"use strict"; const express = require("express"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const { encode } = require("html-entities"); const cleanBaseURL = require("clean-base-url"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const fsPromises = fs.promises; const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom"); const { shouldLoadPluginTestJs } = require("discourse-plugins"); const { Buffer } = require("node:buffer"); const { cwd, env } = require("node:process"); // via https://stackoverflow.com/a/6248722/165668 function generateUID() { let firstPart = (Math.random() * 46656) | 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise let secondPart = (Math.random() * 46656) | 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise firstPart = ("000" + firstPart.toString(36)).slice(-3); secondPart = ("000" + secondPart.toString(36)).slice(-3); return firstPart + secondPart; } function htmlTag(buffer, bootstrap) { let classList = ""; if (bootstrap.html_classes) { classList = ` class="${bootstrap.html_classes}"`; } buffer.push(``); } function head(buffer, bootstrap, headers, baseURL) { if (bootstrap.csrf_token) { buffer.push(``); buffer.push(``); } if (bootstrap.theme_id) { buffer.push( `` ); } if (bootstrap.theme_color) { buffer.push(``); } if (bootstrap.authentication_data) { buffer.push( `` ); } let setupData = ""; Object.keys(bootstrap.setup_data).forEach((sd) => { let val = bootstrap.setup_data[sd]; if (val) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { val = JSON.stringify(val); } else { val = val.toString(); } setupData += ` data-${sd.replace(/\_/g, "-")}="${encode(val)}"`; } }); buffer.push(``); if (bootstrap.preloaded.currentUser) { const user = JSON.parse(bootstrap.preloaded.currentUser); let { admin, staff } = user; if (staff) { buffer.push(``); } if (admin) { buffer.push(``); } } bootstrap.plugin_js.forEach((src) => buffer.push(``) ); buffer.push(bootstrap.theme_html.translations); buffer.push(bootstrap.theme_html.js); buffer.push(bootstrap.theme_html.head_tag); buffer.push(bootstrap.html.before_head_close); } function localeScript(buffer, bootstrap) { buffer.push(``); } function beforeScriptLoad(buffer, bootstrap) { buffer.push(bootstrap.html.before_script_load); localeScript(buffer, bootstrap); (bootstrap.extra_locales || []).forEach((l) => buffer.push(``) ); } function discoursePreloadStylesheets(buffer, bootstrap) { (bootstrap.stylesheets || []).forEach((s) => { let link = ``; buffer.push(link); }); } function discourseStylesheets(buffer, bootstrap) { (bootstrap.stylesheets || []).forEach((s) => { let attrs = []; if (s.media) { attrs.push(`media="${s.media}"`); } if (s.target) { attrs.push(`data-target="${s.target}"`); } if (s.theme_id) { attrs.push(`data-theme-id="${s.theme_id}"`); } if (s.class) { attrs.push(`class="${s.class}"`); } let link = ``; buffer.push(link); }); } function body(buffer, bootstrap) { buffer.push(bootstrap.theme_html.header); buffer.push(bootstrap.html.header); } function bodyFooter(buffer, bootstrap, headers) { buffer.push(bootstrap.theme_html.body_tag); buffer.push(bootstrap.html.before_body_close); let v = generateUID(); buffer.push(` `); } function hiddenLoginForm(buffer, bootstrap) { if (!bootstrap.preloaded.currentUser) { buffer.push(` `); } } function preloaded(buffer, bootstrap) { buffer.push( `` ); } const BUILDERS = { "html-tag": htmlTag, "before-script-load": beforeScriptLoad, "discourse-preload-stylesheets": discoursePreloadStylesheets, head, body, "discourse-stylesheets": discourseStylesheets, "hidden-login-form": hiddenLoginForm, preloaded, "body-footer": bodyFooter, "locale-script": localeScript, }; function replaceIn(bootstrap, template, id, headers, baseURL) { let buffer = []; BUILDERS[id](buffer, bootstrap, headers, baseURL); let contents = buffer.filter((b) => b && b.length > 0).join("\n"); return template.replace(``, contents); } function extractPreloadJson(html) { const dom = new JSDOM(html); const dataElement = dom.window.document.querySelector("#data-preloaded"); if (!dataElement || !dataElement.dataset) { return; } return dataElement.dataset.preloaded; } async function applyBootstrap(bootstrap, template, response, baseURL, preload) { bootstrap.preloaded = Object.assign(JSON.parse(preload), bootstrap.preloaded); Object.keys(BUILDERS).forEach((id) => { template = replaceIn(bootstrap, template, id, response.headers, baseURL); }); return template; } async function buildFromBootstrap(proxy, baseURL, req, response, preload) { try { const template = await fsPromises.readFile( path.join(cwd(), "dist", "index.html"), "utf8" ); let url = new URL(`${proxy}${baseURL}bootstrap.json`); url.searchParams.append("for_url", req.url); const forUrlSearchParams = new URL(req.url, "https://dummy-origin.invalid") .searchParams; const mobileView = forUrlSearchParams.get("mobile_view"); if (mobileView) { url.searchParams.append("mobile_view", mobileView); } const reqUrlSafeMode = forUrlSearchParams.get("safe_mode"); if (reqUrlSafeMode) { url.searchParams.append("safe_mode", reqUrlSafeMode); } const reqUrlPreviewThemeId = forUrlSearchParams.get("preview_theme_id"); if (reqUrlPreviewThemeId) { url.searchParams.append("preview_theme_id", reqUrlPreviewThemeId); } const res = await fetch(url, { headers: req.headers }); const json = await res.json(); return applyBootstrap(json.bootstrap, template, response, baseURL, preload); } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Could not get ${proxy}${baseURL}bootstrap.json\n\n${error}` ); } } async function handleRequest(proxy, baseURL, req, res) { // x-forwarded-host is used in e.g. GitHub CodeSpaces let originalHost = req.headers["x-forwarded-host"] || req.headers.host; if (env["FORWARD_HOST"] === "true") { if (/^localhost(\:|$)/.test(originalHost)) { // Can't access default site in multisite via "localhost", redirect to res.redirect( 307, `http://${originalHost.replace("localhost", "")}${req.path}` ); return; } else { req.headers.host = originalHost; } } else { req.headers.host = new URL(proxy).host; } if (req.headers["Origin"]) { req.headers["Origin"] = req.headers["Origin"] .replace(req.headers.host, originalHost) .replace(/^https/, "http"); } if (req.headers["Referer"]) { req.headers["Referer"] = req.headers["Referer"] .replace(req.headers.host, originalHost) .replace(/^https/, "http"); } let url = `${proxy}${req.path}`; const queryLoc = req.url.indexOf("?"); if (queryLoc !== -1) { url += req.url.slice(queryLoc); } if (req.method === "GET") { req.headers["X-Discourse-Ember-CLI"] = "true"; } const response = await fetch(url, { method: req.method, body: /GET|HEAD/.test(req.method) ? null : req.body, headers: req.headers, redirect: "manual", }); response.headers.forEach((value, header) => { res.set(header, value); }); res.set("content-encoding", null); const location = response.headers.get("location"); if (location) { const newLocation = location.replace(proxy, `http://${originalHost}`); res.set("location", newLocation); } const csp = response.headers.get("content-security-policy"); if (csp) { const emberCliAdditions = [ `http://${originalHost}/assets/`, `http://${originalHost}/ember-cli-live-reload.js`, `http://${originalHost}/_lr/`, ].join(" "); const newCSP = csp .replaceAll(proxy, `http://${originalHost}`) .replaceAll("script-src ", `script-src ${emberCliAdditions} `); res.set("content-security-policy", newCSP); } const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type"); const isHTML = contentType?.startsWith("text/html"); res.status(response.status); if (isHTML) { const responseText = await response.text(); const preloadJson = isHTML ? extractPreloadJson(responseText) : null; if (preloadJson) { const html = await buildFromBootstrap( proxy, baseURL, req, response, extractPreloadJson(responseText) ); res.set("content-type", "text/html"); res.send(html); } else { res.send(responseText); } } else { res.send(Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer())); } } module.exports = { name: require("./package").name, isDevelopingAddon() { return true; }, contentFor(type, config) { if (shouldLoadPluginTestJs() && type === "test-plugin-js") { const scripts = []; const pluginInfos = this.app.project .findAddonByName("discourse-plugins") .pluginInfos(); for (const { pluginName, directoryName, hasJs, hasAdminJs, } of pluginInfos) { if (hasJs) { scripts.push({ src: `plugins/${directoryName}.js`, name: pluginName, }); } if (fs.existsSync(`../plugins/${directoryName}_extras.js.erb`)) { scripts.push({ src: `plugins/${directoryName}_extras.js`, name: pluginName, }); } if (hasAdminJs) { scripts.push({ src: `plugins/${directoryName}_admin.js`, name: pluginName, }); } } return scripts .map( ({ src, name }) => `` ) .join("\n"); } else if (shouldLoadPluginTestJs() && type === "test-plugin-tests-js") { return this.app.project .findAddonByName("discourse-plugins") .pluginInfos() .filter(({ hasTests }) => hasTests) .map( ({ directoryName, pluginName }) => `` ) .join("\n"); } else if (shouldLoadPluginTestJs() && type === "test-plugin-css") { return ``; } }, serverMiddleware(config) { const app = config.app; let { proxy, rootURL, baseURL } = config.options; if (!proxy) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(` Discourse can't be run without a \`--proxy\` setting, because it needs a Rails application to serve API requests. For example: yarn run ember serve --proxy "http://localhost:3000"\n`); throw "--proxy argument is required"; } baseURL = rootURL === "" ? "/" : cleanBaseURL(rootURL || baseURL); const rawMiddleware = express.raw({ type: () => true, limit: "100mb" }); app.use( "/favicon.ico", express.static( path.join( __dirname, "../../../../../../public/images/discourse-logo-sketch-small.png" ) ) ); app.use(rawMiddleware, async (req, res, next) => { try { if (this.shouldForwardRequest(req)) { await handleRequest(proxy, baseURL, req, res); } else { // Fixes issues when using e.g. "localhost" instead of loopback IP address req.headers.host = ""; } } catch (error) { res.send(`

Discourse Ember CLI Proxy Error

`); } finally { if (!res.headersSent) { return next(); } } }); }, shouldForwardRequest(request) { if ( [ "/tests/index.html", "/ember-cli-live-reload.js", "/testem.js", "/assets/test-i18n.js", ].includes(request.path) ) { return false; } if (request.path.startsWith("/_lr/")) { return false; } return true; }, };