue ArgumentError raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:bannered_until) end end # only one banner at the same time previous_banner = Topic.where(archetype: Archetype.banner).first previous_banner.remove_banner!(user) if previous_banner.present? UserProfile.where("dismissed_banner_key IS NOT NULL").update_all(dismissed_banner_key: nil) self.archetype = Archetype.banner self.bannered_until = bannered_until self.add_small_action(user, "banner.enabled") self.save MessageBus.publish("/site/banner", banner) Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:remove_banner, topic_id: self.id) Jobs.enqueue_at(bannered_until, :remove_banner, topic_id: self.id) if bannered_until end def remove_banner!(user) self.archetype = Archetype.default self.bannered_until = nil self.add_small_action(user, "banner.disabled") self.save MessageBus.publish("/site/banner", nil) Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:remove_banner, topic_id: self.id) end def banner post = self.ordered_posts.first { html: post.cooked, key: self.id, url: self.url } end cattr_accessor :slug_computed_callbacks self.slug_computed_callbacks = [] def slug_for_topic(title) return "" unless title.present? slug = Slug.for(title) # this is a hook for plugins that need to modify the generated slug self.class.slug_computed_callbacks.each { |callback| slug = callback.call(self, slug, title) } slug end # Even if the slug column in the database is null, topic.slug will return something: def slug unless slug = read_attribute(:slug) return "" unless title.present? slug = slug_for_topic(title) if new_record? write_attribute(:slug, slug) else update_column(:slug, slug) end end slug end def self.find_by_slug(slug) if SiteSetting.slug_generation_method != "encoded" Topic.find_by(slug: slug.downcase) else encoded_slug = CGI.escape(slug) Topic.find_by(slug: encoded_slug) end end def title=(t) slug = slug_for_topic(t.to_s) write_attribute(:slug, slug) write_attribute(:fancy_title, nil) write_attribute(:title, t) end # NOTE: These are probably better off somewhere else. # Having a model know about URLs seems a bit strange. def last_post_url "#{Discourse.base_path}/t/#{slug}/#{id}/#{posts_count}" end def self.url(id, slug, post_number = nil) url = +"#{Discourse.base_url}/t/#{slug}/#{id}" url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def url(post_number = nil) self.class.url id, slug, post_number end def self.relative_url(id, slug, post_number = nil) url = +"#{Discourse.base_path}/t/" url << "#{slug}/" if slug.present? url << id.to_s url << "/#{post_number}" if post_number.to_i > 1 url end def slugless_url(post_number = nil) Topic.relative_url(id, nil, post_number) end def relative_url(post_number = nil) Topic.relative_url(id, slug, post_number) end def clear_pin_for(user) return unless user.present? TopicUser.change(user.id, id, cleared_pinned_at: Time.now) end def re_pin_for(user) return unless user.present? TopicUser.change(user.id, id, cleared_pinned_at: nil) end def update_pinned(status, global = false, pinned_until = nil) if pinned_until pinned_until = begin Time.parse(pinned_until) rescue ArgumentError raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:pinned_until) end end update_columns( pinned_at: status ? Time.zone.now : nil, pinned_globally: global, pinned_until: pinned_until, ) Jobs.cancel_scheduled_job(:unpin_topic, topic_id: self.id) Jobs.enqueue_at(pinned_until, :unpin_topic, topic_id: self.id) if pinned_until end def draft_key "#{Draft::EXISTING_TOPIC}#{id}" end def notifier @topic_notifier ||= TopicNotifier.new(self) end def muted?(user) notifier.muted?(user.id) if user && user.id end def self.ensure_consistency! # unpin topics that might have been missed Topic.where("pinned_until < ?", Time.now).update_all( pinned_at: nil, pinned_globally: false, pinned_until: nil, ) Topic .where("bannered_until < ?", Time.now) .find_each { |topic| topic.remove_banner!(Discourse.system_user) } end def inherit_slow_mode_from_category if self.category&.default_slow_mode_seconds self.slow_mode_seconds = self.category&.default_slow_mode_seconds end end def inherit_auto_close_from_category(timer_type: :close) auto_close_hours = self.category&.auto_close_hours if self.open? && !