# frozen_string_literal: true # rake docker:test is designed to be used inside the discourse/docker_test image # running it anywhere else will likely fail # # Environment Variables (specific to this rake task) # => SKIP_LINT set to 1 to skip linting (eslint and rubocop) # => SKIP_TESTS set to 1 to skip all tests # => SKIP_WIZARD_TESTS set to 1 to skip wizard tests # => SKIP_CORE set to 1 to skip core tests (rspec and qunit) # => SKIP_PLUGINS set to 1 to skip plugin tests (rspec and qunit) # => SKIP_INSTALL_PLUGINS comma separated list of plugins you want to skip installing # => INSTALL_OFFICIAL_PLUGINS set to 1 to install all core plugins before running tests # => RUBY_ONLY set to 1 to skip all qunit tests # => JS_ONLY set to 1 to skip all rspec tests # => SINGLE_PLUGIN set to plugin name to only run plugin-specific rspec tests (you'll probably want to SKIP_CORE as well) # => BISECT set to 1 to run rspec --bisect (applies to core rspec tests only) # => RSPEC_SEED set to seed to use for rspec tests (applies to core rspec tests only) # => PAUSE_ON_TERMINATE set to 1 to pause prior to terminating redis and pg # => JS_TIMEOUT set timeout for qunit tests in ms # => WARMUP_TMP_FOLDER runs a single spec to warmup the tmp folder and obtain accurate results when profiling specs. # # Other useful environment variables (not specific to this rake task) # => COMMIT_HASH used by the discourse_test docker image to load a specific commit of discourse # this can also be set to a branch, e.g. "origin/tests-passed" # # Example usage: # Run all core and plugin tests: # docker run discourse/discourse_test:release # Run only rspec tests: # docker run -e RUBY_ONLY=1 discourse/discourse_test:release # Run all plugin tests (with a plugin mounted from host filesystem): # docker run -e SKIP_CORE=1 -v $(pwd)/my-awesome-plugin:/var/www/discourse/plugins/my-awesome-plugin discourse/discourse_test:release # Run tests for a specific plugin (with a plugin mounted from host filesystem): # docker run -e SKIP_CORE=1 SINGLE_PLUGIN='my-awesome-plugin' -v $(pwd)/my-awesome-plugin:/var/www/discourse/plugins/my-awesome-plugin discourse/discourse_test:release def run_or_fail(command) log(command) pid = Process.spawn(command) Process.wait(pid) $?.exitstatus == 0 end def run_or_fail_prettier(*patterns) if patterns.any? { |p| Dir[p].any? } patterns = patterns.map { |p| "'#{p}'" }.join(' ') run_or_fail("yarn prettier --list-different #{patterns}") else puts "Skipping prettier. Pattern not found." true end end def log(message) puts "[#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}] #{message}" end desc 'Run all tests (JS and code in a standalone environment)' task 'docker:test' do begin @good = true unless ENV['SKIP_LINT'] @good &&= run_or_fail("yarn install") puts "Running linters/prettyfiers" puts "eslint #{`yarn eslint -v`}" puts "prettier #{`yarn prettier -v`}" if ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rubocop --parallel plugins/#{ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"]}") @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec ruby script/i18n_lint.rb plugins/#{ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"]}/config/locales/{client,server}.en.yml") @good &&= run_or_fail("yarn eslint --ext .js,.js.es6 --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern plugins/#{ENV['SINGLE_PLUGIN']}") puts "Listing prettier offenses in #{ENV['SINGLE_PLUGIN']}:" @good &&= run_or_fail_prettier("plugins/#{ENV['SINGLE_PLUGIN']}/**/*.scss", "plugins/#{ENV['SINGLE_PLUGIN']}/**/*.{js,es6}") else @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake plugin:update_all") unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rubocop --parallel") unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] @good &&= run_or_fail("yarn eslint app/assets/javascripts") unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] @good &&= run_or_fail("yarn eslint --ext .js,.js.es6 --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern plugins") unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] @good &&= run_or_fail('bundle exec ruby script/i18n_lint.rb "config/locales/{client,server}.en.yml"') unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] @good &&= run_or_fail('bundle exec ruby script/i18n_lint.rb "plugins/**/locales/{client,server}.en.yml"') unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] puts "Listing prettier offenses in core:" @good &&= run_or_fail('yarn prettier --list-different "app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss" "app/assets/javascripts/**/*.js"') end unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] puts "Listing prettier offenses in plugins:" @good &&= run_or_fail('yarn prettier --list-different "plugins/**/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss" "plugins/**/assets/javascripts/**/*.