var SomeViewClass = Ember.View.extend(), containerView; function containerHasOnlyOneChild(klass) { equal(containerView.get('childViews').length, 1, "container has no other children than the one created by method"); ok(containerView.objectAt(0) instanceof klass, "container's child created by method is an instance of a correct class"); } function containerHasTwoChildren(klass1, klass2) { equal(containerView.get('childViews').length, 2, "container has both already existing and newly created children"); ok(containerView.objectAt(0) instanceof klass1, "already existing child's class is correct"); ok(containerView.objectAt(1) instanceof klass2, "newly created child's class is correct"); } var childHasProperty = function(name) { equal(containerView.objectAt(0).get(name), name, "method passes properties to the container's child it creates"); }; module("view:container", { setup: function() { containerView = Discourse.__container__.lookup('view:container'); } }); test("mixes in Discourse.Presence", function() { ok(Discourse.Presence.detect(containerView)); }); test("attachViewWithArgs: creates a view of a given class with given properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewWithArgs({foo: "foo"}, SomeViewClass); containerHasOnlyOneChild(SomeViewClass); childHasProperty("foo"); }); test("attachViewWithArgs: creates a view of a given class without any properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewWithArgs(null, SomeViewClass); containerHasOnlyOneChild(SomeViewClass); }); test("attachViewWithArgs: creates a view without class specified (Ember.View is used by default) with given properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewWithArgs({foo: "foo"}); containerHasOnlyOneChild(Ember.View); childHasProperty("foo"); }); test("attachViewWithArgs: creates a view without class specified (Ember.View is used by default) without any properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewWithArgs(); containerHasOnlyOneChild(Ember.View); }); test("attachViewWithArgs: appends a view to a container already containing other views", function() { var AlreadyContainedViewClass = Ember.View.extend(); var alreadyContainedView = AlreadyContainedViewClass.create(); containerView.pushObject(alreadyContainedView); containerView.attachViewWithArgs(null, SomeViewClass); containerHasTwoChildren(AlreadyContainedViewClass, SomeViewClass); }); test("attachViewClass: creates a view of a given class without any properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewClass(SomeViewClass); containerHasOnlyOneChild(SomeViewClass); }); test("attachViewClass: creates a view without class specified (Ember.View is used by default) without any properties and appends it to the container", function() { containerView.attachViewClass(); containerHasOnlyOneChild(Ember.View); }); test("attachViewClass: appends a view to a container already containing other views", function() { var AlreadyContainedViewClass = Ember.View.extend(); var alreadyContainedView = AlreadyContainedViewClass.create(); containerView.pushObject(alreadyContainedView); containerView.attachViewClass(SomeViewClass); containerHasTwoChildren(AlreadyContainedViewClass, SomeViewClass); });