# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require_relative 'shared_context_for_backup_restore' describe BackupRestore::UploadsRestorer do include_context "shared stuff" subject { BackupRestore::UploadsRestorer.new(logger) } def with_temp_uploads_directory(name: "default", with_optimized: false) Dir.mktmpdir do |directory| path = File.join(directory, "uploads", name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(path, "optimized")) if with_optimized yield(directory, path) end end def expect_no_remap(source_site_name: nil, target_site_name:, metadata: []) expect_remaps( source_site_name: source_site_name, target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: metadata ) end def expect_remap(source_site_name: nil, target_site_name:, metadata: [], from:, to:, &block) expect_remaps( source_site_name: source_site_name, target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: metadata, remaps: [{ from: from, to: to }], &block ) end def expect_remaps(source_site_name: nil, target_site_name:, metadata: [], remaps: [], &block) source_site_name ||= metadata.find { |d| d[:name] == "db_name" }&.dig(:value) || "default" if source_site_name != target_site_name site_rename = { from: "/uploads/#{source_site_name}/", to: uploads_path(target_site_name) } remaps << site_rename unless remaps.last == site_rename end with_temp_uploads_directory(name: source_site_name, with_optimized: true) do |directory, path| yield(directory) if block_given? Discourse.store.class.any_instance.expects(:copy_from).with(path).once if remaps.blank? DbHelper.expects(:remap).never else DbHelper.expects(:remap).with do |from, to, args| args[:excluded_tables]&.include?("backup_metadata") remaps.shift == { from: from, to: to } end.times(remaps.size) end if target_site_name == "default" setup_and_restore(directory, metadata) else test_multisite_connection(target_site_name) { setup_and_restore(directory, metadata) } end end end def setup_and_restore(directory, metadata) metadata.each { |d| BackupMetadata.create!(d) } subject.restore(directory) end def uploads_path(database) path = File.join("uploads", database) path = File.join(path, "test_#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'].presence || '0'}") "/#{path}/" end context "uploads" do let!(:multisite) { { name: "multisite", value: true } } let!(:no_multisite) { { name: "multisite", value: false } } let!(:source_db_name) { { name: "db_name", value: "foo" } } let!(:base_url) { { name: "base_url", value: "https://www.example.com/forum" } } let!(:no_cdn_url) { { name: "cdn_url", value: nil } } let!(:cdn_url) { { name: "cdn_url", value: "https://some-cdn.example.com" } } let(:target_site_name) { target_site_type == multisite ? "second" : "default" } let(:target_hostname) { target_site_type == multisite ? "test2.localhost" : "test.localhost" } shared_context "no uploads" do it "does nothing when temporary uploads directory is missing or empty" do store_class.any_instance.expects(:copy_from).never Dir.mktmpdir do |directory| subject.restore(directory) FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(directory, "uploads")) subject.restore(directory) end end end shared_examples "without metadata" do it "correctly remaps uploads" do expect_no_remap(target_site_name: "default") end it "correctly remaps when site name is different" do expect_remap( source_site_name: "foo", target_site_name: "default", from: "/uploads/foo/", to: uploads_path("default") ) end end shared_context "restores uploads" do before do Upload.where("id > 0").destroy_all Fabricate(:optimized_image) upload = Fabricate(:upload_s3) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "![#{upload.original_filename}](#{upload.short_url})") post.link_post_uploads FileHelper.stubs(:download).returns(file_from_fixtures("logo.png")) FileStore::S3Store.any_instance.stubs(:store_upload).returns do File.join( "//s3-upload-bucket.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com", target_site_type == multisite ? "/uploads/#{target_site_name}" : "", "original/1X/bc975735dfc6409c1c2aa5ebf2239949bcbdbd65.png" ) end UserAvatar.import_url_for_user("logo.png", Fabricate(:user)) end it "successfully restores uploads" do SiteIconManager.expects(:ensure_optimized!).once with_temp_uploads_directory do |directory, path| store_class.any_instance.expects(:copy_from).with(path).once expect { subject.restore(directory) } .to change { OptimizedImage.count }.by_at_most(-1) .and change { Jobs::CreateAvatarThumbnails.jobs.size }.by(1) .and change { Post.where(baked_version: nil).count }.by(1) end end it "doesn't generate optimized images when backup contains optimized images" do