{js,es6}"') end end end unless ENV['SKIP_TESTS'] puts "Cleaning up old test tmp data in tmp/test_data" `rm -fr tmp/test_data && mkdir -p tmp/test_data/redis && mkdir tmp/test_data/pg` puts "Starting background redis" @redis_pid = Process.spawn('redis-server --dir tmp/test_data/redis') unless ENV['SKIP_DB_CREATE'] puts "Initializing postgres" system("script/start_test_db.rb --skip-run", exception: true) end puts "Starting postgres" @pg_pid = Process.spawn("script/start_test_db.rb --skip-setup --exec") ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" # this shaves all the creation of the multisite db off # for js tests ENV["SKIP_MULTISITE"] = "1" if ENV["JS_ONLY"] unless ENV['SKIP_DB_CREATE'] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake db:create") end if ENV['USE_TURBO'] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake parallel:create") end if ENV["INSTALL_OFFICIAL_PLUGINS"] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake plugin:install_all_official") end if ENV["UPDATE_ALL_PLUGINS"] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake plugin:update_all") end if skip_install = ENV["SKIP_INSTALL_PLUGINS"] skip_install.split(",").map(&:strip).each do |plugin| puts "[SKIP_INSTALL_PLUGINS] Removing #{plugin}" `rm -fr plugins/#{plugin}` end end command_prefix = if ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] # Make sure not to load plugins. bin/rake will add LOAD_PLUGINS=1 automatically unless we set it to 0 explicitly "LOAD_PLUGINS=0 " else "LOAD_PLUGINS=1 " end @good &&= run_or_fail("#{command_prefix}bundle exec rake db:migrate") if ENV['USE_TURBO'] @good &&= run_or_fail("#{command_prefix}bundle exec rake parallel:migrate") end unless ENV["JS_ONLY"] if ENV['WARMUP_TMP_FOLDER'] run_or_fail('bundle exec rspec ./spec/requests/groups_controller_spec.rb') end unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] params = [] unless ENV['USE_TURBO'] params << "--profile" params << "--fail-fast" if ENV["BISECT"] params << "--bisect" end if ENV["RSPEC_SEED"] params << "--seed #{ENV["RSPEC_SEED"]}" end end if ENV['PARALLEL'] parts = ENV['PARALLEL'].split("/") total = parts[1].to_i subset = parts[0].to_i - 1 spec_partials = Dir["spec/**/*_spec.rb"].sort.in_groups(total, false) # quick and dirty load balancing if (spec_partials.count > 3) spec_partials[0].concat(spec_partials[total - 1].shift(30)) spec_partials[1].concat(spec_partials[total - 2].shift(30)) end params << spec_partials[subset].join(' ') puts "Running spec subset #{subset + 1} of #{total}" end if ENV['USE_TURBO'] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec ./bin/turbo_rspec --verbose #{params.join(' ')}".strip) else @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rspec #{params.join(' ')}".strip) end end unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] if ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"] @good &&= run_or_fail("bundle exec rake plugin:spec['#{ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"]}']") else fail_fast = "RSPEC_FAILFAST=1" unless ENV["SKIP_FAILFAST"] @good &&= run_or_fail("#{fail_fast} bundle exec rake plugin:spec") end end end unless ENV["RUBY_ONLY"] js_timeout = ENV["JS_TIMEOUT"].presence || 900_000 # 15 minutes @good &&= run_or_fail 'yarn install' unless ENV["SKIP_CORE"] @good &&= run_or_fail("cd app/assets/javascripts/discourse && CI=1 yarn ember exam --random") if !ENV["SKIP_WIZARD_TESTS"] @good &&= run_or_fail("QUNIT_EMBER_CLI=0 bundle exec rake qunit:test['#{js_timeout}','/wizard/qunit']") end end unless ENV["SKIP_PLUGINS"] if ENV["SINGLE_PLUGIN"] @good &&= run_or_fail("CI=1 QUNIT_EMBER_CLI=1 bundle exec rake plugin:qunit['#{ENV['SINGLE_PLUGIN']}','#{js_timeout}']") else @good &&= run_or_fail("CI=1 QUNIT_EMBER_CLI=1 bundle exec rake plugin:qunit['*','#{js_timeout}']") end end end end ensure puts "Terminating" if ENV['PAUSE_ON_TERMINATE'] puts "Pausing prior to termination" sleep end Process.kill("TERM", @redis_pid) if @redis_pid Process.kill("TERM", @pg_pid) if @pg_pid Process.wait @redis_pid if @redis_pid Process.wait @pg_pid if @pg_pid end exit 1 unless @good end