# frozen_string_literal: true require "mysql2" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require "htmlentities" begin require "php_serialize" # https://github.com/jqr/php-serialize rescue LoadError puts puts "php_serialize not found." puts "Add to Gemfile, like this: " puts puts "echo gem \\'php-serialize\\' >> Gemfile" puts "bundle install" exit end # For vBulletin 3, based on vbulletin.rb which is for vBulletin 4. class ImportScripts::VBulletin < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE = 1000 # CHANGE THESE BEFORE RUNNING THE IMPORTER DB_HOST ||= ENV["DB_HOST"] || "localhost" DB_NAME ||= ENV["DB_NAME"] || "vbulletin" DB_PW ||= ENV["DB_PW"] || "" DB_USER ||= ENV["DB_USER"] || "root" TIMEZONE ||= ENV["TIMEZONE"] || "America/Los_Angeles" TABLE_PREFIX ||= ENV["TABLE_PREFIX"] || "vb_" ATTACHMENT_DIR ||= ENV["ATTACHMENT_DIR"] || "/path/to/your/attachment/folder" IMAGES_DIR ||= ENV["IMAGES_DIR"] || "/path/to/your/images/folder" # Hostname + path of the forum. Used to transform deeplinks to posts and attachments to internal links FORUM_URL ||= ENV["FORUM_URL"] || "localhost/" # vBulletin forum ID to make to pre-seeded categories FORUM_GENERAL_ID ||= ENV["FORUM_GENERAL_ID"].to_i || -1 FORUM_FEEDBACK_ID ||= ENV["FORUM_FEEDBACK_ID"].to_i || -1 FORUM_STAFF_ID ||= ENV["FORUM_STAFF_ID"].to_i || -1 # If non zero, create a user field containing the user title CREATE_USERTITLE_FIELD ||= ENV["CREATE_USERTITLE_FIELD"].to_i != 0 || false # You might also want to change the title and message for the imported private message archive # search for "PM ARCHIVE MESSAGE" in this script puts "#{DB_USER}:#{DB_PW}@#{DB_HOST} wants #{DB_NAME}" def initialize @bbcode_to_md = true super @usernames = {} @tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get(TIMEZONE) @htmlentities = HTMLEntities.new @client = Mysql2::Client.new(host: DB_HOST, username: DB_USER, password: DB_PW, database: DB_NAME) rescue Exception => e puts "=" * 50 puts e.message puts < showthread.php?t=19326 # showthread.php?.*p=19326.* -> showpost.php?p=19326 # showpost.php?.*p=19326.* -> showpost.php?p=19326 SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = <<~EOL.split("\n").join("|") /showthread\\.php.*[?&]t=(\\d+).*/showthread.php?t=\\1 /showthread\\.php.*[?&]p=(\\d+).*/showpost.php?p=\\1 /showpost\\.php.*[?&]p=(\\d+).*/showpost.php?p=\\1 EOL begin mysql_query("CREATE INDEX firstpostid_index ON #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread (firstpostid)") rescue StandardError nil end import_settings import_groups # Do not enable while creating users, affects performance SiteSetting.migratepassword_enabled = false if SiteSetting.has_setting?( "migratepassword_enabled", ) import_users SiteSetting.migratepassword_enabled = true if SiteSetting.has_setting?( "migratepassword_enabled", ) create_groups_membership setup_group_membership_requests setup_default_categories import_categories setup_category_moderator_groups import_topics import_posts import_pm_archive import_attachments close_topics post_process_posts suspend_users end def import_settings puts "", "importing important forum settings..." settings = mysql_query( "SELECT varname, value FROM setting WHERE varname IN ('bbtitle', 'hometitle', 'companyname', 'webmasteremail')", ).map { |s| [s["varname"], s["value"]] }.to_h SiteSetting.title = settings["bbtitle"] if settings["bbtitle"] && (SiteSetting.title == "Discourse" || !SiteSetting.title) SiteSetting.notification_email = settings["webmasteremail"] if settings["webmasteremail"] && SiteSetting.notification_email == "noreply@unconfigured.discourse.org" if SiteSetting.company_name.nil? || SiteSetting.company_name.empty? if !settings["companyname"].empty? SiteSetting.company_name = settings["companyname"] elsif !settings["hometitle"].empty? SiteSetting.company_name = settings["hometitle"] end end end def import_groups puts "", "importing groups..." groups = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, title, description, genericoptions, (SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM usergroupleader l WHERE l.usergroupid = g.usergroupid) as hasleaders FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}usergroup g WHERE ispublicgroup = 1 ORDER BY usergroupid SQL create_groups(groups) do |group| { id: group["usergroupid"], name: @htmlentities.decode(group["title"]).strip.downcase, full_name: group["title"], bio_raw: group["description"], public_admission: group["hasleaders"].to_i == 0, public_exit: true, visibility_level: 1, members_visibility_level: group["genericoptions"].to_i & 4 == 0 ? 4 : 0, } end end def setup_group_membership_requests puts "", "setting group membership requests..." groups = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT distinct usergroupid FROM usergroupleader SQL groups.each do |gid| group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(gid["usergroupid"]) next if !group_id group = Group.find(group_id) next if !group puts "\t#{group.name}" group.allow_membership_requests = true group.save() end end def get_username_for_old_username(old_username) @usernames.has_key?(old_username) ? @usernames[old_username] : old_username end def import_users puts "", "importing users..." leaders = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, userid FROM usergroupleader SQL usergroupLeaders = leaders .map { |gl| [gl["usergroupid"], gl["userid"]] } .group_by { |gl| gl.shift } .transform_values { |values| values.flatten } # Exclude new users without confirmed email signed up more than 90 days ago user_count = mysql_query( "SELECT COUNT(userid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE (usergroupid != 3 OR posts > 0 OR joindate > (unix_timestamp() - 90*259200))", ).first[ "count" ] last_user_id = -1 if CREATE_USERTITLE_FIELD userTitleField = UserField.find_by(name: "User title") if userTitleField.nil? userTitleField = UserField.new( name: "User title", description: "One line description about you.", editable: true, show_on_profile: true, requirement: "optional", field_type_enum: "text", ) userTitleField.save! puts "created 'user title' user field" end end batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT userid , username , homepage , usertitle , usergroupid , joindate , email , password , salt , membergroupids , ipaddress , birthday FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE userid > #{last_user_id} AND (usergroupid != 3 OR posts > 0 OR joindate > (unix_timestamp() - 90*259200)) ORDER BY userid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if users.empty? last_user_id = users[-1]["userid"] users.reject! { |u| @lookup.user_already_imported?