module Search def self.per_facet 5 end def self.facets %w(topic category user) end def self.user_query_sql "SELECT 'user' AS type, u.username_lower AS id, '/users/' || u.username_lower AS url, u.username AS title,, NULL AS color, NULL AS text_color FROM users AS u JOIN users_search s on = WHERE s.search_data @@ TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query) ORDER BY CASE WHEN u.username_lower = lower(:orig) then 0 else 1 end, last_posted_at desc LIMIT :limit " end def self.topic_query_sql "SELECT 'topic' AS type, CAST( AS VARCHAR), '/t/slug/' || AS url, ft.title, NULL AS email, NULL AS color, NULL AS text_color FROM topics AS ft JOIN posts AS p ON p.topic_id = AND p.post_number = 1 JOIN posts_search s on = WHERE s.search_data @@ TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query) AND ft.deleted_at IS NULL AND ft.visible AND ft.archetype <> '#{Archetype.private_message}' ORDER BY TS_RANK_CD(TO_TSVECTOR(:locale, ft.title), TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query)) desc, TS_RANK_CD(search_data, TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query)) desc, bumped_at desc LIMIT :limit " end def self.post_query_sql "SELECT cast('topic' as varchar) AS type, CAST( AS VARCHAR), '/t/slug/' || || '/' || p.post_number AS url, ft.title, NULL AS email, NULL AS color, NULL AS text_color FROM topics AS ft JOIN posts AS p ON p.topic_id = AND p.post_number <> 1 JOIN posts_search s on = WHERE s.search_data @@ TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query) AND ft.deleted_at IS NULL and p.deleted_at IS NULL AND ft.visible AND ft.archetype <> '#{Archetype.private_message}' ORDER BY TS_RANK_CD(TO_TSVECTOR(:locale, ft.title), TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query)) desc, TS_RANK_CD(search_data, TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query)) desc, bumped_at desc LIMIT :limit " end def self.category_query_sql "SELECT 'category' AS type, AS id, '/category/' || c.slug AS url, AS title, NULL AS email, c.color, c.text_color FROM categories AS c JOIN categories_search s on = WHERE s.search_data @@ TO_TSQUERY(:locale, :query) ORDER BY topics_month desc LIMIT :limit " end def self.current_locale_long case I18n.locale # Currently-present in /conf/locales/* only, sorry :-( Add as needed when :ru then 'russian' when :fr then 'french' when :nl then 'dutch' when :sv then 'swedish' else 'english' end end def self.query(term, type_filter=nil, min_search_term_length=3) return nil if term.blank? # We are stripping only symbols taking place in FTS and simply sanitizing the rest. sanitized_term = PG::Connection.escape_string(term.gsub(/[:()&!]/,'')) # really short terms are totally pointless return nil if sanitized_term.blank? || sanitized_term.length < min_search_term_length terms = sanitized_term.split! {|t| "#{t}:*"} if type_filter.present? raise"invalid type filter") unless Search.facets.include?(type_filter) sql = Search.send("#{type_filter}_query_sql") db_result = ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql(sql , orig: sanitized_term, query: terms.join(" & "), locale: current_locale_long, limit: Search.per_facet * Search.facets.size) else db_result = [] [user_query_sql, category_query_sql, topic_query_sql].each do |sql| db_result += ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql(sql , orig: sanitized_term, query: terms.join(" & "), locale: current_locale_long, limit: (Search.per_facet + 1)).to_a end end db_result = db_result.to_a expected_topics = 0 expected_topics = Search.facets.size unless type_filter.present? expected_topics = Search.per_facet * Search.facets.size if type_filter == 'topic' if expected_topics > 0 db_result.each do |row| expected_topics -= 1 if row['type'] == 'topic' end end if expected_topics > 0 tmp = ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql post_query_sql, orig: sanitized_term, query: terms.join(" & "), locale: current_locale_long, limit: expected_topics * 3 topic_ids ={|r| r["id"]} tmp = tmp.to_a tmp = tmp.reject{ |i| if topic_ids.include? i["id"] true else topic_ids << i["id"] false end } db_result += tmp[0..expected_topics-1] end # Group the results by type grouped = {} db_result.each do |row| type = row.delete('type') # Add the slug for topics if type == 'topic' new_slug = Slug.for(row['title']) new_slug = "topic" if new_slug.blank? row['url'].gsub!('slug', new_slug) end # Remove attributes when we know they don't matter row.delete('id') if type == 'user' row['avatar_template'] = User.avatar_template(row['email']) end row.delete('email') row.delete('color') unless type == 'category' row.delete('text_color') unless type == 'category' grouped[type] ||= [] grouped[type] << row end result = do |type, results| more = type_filter.blank? && (results.size > Search.per_facet) results = results[0..([results.length, Search.per_facet].min - 1)] if type_filter.blank? { type: type, name: I18n.t("search.types.#{type}"), more: more, results: results } end result end end