# frozen_string_literal: true module DiscourseTagging TAGS_FIELD_NAME ||= "tags" TAGS_FILTER_REGEXP ||= /[\/\?#\[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=\.%\\`^\s|\{\}"<>]+/ # /?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=.%\`^|{}"<> TAGS_STAFF_CACHE_KEY ||= "staff_tag_names" TAG_GROUP_TAG_IDS_SQL ||= <<-SQL SELECT tag_id FROM tag_group_memberships tgm INNER JOIN tag_groups tg ON tgm.tag_group_id = tg.id SQL def self.term_types @term_types ||= Enum.new(contains: 0, starts_with: 1) end def self.tag_topic_by_names(topic, guardian, tag_names_arg, append: false) if guardian.can_tag?(topic) tag_names = DiscourseTagging.tags_for_saving(tag_names_arg, guardian) || [] if !tag_names.empty? Tag .where_name(tag_names) .joins(:target_tag) .includes(:target_tag) .each { |tag| tag_names[tag_names.index(tag.name)] = tag.target_tag.name } end # tags currently on the topic old_tag_names = topic.tags.pluck(:name) || [] # tags we're trying to add to the topic new_tag_names = tag_names - old_tag_names # tag names being removed from the topic removed_tag_names = old_tag_names - tag_names # tag names which are visible, but not usable, by *some users* readonly_tags = DiscourseTagging.readonly_tag_names(guardian) # tags names which are not visible or usable by this user hidden_tags = DiscourseTagging.hidden_tag_names(guardian) # tag names which ARE permitted by *this user* permitted_tags = DiscourseTagging.permitted_tag_names(guardian) # If this user has explicit permission to use certain tags, # we need to ensure those tags are removed from the list of # restricted tags readonly_tags = readonly_tags - permitted_tags if permitted_tags.present? # visible, but not usable, tags this user is trying to use disallowed_tags = new_tag_names & readonly_tags # hidden tags this user is trying to use disallowed_tags += new_tag_names & hidden_tags if disallowed_tags.present? topic.errors.add( :base, I18n.t("tags.restricted_tag_disallowed", tag: disallowed_tags.join(" ")), ) return false end removed_readonly_tags = removed_tag_names & readonly_tags if removed_readonly_tags.present? topic.errors.add( :base, I18n.t("tags.restricted_tag_remove_disallowed", tag: removed_readonly_tags.join(" ")), ) return false end tag_names += removed_tag_names & hidden_tags category = topic.category tag_names = tag_names + old_tag_names if append if tag_names.present? # guardian is explicitly nil cause we don't want to strip all # staff tags that already passed validation tags = filter_allowed_tags( nil, # guardian for_topic: true, category: category, selected_tags: tag_names, only_tag_names: tag_names, ) # keep existent tags that current user cannot use tags += Tag.where(name: old_tag_names & tag_names) tags = Tag.where(id: tags.map(&:id)).all.to_a if tags.size > 0 if tags.size < tag_names.size && ( category.nil? || category.allow_global_tags || (category.tags.count == 0 && category.tag_groups.count == 0) ) tag_names.each do |name| tags << Tag.create(name: name) unless Tag.where_name(name).exists? end end # tests if there are conflicts between tags on tag groups that only allow one tag from the group before adding # mandatory parent tags because later we want to test if the mandatory parent tags introduce any conflicts # and be able to pinpoint the tag that is introducing it # guardian like above is nil to prevent stripping tags that already passed validation return false unless validate_one_tag_from_group_per_topic(nil, topic, category, tags) # add missing mandatory parent tags tag_ids = tags.map(&:id) parent_tags_map = DB .query( " SELECT tgm.tag_id, tg.parent_tag_id FROM tag_groups tg INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tgm.tag_group_id = tg.id WHERE tg.parent_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND