describe "Discourse.MessageBus", -> describe "Long polling", -> bus = Discourse.MessageBus bus.start() # PENDING: Fix to allow these to run in jasmine-guard #it "is able to get a response from the echo server", -> # response = null # bus.send("/echo", "hello world", (r) -> response = r) # # give it some time to spin up # waitsFor((-> response == "hello world"),"gotEcho",500) #it "should get responses from broadcast channel", -> # response = null # # note /message_bus/broadcast is dev only # bus.subscribe("/animals", (r) -> response = r) # $.ajax # url: '/message-bus/broadcast' # data: {channel: "/animals", data: "kitten"} # cache: false # waitsFor((-> response == "kitten"),"gotBroadcast", 500)