class TopicConverter attr_reader :topic def initialize(topic, user) @topic = topic @user = user end def convert_to_public_topic(category_id = nil) Topic.transaction do @topic.category_id = if category_id category_id elsif SiteSetting.allow_uncategorized_topics SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id else Category.where(read_restricted: false) .where.not(id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) .order('id asc') .pluck(:id).first end @topic.archetype = Archetype.default update_user_stats update_category_topic_count_by(1) # TODO: Every post in a PRIVATE MESSAGE looks the same: each is a UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE. # So we need to remove all those user actions and re-log all the posts. # Post counting depends on the correct UserActions (NEW_TOPIC, REPLY), so once a private topic # becomes a public topic, post counts are wrong. The reverse is not so bad because # we don't count NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE in any public stats. # TBD: why do so many specs fail with this change? # UserAction.where(target_topic_id:, action_type: [UserAction::GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, UserAction::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE]).find_each do |ua| # UserAction.remove_action!(ua.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id)) # end # @topic.posts.each do |post| # UserActionCreator.log_post(post) unless post.post_number == 1 # end watch_topic(topic) end @topic end def convert_to_private_message Topic.transaction do update_category_topic_count_by(-1) @topic.category_id = nil @topic.archetype = Archetype.private_message add_allowed_users! watch_topic(topic) end @topic end private def update_user_stats @topic.posts.where(deleted_at: nil).each do |p| user = User.find(p.user_id) # update posts count. NOTE that DirectoryItem.refresh will overwrite this by counting UserAction records. user.user_stat.post_count += 1! end # update topics count @topic.user.user_stat.topic_count += 1! end def add_allowed_users @topic.posts.where(deleted_at: nil).each do |p| user = User.find(p.user_id) unless @topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: # update posts count. NOTE that DirectoryItem.refresh will overwrite this by counting UserAction records. user.user_stat.post_count -= 1! end unless @topic.topic_allowed_users.where(user_id: # update topics count @topic.user.user_stat.topic_count -= 1! end def watch_topic(topic) @topic.notifier.watch_topic!(topic.user_id) @topic.reload.topic_allowed_users.each do |tau| next if tau.user_id < 0 || tau.user_id == topic.user_id!(tau.user_id) end end def update_category_topic_count_by(num) if @topic.category_id.present? Category.where(['id = ?', @topic.category_id]).update_all("topic_count = topic_count " + (num > 0 ? '+' : '') + "#{num}") end end end