@ignore_category_auto_close && auto_close_hours.present? && public_topic_timer&.execute_at.blank? based_on_last_post = self.category.auto_close_based_on_last_post duration_minutes = based_on_last_post ? auto_close_hours * 60 : nil # the timer time can be a timestamp or an integer based # on the number of hours auto_close_time = auto_close_hours if !based_on_last_post # set auto close to the original time it should have been # when the topic was first created. start_time = self.created_at || Time.zone.now auto_close_time = start_time + auto_close_hours.hours # if we have already passed the original close time then # we should not recreate the auto-close timer for the topic return if auto_close_time < Time.zone.now # timestamp must be a string for set_or_create_timer auto_close_time = auto_close_time.to_s end self.set_or_create_timer( TopicTimer.types[timer_type], auto_close_time, by_user: Discourse.system_user, based_on_last_post: based_on_last_post, duration_minutes: duration_minutes, ) end end def public_topic_timer @public_topic_timer ||= topic_timers.find_by(public_type: true) end def slow_mode_topic_timer @slow_mode_topic_timer ||= topic_timers.find_by(status_type: TopicTimer.types[:clear_slow_mode]) end def delete_topic_timer(status_type, by_user: Discourse.system_user) options = { status_type: status_type } options.merge!(user: by_user) unless TopicTimer.public_types[status_type] self.topic_timers.find_by(options)&.trash!(by_user) @public_topic_timer = nil nil end # Valid arguments for the time: # * An integer, which is the number of hours from now to update the topic's status. # * A timestamp, like "2013-11-25 13:00", when the topic's status should update. # * A timestamp with timezone in JSON format. (e.g., "2013-11-26T21:00:00.000Z") # * `nil` to delete the topic's status update. # Options: # * by_user: User who is setting the topic's status update. # * based_on_last_post: True if time should be based on timestamp of the last post. # * category_id: Category that the update will apply to. # * duration_minutes: The duration of the timer in minutes, which is used if the timer is based # on the last post or if the timer type is delete_replies. # * silent: Affects whether the close topic timer status change will be silent or not. def set_or_create_timer( status_type, time, by_user: nil, based_on_last_post: false, category_id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id, duration_minutes: nil, silent: nil ) if time.blank? && duration_minutes.blank? return delete_topic_timer(status_type, by_user: by_user) end duration_minutes = duration_minutes ? duration_minutes.to_i : 0 public_topic_timer = !!TopicTimer.public_types[status_type] topic_timer_options = { topic: self, public_type: public_topic_timer } topic_timer_options.merge!(user: by_user) unless public_topic_timer topic_timer_options.merge!(silent: silent) if silent topic_timer = TopicTimer.find_or_initialize_by(topic_timer_options) topic_timer.status_type = status_type time_now = Time.zone.now topic_timer.based_on_last_post = !based_on_last_post.blank? if status_type == TopicTimer.types[:publish_to_category] topic_timer.category = Category.find_by(id: category_id) end if topic_timer.based_on_last_post if duration_minutes > 0 last_post_created_at = self.ordered_posts.last.present? ? self.ordered_posts.last.created_at : time_now topic_timer.duration_minutes = duration_minutes topic_timer.execute_at = last_post_created_at + duration_minutes.minutes topic_timer.created_at = last_post_created_at end elsif topic_timer.status_type == TopicTimer.types[:delete_replies] if duration_minutes > 0 first_reply_created_at = (self.ordered_posts.where("post_number > 1").minimum(:created_at) || time_now) topic_timer.duration_minutes = duration_minutes topic_timer.execute_at = first_reply_created_at + duration_minutes.minutes topic_timer.created_at = first_reply_created_at end else utc = Time.find_zone("UTC") is_float = ( begin Float(time) rescue StandardError nil end ) if is_float num_hours = time.to_f topic_timer.execute_at = num_hours.hours.from_now if num_hours > 0 else timestamp = utc.parse(time) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters unless timestamp && timestamp > utc.now # a timestamp in client's time zone, like "2015-5-27 12:00" topic_timer.execute_at = timestamp end end if topic_timer.execute_at if by_user&.staff? || by_user&.trust_level == TrustLevel[4] topic_timer.user = by_user else topic_timer.user ||= ( if self.user.staff? || self.user.trust_level == TrustLevel[4] self.user else Discourse.system_user end ) end if self.persisted? # See TopicTimer.after_save for additional context; the topic # status may be changed by saving. topic_timer.save! else self.topic_timers << topic_timer end topic_timer end end def read_restricted_category? category && category.read_restricted end def category_allows_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post? category && category.allow_unlimited_owner_edits_on_first_post? end def acting_user @acting_user || user end def acting_user=(u) @acting_user = u end def secure_group_ids @secure_group_ids ||= (self.category.secure_group_ids if self.category && self.category.read_restricted?) end def has_topic_embed? TopicEmbed.where(topic_id: id).exists? end def expandable_first_post? SiteSetting.embed_truncate? && has_topic_embed? end def message_archived?(user) return false unless user && user.id # tricky query but this checks to see if message is archived for ALL groups you belong to # OR if you have it archived as a user explicitly sql = <<~SQL SELECT 1 WHERE ( SELECT count(*) FROM topic_allowed_groups tg JOIN group_archived_messages gm ON gm.topic_id = tg.topic_id AND gm.group_id = tg.group_id WHERE tg.group_id IN (SELECT g.group_id FROM group_users g WHERE g.user_id = :user_id) AND tg.topic_id = :topic_id ) = ( SELECT case when count(*) = 0 then -1 else count(*) end FROM topic_allowed_groups tg WHERE tg.group_id IN (SELECT g.group_id FROM group_users g WHERE g.user_id = :user_id) AND tg.topic_id = :topic_id ) UNION ALL SELECT 1 FROM topic_allowed_users tu JOIN user_archived_messages um ON um.user_id = tu.user_id AND um.topic_id = tu.topic_id WHERE tu.user_id = :user_id AND tu.topic_id = :topic_id SQL DB.exec(sql, user_id: user.id, topic_id: id) > 0 end TIME_TO_FIRST_RESPONSE_SQL ||= <<-SQL SELECT AVG(t.hours)::float AS "hours", t.created_at AS "date" FROM ( SELECT t.id, t.created_at::date AS created_at, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MIN(p.created_at) - t.created_at)::float / 3600.0 AS "hours" FROM topics t LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.topic_id = t.id /*where*/ GROUP BY t.id ) t GROUP BY t.created_at ORDER BY t.created_at SQL TIME_TO_FIRST_RESPONSE_TOTAL_SQL ||= <<-SQL SELECT AVG(t.hours)::float AS "hours" FROM ( SELECT t.id, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MIN(p.created_at) - t.created_at)::float / 3600.0 AS "hours" FROM topics t LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.topic_id = t.id /*where*/ GROUP BY t.id ) t SQL def self.time_to_first_response(sql, opts = nil) opts ||= {} builder = DB.build(sql) builder.where("t.created_at >= :start_date", start_date: opts[:start_date]) if opts[:start_date] builder.where("t.created_at < :end_date", end_date: opts[:end_date]) if opts[:end_date] if opts[:category_id] if opts[:include_subcategories] builder.where("t.category_id IN (?)", Category.subcategory_ids(opts[:category_id])) else builder.where("t.category_id = ?", opts[:category_id]) end end builder.where("t.archetype <> '#{Archetype.private_message}'") builder.where("t.deleted_at IS NULL") builder.where("p.deleted_at IS NULL") builder.where("p.post_number > 1") builder.where("p.user_id != t.user_id") builder.where("p.user_id in (:user_ids)", user_ids: opts[:user_ids]) if opts[:user_ids] builder.where("p.post_type = :post_type", post_type: Post.types[:regular]) builder.where("EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM p.created_at - t.created_at) > 0") builder.query_hash end def self.time_to_first_response_per_day(start_date, end_date, opts = {}) time_to_first_response( TIME_TO_FIRST_RESPONSE_SQL, opts.merge(start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date), ) end def self.time_to_first_response_total(opts = nil) total = time_to_first_response(TIME_TO_FIRST_RESPONSE_TOTAL_SQL, opts) total.first["hours"].to_f.round(2) end WITH_NO_RESPONSE_SQL ||= <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(*) as count, tt.created_at AS "date" FROM ( SELECT t.id, t.created_at::date AS created_at, MIN(p.post_number) first_reply FROM topics t LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.topic_id = t.id AND p.user_id != t.user_id AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.post_type = #{Post.types[:regular]} /*where*/ GROUP BY t.id ) tt WHERE tt.first_reply IS NULL OR tt.first_reply < 2 GROUP BY