require_dependency 'distributed_cache' require_dependency 'sass/discourse_stylesheets' class Category < ActiveRecord::Base include Positionable include HasCustomFields include CategoryHashtag belongs_to :topic, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :topic_only_relative_url, -> { select "id, title, slug" }, class_name: "Topic", foreign_key: "topic_id" belongs_to :user belongs_to :latest_post, class_name: "Post" has_many :topics has_many :category_featured_topics has_many :featured_topics, through: :category_featured_topics, source: :topic has_many :category_featured_users has_many :featured_users, through: :category_featured_users, source: :user has_many :category_groups, dependent: :destroy has_many :groups, through: :category_groups validates :user_id, presence: true validates :name, if: { |c| c.new_record? || c.name_changed? }, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :parent_category_id, case_sensitive: false }, length: { in: 1..50 } validate :parent_category_validator validate :email_in_validator validate :ensure_slug before_save :apply_permissions before_save :downcase_email before_save :downcase_name after_create :create_category_definition after_save :publish_category after_destroy :publish_category_deletion after_update :rename_category_definition, if: :name_changed? after_create :delete_category_permalink after_update :create_category_permalink, if: :slug_changed? after_save :publish_discourse_stylesheet has_one :category_search_data belongs_to :parent_category, class_name: 'Category' has_many :subcategories, class_name: 'Category', foreign_key: 'parent_category_id' scope :latest, ->{ order('topic_count desc') } scope :secured, ->(guardian = nil) { ids = guardian.secure_category_ids if guardian if ids.present? where("NOT categories.read_restricted or in (:cats)", cats: ids).references(:categories) else where("NOT categories.read_restricted").references(:categories) end } scope :topic_create_allowed, ->(guardian) { if guardian.anonymous? where("1=0") else scoped_to_permissions(guardian, [:full]) end } scope :post_create_allowed, ->(guardian) { if guardian.anonymous? where("1=0") else scoped_to_permissions(guardian, [:create_post, :full]) end } delegate :post_template, to: 'self.class' # permission is just used by serialization # we may consider wrapping this in another spot attr_accessor :displayable_topics, :permission, :subcategory_ids, :notification_level, :has_children def self.last_updated_at order('updated_at desc').limit(1).pluck(:updated_at).first.to_i end def self.scoped_to_permissions(guardian, permission_types) if guardian && guardian.is_admin? all elsif !guardian || guardian.anonymous? if permission_types.include?(:readonly) where("NOT categories.read_restricted") else where("1 = 0") end else permission_types ={ |permission_type| CategoryGroup.permission_types[permission_type] } where(" in ( SELECT cg.category_id FROM category_groups cg WHERE permission_type in (:permissions) AND ( group_id IN ( SELECT g.group_id FROM group_users g where g.user_id = :user_id ) ) ) OR in ( SELECT cg.category_id FROM category_groups cg WHERE permission_type in (:permissions) AND group_id = :everyone ) OR NOT in (SELECT cg.category_id FROM category_groups cg) ", permissions: permission_types, user_id:, everyone: Group[:everyone].id) end end def self.update_stats topics_with_post_count = Topic .select("topics.category_id, COUNT(*) topic_count, SUM(topics.posts_count) post_count") .where(" NOT IN (select cc.topic_id from categories cc WHERE topic_id IS NOT NULL)") .group("topics.category_id") .visible.to_sql Category.exec_sql < x.topic_count OR c.post_count <> x.post_count) SQL # Yes, there are a lot of queries happening below. # Performing a lot of queries is actually faster than using one big update # statement with sub-selects on large databases with many categories, # topics, and posts. # # The old method with the one query is here: # # # If you refactor this, test performance on a large database. Category.all.each do |c| topics = c.topics.visible topics = topics.where([' <> ?', c.topic_id]) if c.topic_id c.topics_year = topics.created_since(1.year.ago).count c.topics_month = topics.created_since(1.month.ago).count c.topics_week = topics.created_since(1.week.ago).count c.topics_day = topics.created_since( posts = c.visible_posts c.posts_year = posts.created_since(1.year.ago).count c.posts_month = posts.created_since(1.month.ago).count c.posts_week = posts.created_since(1.week.ago).count c.posts_day = posts.created_since( if c.changed? end end def visible_posts query = Post.joins(:topic) .where(['topics.category_id = ?',]) .where('topics.visible = true') .where('posts.deleted_at IS NULL') .where('posts.user_deleted = false') self.topic_id ? query.where([' <> ?', self.topic_id]) : query end # Internal: Generate the text of post prompting to enter category # description. def self.post_template I18n.t("category.post_template", replace_paragraph: I18n.t("category.replace_paragraph")) end def create_category_definition t = I18n.t("category.topic_prefix", category: name), user: user, pinned_at:, category_id: id) t.skip_callbacks = true t.ignore_category_auto_close = true t.set_auto_close(nil)!