(u["userid"]) } create_users(users, total: user_count, offset: offset) do |user| email = user["email"].presence || fake_email email = fake_email if !EmailAddressValidator.valid_value?(email) password = [user["password"].presence, user["salt"].presence].compact .join(":") .delete("\000") username = @htmlentities.decode(user["username"]).strip group_ids = user["membergroupids"].split(",").map(&:to_i) ip_addr = begin IPAddr.new(user["ipaddress"]) rescue StandardError nil end cfields = {} cfields["import_pass"] = password { id: user["userid"], username: username, password: password, email: email, merge: true, website: user["homepage"].strip, primary_group_id: group_id_from_imported_group_id(user["usergroupid"].to_i), created_at: parse_timestamp(user["joindate"]), last_seen_at: parse_timestamp(user["lastvisit"]), registration_ip_address: ip_addr, date_of_birth: parse_birthday(user["birthday"]), custom_fields: cfields, post_create_action: proc do |u| import_profile_picture(user, u) import_profile_background(user, u) if CREATE_USERTITLE_FIELD u.set_user_field(userTitleField.id, @htmlentities.decode(user["usertitle"]).strip) end u.grant_admin! if user["usergroupid"] == 6 u.grant_moderation! if user["usergroupid"] == 5 GroupUser.transaction do group_ids.each do |gid| (group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(gid)) && GroupUser.find_or_create_by(user: u, group_id: group_id) do |groupUser| groupUser.owner = usergroupLeaders.include?(gid) && usergroupLeaders[gid].include?(user["userid"].to_i) end end end end, } end end @usernames = UserCustomField .joins(:user) .where(name: "import_username") .pluck("user_custom_fields.value", "users.username") .to_h end def parse_birthday(birthday) return if birthday.blank? date_of_birth = begin Date.strptime(birthday.gsub(/[^\d-]+/, ""), "%m-%d-%Y") rescue StandardError nil end return if date_of_birth.nil? if date_of_birth.year < 1904 Date.new(1904, date_of_birth.month, date_of_birth.day) else date_of_birth end end def create_groups_membership puts "", "creating groups membership..." Group.find_each do |group| begin next if group.automatic puts "\t#{group.name}" next if GroupUser.where(group_id: group.id).count > 0 user_ids_in_group = User.where(primary_group_id: group.id).pluck(:id).to_a next if user_ids_in_group.size == 0 values = user_ids_in_group .map { |user_id| "(#{group.id}, #{user_id}, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)" } .join(",") DB.exec <<~SQL INSERT INTO group_users (group_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES #{values} SQL Group.reset_counters(group.id, :group_users) rescue Exception => e puts e.message puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end end end def import_profile_picture(old_user, imported_user) query = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT c.filedata, c.filename, a.avatarpath FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user u LEFT OUTER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}customavatar c ON c.userid = u.userid AND c.visible = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}avatar a ON a.avatarid = u.avatarid WHERE u.userid = #{old_user["userid"]} ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1 SQL picture = query.first return if picture.nil? return if picture["filedata"].nil? && picture["avatarpath"].nil? customavatar = false file = nil filename = nil if !picture["filedata"].nil? file = Tempfile.new("profile-picture") file.write(picture["filedata"].encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("UTF-8")) file.rewind customavatar = true filename = picture["filename"] else filename = File.join(IMAGES_DIR, picture["avatarpath"]) return unless File.exist?(filename) file = File.open(filename, "rb") filename = File.basename(filename) end upload = UploadCreator.new(file, filename).create_for(imported_user.id) return if !upload.persisted? imported_user.create_user_avatar imported_user.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) imported_user.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) ensure begin file.close rescue StandardError nil end if customavatar begin file.unlind rescue StandardError nil end end end def import_profile_background(old_user, imported_user) query = mysql_query <<-SQL SELECT filedata, filename FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}customprofilepic WHERE userid = #{old_user["userid"]} ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1 SQL background = query.first return if background.nil? return if background["filedata"].nil? file = Tempfile.new("profile-background") file.write(background["filedata"].encode("ASCII-8BIT").force_encoding("UTF-8")) file.rewind upload = UploadCreator.new(file, background["filename"]).create_for(imported_user.id) return if !upload.persisted? imported_user.user_profile.upload_profile_background(upload) ensure begin file.close rescue StandardError nil end begin file.unlink rescue StandardError nil end end def setup_default_categories set_category_importid(SiteSetting.general_category_id, FORUM_GENERAL_ID) set_category_importid(SiteSetting.meta_category_id, FORUM_FEEDBACK_ID) set_category_importid(SiteSetting.staff_category_id, FORUM_STAFF_ID) end