require_dependency 'final_destination' module RetrieveTitle CRAWL_TIMEOUT = 1 def self.crawl(url) fetch_title(url) rescue Exception # If there was a connection error, do nothing end def self.extract_title(html) title = nil if doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) title ='title')&.inner_text # A horrible hack - YouTube uses `document.title` to populate the title # for some reason. For any other site than YouTube this wouldn't be worth it. if title == "YouTube" && html =~ /document\.title *= *"(.*)";/ title = Regexp.last_match[1].sub(/ - YouTube$/, '') end if !title && node ='meta[property="og:title"]') title = node['content'] end end if title.present? title.gsub!(/\n/, ' ') title.gsub!(/ +/, ' ') title.strip! return title end nil end private def self.max_chunk_size(uri) # Amazon and YouTube leave the title until very late. Exceptions are bad # but these are large sites. return 500 if =~ /amazon\.(com|ca|co\.uk|es|fr|de|it|com\.au|com\.br|cn|in|co\.jp|com\.mx)$/ return 300 if =~ /youtube\.com$/ || =~ / # default is 10k 10 end # Fetch the beginning of a HTML document at a url def self.fetch_title(url) fd =, timeout: CRAWL_TIMEOUT) current = nil title = nil fd.get do |_response, chunk, uri| if current current << chunk else current = chunk end max_size = max_chunk_size(uri) * 1024 title = extract_title(current) throw :done if title || max_size < current.length end return title end end