require 'spec_helper' describe TopicUser do it { should belong_to :user } it { should belong_to :topic } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:topic) { u = Fabricate(:user) guardian = TopicCreator.create(u, guardian, title: "this is my topic title") } let(:topic_user) { TopicUser.get(topic,user) } let(:topic_creator_user) { TopicUser.get(topic, topic.user) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) } let(:new_user) { Fabricate(:user, auto_track_topics_after_msecs: 1000) } let(:topic_new_user) { TopicUser.get(topic, new_user)} let(:yesterday) { } describe "unpinned" do before do TopicUser.change(user, topic, {starred_at: yesterday}) end it "defaults to blank" do topic_user.cleared_pinned_at.should be_blank end end describe 'notifications' do it 'should be set to tracking if auto_track_topics is enabled' do user.update_column(:auto_track_topics_after_msecs, 0) TopicUser.change(user, topic, {starred_at: yesterday}) TopicUser.get(topic, user).notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] end it 'should reset regular topics to tracking topics if auto track is changed' do TopicUser.change(user, topic, {starred_at: yesterday}) user.auto_track_topics_after_msecs = 0 topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] end it 'should be set to "regular" notifications, by default on non creators' do TopicUser.change(user, topic, {starred_at: yesterday}) TopicUser.get(topic,user).notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] end it 'reason should reset when changed' do topic.notify_muted!(topic.user) TopicUser.get(topic,topic.user).notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed] end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when watched' do topic.notify_watch!(user) topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] topic_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed] topic_user.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when set to regular' do topic.notify_regular!(user) topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] topic_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed] topic_user.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should have the correct reason for a user change when set to regular' do topic.notify_muted!(user) topic_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted] topic_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed] topic_user.notifications_changed_at.should_not be_nil end it 'should watch topics a user created' do topic_creator_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] topic_creator_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:created_topic] end end describe 'visited at' do before do TopicUser.track_visit!(topic, user) end it 'set upon initial visit' do freeze_time yesterday do topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i end end it 'updates upon repeat visit' do today = yesterday.tomorrow freeze_time today do TopicUser.track_visit!(topic,user) # reload is a no go topic_user = TopicUser.get(topic,user) topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == today.to_i end end it 'triggers the observer callbacks when updating' do UserActionObserver.instance.expects(:after_save).twice 2.times { TopicUser.track_visit!(topic, user) } end end describe 'read tracking' do context "without auto tracking" do before do TopicUser.update_last_read(user,, 1, 0) end let(:topic_user) { TopicUser.get(topic,user) } it 'should create a new record for a visit' do freeze_time yesterday do topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == 1 topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i end end it 'should update the record for repeat visit' do freeze_time yesterday do Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) TopicUser.update_last_read(user,, 2, 0) topic_user = TopicUser.get(topic,user) topic_user.last_read_post_number.should == 2 topic_user.last_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i topic_user.first_visited_at.to_i.should == yesterday.to_i end end end context 'private messages' do it 'should ensure recepients and senders are watching' do ActiveRecord::Base.observers.enable :all target_user = Fabricate(:user) post = create_post(archetype: Archetype.private_message, target_usernames: target_user.username); TopicUser.get(post.topic, post.user).notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] TopicUser.get(post.topic, target_user).notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching] end end context 'auto tracking' do let(:post_creator) {, raw:, topic_id: } before do TopicUser.update_last_read(new_user,, 2, 0) end it 'should automatically track topics you reply to' do post_creator.create topic_new_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] topic_new_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:created_post] end it 'should not automatically track topics you reply to and have set state manually' do post_creator.create TopicUser.change(new_user, topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]) topic_new_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] topic_new_user.notifications_reason_id.should == TopicUser.notification_reasons[:user_changed] end it 'should automatically track topics after they are read for long enough' do topic_new_user.notification_level.should ==TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] TopicUser.update_last_read(new_user,, 2, 1001) TopicUser.get(topic, new_user).notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking] end it 'should not automatically track topics after they are read for long enough if changed manually' do TopicUser.change(new_user, topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]) TopicUser.update_last_read(new_user, topic, 2, 1001) topic_new_user.notification_level.should == TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular] end end end describe 'change a flag' do it 'creates a forum topic user record' do user; topic lambda { TopicUser.change(user,, starred: true) }.should change(TopicUser, :count).by(1) end it "only inserts a row once, even on repeated calls" do topic; user lambda { TopicUser.change(user,, starred: true) TopicUser.change(user,, starred: false) TopicUser.change(user,, starred: true) }.should change(TopicUser, :count).by(1) end it 'triggers the observer callbacks when updating' do UserActionObserver.instance.expects(:after_save).twice 3.times { TopicUser.change(user,, starred: true) } end describe 'after creating a row' do before do TopicUser.change(user,, starred: true) end it 'has the correct starred value' do TopicUser.get(topic, user).should be_starred end it 'has a lookup' do TopicUser.lookup_for(user, [topic]).should be_present end it 'has a key in the lookup for this forum topic' do TopicUser.lookup_for(user, [topic]).has_key?( be_true end end end it "can scope by tracking" do TopicUser.create!(user_id: 1, topic_id: 1, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) TopicUser.create!(user_id: 2, topic_id: 1, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) TopicUser.create!(user_id: 3, topic_id: 1, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]) TopicUser.tracking(1).count.should == 2 TopicUser.tracking(10).count.should == 0 end it "is able to self heal" do p1 = Fabricate(:post) p2 = Fabricate(:post, user: p1.user, topic: p1.topic, post_number: 2) p1.topic.notifier.watch_topic!(p1.user_id) TopicUser.exec_sql("UPDATE topic_users set seen_post_count=100, last_read_post_number=0 WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND user_id = :user_id", topic_id: p1.topic_id, user_id: p1.user_id) [p1,p2].each do |p| PostTiming.create(topic_id: p.topic_id, post_number: p.post_number, user_id: p.user_id, msecs: 100) end TopicUser.ensure_consistency! tu = TopicUser.find_by(user_id: p1.user_id, topic_id: p1.topic_id) tu.last_read_post_number.should == p2.post_number tu.seen_post_count.should == 2 end describe "mailing_list_mode" do it "will receive email notification for every topic" do user1 = Fabricate(:user) user2 = Fabricate(:user, mailing_list_mode: true) post = create_post user3 = Fabricate(:user, mailing_list_mode: true) create_post(topic_id: post.topic_id) # mails posts from earlier topics tu = TopicUser.find_by(user_id:, topic_id: post.topic_id) tu.last_emailed_post_number.should == 2 # mails nothing to random users tu = TopicUser.find_by(user_id:, topic_id: post.topic_id) tu.should be_nil # mails other user tu = TopicUser.find_by(user_id:, topic_id: post.topic_id) tu.last_emailed_post_number.should == 2 end end end