def set_category_importid(category_id, import_id) return if category_id == -1 || !import_id || import_id <= 0 cat = Category.find_by_id(category_id) cat.custom_fields["import_id"] = import_id cat.save! add_category(import_id, cat) end def import_categories puts "", "importing top level categories..." categories = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT forumid, title, description, displayorder, parentid, parentId AS origParentId, (options & 2 > 0) AS is_allow_posting, (options & 4 = 0) AS is_category_only, (SELECT forumpermissions & 524288 > 0 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp WHERE fp.forumid = f.forumid AND usergroupid = 1) AS public_access, (SELECT forumpermissions & 524288 > 0 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp WHERE fp.forumid = f.forumid AND usergroupid = 2) AS registered_access, (SELECT forumpermissions & 16 > 0 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp WHERE fp.forumid = f.forumid AND usergroupid = 2) AS registered_create, (SELECT forumpermissions & 96 > 0 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp WHERE fp.forumid = f.forumid AND usergroupid = 2) AS registered_reply, (SELECT max(forumpermissions & 524288 > 0) FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp WHERE fp.forumid = f.forumid AND usergroupid IN (5,6)) AS staff_access, (SELECT count(DISTINCT coalesce(fp.forumpermissions & 524288 > 0, 2)) > 1 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}usergroup ug LEFT OUTER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp ON fp.forumid = f.forumid AND fp.usergroupid = ug.usergroupid WHERE ug.ispublicgroup = 1) AS special_access FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forum f ORDER BY forumid SQL categories.each { |c| c["parent"] = categories.detect { |p| p["forumid"] == c["parentid"] } } top_level_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parentid"] == -1 } create_categories(top_level_categories) do |category| { id: category["forumid"], name: @htmlentities.decode(category["title"]).strip, position: category["displayorder"], description: @htmlentities.decode(category["description"]).strip, } end top_level_categories.each { |c| import_subcategories(c, categories, 1) } categories.each do |forum| cat_id = category_id_from_imported_category_id(forum["forumid"]) if cat_id Permalink.find_or_create_by( url: "forumdisplay.php?f=#{forum["forumid"]}", category_id: cat_id, ) end end puts "", "applying category permissions..." top_level_categories.each { |c| process_category_permissions(c, categories) } end def process_category_permissions(cat, categories) access = flatten_forum_access(cat, categories) apply_category_permissions( Category.find(category_id_from_imported_category_id(cat["forumid"])), cat, access, ) children_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parentid"] == cat["forumid"] } children_categories.each { |c| process_category_permissions(c, categories) } end def flatten_forum_access(category, categories) access = { public_access: nil, registered_access: nil, registered_create: nil, registered_reply: nil, staff_access: nil, special_access: 0, } while category access.keys.each { |p| access[p] = category[p.to_s] if access[p].nil? } access[:special_access] = category["special_access"] if access[:special_access] == 0 category = categories.detect { |c| c["forumid"] == category["origParentId"] } end # Assume standard access access[:public_access] = 1 if access[:public_access].nil? access[:registered_access] = 1 if access[:registered_access].nil? access[:registered_create] = 1 if access[:registered_create].nil? access[:registered_reply] = 1 if access[:registered_reply].nil? access end def apply_category_permissions(category, forum, access) if !category.subcategories.empty? category.show_subcategory_list = true category.subcategory_list_style = "rows_with_featured_topics" end if forum["is_category_only"] == 1 # Mimmic vbulletin behavior to not show any posts category.default_list_filter = "none" end if !category.subcategories.empty? && forum["is_category_only"] == 0 # Also a forum, don't show content of subforum category.default_list_filter = "none" end if (forum["is_category_only"] == 1 && access[:public_access] == 1) puts "\t#{category.name} is a public category only" category.permissions = { everyone: :readonly } category.save() return end permissions = {} base_level = "trust_level_0" base_level = :everyone if access[:public_access] == 1 if access[:registered_access] == 1 if forum["is_allow_posting"] == 0 || forum["is_category_only"] == 1 permissions[base_level] = :readonly elsif access[:registered_create] == 1 permissions[base_level] = :full elsif access[:registered_reply] == 1 permissions[base_level] = :create_post else permissions[base_level] = :readonly end end permissions["staff"] = :full if access[:staff_access] == 1 apply_special_category_permissions(category, forum, permissions) if access[:special_access] == 1 puts "\t#{category.name} permissions: #{permissions}" category.permissions = permissions category.save() end def apply_special_category_permissions(category, forum, permissions) parent_public = true parent_parent_public = true if !category.parent_category.nil? parent_public = category.parent_category.category_groups.any? { |g| g.group.id == 0 } || category.parent_category.category_groups.empty? if !category.parent_category.parent_category.nil? parent_parent_public = category.parent_category.parent_category.category_groups.any? { |g| g.group.id == 0 } || category.parent_category.parent_category.category_groups.empty? end end apply_defaults = permissions.empty? specials = {} while !forum.nil? forumid = forum["forumid"] result = mysql_query(<<-SQL) SELECT ug.usergroupid, ug.title, fp.forumpermissions IS NOT NULL as non_default, coalesce(fp.forumpermissions & 524288 > 0, ug.forumpermissions & 524288 > 0) as