tt.created_at ORDER BY tt.created_at SQL def self.with_no_response_per_day( start_date, end_date, category_id = nil, include_subcategories = nil ) builder = DB.build(WITH_NO_RESPONSE_SQL) builder.where("t.created_at >= :start_date", start_date: start_date) if start_date builder.where("t.created_at < :end_date", end_date: end_date) if end_date if category_id if include_subcategories builder.where("t.category_id IN (?)", Category.subcategory_ids(category_id)) else builder.where("t.category_id = ?", category_id) end end builder.where("t.archetype <> '#{Archetype.private_message}'") builder.where("t.deleted_at IS NULL") builder.query_hash end WITH_NO_RESPONSE_TOTAL_SQL ||= <<-SQL SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ( SELECT t.id, MIN(p.post_number) first_reply FROM topics t LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.topic_id = t.id AND p.user_id != t.user_id AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.post_type = #{Post.types[:regular]} /*where*/ GROUP BY t.id ) tt WHERE tt.first_reply IS NULL OR tt.first_reply < 2 SQL def self.with_no_response_total(opts = {}) builder = DB.build(WITH_NO_RESPONSE_TOTAL_SQL) if opts[:category_id] if opts[:include_subcategories] builder.where("t.category_id IN (?)", Category.subcategory_ids(opts[:category_id])) else builder.where("t.category_id = ?", opts[:category_id]) end end builder.where("t.archetype <> '#{Archetype.private_message}'") builder.where("t.deleted_at IS NULL") builder.query_single.first.to_i end def convert_to_public_topic(user, category_id: nil) public_topic = TopicConverter.new(self, user).convert_to_public_topic(category_id) Tag.update_counters(public_topic.tags, { public_topic_count: 1 }) if !category.read_restricted add_small_action(user, "public_topic") if public_topic public_topic end def convert_to_private_message(user) read_restricted = category.read_restricted private_topic = TopicConverter.new(self, user).convert_to_private_message Tag.update_counters(private_topic.tags, { public_topic_count: -1 }) if !read_restricted add_small_action(user, "private_topic") if private_topic private_topic end def update_excerpt(excerpt) update_column(:excerpt, excerpt) ApplicationController.banner_json_cache.clear if archetype == "banner" end def pm_with_non_human_user? sql = <<~SQL SELECT 1 FROM topics LEFT JOIN topic_allowed_groups ON topics.id = topic_allowed_groups.topic_id WHERE topic_allowed_groups.topic_id IS NULL AND topics.archetype = :private_message AND topics.id = :topic_id AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM topic_allowed_users WHERE topic_allowed_users.topic_id = :topic_id AND topic_allowed_users.user_id > 0 ) = 1 SQL result = DB.exec(sql, private_message: Archetype.private_message, topic_id: self.id) result != 0 end def featured_link_root_domain MiniSuffix.domain(UrlHelper.encode_and_parse(self.featured_link).hostname) end def self.private_message_topics_count_per_day(start_date, end_date, topic_subtype) private_messages .with_subtype(topic_subtype) .where("topics.created_at >= ? AND topics.created_at <= ?", start_date, end_date) .group("date(topics.created_at)") .order("date(topics.created_at)") .count end def is_category_topic? @is_category_topic ||= Category.exists?(topic_id: self.id.to_i) end def reset_bumped_at post = ordered_posts.where( user_deleted: false, hidden: false, post_type: Post.types[:regular], ).last || first_post self.bumped_at = post.created_at self.save(validate: false) end def auto_close_threshold_reached? return if user&.staff? scores = ReviewableScore .pending .joins(:reviewable) .where("reviewable_scores.score >= ?", Reviewable.min_score_for_priority) .where("reviewables.topic_id = ?", self.id) .pluck( "COUNT(DISTINCT reviewable_scores.user_id), COALESCE(SUM(reviewable_scores.score), 0.0)", ) .first scores[0] >= SiteSetting.num_flaggers_to_close_topic && scores[1] >= Reviewable.score_to_auto_close_topic end def update_category_topic_count_by(num) if category_id.present? Category .where("id = ?", category_id) .where("topic_id != ? OR topic_id IS NULL", self.id) .update_all("topic_count = topic_count + #{num.to_i}") end end def access_topic_via_group Group .joins(:category_groups) .where("category_groups.category_id = ?", self.category_id) .where("groups.public_admission OR groups.allow_membership_requests") .order(:allow_membership_requests) .first end