# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "../discourse_automation_helper" describe DiscourseAutomation::Automation do describe "#trigger!" do context "when not enabled" do fab!(:automation) { Fabricate(:automation, enabled: false) } it "doesn’t do anything" do list = capture_contexts { automation.trigger!("Howdy!") } expect(list).to eq([]) end end context "when enabled" do fab!(:automation) { Fabricate(:automation, enabled: true) } it "runs the script" do list = capture_contexts { automation.trigger!("Howdy!") } expect(list).to eq(["Howdy!"]) end end end describe "when a script is meant to be triggered in the background" do fab!(:automation) do Fabricate(:automation, enabled: true, script: "test-background-scriptable") end before do DiscourseAutomation::Scriptable.add("test_background_scriptable") do run_in_background script do |context| DiscourseAutomation::CapturedContext.add(context) nil end end end it "runs a sidekiq job to trigger it" do expect { automation.trigger!({ val: "Howdy!" }) }.to change { Jobs::DiscourseAutomationTrigger.jobs.size }.by(1) end it "also runs the script properly" do Jobs.run_immediately! post = Fabricate(:post) user = post.user list = capture_contexts { automation.trigger!({ post: post, user: user, test: :test }) } expect(list[0]["post"].id).to eq(post.id) expect(list[0]["user"].id).to eq(user.id) expect(list[0]["test"]).to eq(:test) end end describe "#detach_custom_field" do fab!(:automation) it "expects a User/Topic/Post instance" do expect { automation.detach_custom_field(Invite.new) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe "#attach_custom_field" do fab!(:automation) it "expects a User/Topic/Post instance" do expect { automation.attach_custom_field(Invite.new) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "when automation’s script has a field with validor" do before do DiscourseAutomation::Scriptable.add("required_dogs") do field :dog, component: :text, validator: ->(input) { "must have dog" if input != "dog" } end end context "when validating automation" do fab!(:automation) { Fabricate(:automation, enabled: false, script: "required_dogs") } it "raises an error if invalid" do expect { automation.fields.create!( name: "dog", component: "text", metadata: { value: nil, }, target: "script", ) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /must have dog/) end it "does nothing if valid" do expect { automation.fields.create!( name: "dog", component: "text", metadata: { value: "dog", }, target: "script", ) }.not_to raise_error end end end context "when automation’s script has a required field" do before do DiscourseAutomation::Scriptable.add("required_dogs") do field :dog, component: :text, required: true end end context "when field is not filled" do fab!(:automation) { Fabricate(:automation, enabled: false, script: "required_dogs") } context "when validating automation" do it "raises an error" do expect { automation.fields.create!( name: "dog", component: "text", metadata: { value: nil, }, target: "script", ) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /dog/) end end end end context "when automation’s trigger has a required field" do before do DiscourseAutomation::Triggerable.add("required_dogs") do field :dog, component: :text, required: true end end context "when field is not filled" do fab!(:automation) { Fabricate(:automation, enabled: false, trigger: "required_dogs") } context "when validating automation" do it "raises an error" do expect { automation.fields.create!( name: "dog", component: "text", metadata: { value: nil, }, target: "trigger", ) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, /dog/) end end end end end