can_see, coalesce(fp.forumpermissions & 16 > 0, ug.forumpermissions & 16> 0) as can_create, coalesce(fp.forumpermissions & 96 > 0, ug.forumpermissions & 96 > 0) as can_reply FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}usergroup ug LEFT JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}forumpermission fp ON fp.usergroupid = ug.usergroupid AND fp.forumid = #{forumid} WHERE ug.ispublicgroup = 1 AND (fp.forumpermissions & 524288 > 0 OR ug.forumpermissions & 524288 > 0) SQL forum = forum["parent"] result.each do |perms| groupid = perms["usergroupid"] if specials[groupid].nil? specials[groupid] = perms elsif specials[groupid]["non_default"] == 0 specials[groupid] = perms end end end specials.each_value do |perms| next if perms["can_see"] == 0 next if !apply_defaults && perms["non_default"] == 0 groupid = group_id_from_imported_group_id(perms["usergroupid"]) if perms["can_create"] == 1 permissions[groupid] = :full elsif perms["can_reply"] == 1 permissions[groupid] = :create_post else permissions[groupid] = :readonly end # If parents are not public the group must also have readonly access to parent if !parent_parent_public add_minimal_access_to_category(category.parent_category.parent_category, groupid) end add_minimal_access_to_category(category.parent_category, groupid) if !parent_public end end def add_minimal_access_to_category(category, groupid) return if category.parent_category.category_groups.any? { |g| g.group.id == groupid } category.category_groups.build(group_id: groupid, permission_type: :readonly) category.save() end def import_subcategories(parent, categories, depth) children_categories = categories.select { |c| c["parentid"] == parent["forumid"] } return if children_categories.empty? puts "", "importing #{children_categories.length} child categories for \"#{parent["title"]}\" (depth #{depth})..." if depth >= SiteSetting.max_category_nesting puts "\treducing category depth" children_categories.each do |cc| while cc["parentid"] != parent["forumid"] cc["parentid"] = categories.detect { |c| c["forumid"] == cc["parentid"] }["parentid"] end end end create_categories(children_categories) do |category| { id: category["forumid"], name: @htmlentities.decode(category["title"]).strip, position: category["displayorder"], description: @htmlentities.decode(category["description"]).strip, parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(category["parentid"]), } end children_categories.each { |c| import_subcategories(c, categories, depth + 1) } end def setup_category_moderator_groups puts "", "creating category moderator groups..." forums = mysql_query("SELECT forumid, parentid, title FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}forum").to_a forums.each { |f| f["children"] = forums.select { |c| c["parentid"] == f["forumid"] } } forum_map = forums.map { |f| [f["forumid"], f] }.to_h modentries = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT m.forumid, m.userid, u.usergroupid IN (5,6) is_staff FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}moderator m JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}user u ON u.userid = m.userid WHERE permissions & 1 > 0 AND forumid > -1 SQL forum_mods = {} modentries.each do |mod| forumid = mod["forumid"] forum_mods[forumid] = [] if forum_mods[forumid].nil? forum_mods[forumid] << mod end forum_mods.each do |forumid, mods| forum = forum_map[forumid] puts "\tcreating moderator group for #{forumid}: " + forum["title"] group = { id: "forummod-#{forumid}", name: "mods_" + @htmlentities.decode(forum["title"]).strip.downcase, full_name: "Moderators: " + forum["title"], public_admission: false, public_exit: true, visibility_level: 2, members_visibility_level: 2, } group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(group[:id]) group_id = create_group(group, group[:id]).id if !group_id mods.each do |m| GroupUser.find_or_create_by( user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(m["userid"]), group_id: group_id, ) end parent_forum = forum_map[forum["parentid"]] while parent_forum parent_id = parent_forum["forumid"] parent_mods = forum_mods[parent_id] if parent_mods parent_mods.each do |m| GroupUser.find_or_create_by( user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(m["userid"]), group_id: group_id, ) end end parent_forum = forum_map[parent_forum["parentid"]] end apply_category_moderator_group(forum_map, forumid, Group.find(group_id)) end end def apply_category_moderator_group(forum_map, forum_id, group) category = Category.find(category_id_from_imported_category_id(forum_id)) category.reviewable_by_group = group category.save() forum_map[forum_id]["children"].each do |c| apply_category_moderator_group(forum_map, c["forumid"], group) end end def import_topics puts "", "importing topics..." topic_count = mysql_query( "SELECT COUNT(threadid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread WHERE visible <> 2 AND firstpostid <> 0", ).first[ "count" ] last_topic_id = -1 batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| topics = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT t.threadid threadid, t.title title, forumid, open, postuserid, t.dateline dateline, views, t.visible visible, sticky, p.postid, p.pagetext raw, t.pollid pollid FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p ON p.postid = t.firstpostid WHERE t.threadid > #{last_topic_id} AND t.visible <> 2 ORDER BY t.threadid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if topics.empty? last_topic_id = topics[-1]["threadid"] topics.reject! { |t| @lookup.post_already_imported?