def incoming_email_addresses(group: nil, received_before: Time.zone.now) email_addresses = Set.new self .incoming_email .where("created_at <= ?", received_before) .each do |incoming_email| to_addresses = incoming_email.to_addresses_split cc_addresses = incoming_email.cc_addresses_split combined_addresses = [to_addresses, cc_addresses].flatten # We only care about the emails addressed to the group or CC'd to the # group if the group is present. If combined addresses is empty we do # not need to do this check, and instead can proceed on to adding the # from address. # # Will not include test1@gmail.com if the only IncomingEmail # is: # # from: test1@gmail.com # to: test+support@discoursemail.com # # Because we don't care about the from addresses and also the to address # is not the email_username, which will be something like test1@gmail.com. if group.present? && combined_addresses.any? next if combined_addresses.none? { |address| address =~ group.email_username_regex } end email_addresses.add(incoming_email.from_address) email_addresses.merge(combined_addresses) end email_addresses.subtract([nil, ""]) email_addresses.delete(group.email_username) if group.present? email_addresses.to_a end def create_invite_notification!(target_user, notification_type, invited_by, post_number: 1) if UserCommScreener.new( acting_user: invited_by, target_user_ids: target_user.id, ).ignoring_or_muting_actor?(target_user.id) raise NotAllowed.new(I18n.t("not_accepting_pms", username: target_user.username)) end target_user.notifications.create!( notification_type: notification_type, topic_id: self.id, post_number: post_number, data: { topic_title: self.title, display_username: invited_by.username, original_user_id: user.id, original_username: user.username, }.to_json, ) end def rate_limit_topic_invitation(invited_by) RateLimiter.new( invited_by, "topic-invitations-per-day", SiteSetting.max_topic_invitations_per_day, 1.day.to_i, ).performed! RateLimiter.new( invited_by, "topic-invitations-per-minute", SiteSetting.max_topic_invitations_per_minute, 1.day.to_i, ).performed! end def cannot_permanently_delete_reason(user) all_posts_count = Post .with_deleted .where(topic_id: self.id) .where( post_type: [Post.types[:regular], Post.types[:moderator_action], Post.types[:whisper]], ) .count if posts_count > 0 || all_posts_count > 1 I18n.t("post.cannot_permanently_delete.many_posts") elsif self.deleted_by_id == user&.id && self.deleted_at >= Post::PERMANENT_DELETE_TIMER.ago time_left = RateLimiter.time_left( Post::PERMANENT_DELETE_TIMER.to_i - Time.zone.now.to_i + self.deleted_at.to_i, ) I18n.t("post.cannot_permanently_delete.wait_or_different_admin", time_left: time_left) end end def first_smtp_enabled_group self.allowed_groups.where(smtp_enabled: true).first end def secure_audience_publish_messages target_audience = {} if private_message? target_audience[:user_ids] = User.human_users.where("admin OR moderator").pluck(:id) target_audience[:user_ids] |= allowed_users.pluck(:id) target_audience[:user_ids] |= allowed_group_users.pluck(:id) else target_audience[:group_ids] = secure_group_ids end target_audience end def self.publish_stats_to_clients!(topic_id, type, opts = {}) topic = Topic.find_by(id: topic_id) return unless topic.present? case type when :liked, :unliked stats = { like_count: topic.like_count } when :created, :destroyed, :deleted, :recovered stats = { posts_count: topic.posts_count, last_posted_at: topic.last_posted_at.as_json, last_poster: BasicUserSerializer.new(topic.last_poster, root: false).as_json, } else stats = nil end if stats secure_audience = topic.secure_audience_publish_messages if secure_audience[:user_ids] != [] && secure_audience[:group_ids] != [] message = stats.merge({ id: topic_id, updated_at: Time.now, type: :stats }) MessageBus.publish("/topic/#{topic_id}", message, opts.merge(secure_audience)) end end end private def invite_to_private_message(invited_by, target_user, guardian) if !guardian.can_send_private_message?(target_user) raise UserExists.new(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.base.cant_send_pm")) end rate_limit_topic_invitation(invited_by) Topic.transaction do unless topic_allowed_users.exists?(user_id: target_user.id) topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: target_user.id) end user_in_allowed_group = (user.group_ids & topic_allowed_groups.map(&:group_id)).present? add_small_action(invited_by, "invited_user", target_user.username) if !user_in_allowed_group create_invite_notification!