SiteIconManager.expects(:ensure_optimized!).never with_temp_uploads_directory(with_optimized: true) do |directory, path| store_class.any_instance.expects(:copy_from).with(path).once expect { subject.restore(directory) } .to change { OptimizedImage.count }.by(0) .and change { Jobs::CreateAvatarThumbnails.jobs.size }.by(0) .and change { Post.where(baked_version: nil).count }.by(1) end end end shared_examples "common remaps" do it "remaps when `base_url` changes" do Discourse.expects(:base_url).returns("http://localhost").at_least_once expect_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, base_url], from: "https://www.example.com/forum", to: "http://localhost" ) end it "doesn't remap when `cdn_url` in `backup_metadata` is empty" do expect_no_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, no_cdn_url] ) end it "remaps to new `cdn_url` when `cdn_url` changes to a different value" do Discourse.expects(:asset_host).returns("https://new-cdn.example.com").at_least_once expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://some-cdn.example.com/", to: "https://new-cdn.example.com/" }, { from: "some-cdn.example.com", to: "new-cdn.example.com" } ] ) end it "remaps to `base_url` when `cdn_url` changes to an empty value" do Discourse.expects(:base_url).returns("http://example.com/discourse").at_least_once Discourse.expects(:asset_host).returns(nil).at_least_once expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://some-cdn.example.com/", to: "//example.com/discourse/" }, { from: "some-cdn.example.com", to: "example.com" } ] ) end end shared_examples "remaps from local storage" do it "doesn't remap when `s3_base_url` in `backup_metadata` is empty" do expect_no_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, s3_base_url] ) end it "doesn't remap when `s3_cdn_url` in `backup_metadata` is empty" do expect_no_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_site_type, s3_cdn_url] ) end end context "currently stored locally" do before do SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads = false end let!(:store_class) { FileStore::LocalStore } include_context "no uploads" include_context "restores uploads" context "remaps" do include_examples "without metadata" context "uploads previously stored locally" do let!(:s3_base_url) { { name: "s3_base_url", value: nil } } let!(:s3_cdn_url) { { name: "s3_cdn_url", value: nil } } context "from regular site" do let!(:source_site_type) { no_multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end end context "from multisite" do let!(:source_site_type) { multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end end end context "uploads previously stored on S3" do let!(:s3_base_url) { { name: "s3_base_url", value: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com" } } let!(:s3_cdn_url) { { name: "s3_cdn_url", value: "https://s3-cdn.example.com" } } shared_examples "regular site remaps from S3" do it "remaps when `s3_base_url` changes" do expect_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [no_multisite, s3_base_url], from: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/", to: uploads_path(target_site_name) ) end it "remaps when `s3_cdn_url` changes" do expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [no_multisite, s3_cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://s3-cdn.example.com/", to: "//#{target_hostname}#{uploads_path(target_site_name)}" }, { from: "s3-cdn.example.com", to: target_hostname } ] ) end end shared_examples "multisite remaps from S3" do it "remaps when `s3_base_url` changes" do expect_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_db_name, multisite, s3_base_url], from: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/", to: "/" ) end it "remaps when `s3_cdn_url` changes" do expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_db_name, multisite, s3_cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://s3-cdn.example.com/", to: "//#{target_hostname}/" }, { from: "s3-cdn.example.com", to: target_hostname } ] ) end end context "from regular site" do let!(:source_site_type) { no_multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "regular site remaps from S3" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "regular site remaps from S3" end end context "from multisite" do let!(:source_site_type) { multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "multisite remaps from S3" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "multisite remaps from S3" end end end end end context "currently stored on S3" do before do SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket = "s3-upload-bucket" SiteSetting.s3_access_key_id = "s3-access-key-id" SiteSetting.s3_secret_access_key = "s3-secret-access-key" SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads = true end let!