("thread-#{t["threadid"]}") } create_posts(topics, total: topic_count, offset: offset) do |topic| raw = begin preprocess_post_raw(topic["raw"]) rescue StandardError => e puts "", "\tFailed preprocessing raw for thread #{topic["threadid"]}", e.message, e.backtrace nil end if raw.blank? puts "", "\tNo body for thread #{topic["threadid"]}" next end poll_data, poll_raw = retrieve_poll_data(topic["pollid"]) raw = poll_raw << "\n\n" << raw if poll_raw topic_id = "thread-#{topic["threadid"]}" t = { id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(topic["postuserid"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, title: @htmlentities.decode(topic["title"]).strip[0...255], category: category_id_from_imported_category_id(topic["forumid"]), raw: raw, created_at: parse_timestamp(topic["dateline"]), visible: topic["visible"].to_i == 1, views: topic["views"], custom_fields: { import_post_id: topic["postid"], }, post_create_action: proc do |post| add_post(topic["postid"].to_s, post) post_process_poll(post, poll_data) if poll_data Permalink.create( url: "showthread.php?t=#{topic["threadid"]}", topic_id: post.topic_id, ) Permalink.create(url: "showpost.php?p=#{topic["postid"]}", topic_id: post.topic_id) end, } t[:pinned_at] = t[:created_at] if topic["sticky"].to_i == 1 t end end end def retrieve_poll_data(pollid) return nil, nil if pollid <= 0 poll_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}poll WHERE pollid = #{pollid}").first.to_h return nil, nil if !poll_data["pollid"] options = poll_data["options"].split("|||") # Ensure unique values options.each_index do |x| cnt = 1 val = preprocess_post_raw(options[x]) val.strip! # escape some markdown which probably shouldn't be there val.gsub!(/^([*#>_-])/) { "\\#{$1}" } val = "." if val == "" idx = options.find_index(val) while !idx.nil? && idx < x cnt += 1 val = options[x].strip << " (#{cnt})" idx = options.find_index(val) end options[x] = val end arguments = ["results=on_vote"] arguments << "status=closed" if poll_data["active"] == 0 arguments << "type=multiple" if poll_data["multiple"] == 1 arguments << "public=true" if poll_data["public"] == 1 if poll_data["timeout"] > 0 arguments << "close=" + parse_timestamp(poll_data["timeout"]).iso8601 end raw = poll_data["question"].dup raw << "\n\n[poll #{arguments.join(" ")}]" options.each { |opt| raw << "\n* #{opt}" } raw << "\n[/poll]" [poll_data, raw] end def post_process_poll(post, poll_data) poll = post.polls.first return if !poll option_map = {} poll.poll_options.each_with_index { |option, index| option_map[index + 1] = option.id } poll_votes = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pollvote WHERE pollid = #{poll_data["pollid"]} AND votetype = 0", ) poll_votes.each do |vote| PollVote.create!( poll: poll, poll_option_id: option_map[vote["voteoption"]], user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(vote["userid"]), ) end end def import_posts puts "", "importing posts..." post_count = mysql_query(<<-SQL).first["count"] SELECT COUNT(postid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON t.threadid = p.threadid WHERE t.firstpostid <> p.postid AND p.visible <> 2 AND t.visible <> 2 SQL last_post_id = -1 batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT p.postid, p.userid, p.threadid, p.pagetext raw, p.dateline, p.visible, p.parentid, p.attach FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON t.threadid = p.threadid WHERE t.firstpostid <> p.postid AND t.visible <> 2 AND p.visible <> 2 AND p.postid > #{last_post_id} ORDER BY p.postid LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if posts.empty? last_post_id = posts[-1]["postid"] posts.reject! { |p| @lookup.post_already_imported?(p["postid"].to_i) } create_posts(posts, total: post_count, offset: offset) do |post| raw = begin preprocess_post_raw(post["raw"]) rescue StandardError => e puts "", "\tFailed preprocessing raw for post #{post["postid"]}", e.message, e.backtrace nil end if raw.blank? if post["attach"] > 0 # Post with no text, but does have attachments raw = "[attach]0[/attach]" else puts "", "\tNo body for post #{post["postid"]}" next end end unless topic = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{post["threadid"]}") puts "", "\tMissing thread for post #{post["postid"]}: thread-#{post["threadid"]}" next end p = { id: post["postid"], user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["userid"]) || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, topic_id: topic[:topic_id], raw: raw, created_at: parse_timestamp(post["dateline"]), hidden: post["visible"].to_i != 1, post_create_action: proc do |realpost| Permalink.create(url: "showpost.php?p=#{post["postid"]}", post_id: realpost.id) end, } if parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post["parentid"]) p[:reply_to_post_number] = parent[:post_number] end p end end end # find the uploaded file information from the db def find_upload(post, attachment_id) sql = "SELECT a.attachmentid attachment_id, a.userid user_id, a.attachmentid file_id, a.filename filename, LENGTH(a.filedata) AS dbsize, filedata FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment a WHERE a.attachmentid = #{attachment_id}" results = mysql_query(sql) unless row = results.first puts "", "\tCouldn't find attachment record #{attachment_id} for post.id = #{post.id}, import_id = #{post.custom_fields["import_id"]}" return nil, nil end filename = File.join(ATTACHMENT_DIR, row["user_id"].to_s.split("").join("/"), "#{row["file_id"]}.attach") real_filename = row["filename"] real_filename.prepend SecureRandom.hex if real_filename[0] == "." unless File.exist?(filename) if row["dbsize"].to_i == 0 puts "", "\tAttachment file #{row["attachment_id"]} doesn't exist. Filename: #{real_filename}. Path: #{filename}" return nil, real_filename end tmpfile = "attach_" + row["filedataid"].to_s filename = File.join("/tmp/", tmpfile) File.open(filename, "wb") { |f| f.write(row["filedata"]) } end upload = create_upload(post.user.id, filename, real_filename) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "", "\tUpload not valid :( Attachment #{attachment_id}" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload return nil, real_filename end [upload, real_filename] rescue Mysql2::Error => e puts "SQL Error" puts e.message puts sql end def import_pm_archive puts "", "importing private message archives..." pm_count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(pmid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pm").first["count"] current_count = 0 start = Time.now users = mysql_query("SELECT distinct userid FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pm").to_a users.each do |row| userid = row["userid"] real_userid = user_id_from_imported_user_id(userid) if @lookup.post_already_imported?