tgm.tag_id IN (?) ", tag_ids, ) .inject({}) do |h, v| h[v.tag_id] ||= [] h[v.tag_id] << v.parent_tag_id h end missing_parent_tag_ids = parent_tags_map .map do |_, parent_tag_ids| (tag_ids & parent_tag_ids).size == 0 ? parent_tag_ids.first : nil end .compact .uniq missing_parent_tags = Tag.where(id: missing_parent_tag_ids).all tags = tags + missing_parent_tags unless missing_parent_tags.empty? parent_tag_conflicts = filter_tags_violating_one_tag_from_group_per_topic( nil, # guardian like above is nil to prevent stripping tags that already passed validation topic.category, tags, ) if parent_tag_conflicts.present? # we need to get the original tag names that introduced conflicting missing parent tags to return an useful # error message parent_child_names_map = {} parent_tags_map.each do |tag_id, parent_tag_ids| next if (tag_ids & parent_tag_ids).size > 0 # tag already has a parent tag parent_tag = tags.select { |t| t.id == parent_tag_ids.first }.first original_child_tag = tags.select { |t| t.id == tag_id }.first next unless parent_tag.present? && original_child_tag.present? parent_child_names_map[parent_tag.name] = original_child_tag.name end # replaces the added missing parent tags with the original tag parent_tag_conflicts.map do |_, conflicting_tags| topic.errors.add( :base, I18n.t( "tags.limited_to_one_tag_from_group", tags: conflicting_tags .map do |tag| tag_name = tag.name if parent_child_names_map[tag_name].present? parent_child_names_map[tag_name] else tag_name end end .uniq .sort .join(", "), ), ) end return false end return false unless validate_min_required_tags_for_category(guardian, topic, category, tags) return false unless validate_required_tags_from_group(guardian, topic, category, tags) if tags.size == 0 topic.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("tags.forbidden.invalid", count: new_tag_names.size)) return false end topic.tags = tags else return false unless validate_min_required_tags_for_category(guardian, topic, category) return false unless validate_required_tags_from_group(guardian, topic, category) topic.tags = [] end topic.tags_changed = true DiscourseEvent.trigger( :topic_tags_changed, topic, old_tag_names: old_tag_names, new_tag_names: topic.tags.map(&:name), ) return true end false end def self.validate_category_tags(guardian, model, category, tags = []) existing_tags = tags.present? ? Tag.where(name: tags) : [] valid_tags = guardian.can_create_tag? ? tags : existing_tags # all add to model (topic) errors valid = validate_min_required_tags_for_category(guardian, model, category, valid_tags) valid &&= validate_required_tags_from_group(guardian, model, category, existing_tags) valid &&= validate_category_restricted_tags(guardian, model, category, valid_tags) valid &&= validate_one_tag_from_group_per_topic(guardian, model, category, valid_tags) valid end def self.validate_min_required_tags_for_category(guardian, model, category, tags = []) if !guardian.is_staff? && category && category.minimum_required_tags > 0 && tags.length < category.minimum_required_tags model.errors.add( :base, I18n.t("tags.minimum_required_tags", count: category.minimum_required_tags), ) false else true end end def self.validate_required_tags_from_group(guardian, model, category, tags = []) return true if guardian.is_staff? || category.nil? success = true category.category_required_tag_groups.each do |crtg| if tags.length < crtg.min_count || crtg.tag_group.tags.where("tags.id in (?)", tags.map(&:id)).count < crtg.min_count success = false model.errors.add( :base, I18n.t( "tags.required_tags_from_group", count: crtg.min_count, tag_group_name: crtg.tag_group.name, tags: crtg.tag_group.tags.order(:id).pluck(:name).join(", "), ), ) end end success end def