import Component from "@glimmer/component"; import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking"; import { action } from "@ember/object"; import { inject as service } from "@ember/service"; import { buildAdminSidebar, useAdminNavConfig, } from "discourse/instance-initializers/admin-sidebar"; import { ADMIN_NAV_MAP } from "discourse/lib/sidebar/admin-nav-map"; import { resetPanelSections } from "discourse/lib/sidebar/custom-sections"; import { ADMIN_PANEL } from "discourse/services/sidebar-state"; // TODO (martin) (2024-02-01) Remove this experimental UI. export default class AdminConfigAreaSidebarExperiment extends Component { @service adminSidebarExperimentStateManager; @service toasts; @service router; @tracked editedNavConfig; validRouteNames = new Set(); get defaultAdminNav() { return JSON.stringify(ADMIN_NAV_MAP, null, 2); } get exampleJson() { return JSON.stringify( { name: "section-name", text: "Section Name", links: [ { name: "admin-revamp", route: "admin-revamp", routeModels: [123], text: "Revamp", href: "", icon: "rocket", }, ], }, null, 2 ); } @action loadDefaultNavConfig() { const savedConfig = this.adminSidebarExperimentStateManager.navConfig; this.editedNavConfig = savedConfig ? JSON.stringify(savedConfig, null, 2) : this.defaultAdminNav; } @action resetToDefault() { this.editedNavConfig = this.defaultAdminNav; this.#saveConfig(ADMIN_NAV_MAP); } @action applyConfig() { let config = null; try { config = JSON.parse(this.editedNavConfig); } catch { this.toasts.error({ duration: 3000, data: { message: "There was an error, make sure the structure is valid JSON.", }, }); return; } let invalidRoutes = []; config.forEach((section) => { section.links.forEach((link) => { if (!link.route) { return; } if (this.validRouteNames.has(link.route)) { return; } // Using the private `_routerMicrolib` is not ideal, but Ember doesn't provide // any other way for us to easily check for route validity. try { // eslint-disable-next-line ember/no-private-routing-service this.router._router._routerMicrolib.recognizer.handlersFor( link.route ); this.validRouteNames.add(link.route); } catch (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug("[AdminSidebarExperiment]", err); invalidRoutes.push(link.route); } }); }); if (invalidRoutes.length) { this.toasts.error({ duration: 3000, data: { message: `There was an error with one or more of the routes provided: ${invalidRoutes.join( ", " )}`, }, }); return; } this.#saveConfig(config); } #saveConfig(config) { this.adminSidebarExperimentStateManager.navConfig = config; resetPanelSections( ADMIN_PANEL, useAdminNavConfig(config), buildAdminSidebar ); this.toasts.success({ duration: 3000, data: { message: "Sidebar navigation applied successfully!" }, }); } }