(validate: false) update_column(:topic_id, t.posts.create(raw: post_template, user: user) end def topic_url if has_attribute?("topic_slug") Topic.relative_url(topic_id, read_attribute(:topic_slug)) else topic_only_relative_url.try(:relative_url) end end def description_text return nil unless description @@cache ||= @@cache.getset(self.description) do Nokogiri::HTML(self.description).text end end def duplicate_slug? Category.where(slug: self.slug, parent_category_id: parent_category_id).where.not(id: id).any? end def ensure_slug return unless name.present?! if slug.present? # santized custom slug self.slug = Slug.sanitize(slug) errors.add(:slug, 'is already in use') if duplicate_slug? else # auto slug self.slug = Slug.for(name, '') self.slug = '' if duplicate_slug? end # only allow to use category itself id. new_record doesn't have a id. unless new_record? match_id = /^(\d+)-category/.match(self.slug) errors.add(:slug, :invalid) if match_id && match_id[1] && match_id[1] != end end def slug_for_url slug.present? ? self.slug : "#{}-category" end def publish_category group_ids = self.groups.pluck(:id) if self.read_restricted MessageBus.publish('/categories', {categories:[self]).as_json}, group_ids: group_ids) end def publish_category_deletion MessageBus.publish('/categories', {deleted_categories: []}) end def parent_category_validator if parent_category_id errors.add(:base, I18n.t("category.errors.self_parent")) if parent_category_id == id errors.add(:base, I18n.t("category.errors.uncategorized_parent")) if uncategorized? grandfather_id = Category.where(id: parent_category_id).pluck(:parent_category_id).first errors.add(:base, I18n.t("category.errors.depth")) if grandfather_id end end def group_names=(names) # this line bothers me, destroying in AR can not seem to be queued, thinking of extending it category_groups.destroy_all unless new_record? ids = Group.where(name: names.split(",")).pluck(:id) ids.each do |id| id) end end # will reset permission on a topic to a particular # set. # # Available permissions are, :full, :create_post, :readonly # hash can be: # # :everyone => :full - everyone has everything # :everyone => :readonly, :staff => :full # 7 => 1 # you can pass a group_id and permission id def set_permissions(permissions) self.read_restricted, @permissions = Category.resolve_permissions(permissions) # Ideally we can just call .clear here, but it runs SQL, we only want to run it # on save. end def permissions=(permissions) set_permissions(permissions) end def permissions_params hash = {} category_groups.includes(:group).each do |category_group| hash[category_group.group_name] = category_group.permission_type end hash end def apply_permissions if @permissions category_groups.destroy_all @permissions.each do |group_id, permission_type| group_id, permission_type: permission_type) end @permissions = nil end end def downcase_email self.email_in = (email_in || "").strip.downcase.presence end def email_in_validator return if self.email_in.blank? email_in.split("|").each do |email| if !Email.is_valid?(email) self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t('category.errors.invalid_email_in', email: email)) elsif group = Group.find_by_email(email) self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t('category.errors.email_already_used_in_group', email: email, group_name: elsif category = Category.where.not(id: self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t('category.errors.email_already_used_in_category', email: email, category_name: end end end def downcase_name self.name_lower = name.downcase if end def secure_group_ids if self.read_restricted? groups.pluck("") end end def update_latest latest_post_id = Post .order("posts.created_at desc") .where("NOT hidden") .joins("join topics on = topic_id") .where("topics.category_id = :id", id: .limit(1) .pluck("") .first latest_topic_id = Topic .order("topics.created_at desc") .where("visible") .where("topics.category_id = :id", id: .limit(1) .pluck("") .first self.update_attributes(latest_topic_id: latest_topic_id, latest_post_id: latest_post_id) end def self.resolve_permissions(permissions) read_restricted = true everyone = Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone] full = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:full] mapped = do |group,permission| group = if group.is_a?