task 'assets:precompile:before' do unless %w{profile production}.include? Rails.env raise "rake assets:precompile should only be run in RAILS_ENV=production, you are risking unminified assets" end # Ensure we ALWAYS do a clean build # We use many .erbs that get out of date quickly, especially with plugins puts "Purging temp files" `rm -fr #{Rails.root}/tmp/cache` # in the past we applied a patch that removed asset postfixes, but it is terrible practice # leaving very complicated build issues # https://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails/issues/49 # let's make precompile faster using redis magic require 'sprockets' require 'digest/sha1' require_dependency 'discourse_sass_importer' Sprockets::SassImporter = DiscourseSassImporter module ::Sprockets def self.cache_compiled(type, data) digest = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(data) key = "SPROCKETS_#{type}_#{digest}" if compiled = $redis.get(key) $redis.expire(key, 1.week) else compiled = yield $redis.setex(key, 1.week, compiled) end compiled end class SassCompressor def evaluate(context, locals, &block) ::Sprockets.cache_compiled("sass", data) do # HACK, SASS compiler will degrade to aweful perf with huge files # Bypass if larger than 500kb, ensure assets are minified prior if context.pathname && context.pathname.to_s =~ /.css$/ && data.length > 500.kilobytes puts "Skipped minifying #{context.pathname} cause it is larger than 200KB, minify in source control or avoid large CSS files" data else ::Sass::Engine.new(data, { :syntax => :scss, :cache => false, :read_cache => false, :style => :compressed }).render end end end end class UglifierCompressor def evaluate(context, locals, &block) ::Sprockets.cache_compiled("uglifier", data) do Uglifier.new(:comments => :none).compile(data) end end end end end task 'assets:precompile' => 'assets:precompile:before'