("pmarchive-#{userid}") || real_userid.nil? usrcnt = mysql_query( "SELECT COUNT(pmid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pm WHERE userid = #{userid}", ).first[ "count" ] current_count += usrcnt print_status current_count, pm_count, start next end filename = "pm-archive-#{userid}.txt" filepath = File.join("/tmp/", "pm-archive-#{userid}.txt") File.open(filepath, "wb") do |f| user_pm = mysql_query(<<-SQL) SELECT p.pmid, p.parentpmid, t.fromuserid, t.fromusername, t.title, t.message, t.dateline, t.touserarray FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pm p JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}pmtext t on t.pmtextid = p.pmtextid WHERE p.userid = #{userid} ORDER BY t.dateline SQL user_pm.each do |pm| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, pm_count, start f << "---\n" f << "id: #{pm["pmid"]}\n" f << "in_reply_to: #{pm["parentpmid"]}\n" if pm["parentpmid"] > 0 ts = parse_timestamp(pm["dateline"]).iso8601 f << "timestamp: #{ts}\n" title = @htmlentities.decode( pm["title"].encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ""), ) f << "title: #{title}\n" f << "from: #{pm["fromusername"]}\n" to_usernames, to_userids = get_pm_recipients(pm) if to_usernames.length() == 0 f << "to: \n" elsif to_usernames.length() == 1 f << "to: #{to_usernames[0]}\n" else lst = " - " + to_usernames.join("\n -") f << "to:\n#{lst}\n" end f << "message: |+\n " raw = pm["message"] raw = @htmlentities.decode( raw.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: ""), ).gsub(/[^[[:print:]]\t\n]/, "") raw = raw.gsub(/(\r)?\n/, "\n ") f << raw f << "\n\n" end end upload = create_upload(real_userid, filepath, filename) File.delete(filepath) # PM ARCHIVE MESSAGE # Private message title title = "Your private message archive from the previous forum software." # Private message body explaining the attached PM archive from vBulletin raw = <<~EOL Attached is your private message archive from the previous forum software. The text file contains all the private messages you had saved at the moment of migration. The file should also be a valid YAML file containing a single document per message. EOL raw += html_for_upload(upload, filename) newpost = { archetype: Archetype.private_message, user_id: Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID, target_usernames: User.find_by(id: real_userid).try(:username), title: title, raw: raw, closed: true, archived: true, post_create_action: proc do |post| UploadReference.ensure_exist!(upload_ids: [upload.id], target: post) post.topic.closed = true post.topic.save() end, } create_post(newpost, "pmarchive-#{userid}") end end def get_pm_recipients(pm) target_usernames = [] target_userids = [] begin to_user_array = PHP.unserialize(pm["touserarray"]) rescue StandardError return target_usernames, target_userids end begin to_user_array.each do |to_user| if to_user[0] == "cc" || to_user[0] == "bcc" # not sure if we should include bcc users to_user[1].each do |to_user_cc| user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(to_user_cc[0]) username = User.find_by(id: user_id).try(:username) target_userids << user_id || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID target_usernames << username if username end else user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(to_user[0]) username = User.find_by(id: user_id).try(:username) target_userids << user_id || Discourse::SYSTEM_USER_ID target_usernames << username if username end end rescue StandardError return target_usernames, target_userids end [target_usernames, target_userids] end def import_attachments puts "", "importing attachments..." mapping = {} attachments = mysql_query(<<-SQL) SELECT a.attachmentid, a.postid as postid, p.threadid FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment a, #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p, #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t WHERE a.postid = p.postid AND t.threadid = p.threadid AND a.visible = 1 AND p.visible <> 2 AND t.visible <> 2 SQL attachments.each do |attachment| post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(attachment["postid"]) post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{attachment["threadid"]}") unless post_id if post_id.nil? puts "\tPost for attachment #{attachment["attachmentid"]} not found" next end mapping[post_id] ||= [] mapping[post_id] << attachment["attachmentid"].to_i end current_count = 0 total_count = Post.count success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 start = Time.now attachment_regex = %r{\[attach[^\]]*\](\d+)\[/attach\]}i attachment_regex2 = %r{!\[\]\((https?:)?//#{Regexp.escape(FORUM_URL)}attachment\.php\?attachmentid=(\d+)(&stc=1)?(&d=\d+)?