self.validate_category_restricted_tags(guardian, model, category, tags = []) return true if tags.blank? || category.blank? tags = tags.map(&:name) if Tag === tags[0] tags_restricted_to_categories = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Set.new } query = Tag.where(name: tags) query .joins(tag_groups: :categories) .pluck(:name, "categories.id") .each { |(tag, cat_id)| tags_restricted_to_categories[tag] << cat_id } query .joins(:categories) .pluck(:name, "categories.id") .each { |(tag, cat_id)| tags_restricted_to_categories[tag] << cat_id } unallowed_tags = tags_restricted_to_categories.keys.select do |tag| !tags_restricted_to_categories[tag].include?(category.id) end if unallowed_tags.present? msg = I18n.t( "tags.forbidden.restricted_tags_cannot_be_used_in_category", count: unallowed_tags.size, tags: unallowed_tags.sort.join(", "), category: category.name, ) model.errors.add(:base, msg) return false end if !category.allow_global_tags && category.has_restricted_tags? unrestricted_tags = tags - tags_restricted_to_categories.keys if unrestricted_tags.present? msg = I18n.t( "tags.forbidden.category_does_not_allow_tags", count: unrestricted_tags.size, tags: unrestricted_tags.sort.join(", "), category: category.name, ) model.errors.add(:base, msg) return false end end true end def self.validate_one_tag_from_group_per_topic(guardian, model, category, tags = []) tags_cant_be_used = filter_tags_violating_one_tag_from_group_per_topic(guardian, category, tags) return true if tags_cant_be_used.blank? tags_cant_be_used.each do |_, incompatible_tags| model.errors.add( :base, I18n.t( "tags.limited_to_one_tag_from_group", tags: incompatible_tags.map(&:name).sort.join(", "), ), ) end false end def self.filter_tags_violating_one_tag_from_group_per_topic(guardian, category, tags = []) return [] if tags.size < 2 # ensures that tags are a list of tag names tags = tags.map(&:name) if Tag === tags[0] allowed_tags = filter_allowed_tags( guardian, category: category, only_tag_names: tags, for_topic: true, order_search_results: true, ) return {} if allowed_tags.size < 2 tags_by_group_map = allowed_tags .sort_by { |tag| [tag.tag_group_id || -1, tag.name] } .inject({}) do |hash, tag| next hash unless tag.one_per_topic hash[tag.tag_group_id] = (hash[tag.tag_group_id] || []) << tag hash end tags_by_group_map.select { |_, group_tags| group_tags.size > 1 } end TAG_GROUP_RESTRICTIONS_SQL ||= <<~SQL tag_group_restrictions AS ( SELECT t.id as tag_id, tgm.id as tgm_id, tg.id as tag_group_id, tg.parent_tag_id as parent_tag_id, tg.one_per_topic as one_per_topic FROM tags t LEFT OUTER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tgm.tag_id = t.id /*and_name_like*/ LEFT OUTER JOIN tag_groups tg ON tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id ) SQL CATEGORY_RESTRICTIONS_SQL ||= <<~SQL category_restrictions AS ( SELECT t.id as tag_id, ct.id as ct_id, ct.category_id as category_id FROM tags t INNER JOIN category_tags ct ON t.id = ct.tag_id /*and_name_like*/ UNION SELECT t.id as tag_id, ctg.id as ctg_id, ctg.category_id as category_id FROM tags t INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tgm.tag_id = t.id /*and_name_like*/ INNER JOIN category_tag_groups ctg ON tgm.tag_group_id = ctg.tag_group_id ) SQL PERMITTED_TAGS_SQL ||= <<~SQL permitted_tag_groups AS ( SELECT tg.id as tag_group_id, tgp.group_id as group_id, tgp.permission_type as permission_type FROM tags t INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tgm.tag_id = t.id /*and_name_like*/ INNER JOIN tag_groups tg ON tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id INNER JOIN tag_group_permissions tgp ON tg.id = tgp.tag_group_id /*and_group_ids*/ AND tgp.permission_type = #{TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full]} ) SQL # Options: # term: a search term to filter tags by name # term_type: whether to search by "starts_with" or "contains" with the term # limit: max number of results # category: a Category to which the object being tagged belongs # for_input: result is for an input field, so only show permitted tags # for_topic: results are for tagging a topic # selected_tags: an array of tag names that are in the current selection # only_tag_names: limit results to tags with these names # exclude_synonyms: exclude synonyms from results # order_search_results: result should be ordered for name search results # order_popularity: order result by topic_count # excluded_tag_names: an array of tag names not to include in the results def self.filter_allowed_tags(guardian, opts = {}) selected_tag_ids = opts[:selected_tags] ? Tag.where_name(opts[:selected_tags]).pluck(:id) : [] category = opts[:category] category_has_restricted_tags = category ? (category.tags.count > 0 || category.tag_groups.count > 0) : false # If guardian is nil, it means the caller doesn't want tags to be filtered # based on guardian rules. Use the same rules as for staff users. filter_for_non_staff = !guardian.nil? && !guardian.is_staff? builder_params = {} builder_params[:selected_tag_ids] = selected_tag_ids unless selected_tag_ids.empty? sql = +"WITH #{TAG_GROUP_RESTRICTIONS_SQL}, #{CATEGORY_RESTRICTIONS_SQL}" if (opts[:for_input] || opts[:for_topic]) && filter_for_non_staff sql << ", #{PERMITTED_TAGS_SQL} " builder_params[:group_ids] = permitted_group_ids(guardian) sql.gsub!("/*and_group_ids*/", "AND group_id IN (:group_ids)") end outer_join = category.nil? || category.allow_global_tags || !category_has_restricted_tags topic_count_column = Tag.topic_count_column(guardian) distinct_clause = if opts[:order_popularity] "DISTINCT ON (#{topic_count_column}, name)" elsif opts[:order_search_results] && opts[:term].present? "DISTINCT ON (lower(name) = lower(:cleaned_term), #{topic_count_column}, name)" else "" end sql << <<~SQL SELECT #{distinct_clause} t.id, t.name, t.#{topic_count_column}, t.pm_topic_count, t.description, tgr.tgm_id as tgm_id, tgr.tag_group_id as tag_group_id, tgr.parent_tag_id as parent_tag_id, tgr.one_per_topic as one_per_topic, t.target_tag_id FROM tags t INNER JOIN tag_group_restrictions tgr ON tgr.tag_id = t.id #{outer_join ? "LEFT OUTER" : "INNER"} JOIN category_restrictions cr ON t.id = cr.tag_id /*where*/ /*order_by*/ /*limit*/ SQL builder = DB.build(sql) if !opts[:for_topic] && builder_params[:selected_tag_ids] builder.where("id NOT IN (:selected_tag_ids)") end if opts[:only_tag_names] builder.where("LOWER(name) IN (:only_tag_names)") builder_params[:only_tag_names] = opts[:only_tag_names].map(&:downcase) end # parent tag requirements if opts[:for_input] builder.where( ( if builder_params[:selected_tag_ids] "tgm_id IS NULL OR parent_tag_id IS NULL OR parent_tag_id IN (:selected_tag_ids)" else "tgm_id IS NULL OR parent_tag_id IS NULL" end ), ) end if category && category_has_restricted_tags builder.where( category.allow_global_tags ? "category_id = ? OR category_id IS NULL" : "category_id = ?", category.id, ) elsif category || opts[:for_input] || opts[:for_topic] # tags not restricted to any categories builder.where("category_id IS NULL") end if filter_for_non_staff && (opts[:for_input] || opts[:for_topic]) # exclude staff-only tag groups builder.where( "tag_group_id IS NULL OR tag_group_id IN (SELECT tag_group_id FROM permitted_tag_groups)", ) end term = opts[:term] if term.present? term = term.gsub("_", "\\_").downcase builder_params[:cleaned_term] = term if opts[:term_type] == DiscourseTagging.term_types[:starts_with] builder_params[:term] = "#{term}%" else builder_params[:term] = "%#{term}%" end builder.where("LOWER(name) LIKE :term") sql.gsub!