# frozen_string_literal: true class Notification < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :topic MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_CONSOLIDATION_WINDOW_HOURS = 24 validates_presence_of :data validates_presence_of :notification_type scope :unread, lambda { where(read: false) } scope :recent, lambda { |n = nil| n ||= 10; order('notifications.created_at desc').limit(n) } scope :visible , lambda { joins('LEFT JOIN topics ON notifications.topic_id = topics.id') .where('topics.id IS NULL OR topics.deleted_at IS NULL') } scope :filter_by_consolidation_data, ->(notification_type, data) { notifications = where(notification_type: notification_type) case notification_type when types[:liked], types[:liked_consolidated] key = "display_username" consolidation_window = SiteSetting.likes_notification_consolidation_window_mins.minutes.ago when types[:private_message] key = "topic_title" consolidation_window = MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_CONSOLIDATION_WINDOW_HOURS.hours.ago when types[:membership_request_consolidated] key = "group_name" consolidation_window = MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_CONSOLIDATION_WINDOW_HOURS.hours.ago end notifications = notifications.where("created_at > ? AND data::json ->> '#{key}' = ?", consolidation_window, data[key.to_sym]) if data[key&.to_sym].present? notifications = notifications.where("data::json ->> 'username2' IS NULL") if notification_type == types[:liked] notifications } attr_accessor :skip_send_email after_commit :refresh_notification_count, on: [:create, :update, :destroy] after_commit(on: :create) do DiscourseEvent.trigger(:notification_created, self) send_email unless NotificationConsolidator.new(self).consolidate! end before_create do # if we have manually set the notification to high_priority on create then # make sure that is respected self.high_priority = self.high_priority || Notification.high_priority_types.include?(self.notification_type) end def self.purge_old! return if SiteSetting.max_notifications_per_user == 0 DB.exec(<<~SQL, SiteSetting.max_notifications_per_user) DELETE FROM notifications n1 USING ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT user_id, id, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY id DESC) FROM notifications ) AS X WHERE rank = ? ) n2 WHERE n1.user_id = n2.user_id AND n1.id < n2.id SQL end def self.ensure_consistency! DB.exec(<<~SQL) DELETE FROM notifications n WHERE high_priority AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM posts p JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.post_number = n.post_number AND t.id = n.topic_id ) SQL end def self.types @types ||= Enum.new(mentioned: 1, replied: 2, quoted: 3, edited: 4, liked: 5, private_message: 6, invited_to_private_message: 7, invitee_accepted: 8, posted: 9, moved_post: 10, linked: 11, granted_badge: 12, invited_to_topic: 13, custom: 14, group_mentioned: 15, group_message_summary: 16, watching_first_post: 17, topic_reminder: 18, liked_consolidated: 19, post_approved: 20, code_review_commit_approved: 21, membership_request_accepted: 22, membership_request_consolidated: 23, bookmark_reminder: 24, reaction: 25, votes_released: 26, event_reminder: 27, event_invitation: 28 ) end def self.high_priority_types @high_priority_types ||= [ types[:private_message], types[:bookmark_reminder] ] end def self.normal_priority_types @normal_priority_types ||= types.reject { |_k, v| high_priority_types.include?(v) }.values end def self.mark_posts_read(user, topic_id, post_numbers) Notification .where( user_id: user.id, topic_id: topic_id, post_number: post_numbers, read: false ) .update_all(read: true) end def self.read(user, notification_ids) Notification .where( id: notification_ids, user_id: user.id, read: false ) .update_all(read: true) end def self.interesting_after(min_date) result = where("created_at > ?", min_date) .includes(:topic) .visible .unread .limit(20) .order("CASE WHEN notification_type = #{Notification.types[:replied]} THEN 1 WHEN notification_type = #{Notification.types[:mentioned]} THEN 2 ELSE 3 END, created_at DESC").to_a # Remove any duplicates by type and topic if result.present? seen = {} to_remove = Set.new result.each do |r| seen[r.notification_type] ||= Set.new if seen[r.notification_type].include?(r.topic_id) to_remove << r.id else seen[r.notification_type] << r.topic_id end end result.reject! { |r| to_remove.include?(r.id) } end result end # Clean up any notifications the user can no longer see. For example, if a topic was previously # public then turns private. def self.remove_for(user_id, topic_id) Notification.where(user_id: user_id, topic_id: topic_id).delete_all end # Be wary of calling this frequently. O(n) JSON parsing can suck. def data_hash @data_hash ||= begin return {} if data.blank? parsed = JSON.parse(data) return {} if parsed.blank? parsed.with_indifferent_access end end def url topic.relative_url(post_number) if topic.present? end def post return if topic_id.blank? || post_number.blank? Post.find_by(topic_id: topic_id, post_number: post_number) end def self.recent_report(user, count = nil) return unless user && user.user_option count ||= 10 notifications = user.notifications .visible .recent(count) .includes(:topic) if user.user_option.like_notification_frequency == UserOption.like_notification_frequency_type[:never] [ Notification.types[:liked], Notification.types[:liked_consolidated] ].each do |notification_type| notifications = notifications.where( 'notification_type <> ?', notification_type ) end end notifications = notifications.to_a if notifications.present? ids = DB.query_single(<<~SQL, limit: count.to_i) SELECT n.id FROM notifications n WHERE n.high_priority = TRUE AND n.user_id = #{user.id.to_i} AND NOT read ORDER BY n.id ASC LIMIT :limit SQL if ids.length > 0 notifications += user .notifications .order('notifications.created_at DESC') .where(id: ids) .joins(:topic) .limit(count) end notifications.uniq(&:id).sort do |x, y| if x.unread_high_priority? && !y.unread_high_priority? -1 elsif y.unread_high_priority? && !x.unread_high_priority? 1 else y.created_at <=> x.created_at end end.take(count) else [] end end def unread_high_priority? self.high_priority? && !read end def post_id Post.where(topic: topic_id, post_number: post_number).pluck_first(:id) end protected def refresh_notification_count if user_id User.find_by(id: user_id)&.publish_notifications_state end end def send_email NotificationEmailer.process_notification(self) if !skip_send_email end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: notifications # # id :integer not null, primary key # notification_type :integer not null # user_id :integer not null # data :string(1000) not null # read :boolean default(FALSE), not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # topic_id :integer # post_number :integer # post_action_id :integer # high_priority :boolean default(FALSE), not null # # Indexes # # idx_notifications_speedup_unread_count (user_id,notification_type) WHERE (NOT read) # index_notifications_on_post_action_id (post_action_id) # index_notifications_on_topic_id_and_post_number (topic_id,post_number) # index_notifications_on_user_id_and_created_at (user_id,created_at) # index_notifications_on_user_id_and_topic_id_and_post_number (user_id,topic_id,post_number) # index_notifications_read_or_not_high_priority (user_id,id DESC,read,topic_id) WHERE (read OR (high_priority = false)) # index_notifications_unique_unread_high_priority (user_id,id) UNIQUE WHERE ((NOT read) AND (high_priority = true)) #