\)}i Post.find_each do |post| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count, start upload_ids = [] new_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| matches = attachment_regex.match(s) attachment_id = matches[1] next "" if attachment_id.to_i == 0 mapping[post.id].delete(attachment_id.to_i) unless mapping[post.id].nil? upload, filename = find_upload(post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next "\n:x: ERROR: missing attachment #{filename}\n" end upload_ids << upload.id html_for_upload(upload, filename) end new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex2) do |s| matches = attachment_regex2.match(s) attachment_id = matches[2] next "" if attachment_id.to_i == 0 mapping[post.id].delete(attachment_id.to_i) unless mapping[post.id].nil? upload, filename = find_upload(post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next "\n:x: ERROR: missing attachment #{filename}\n" end upload_ids << upload.id html_for_upload(upload, filename) end # make resumed imports faster if new_raw == post.raw unless mapping[post.id].nil? || mapping[post.id].empty? imported_text = mysql_query(<<-SQL).first["pagetext"] SELECT p.pagetext FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment a, #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p WHERE a.postid = p.postid AND a.attachmentid = #{mapping[post.id][0]} SQL imported_text.scan(attachment_regex) do |match| attachment_id = match[0] mapping[post.id].delete(attachment_id.to_i) end imported_text.scan(attachment_regex2) do |match| attachment_id = match[1] mapping[post.id].delete(attachment_id.to_i) end end end unless mapping[post.id].nil? || mapping[post.id].empty? mapping[post.id].each do |attachment_id| upload, filename = find_upload(post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next end upload_ids << upload.id # internal upload deduplication will make sure that we do not import attachments again html = html_for_upload(upload, filename) new_raw += "\n\n#{html}\n\n" if !new_raw[html] end end if new_raw != post.raw post.raw = new_raw post.save end UploadReference.ensure_exist!(upload_ids: upload_ids, target: post) success_count += 1 end end def close_topics puts "", "closing topics..." # keep track of closed topics closed_topic_ids = [] topics = mysql_query <<-MYSQL SELECT t.threadid threadid, firstpostid, open FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p ON p.postid = t.firstpostid ORDER BY t.threadid MYSQL topics.each do |topic| topic_id = "thread-#{topic["threadid"]}" closed_topic_ids << topic_id if topic["open"] == 0 end sql = <<-SQL WITH closed_topic_ids AS ( SELECT t.id AS topic_id FROM post_custom_fields pcf JOIN posts p ON p.id = pcf.post_id JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id WHERE pcf.name = 'import_id' AND pcf.value IN (?) ) UPDATE topics SET closed = true WHERE id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM closed_topic_ids) SQL DB.exec(sql, closed_topic_ids) end def post_process_posts puts "", "postprocessing posts..." current = 0 max = Post.count start = Time.now Post.find_each do |post| begin old_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw = postprocess_post_raw(post, post.raw) if new_raw != old_raw post.raw = new_raw post.save end rescue PrettyText::JavaScriptError nil ensure print_status(current += 1, max, start) end end end def preprocess_post_raw(raw) return "" if raw.blank? raw = raw.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") # decode HTML entities raw = @htmlentities.decode(raw) # fix whitespaces raw.gsub!(/(\r)?\n/, "\n") # [HTML]...[/HTML] raw.gsub!(/\[html\]/i, "\n```html\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/html\]}i, "\n```\n") # [PHP]...[/PHP] raw.gsub!(/\[php\]/i, "\n```php\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/php\]}i, "\n```\n") # [CODE]...[/CODE] # [HIGHLIGHT]...[/HIGHLIGHT] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?code\]}i, "\n```\n") # [SAMP]...[/SAMP] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?samp\]}i, "`") # replace all chevrons with HTML entities # NOTE: must be done # - AFTER all the "code" processing # - BEFORE the "quote" processing raw.gsub!(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub("<", "\u2603") + "`" } raw.gsub!("<", "<") raw.gsub!("\u2603", "<") raw.gsub!(/`([^`]+)`/im) { "`" + $1.gsub(">", "\u2603") + "`" } raw.gsub!(">", ">") raw.gsub!("\u2603", ">") # Thread/post links via URL raw.gsub!( %r{\[url\](https?:)?//#{Regexp.escape(FORUM_URL)}show(thread|post)\.php(.*?)\[/url\]}i, ) do params = $3 val = "" /[?&]p(ostid)?=(\d+)/i.match(params) { val = "[post]#{$2}[/post]" } /[?&]t(hreadid)?=(\d+)/i.match(params) { val = "[thread]#{$2}[/thread]" } val end raw.gsub!( %r{\[url="?(https?:)?//#{Regexp.escape(FORUM_URL)}show(thread|post)\.php(.*?)"?\](.*?)\[/url\]}im, ) do params = $3 text = $4 val = $4 /[?&]p(ostid)?=(\d+)/i.match(params) { val = "[post=#{$2}]#{text}[/post]" } /[?&]t(hreadid)?=(\d+)/i.match(params) { val = "[thread=#{$2}]#{text}[/thread]" } val end # [URL=...]...[/URL] raw.gsub!(%r{\[url="?([^"]+?)"?\](.*?)\[/url\]}im) { "[#{$2.strip}](#{$1})" } raw.gsub!(%r{\[url="?(.+?)"?\](.*?)\[/url\]}im) { "[#{$2.strip}](#{$1})" } # [URL]...[/URL] # [MP3]...[/MP3] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?url\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?mp3\]}i, "") # [MENTION][/MENTION] raw.gsub!(%r{\[mention\](.+?)\[/mention\]}i) do new_username = get_username_for_old_username($1) "@#{new_username}" end # [FONT=blah] and [COLOR=blah] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?font(=.*?)?\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?color(=.*?)?\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?size(=.*?)?\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?sup\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?big\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?small\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?h(=.*?)?\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?float(=.*?)?\]}i, "") # [highlight]...[/highlight] raw.gsub!(%r{\[highlight\](.*?)\[/highlight\]}i, '\1') # [CENTER]...[/CENTER] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?center\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?left\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?right\]}i, "") # [INDENT]...[/INDENT] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?indent\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?sigpic\]}i, "") # [ame]...[/ame] raw.gsub!(%r{\[ame="?(.*?)"?\](.*?)\[/ame\]}i) { "\n#{$1}\n" } raw.gsub!