(Group) # subtle, using Group[] ensures the group exists in the DB group = Group[group.to_sym].id unless group.is_a?(Fixnum) permission = CategoryGroup.permission_types[permission] unless permission.is_a?(Fixnum) [group, permission] end mapped.each do |group, permission| if group == everyone && permission == full return [false, []] end read_restricted = false if group == everyone end [read_restricted, mapped] end def self.query_parent_category(parent_slug) self.where(slug: parent_slug, parent_category_id: nil).pluck(:id).first || self.where(id: parent_slug.to_i).pluck(:id).first end def self.query_category(slug_or_id, parent_category_id) self.where(slug: slug_or_id, parent_category_id: parent_category_id).includes(:featured_users).first || self.where(id: slug_or_id.to_i, parent_category_id: parent_category_id).includes(:featured_users).first end def self.find_by_email(email) self.where("string_to_array(email_in, '|') @> ARRAY[?]", Email.downcase(email)).first end def has_children? @has_children ||= (id && Category.where(parent_category_id: id).exists?) ? :true : :false @has_children == :true end def uncategorized? id == SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id end @@url_cache ='category_url') after_save do # parent takes part in url calculation # any change could invalidate multiples @@url_cache.clear end def full_slug(separator = "-") url[3..-1].gsub("/", separator) end def url url = @@url_cache[] unless url url = "#{Discourse.base_uri}/c" url << "/#{parent_category.slug}" if parent_category_id url << "/#{slug}" url.freeze @@url_cache[] = url end url end def url_with_id self.parent_category ? "#{url}/#{}" : "#{Discourse.base_uri}/c/#{}-#{self.slug}" end # If the name changes, try and update the category definition topic too if it's # an exact match def rename_category_definition old_name = changed_attributes["name"] return unless topic.present? if topic.title == I18n.t("category.topic_prefix", category: old_name) topic.update_column(:title, I18n.t("category.topic_prefix", category: name)) end end def create_category_permalink old_slug = changed_attributes["slug"] if self.parent_category Permalink.create(url: "c/#{self.parent_category.slug}/#{old_slug}", category_id: id) else Permalink.create(url: "c/#{old_slug}", category_id: id) end end def delete_category_permalink if self.parent_category permalink = Permalink.find_by_url("c/#{self.parent_category.slug}/#{slug}") else permalink = Permalink.find_by_url("c/#{slug}") end permalink.destroy if permalink end def publish_discourse_stylesheet DiscourseStylesheets.cache.clear end def self.find_by_slug(category_slug, parent_category_slug=nil) if parent_category_slug parent_category_id = self.where(slug: parent_category_slug, parent_category_id: nil).pluck(:id).first self.where(slug: category_slug, parent_category_id: parent_category_id).first else self.where(slug: category_slug, parent_category_id: nil).first end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: categories # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(50) not null # color :string(6) default("AB9364"), not null # topic_id :integer # topic_count :integer default(0), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # user_id :integer not null # topics_year :integer default(0) # topics_month :integer default(0) # topics_week :integer default(0) # slug :string not null # description :text # text_color :string(6) default("FFFFFF"), not null # read_restricted :boolean default(FALSE), not null # auto_close_hours :float # post_count :integer default(0), not null # latest_post_id :integer # latest_topic_id :integer # position :integer # parent_category_id :integer # posts_year :integer default(0) # posts_month :integer default(0) # posts_week :integer default(0) # email_in :string # email_in_allow_strangers :boolean default(FALSE) # topics_day :integer default(0) # posts_day :integer default(0) # logo_url :string # background_url :string # allow_badges :boolean default(TRUE), not null # name_lower :string(50) not null # auto_close_based_on_last_post :boolean default(FALSE) # topic_template :text # suppress_from_homepage :boolean default(FALSE) # contains_messages :boolean # # Indexes # # index_categories_on_email_in (email_in) UNIQUE # index_categories_on_topic_count (topic_count) # unique_index_categories_on_name (name) UNIQUE #