("/*and_name_like*/", "AND LOWER(t.name) LIKE :term") else sql.gsub!("/*and_name_like*/", "") end # show required tags for non-staff # or for staff when # - there are more available tags than the query limit # - and no search term has been included required_tag_ids = nil required_category_tag_group = nil if opts[:for_input] && category&.category_required_tag_groups.present? && (filter_for_non_staff || term.blank?) category.category_required_tag_groups.each do |crtg| group_tags = crtg.tag_group.tags.pluck(:id) next if (group_tags & selected_tag_ids).size >= crtg.min_count if filter_for_non_staff || group_tags.size >= opts[:limit].to_i required_category_tag_group = crtg required_tag_ids = group_tags builder.where("id IN (?)", required_tag_ids) end break end end if filter_for_non_staff group_ids = permitted_group_ids(guardian) builder.where(<<~SQL, group_ids, group_ids) id NOT IN ( (SELECT tgm.tag_id FROM tag_group_permissions tgp INNER JOIN tag_groups tg ON tgp.tag_group_id = tg.id INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id WHERE tgp.group_id NOT IN (?)) EXCEPT (SELECT tgm.tag_id FROM tag_group_permissions tgp INNER JOIN tag_groups tg ON tgp.tag_group_id = tg.id INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id WHERE tgp.group_id IN (?)) ) SQL end if builder_params[:selected_tag_ids] && (opts[:for_input] || opts[:for_topic]) one_tag_per_group_ids = DB.query(<<~SQL, builder_params[:selected_tag_ids]).map(&:id) SELECT DISTINCT(tg.id) FROM tag_groups tg INNER JOIN tag_group_memberships tgm ON tg.id = tgm.tag_group_id AND tgm.tag_id IN (?) WHERE tg.one_per_topic SQL if !one_tag_per_group_ids.empty? builder.where( "t.id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT tag_id FROM tag_group_restrictions WHERE tag_group_id IN (?)) OR id IN (:selected_tag_ids)", one_tag_per_group_ids, ) end end builder.where("target_tag_id IS NULL") if opts[:exclude_synonyms] if opts[:exclude_has_synonyms] builder.where("id NOT IN (SELECT target_tag_id FROM tags WHERE target_tag_id IS NOT NULL)") end builder.where("name NOT IN (?)", opts[:excluded_tag_names]) if opts[:excluded_tag_names]&.any? if opts[:limit] if required_tag_ids && term.blank? # override limit so all required tags are shown by default builder.limit(required_tag_ids.size) else builder.limit(opts[:limit]) end end if opts[:order_popularity] builder.order_by("#{topic_count_column} DESC, name") elsif opts[:order_search_results] && !term.blank? builder.order_by("lower(name) = lower(:cleaned_term) DESC, #{topic_count_column} DESC, name") end result = builder.query(builder_params).uniq { |t| t.id } if opts[:with_context] context = {} if required_category_tag_group context[:required_tag_group] = { name: required_category_tag_group.tag_group.name, min_count: required_category_tag_group.min_count, } end [result, context] else result end end def self.visible_tags(guardian) if guardian&.is_staff? Tag.all else # Visible tags either have no permissions or have allowable permissions Tag .where.not(id: TagGroupMembership.joins(tag_group: :tag_group_permissions).select(:tag_id)) .or( Tag.where( id: TagGroupPermission .joins(tag_group: :tag_group_memberships) .where(group_id: permitted_group_ids_query(guardian)) .select("tag_group_memberships.tag_id"), ), ) end end def self.filter_visible(query, guardian = nil) guardian&.is_staff? ? query : query.where(id: visible_tags(guardian).select(:id)) end def self.hidden_tag_names(guardian = nil) guardian&.is_staff? ? [] : Tag.where.not(id: visible_tags(guardian).select(:id)).pluck(:name) end def self.permitted_group_ids_query(guardian = nil) if guardian&.authenticated? Group.from( Group.sanitize_sql( [ "(SELECT ? AS id UNION #{guardian.user.groups.select(:id).to_sql}) as