(%r{\[ame\](.*?)\[/ame\]}i) { "\n#{$1}\n" } raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?fp\]}i, "") # Tables to MD raw.gsub!(%r{\[TABLE.*?\](.*?)\[/TABLE\]}im) do |t| rows = $1.gsub!(%r{\s*\[TR\](.*?)\[/TR\]\s*}im) do |r| cols = $1.gsub! %r{\s*\[TD.*?\](.*?)\[/TD\]\s*}im, '|\1' "#{cols}|\n" end header, rest = rows.split "\n", 2 c = header.count "|" sep = "|---" * (c - 1) "#{header}\n#{sep}|\n#{rest}\n" end # Prevent a leading * to make a list raw.gsub!(/^\*/, '\*') raw.gsub!(/^-/, '\-') raw.gsub!(/^\+/, '\+') # Basic list conversion #raw.gsub!(%r{\[list(=.*?)?\](.*?)\[/list\]}im) { "\n#{$1}\n" } #raw.gsub!(/\[\*\]\s*(.*?)\n/) { "* #{$1}\n" } raw = bbcode_list_to_md(raw) # [hr]...[/hr] raw.gsub! %r{\[hr\](.*?)\[/hr\]}im, "\n\n---\n\n" # [QUOTE(=)]...[/QUOTE] raw.gsub!(/\n?\[quote(=([^;\]]+))?\]\n?/im) do if $1 old_username = $2 new_username = get_username_for_old_username(old_username) "\n[quote=\"#{new_username}\"]\n" else "\n[quote]\n" end end raw.gsub! %r{\n?\[/quote\]\n?}im, "\n[/quote]\n" # [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] raw.gsub!(%r{\[youtube\](.+?)\[/youtube\]}i) { "\n//youtu.be/#{$1}\n" } # [VIDEO=youtube;]...[/VIDEO] raw.gsub!(%r{\[video=youtube;([^\]]+)\].*?\[/video\]}i) { "\n//youtu.be/#{$1}\n" } # Fix uppercase B U and I tags raw.gsub!(%r{(\[/?[BUI]\])}i) { $1.downcase } # More Additions .... # [spoiler=Some hidden stuff]SPOILER HERE!![/spoiler] raw.gsub!(%r{\[spoiler="?(.+?)"?\](.+?)\[/spoiler\]}im) do "\n#{$1}\n[spoiler]#{$2}[/spoiler]\n" end # [IMG][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/akga3r.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] raw.gsub!(%r{\[IMG\]\[IMG\](.+?)\[/IMG\]\[/IMG\]}i) { "![](#{$1})" } raw.gsub!(%r{\[IMG\](.+?)\[/IMG\]}i) { "![](#{$1})" } raw end def bbcode_list_to_md(input) head, match, input = input.partition(/\[list(=.*?)?\]/i) return head unless match result = head input.lstrip! type = [] if /\[list=.*?\]/.match(match) type << "1. " else type << "* " end until input.empty? head, match, input = input.partition(%r{\[(/?list(=.*?)?|\*)\]}i) result << head if match == "" break elsif match == "[*]" input.lstrip! result << "\n" unless result[-1] == "\n" || result.length == 0 if type.length == 0 # List-less list result << "* " else result << (" " * (type.length - 1)) result << type.last end elsif match.downcase == "[/list]" type.pop if type.length > 0 input.lstrip! else result << "\n" unless result[-1] == "\n" end else if type.length == 0 result << "\n" unless result[-1] == "\n" || result.length == 0 end input.lstrip! if /\[list=.*?\]/i.match(match) type << "1. " else type << "* " end end end result end def postprocess_post_raw(post, raw) # [QUOTE=;] raw.gsub!(/\[quote=([^;]+);(\d+)\]/im) do old_username, post_id = $1, $2 new_username = get_username_for_old_username(old_username) # There is a bug here when the first post in a topic is quoted. # The first post in a topic does not have an post_custom_field referring to the post number, # but it refers to thread-XXX instead, so this lookup fails miserably then. # Fixing this would imply rewriting that logic completely. if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) post_number = topic_lookup[:post_number] topic_id = topic_lookup[:topic_id] "\n[quote=\"#{new_username},post:#{post_number},topic:#{topic_id}\"]\n" else "\n[quote=\"#{new_username}\"]\n" end end # remove attachments raw.gsub!(%r{\[attach[^\]]*\]\d+\[/attach\]}i, "") # [THREAD][/THREAD] # ==> http://my.discourse.org/t/slug/ raw.gsub!(%r{\[thread\](\d+)\[/thread\]}i) do thread_id = $1 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{thread_id}") topic_lookup[:url] else $& end end # [THREAD=]...[/THREAD] # ==> [...](http://my.discourse.org/t/slug/) raw.gsub!(%r{\[thread=(\d+)\](.+?)\[/thread\]}i) do thread_id, link = $1, $2 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id("thread-#{thread_id}") url = topic_lookup[:url] "[#{link}](#{url})" else $& end end # [POST][/POST] # ==> http://my.discourse.org/t/slug// raw.gsub!(%r{\[post\](\d+)\[/post\]}i) do post_id = $1 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) topic_lookup[:url] else $& end end # [POST=]...[/POST] # ==> [...](http://my.discourse.org/t///) raw.gsub!(%r{\[post=(\d+)\](.+?)\[/post\]}i) do post_id, link = $1, $2 if topic_lookup = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) url = topic_lookup[:url] "[#{link}](#{url})" else $& end end raw.gsub!( %r{\[(.*?)\]\((https?:)?//#{Regexp.escape(FORUM_URL)}attachment\.php\?attachmentid=(\d+).*?\)}i, ) do upload, filename = find_upload(post, $3) next "#{$1}\n:x: ERROR: unknown attachment reference #{$3}\n" unless upload html_for_upload(upload, filename) end raw end def suspend_users puts "", "updating banned users" banned = 0 failed = 0 total = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}userban").first["count"] system_user = Discourse.system_user mysql_query("SELECT userid, bandate, liftdate, reason FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}userban").each do |b| user = User.find_by_id(user_id_from_imported_user_id(b["userid"])) if user user.suspended_at = parse_timestamp(b["bandate"]) if b["liftdate"] > 0 user.suspended_till = parse_timestamp(b["liftdate"]) else user.suspended_till = 200.years.from_now end if user.save StaffActionLogger.new(system_user).log_user_suspend( user, "#{b["reason"]} (source: initial import from vBulletin)", ) banned += 1 else puts "", "\tFailed to suspend user #{user.username}. #{user.errors.try(:full_messages).try(:inspect)}" failed += 1 end else puts "", "\tNot found: #{b["userid"]}" failed += 1 end print_status banned + failed, total end end def parse_timestamp(timestamp) return if timestamp.nil? Time.zone.at(@tz.utc_to_local(TZInfo::Timestamp.new(timestamp)).to_datetime) end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql, cache_rows: true) end end ImportScripts::VBulletin.new.perform