(:store_class) { FileStore::S3Store } include_context "no uploads" include_context "restores uploads" context "remaps" do include_examples "without metadata" context "uploads previously stored locally" do let!(:s3_base_url) { { name: "s3_base_url", value: nil } } let!(:s3_cdn_url) { { name: "s3_cdn_url", value: nil } } context "from regular site" do let!(:source_site_type) { no_multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end end context "from multisite" do let!(:source_site_type) { multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "remaps from local storage" end end end context "uploads previously stored on S3" do let!(:s3_base_url) { { name: "s3_base_url", value: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com" } } let!(:s3_cdn_url) { { name: "s3_cdn_url", value: "https://s3-cdn.example.com" } } shared_examples "regular site remaps from S3" do it "remaps when `s3_base_url` changes" do expect_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [no_multisite, s3_base_url], from: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/", to: uploads_path(target_site_name) ) end it "remaps when `s3_cdn_url` changes" do SiteSetting::Upload.expects(:s3_cdn_url).returns("https://new-s3-cdn.example.com").at_least_once expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [no_multisite, s3_cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://s3-cdn.example.com/", to: "https://new-s3-cdn.example.com#{uploads_path(target_site_name)}" }, { from: "s3-cdn.example.com", to: "new-s3-cdn.example.com" } ] ) end end shared_examples "multisite remaps from S3" do it "remaps when `s3_base_url` changes" do expect_remap( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_db_name, multisite, s3_base_url], from: "//old-bucket.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/", to: "/" ) end context "when `s3_cdn_url` is configured" do it "remaps when `s3_cdn_url` changes" do SiteSetting::Upload.expects(:s3_cdn_url).returns("http://new-s3-cdn.example.com").at_least_once expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_db_name, multisite, s3_cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://s3-cdn.example.com/", to: "//new-s3-cdn.example.com/" }, { from: "s3-cdn.example.com", to: "new-s3-cdn.example.com" } ] ) end end context "when `s3_cdn_url` is not configured" do it "remaps to `base_url` when `s3_cdn_url` changes" do SiteSetting::Upload.expects(:s3_cdn_url).returns(nil).at_least_once expect_remaps( target_site_name: target_site_name, metadata: [source_db_name, multisite, s3_cdn_url], remaps: [ { from: "https://s3-cdn.example.com/", to: "//#{target_hostname}/" }, { from: "s3-cdn.example.com", to: target_hostname } ] ) end end end context "from regular site" do let!(:source_site_type) { no_multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_name) { "default" } let!(:target_hostname) { "test.localhost" } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "regular site remaps from S3" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_name) { "second" } let!(:target_hostname) { "test2.localhost" } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "regular site remaps from S3" end end context "from multisite" do let!(:source_site_type) { multisite } context "to regular site" do let!(:target_site_type) { no_multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "multisite remaps from S3" end context "to multisite", type: :multisite do let!(:target_site_type) { multisite } include_examples "common remaps" include_examples "multisite remaps from S3" end end end end end end it "raises an exception when the store doesn't support the copy_from method" do Discourse.stubs(:store).returns(Object.new) with_temp_uploads_directory do |directory| expect { subject.restore(directory) }.to raise_error(BackupRestore::UploadsRestoreError) end end it "raises an exception when there are multiple folders in the uploads directory" do with_temp_uploads_directory do |directory| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(directory, "uploads", "foo")) expect { subject.restore(directory) }.to raise_error(BackupRestore::UploadsRestoreError) end end it "ignores 'PaxHeaders' and hidden directories within the uploads directory" do expect_remap( source_site_name: "xylan", target_site_name: "default", from: "/uploads/xylan/", to: uploads_path("default") ) do |directory| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(directory, "uploads", "PaxHeaders.27134")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(directory, "uploads", ".hidden")) end end end