groups", Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone], ], ), ).select(:id) else Group.from( Group.sanitize_sql(["(SELECT ? AS id) AS groups", Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone]]), ).select(:id) end end def self.permitted_group_ids(guardian = nil) permitted_group_ids_query(guardian).pluck(:id) end # read-only tags for this user def self.readonly_tag_names(guardian = nil) return [] if guardian&.is_staff? query = Tag.joins(tag_groups: :tag_group_permissions).where( "tag_group_permissions.permission_type = ?", TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:readonly], ) query.pluck(:name) end # explicit permissions to use these tags def self.permitted_tag_names(guardian = nil) query = Tag.joins(tag_groups: :tag_group_permissions).where( tag_group_permissions: { group_id: permitted_group_ids(guardian), permission_type: TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:full], }, ) query.pluck(:name).uniq end # middle level of tag group restrictions def self.staff_tag_names tag_names = Discourse.cache.read(TAGS_STAFF_CACHE_KEY) if !tag_names tag_names = Tag .joins(tag_groups: :tag_group_permissions) .where( tag_group_permissions: { group_id: Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:everyone], permission_type: TagGroupPermission.permission_types[:readonly], }, ) .pluck(:name) Discourse.cache.write(TAGS_STAFF_CACHE_KEY, tag_names, expires_in: 1.hour) end tag_names end def self.clear_cache! Discourse.cache.delete(TAGS_STAFF_CACHE_KEY) end def self.clean_tag(tag) tag = tag.dup tag.downcase! if SiteSetting.force_lowercase_tags tag.strip! tag.gsub!(/[[:space:]]+/, "-") tag.gsub!(/[^[:word:][:punct:]]+/, "") tag.squeeze!("-") tag.gsub!(TAGS_FILTER_REGEXP, "") tag[0...SiteSetting.max_tag_length] end def self.tags_for_saving(tags_arg, guardian, opts = {}) return [] unless guardian.can_tag_topics? && tags_arg.present? tag_names = Tag.where_name(tags_arg).pluck(:name) if guardian.can_create_tag? tag_names += (tags_arg - tag_names).map { |t| clean_tag(t) } tag_names.delete_if { |t| t.blank? } tag_names.uniq! end opts[:unlimited] ? tag_names : tag_names[0...SiteSetting.max_tags_per_topic] end def self.add_or_create_tags_by_name(taggable, tag_names_arg, opts = {}) tag_names = DiscourseTagging.tags_for_saving(tag_names_arg, Guardian.new(Discourse.system_user), opts) || [] if taggable.tags.pluck(:name).sort != tag_names.sort taggable.tags = Tag.where_name(tag_names).all new_tag_names = taggable.tags.size < tag_names.size ? tag_names - taggable.tags.map(&:name) : [] taggable.tags << Tag .where(target_tag_id: taggable.tags.map(&:id)) .where.not(id: taggable.tags.map(&:id)) .all new_tag_names.each { |name| taggable.tags << Tag.create(name: name) } end end # Returns true if all were added successfully, or an Array of the # tags that failed to be added, with errors on each Tag. def self.add_or_create_synonyms_by_name(target_tag, synonym_names) tag_names = DiscourseTagging.tags_for_saving(synonym_names, Guardian.new(Discourse.system_user)) || [] tag_names -= [target_tag.name] existing = Tag.where_name(tag_names).all target_tag.synonyms << existing (tag_names - target_tag.synonyms.map(&:name)).each do |name| target_tag.synonyms << Tag.create(name: name) end successful = existing.select { |t| !t.errors.present? } synonyms_ids = successful.map(&:id) TopicTag.where(topic_id: target_tag.topics.with_deleted, tag_id: synonyms_ids).delete_all TopicTag.where(tag_id: synonyms_ids).update_all(tag_id: target_tag.id) Scheduler::Defer.later "Update tag topic counts" do Tag.ensure_consistency! end (existing - successful).presence || true end def self.muted_tags(user) return [] unless user TagUser.lookup(user, :muted).joins(:tag).pluck("tags.name") end end