require "digest/sha1" require_dependency "image_sizer" require_dependency "file_helper" require_dependency "url_helper" require_dependency "db_helper" require_dependency "validators/upload_validator" require_dependency "file_store/local_store" class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :post_uploads, dependent: :destroy has_many :posts, through: :post_uploads has_many :optimized_images, dependent: :destroy validates_presence_of :filesize validates_presence_of :original_filename validates_with ::Validators::UploadValidator def thumbnail(width = self.width, height = self.height) optimized_images.find_by(width: width, height: height) end def has_thumbnail?(width, height) thumbnail(width, height).present? end def create_thumbnail!(width, height) return unless SiteSetting.create_thumbnails? thumbnail = OptimizedImage.create_for( self, width, height, filename: self.original_filename, allow_animation: SiteSetting.allow_animated_thumbnails ) if thumbnail optimized_images << thumbnail self.width = width self.height = height save(validate: false) end end def destroy Upload.transaction do super end end def extension File.extname(original_filename) end # list of image types that will be cropped CROPPED_IMAGE_TYPES ||= %w{avatar profile_background card_background} # options # - content_type # - origin # - image_type def self.create_for(user_id, file, filename, filesize, options = {}) DistributedMutex.synchronize("upload_#{user_id}_#{filename}") do # do some work on images if FileHelper.is_image?(filename) if filename =~ /\.svg$/i svg = Nokogiri::XML(file).at_css("svg") w = svg["width"].to_i h = svg["height"].to_i else # fix orientation first (but not for GIFs) fix_image_orientation(file.path) unless filename =~ /\.GIF$/i # retrieve image info image_info = rescue nil w, h = *(image_info.try(:size) || [0, 0]) end # default size width, height = ImageSizer.resize(w, h) # make sure we're at the beginning of the file (both FastImage and Nokogiri move the pointer) file.rewind # crop images depending on their type if CROPPED_IMAGE_TYPES.include?(options[:image_type]) allow_animation = SiteSetting.allow_animated_thumbnails max_pixel_ratio = Discourse::PIXEL_RATIOS.max case options[:image_type] when "avatar" allow_animation = SiteSetting.allow_animated_avatars width = height = Discourse.avatar_sizes.max OptimizedImage.resize(file.path, file.path, width, height, filename: filename, allow_animation: allow_animation) when "profile_background" max_width = 850 * max_pixel_ratio width, height = ImageSizer.resize(w, h, max_width: max_width, max_height: max_width) OptimizedImage.downsize(file.path, file.path, "#{width}x#{height}", filename: filename, allow_animation: allow_animation) when "card_background" max_width = 590 * max_pixel_ratio width, height = ImageSizer.resize(w, h, max_width: max_width, max_height: max_width) OptimizedImage.downsize(file.path, file.path, "#{width}x#{height}", filename: filename, allow_animation: allow_animation) end end # optimize image!(file.path) rescue nil # correct size so it displays the optimized image size which is the only # one that is stored filesize = File.size(file.path) end # compute the sha of the file sha1 = Digest::SHA1.file(file).hexdigest # do we already have that upload? upload = find_by(sha1: sha1) # make sure the previous upload has not failed if upload && upload.url.blank? upload.destroy upload = nil end # return the previous upload if any return upload unless upload.nil? # create the upload otherwise upload = upload.user_id = user_id upload.original_filename = filename upload.filesize = filesize upload.sha1 = sha1 upload.url = "" upload.width = width upload.height = height upload.origin = options[:origin][0...1000] if options[:origin] if FileHelper.is_image?(filename) && (upload.width == 0 || upload.height == 0) upload.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("upload.images.size_not_found")) end return upload unless # store the file and update its url do |f| url =, upload, options[:content_type]) if url.present? upload.url = url else upload.errors.add(:url, I18n.t("upload.store_failure", { upload_id:, user_id: user_id })) end end upload end end def self.get_from_url(url) return if url.blank? # we store relative urls, so we need to remove any host/cdn url = url.sub(/^#{Discourse.asset_host}/i, "") if Discourse.asset_host.present? # when using s3, we need to replace with the absolute base url url = url.sub(/^#{SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url}/i, if SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url.present? Upload.find_by(url: url) end def self.fix_image_orientation(path) `convert #{path} -auto-orient #{path}` end def self.migrate_to_new_scheme(limit=50) problems = [] if SiteSetting.migrate_to_new_scheme max_file_size_kb = [SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb, SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb].max.kilobytes local_store = Upload.where("url NOT LIKE '%/original/_X/%'") .limit(limit) .order(id: :desc) .each do |upload| begin # keep track of the url previous_url = upload.url.dup # where is the file currently stored? external = previous_url =~ /^\/\// # download if external if external url = SiteSetting.scheme + ":" + previous_url file =, max_file_size_kb, "discourse", true) rescue nil path = file.path else path = local_store.path_for(upload) end # compute SHA if missing if upload.sha1.blank? upload.sha1 = Digest::SHA1.file(path).hexdigest end # optimize if image if FileHelper.is_image?(File.basename(path))!(path) end # store to new location & update the filesize do |f| upload.url =, upload) upload.filesize = f.size end # remap the URLs DbHelper.remap(UrlHelper.absolute(previous_url), upload.url) unless external DbHelper.remap(previous_url, upload.url) # remove the old file (when local) unless external FileUtils.rm(path, force: true) rescue nil end rescue => e problems << { upload: upload, ex: e } ensure file.try(:unlink) rescue nil file.try(:close) rescue nil end end end problems end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: uploads # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer not null # original_filename :string(255) not null # filesize :integer not null # width :integer # height :integer # url :string(255) not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # sha1 :string(40) # origin :string(1000) # retain_hours :integer # # Indexes # # index_uploads_on_id_and_url (id,url) # index_uploads_on_sha1 (sha1) UNIQUE # index_uploads_on_url (url) # index_uploads_on_user_id (user_id) #