import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; import pretender from "helpers/create-pretender"; moduleForComponent("admin-report", { integration: true }); componentTest("default", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups'}}", async test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".admin-report.signups")); assert.ok(exists(".admin-report.signups", "it defaults to table mode")); assert.equal( find(".header") .text() .trim(), "Signups", "it has a title" ); assert.equal( find(".header .info").attr("data-tooltip"), "New account registrations for this period", "it has a description" ); assert.equal( find(".admin-report-table thead tr th:first-child .title") .text() .trim(), "Day", "it has col headers" ); assert.equal( find(".admin-report-table thead tr th:nth-child(2) .title") .text() .trim(), "Count", "it has col headers" ); assert.equal( find(".admin-report-table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)") .text() .trim(), "June 16, 2018", "it has rows" ); assert.equal( find(".admin-report-table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)") .text() .trim(), "12", "it has rows" ); assert.ok(exists(".total-row"), "it has totals"); await click(".admin-report-table-header.y .sort-btn"); assert.equal( find(".admin-report-table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)") .text() .trim(), "7", "it can sort rows" ); } }); componentTest("options", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups' reportOptions=options}}", beforeEach() { this.set("options", { table: { perPage: 4, total: false } }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".pagination"), "it paginates the results"); assert.equal( find(".pagination button").length, 3, "it creates the correct number of pages" ); assert.notOk(exists(".totals-sample-table"), "it hides totals"); } }); componentTest("switch modes", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups' showFilteringUI=true}}", async test(assert) { await click(".mode-btn.chart"); assert.notOk(exists(".admin-report-table"), "it removes the table"); assert.ok(exists(".admin-report-chart"), "it shows the chart"); } }); componentTest("timeout", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups_timeout'}}", test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".alert-error.timeout"), "it displays a timeout error"); } }); componentTest("no data", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='posts'}}", test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".no-data"), "it displays a no data alert"); } }); componentTest("exception", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups_exception'}}", test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".alert-error.exception"), "it displays an error"); } }); componentTest("rate limited", { beforeEach() { pretender.get("/admin/reports/bulk", () => { return [ 429, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, { errors: [ "You’ve performed this action too many times. Please wait 10 seconds before trying again." ], error_type: "rate_limit", extras: { wait_seconds: 10 } } ]; }); }, template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='signups_rate_limited'}}", test(assert) { assert.ok( exists(".alert-error.rate-limited"), "it displays a rate limited error" ); } }); componentTest("not found", { template: "{{admin-report dataSourceName='not_found'}}", test(assert) { assert.ok( exists(".alert-error.not-found"), "it displays a not found error" ); } });