# frozen_string_literal: true class StaticController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :check_xhr, :redirect_to_login_if_required skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: %i[brotli_asset cdn_asset enter favicon service_worker_asset] skip_before_action :preload_json, only: %i[brotli_asset cdn_asset enter favicon service_worker_asset] skip_before_action :handle_theme, only: %i[brotli_asset cdn_asset enter favicon service_worker_asset] before_action :apply_cdn_headers, only: %i[brotli_asset cdn_asset enter favicon service_worker_asset] PAGES_WITH_EMAIL_PARAM = %w[login password_reset signup] MODAL_PAGES = %w[password_reset signup] DEFAULT_PAGES = { "faq" => { redirect: "faq_url", topic_id: "guidelines_topic_id", }, "tos" => { redirect: "tos_url", topic_id: "tos_topic_id", }, "privacy" => { redirect: "privacy_policy_url", topic_id: "privacy_topic_id", }, } CUSTOM_PAGES = {} # Add via `#add_topic_static_page` in plugin API def show if current_user && (params[:id] == "login" || params[:id] == "signup") return redirect_to(path "/") end if SiteSetting.login_required? && current_user.nil? && %w[faq guidelines].include?(params[:id]) return redirect_to path("/login") end map = DEFAULT_PAGES.deep_merge(CUSTOM_PAGES) @page = params[:id] if map.has_key?(@page) site_setting_key = map[@page][:redirect] url = SiteSetting.get(site_setting_key) if site_setting_key return redirect_to(url, allow_other_host: true) if url.present? end # The /guidelines route ALWAYS shows our FAQ, ignoring the faq_url site setting. @page = "faq" if @page == "guidelines" # Don't allow paths like ".." or "/" or anything hacky like that @page = @page.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\_\-]/, "") if map.has_key?(@page) topic_id = map[@page][:topic_id] topic_id = instance_exec(&topic_id) if topic_id.is_a?(Proc) @topic = Topic.find_by_id(SiteSetting.get(topic_id)) raise Discourse::NotFound unless @topic title_prefix = if I18n.exists?("js.#{@page}") I18n.t("js.#{@page}") else @topic.title end @title = "#{title_prefix} - #{SiteSetting.title}" @body = @topic.posts.first.cooked @faq_overridden = !SiteSetting.faq_url.blank? render :show, layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end @title = SiteSetting.title.dup if SiteSetting.short_site_description.present? @title << " - #{SiteSetting.short_site_description}" end if I18n.exists?("static.#{@page}") render html: I18n.t("static.#{@page}"), layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end if PAGES_WITH_EMAIL_PARAM.include?(@page) && params[:email] cookies[:email] = { value: params[:email], expires: 1.day.from_now } end if lookup_context.find_all("static/#{@page}").any? render "static/#{@page}", layout: !request.xhr?, formats: [:html] return end if MODAL_PAGES.include?(@page) render html: nil, layout: true return end raise Discourse::NotFound end # This method just redirects to a given url. # It's used when an ajax login was successful but we want the browser to see # a post of a login form so that it offers to remember your password. def enter params.delete(:username) params.delete(:password) destination = path("/") redirect_location = params[:redirect] if redirect_location.present? && !redirect_location.is_a?(String) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:redirect) elsif redirect_location.present? && !redirect_location.match(login_path) begin forum_uri = URI(Discourse.base_url) uri = URI(redirect_location) if uri.path.present? && (uri.host.blank? || uri.host == forum_uri.host) && uri.path !~ /\./ destination = "#{uri.path}#{uri.query ? "?#{uri.query}" : ""}" end rescue URI::Error # Do nothing if the URI is invalid end end redirect_to destination end FAVICON ||= -"favicon" # We need to be able to draw our favicon on a canvas, this happens when you enable the feature # that draws the notification count on top of favicon (per user default off) # # With s3 the original upload is going to be stored at s3, we don't have a local copy of the favicon. # To allow canvas to work with s3 we are going to need to add special CORS headers and use # a special crossorigin hint on the original, this is not easily workable. # # Forcing all consumers to set magic CORS headers on a CDN is also not workable for us. # # So we cache the favicon in redis and serve it out real quick with # a huge expiry, we also cache these assets in nginx so it is bypassed if needed def favicon is_asset_path hijack do data = DistributedMemoizer.memoize("FAVICON#{SiteIconManager.favicon_url}", 60 * 30) do favicon = SiteIconManager.favicon next "" unless favicon if Discourse.store.external? begin file = FileHelper.download( Discourse.store.cdn_url(favicon.url), max_file_size: favicon.filesize, tmp_file_name: FAVICON, follow_redirect: true, ) file&.read || "" rescue => e AdminDashboardData.add_problem_message("dashboard.bad_favicon_url", 1800) Rails.logger.debug("Failed to fetch favicon #{favicon.url}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace}") "" ensure file&.unlink end else File.read(Rails.root.join("public", favicon.url[1..-1])) end end if data.bytesize == 0 @@default_favicon ||= File.read(Rails.root + "public/images/default-favicon.png") response.headers["Content-Length"] = @@default_favicon.bytesize.to_s render body: @@default_favicon, content_type: "image/png" else immutable_for 1.year response.headers["Expires"] = 1.year.from_now.httpdate response.headers["Content-Length"] = data.bytesize.to_s response.headers["Last-Modified"] = Time.new(2000, 01, 01).httpdate render body: data, content_type: "image/png" end end end def brotli_asset is_asset_path if params[:path].end_with?(".map") serve_asset else serve_asset(".br") { response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "br" } end end def cdn_asset is_asset_path serve_asset end def service_worker_asset is_asset_path respond_to do |format| format.js do # https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/blob/master/explainer.md#updating-a-service-worker # Maximum cache that the service worker will respect is 24 hours. # However, ensure that these may be cached and served for longer on servers. immutable_for 1.year if Rails.application.assets_manifest.assets["service-worker.js"] path = File.expand_path( Rails.root + "public/assets/#{Rails.application.assets_manifest.assets["service-worker.js"]}", ) response.headers["Last-Modified"] = File.ctime(path).httpdate end content = Rails.application.assets_manifest.find_sources("service-worker.js").first base_url = File.dirname(helpers.script_asset_path("service-worker")) content = content.sub(%r{^//# sourceMappingURL=(service-worker-.+\.map)$}) do "//# sourceMappingURL=#{base_url}/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}" end render(plain: content, content_type: "application/javascript") end end end protected def serve_asset(suffix = nil) path = File.expand_path(Rails.root + "public/assets/#{params[:path]}#{suffix}") # SECURITY what if path has /../ raise Discourse::NotFound unless path.start_with?(Rails.root.to_s + "/public/assets") response.headers["Expires"] = 1.year.from_now.httpdate response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = params[:origin] if params[:origin] begin response.headers["Last-Modified"] = File.ctime(path).httpdate rescue Errno::ENOENT begin if GlobalSetting.fallback_assets_path.present? path = File.expand_path("#{GlobalSetting.fallback_assets_path}/#{params[:path]}#{suffix}") response.headers["Last-Modified"] = File.ctime(path).httpdate else raise end rescue Errno::ENOENT expires_in 1.second, public: true, must_revalidate: false render plain: "can not find #{params[:path]}", status: 404 return end end response.headers["Content-Length"] = File.size(path).to_s yield if block_given? immutable_for 1.year # disable NGINX mucking with transfer request.env["sendfile.type"] = "" opts = { disposition: nil } opts[:type] = "application/javascript" if params[:path] =~ /\.js$/ send_file(path, opts) end end