# frozen_string_literal: true module Jobs class CleanUpUploads < ::Jobs::Scheduled every 1.hour def execute(args) grace_period = [SiteSetting.clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours, 1].max # always remove invalid upload records Upload .by_users .where("retain_hours IS NULL OR created_at < current_timestamp - interval '1 hour' * retain_hours") .where("created_at < ?", grace_period.hour.ago) .where(url: "") .find_each(&:destroy!) return unless SiteSetting.clean_up_uploads? if c = last_cleanup return if (Time.zone.now.to_i - c) < (grace_period / 2).hours end base_url = Discourse.store.internal? ? Discourse.store.relative_base_url : Discourse.store.absolute_base_url s3_hostname = URI.parse(base_url).hostname s3_cdn_hostname = URI.parse(SiteSetting.Upload.s3_cdn_url || "").hostname result = Upload.by_users .where("uploads.retain_hours IS NULL OR uploads.created_at < current_timestamp - interval '1 hour' * uploads.retain_hours") .where("uploads.created_at < ?", grace_period.hour.ago) .where("uploads.access_control_post_id IS NULL") .joins(<<~SQL) LEFT JOIN site_settings ss ON NULLIF(ss.value, '')::integer = uploads.id AND ss.data_type = #{SiteSettings::TypeSupervisor.types[:upload].to_i} SQL .joins("LEFT JOIN post_uploads pu ON pu.upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN users u ON u.uploaded_avatar_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN user_avatars ua ON ua.gravatar_upload_id = uploads.id OR ua.custom_upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN user_profiles up ON up.profile_background_upload_id = uploads.id OR up.card_background_upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN categories c ON c.uploaded_logo_id = uploads.id OR c.uploaded_background_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN custom_emojis ce ON ce.upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN theme_fields tf ON tf.upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN user_exports ue ON ue.upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.flair_upload_id = uploads.id") .joins("LEFT JOIN badges b ON b.image_upload_id = uploads.id") .where("pu.upload_id IS NULL") .where("u.uploaded_avatar_id IS NULL") .where("ua.gravatar_upload_id IS NULL AND ua.custom_upload_id IS NULL") .where("up.profile_background_upload_id IS NULL AND up.card_background_upload_id IS NULL") .where("c.uploaded_logo_id IS NULL AND c.uploaded_background_id IS NULL") .where("ce.upload_id IS NULL") .where("tf.upload_id IS NULL") .where("ue.upload_id IS NULL") .where("g.flair_upload_id IS NULL") .where("b.image_upload_id IS NULL") .where("ss.value IS NULL") if SiteSetting.selectable_avatars.present? result = result.where.not(id: SiteSetting.selectable_avatars.map(&:id)) end result.find_each do |upload| if upload.sha1.present? encoded_sha = Base62.encode(upload.sha1.hex) next if ReviewableQueuedPost.pending.where("payload->>'raw' LIKE '%#{upload.sha1}%' OR payload->>'raw' LIKE '%#{encoded_sha}%'").exists? next if Draft.where("data LIKE '%#{upload.sha1}%' OR data LIKE '%#{encoded_sha}%'").exists? next if ThemeSetting.where(data_type: ThemeSetting.types[:upload]).where("value LIKE ?", "%#{upload.sha1}%").exists? upload.destroy else upload.delete end end self.last_cleanup = Time.zone.now.to_i end def last_cleanup=(v) Discourse.redis.setex(last_cleanup_key, 7.days.to_i, v.to_s) end def last_cleanup v = Discourse.redis.get(last_cleanup_key) v ? v.to_i : v end def reset_last_cleanup! Discourse.redis.del(last_cleanup_key) end protected def last_cleanup_key "LAST_UPLOAD_CLEANUP" end end end