def process_popmail(popmail) begin mail_string = popmail.pop rescue putc "!" else putc "." end end desc "use this task to import a mailbox into Disourse" task "emails:import" => :environment do begin unless SiteSetting.email_in puts "ERROR: you should enable the 'email_in' site setting before running this task" exit(1) end address = ENV["ADDRESS"].presence || "" port = (ENV["PORT"].presence || 995).to_i ssl = (ENV["SSL"].presence || "1") == "1" username = ENV["USERNAME"].presence password = ENV["PASSWORD"].presence if username.blank? puts "ERROR: expecting USERNAME= rake emails:import" exit(2) elsif password.blank? puts "ERROR: expecting PASSWORD= rake emails:import" exit(3) end RateLimiter.disable mails_left = 1 pop3 =, port) pop3.enable_ssl if ssl while mails_left > 0 pop3.start(username, password) do |pop| pop.delete_all do |p| process_popmail(p) end mails_left = pop.n_mails end end puts "Done" rescue Net::POPAuthenticationError puts "AUTH EXCEPTION: please make sure your credentials are correct." exit(10) ensure RateLimiter.enable end end desc "Check if SMTP connection is successful and send test message" task 'emails:test', [:email] => [:environment] do |_, args| email = args[:email] message = "OK" begin smtp = Discourse::Application.config.action_mailer.smtp_settings if smtp[:address].match(/smtp\.gmail\.com/) puts <<~STR #{smtp} ============================== WARNING ============================== Sending mail with Gmail is a violation of their terms of service. Sending with G Suite might work, but it is not recommended. For information see: ========================= CONTINUING TEST ============================ STR end puts "Testing sending to #{email} using #{smtp[:user_name]}:#{smtp[:password]}@#{smtp[:address]}:#{smtp[:port]}." Net::SMTP.start(smtp[:address], smtp[:port]) .auth_login(smtp[:user_name], smtp[:password]) rescue Exception => e if e.to_s.match(/execution expired/) message = <<~STR ======================================== ERROR ======================================== Connection to port #{ENV["DISCOURSE_SMTP_PORT"]} failed. ====================================== SOLUTION ======================================= The most likely problem is that your server has outgoing SMTP traffic blocked. If you are using a service like Mailgun or Sendgrid, try using port 2525. ======================================================================================= STR elsif e.to_s.match(/535/) message = <<~STR ======================================== ERROR ======================================== AUTHENTICATION FAILED #{e} ====================================== SOLUTION ======================================= The most likely problem is that your SMTP username and/or Password is incorrect. Check them and try again. ======================================================================================= STR j elsif e.to_s.match(/Connection refused/) message = <<~STR ======================================== ERROR ======================================== CONNECTION REFUSED #{e} ====================================== SOLUTION ======================================= The most likely problem is that you have chosen the wrong port or a network problem is blocking access from the Docker container. Check the port and your networking configuration. ======================================================================================= STR elsif e.to_s.match(/service not known/) message = <<~STR ======================================== ERROR ======================================== SMTP SERVER NOT FOUND #{e} ====================================== SOLUTION ======================================= The most likely problem is that the host name of your SMTP server is incorrect. Check it and try again. ======================================================================================= STR else message = <<~STR ======================================== ERROR ======================================== UNEXPECTED ERROR #{e} ====================================== SOLUTION ======================================= This is not a common error. No recommended solution exists! Please report the exact error message above. (And a solution, if you find one!) ======================================================================================= STR end end if message == "OK" puts "SMTP server connection successful." else puts message exit end begin puts "Sending to #{email}. . . ", :test_message).send rescue puts "Sending mail failed." else puts <<~STR Mail accepted by SMTP server. If you do not receive the message, check your SPAM folder or test again using a service like If the message is not delivered it is not a problem with Discourse. Check the SMTP server logs to see why it failed to deliver the message. STR end end