( target_user, Notification.types[:invited_to_private_message], invited_by, ) end end def invite_to_topic(invited_by, target_user, group_ids, guardian) Topic.transaction do rate_limit_topic_invitation(invited_by) if group_ids.present? ( self.category.groups.where(id: group_ids).where(automatic: false) - target_user.groups.where(automatic: false) ).each do |group| if guardian.can_edit_group?(group) group.add(target_user) GroupActionLogger.new(invited_by, group).log_add_user_to_group(target_user) end end end if Guardian.new(target_user).can_see_topic?(self) create_invite_notification!(target_user, Notification.types[:invited_to_topic], invited_by) end end end def limit_first_day_topics_per_day apply_per_day_rate_limit_for("first-day-topics", :max_topics_in_first_day) end def apply_per_day_rate_limit_for(key, method_name) RateLimiter.new(user, "#{key}-per-day", SiteSetting.get(method_name), 1.day.to_i) end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: topics # # id :integer not null, primary key # title :string not null # last_posted_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # views :integer default(0), not null # posts_count :integer default(0), not null # user_id :integer # last_post_user_id :integer not null # reply_count :integer default(0), not null # featured_user1_id :integer # featured_user2_id :integer # featured_user3_id :integer # deleted_at :datetime # highest_post_number :integer default(0), not null # like_count :integer default(0), not null # incoming_link_count :integer default(0), not null # category_id :integer # visible :boolean default(TRUE), not null # moderator_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # closed :boolean default(FALSE), not null # archived :boolean default(FALSE), not null # bumped_at :datetime not null # has_summary :boolean default(FALSE), not null # archetype :string default("regular"), not null # featured_user4_id :integer # notify_moderators_count :integer default(0), not null # spam_count :integer default(0), not null # pinned_at :datetime # score :float # percent_rank :float default(1.0), not null # subtype :string # slug :string # deleted_by_id :integer # participant_count :integer default(1) # word_count :integer # excerpt :string # pinned_globally :boolean default(FALSE), not null # pinned_until :datetime # fancy_title :string # highest_staff_post_number :integer default(0), not null # featured_link :string # reviewable_score :float default(0.0), not null # image_upload_id :bigint # slow_mode_seconds :integer default(0), not null # bannered_until :datetime # external_id :string # # Indexes # # idx_topics_front_page (deleted_at,visible,archetype,category_id,id) # idx_topics_user_id_deleted_at (user_id) WHERE (deleted_at IS NULL) # idxtopicslug (slug) WHERE ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND (slug IS NOT NULL)) # index_topics_on_bannered_until (bannered_until) WHERE (bannered_until IS NOT NULL) # index_topics_on_bumped_at_public (bumped_at) WHERE ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((archetype)::text <> 'private_message'::text)) # index_topics_on_created_at_and_visible (created_at,visible) WHERE ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((archetype)::text <> 'private_message'::text)) # index_topics_on_external_id (external_id) UNIQUE WHERE (external_id IS NOT NULL) # index_topics_on_id_and_deleted_at (id,deleted_at) # index_topics_on_id_filtered_banner (id) UNIQUE WHERE (((archetype)::text = 'banner'::text) AND (deleted_at IS NULL)) # index_topics_on_image_upload_id (image_upload_id) # index_topics_on_lower_title (lower((title)::text)) # index_topics_on_pinned_at (pinned_at) WHERE (pinned_at IS NOT NULL) # index_topics_on_pinned_globally (pinned_globally) WHERE pinned_globally # index_topics_on_pinned_until (pinned_until) WHERE (pinned_until IS NOT NULL) # index_topics_on_timestamps_private (bumped_at,created_at,updated_at) WHERE ((deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((archetype)::text = 'private_message'::text)) # index_topics_on_updated_at_public (updated_at,visible,highest_staff_post_number,highest_post_number,category_id,created_at,id) WHERE (((archetype)::text <> 'private_message'::text) AND (deleted_at IS NULL)) #